Stanford University Libraries

Showing 1-2 of 2 Results

  • Michael G Olson

    Michael G Olson

    Librarian 4, Library Technology

    Current Role at StanfordService Manager, Born-Digital Preservation Lab
    Digital Library Systems and Services,
    Liaison to Department of Special Collections, Hopkins Marine Station, East Asia Library

    In my role as service manager I work with librarians, faculty, donors, and archivists to develop policies, workflows and procedures to acquire, preserve, and make born digital content available for researchers. This includes managing a budget to acquire lab technologies for our digital archivists and working with my Stanford colleagues to develop a catalog of services to support library acquisitions (see Current projects that are in process include implementation of the BitCurator Bulk Extractor in our production workflows, defining our security policies and audit processes for acquired content and automating the process for depositing our preserved software into the Stanford Digital Repository.