Stanford University Libraries
Showing 11-20 of 21 Results
C. Ryan Perkins
Curator for South Asian Studies and Islamic Studies, Humanities Resource Group
Current Role at StanfordAs the Curator for South Asian and Islamic Studies I am responsible for building the library's collection of materials from and about South Asia and the Islamic world in English, European languages, and languages of the Middle East, Central Asia, and South Asia. This involves building and sustaining a network of antiquarian dealers, book vendors, scholars, publishers, and libraries in South Asia, Central Asia, and the Middle East. Apart from responding to faculty teaching needs I work in collaboration with the South Asia Center, the Abbasi Program in Islamic Studies, and their affiliates to provide research assistance to faculty, students, and other library users. I also oversee the Bahai collection.
Charles Petersen
Harold Hohbach Historian, Silicon Valley Archives, Humanities Resource Group
BioI am the Harold Hohbach historian at the Silicon Valley Archives. You can find out more about me and my work at my personal website,
Maryellen Petrich
Digital Preservation Analyst, LOCKSS Program
Current Role at StanfordMary-Ellen manages the harvest process of digital preservation for LOCKSS and CLOCKSS, coordinates scheduling, and monitors the quality of the preservation catalog.