Stanford University Libraries
Showing 61-70 of 70 Results
Evan Thornberry
Head and Curator, David Rumsey Map Center
BioI work to advance teaching, research, and learning with cartographic information and technology.
Amanda Whitmire
Head of Science & Engineering Resource Group; Head Librarian & Bibliographer, Hopkins Marine Library
Current Role at StanfordMy main goals are to:
1. support excellence in research by any means necessary, with physical and virtual library spaces and collections;
2. facilitate effective stewardship and curation of information and data generated by the research community at Hopkins Marine Station;
3. extend the preservation efforts of HMS archive collections to create actionable research products, thus broadening their utility and impact; and,
4. share the remarkable work of Hopkins researchers with our local community through meaningful engagement with diverse audiences.
My primary responsibilities include: overall management of the Harold A. Miller Library; collection development (books, journals, data and electronic resources) in marine sciences; plan and direct curation of our unique legacy collections, including data; assist Hopkins residents in finding the information they need, procure documents not available locally or online, and provide instruction on use of physical and virtual library resources and spaces; lead the operation of our makerspace; provide research services, including consultations on scholarly communication and data management, sharing and curation; manage the Miller Library's web pages and Facebook presence. As the Head of the Science and Engineering Resource Group, I have oversight of the science and engineering branch libraries at Stanford University, including the Branner Earth Sciences Library, Terman Engineering Library, Robin Li & Melissa Ma Science Library, Harold A. Miller Library, and the David Rumsey Map Center.
Find me on Twitter @AWhitTwit.