Stanford University

Showing 211-220 of 383 Results

  • Natalia Gomez-Ospina

    Natalia Gomez-Ospina

    Assistant Professor of Pediatrics (Genetics) and of Pediatrics (Stem Cell Transplantation)

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsDr. Gomez-Ospina is a physician scientist and medical geneticist with a strong interest in the diagnosis and management of genetic diseases.

    1) Lysosomal storage diseases:
    Her research program is on developing better therapies for a large class of neurodegenerative diseases in children known as lysosomal storage disorders. Her current focus is on developing genome editing of hematopoietic stem cells as a therapeutic approach for these diseases beginning with Mucopolysaccharidosis type 1 and Gaucher disease. She established a genetic approach where therapeutic proteins can be targeted to a single well-characterized place in the genome known as a safe harbor. This approach constitutes a flexible, “one size fits all” approach that is independent of specific genes and mutations. This strategy, in which the hematopoietic system is commandeered to express and deliver therapeutic proteins to the brain can potentially change the current approaches to treating childhood neurodegenerative diseases and pave the way for alternative therapies for adult neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease

    2) Point of care ammonia testing
    She also works in collaboration with other researchers at Stanford to develop point-of-care testing for serum ammonia levels. Such device will greatly improve the quality of life of children and families with metabolic disorders with hyperammonemia.

    3) Gene discovery
    Dr Gomez-Ospina lead a multi-institutional collaboration resulting in the discovery of a novel genetic cause of neonatal and infantile cholestatic liver disease. She collaborated in the description of two novel neurologic syndromes caused by mutations in DYRK1 and CHD4.

    For more information go to our website:

  • Alexander Gonzalez

    Alexander Gonzalez

    Scientific Project Manager

    Current Role at StanfordScientific Project Manager for the Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance

  • Benjamin Good

    Benjamin Good

    Assistant Professor of Applied Physics

    BioBenjamin Good is a theoretical biophysicist with a background in experimental evolution and population genetics. He is interested in the short-term evolutionary dynamics that emerge in rapidly evolving microbial populations like the gut microbiome. Technological advances are revolutionizing our ability to peer into these evolving ecosystems, providing us with an increasingly detailed catalog of their component species, genes, and pathways. Yet a vast gap still remains in understanding the population-level processes that control their emergent structure and function. Our group uses tools from statistical physics, population genetics, and computational biology to understand how microscopic growth processes and genome dynamics at the single cell level give rise to the collective behaviors that can be observed at the population level. Projects range from basic theoretical investigations of non-equilibrium processes in microbial evolution and ecology, to the development of new computational tools for measuring these processes in situ in both natural and experimental microbial communities. Through these specific examples, we seek to uncover unifying theoretical principles that could help us understand, forecast, and eventually control the ecological and evolutionary dynamics that take place in these diverse scenarios.

  • Julie Good, MD

    Julie Good, MD

    Clinical Associate Professor, Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsJulie's academic interests include pediatric palliative care, pain and symptom management for children with life-threatening illness, medical acupuncture, and meaning in medicine (the humanistic side of doctoring)

  • Alex J Goodell

    Alex J Goodell

    Clinical Scholar, Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine
    Postdoctoral Scholar, Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine

    BioAnesthesiologist and internist interested in artificial intelligence, design thinking in healthcare, open-source technology, and epidemiology.

    I am currently a fellow in the Anesthesia Informatics and Media Lab where I focus on building tools to improve the user experience of patients and doctors. My current projects include medical usability analysis, evaluation of artificial intelligence, and improving real-time data access for anesthesiologists.

    I completed medical school at the UC Berkeley - UCSF Joint Medical Program, followed by the Combined Internal Medicine/Anesthesiology Residency at the Stanford School of Medicine.