Stanford University

Showing 1-3 of 3 Results

  • Youssef Allouah

    Youssef Allouah

    Graduate Visiting Researcher Student, Computer Science

    BioYoussef Allouah is a visiting researcher at Stanford University, and a third-year PhD student at EPFL. He previously graduated from Ecole polytechnique in Mathematics and Computer Science in 2021, with a research internship at Amazon. His research interests lie in trustworthy machine learning, with a focus on the theoretical aspects of robustness and privacy in distributed settings.

  • Rika Antonova

    Rika Antonova

    Postdoctoral Scholar, Computer Science

    BioI am a postdoctoral scholar at Stanford University and a recipient of the NSF/CRA Computing Innovation Fellowship. Currently, I work at the Interactive Perception and Robot Learning (IPRL) lab headed by Jeannette Bohg. In the summer of 2024, I will be transitioning to a faculty position at the University of Cambridge.

    I completed my PhD work on data-efficient simulation-to-reality transfer at the Robotics, Perception and Learning lab at KTH (Stockholm, Sweden), working in the group headed by Danica Kragic. During my PhD, I also had an opportunity to intern at NVIDIA Robotics (Seattle, USA) and Microsoft Research (Cambridge, UK).

    Previously, I was a Masters student at the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, developing data-efficient approaches for learning controllers for bipedal locomotion (with Akshara Rai and Chris Atkeson). During my time at CMU, my MS advisor was Emma Brunskill, and in her group I also worked on developing reinforcement learning algorithms for education.

    Prior to that, I was a software engineer at Google, first in the Search Personalization group and then in the Character Recognition team (developing open-source OCR engine Tesseract).