Stanford University

Showing 1-4 of 4 Results

  • Florian Bach

    Florian Bach

    Postdoctoral Scholar, Infectious Diseases

    BioI'm a molecular infection biologist by training, but shifted my focus from pathogens to hosts for my graduate research. During my PhD with Phil Spence in Edinburgh I studied both falciparum and vivax malaria using controlled human (re)infection models, collaborating closely with the groups of Simon Draper and Angela Minassian in Oxford. As a hybrid bioinformatician and experimentalist, I love systems immunology for answering complex questions about human health. For my postdoc, I study in how the human immune response to malaria evolves in infants as they become reinfected and age. I'm also interested in how such early-life immunological events, malaria and beyond, may affect vaccine responses and immune development later in life. I address this question by making use of a longitudinal study cohort of infants receiving monthly chemoprevention in Eastern Uganda, together with our collaborators at UC San Francisco and IDRC Uganda.

  • Jeffrey Bunker

    Jeffrey Bunker

    Postdoctoral Medical Fellow, Infectious Diseases
    Fellow in Graduate Medical Education

    BioJeffrey Bunker is an infectious diseases physician-scientist, immunologist, and microbiologist. He is currently a clinical fellow in infectious diseases at Stanford University; he previously completed residency training in internal medicine at Stanford University and an M.D. and Ph.D. in immunology at the University of Chicago. Bunker’s research investigates interactions between the microbiome and the immune system, including fundamental questions about how and why certain microbes generate immune responses and how this interplay influences both normal homeostasis and infectious or inflammatory diseases. His clinical interests include microbial pathogenesis, antimicrobial resistance, and the diagnosis and treatment of complex infections.