Stanford University

Showing 1-10 of 21 Results

  • Oliver O. Aalami, MD

    Oliver O. Aalami, MD

    Clinical Professor, Surgery - Vascular Surgery

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsWe launched a national precision medicine PAD trial called, VascTrac ( This trial is mobile phone based and leverages Apple's ResearchKit Platform to monitor a patient's activity both pre- and post-intervention. We are validating mobile phone surveillance for PAD patients and are currently enrolling.

  • Fabiana Aellos

    Fabiana Aellos

    Postdoctoral Scholar, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsMy background in implantology and periodontology, combined with my microsurgical skills, has allowed me to tackle complex oral surgeries and intricate procedures. These skills have been instrumental in advancing the field and, more importantly, in improving the outcomes and well-being of my patients.

    I've always believed in bridging the gap between fundamental research and its practical application in clinical settings. By amalgamating my clinical experiences with laboratory investigations, I've contributed to the development of surgical models that closely mimic human diseases and conditions. This approach enhances our understanding of how tissues respond to surgical interventions, paving the way for more effective treatments.

    My research into mucosal integration of percutaneous implants and the role of Wnt signaling in implant osseointegration seeks to optimize the interaction between implants and surrounding tissues. This improved integration not only bolsters the stability of dental implants but also ensures their long-term success, ultimately enhancing the quality of life for our patients. My involvement in regenerative medicine research is driven by a passion for developing innovative strategies for tissue repair and regeneration. This work has the potential to revolutionize how dental professionals address challenges such as bone defects and periodontal tissue loss, leading to better patient outcomes.

    One of my greatest joys is nurturing the next generation of dental professionals. Through my dedication to training and mentoring undergraduate and pre-dental students, I aim to equip them with advanced research and clinical skills. Fostering curiosity and empowering young minds to contribute to scientific advancements in dentistry is a responsibility I hold close to my heart.

    I'm grateful for the international grants and collaborations that support my work. These resources not only enable my research but also contribute to the broader progress of our research laboratory. Together, we pursue innovative projects that have the potential to impact dental care on a global scale.

    Recognizing the importance of effective communication, I've committed myself to enhancing my communication skills and engaging in professional development activities. Effective communication is key to translating research findings into clinical practice, influencing dental policies, and sharing knowledge within our professional community.

    As I gaze into the future, I envision a dentistry landscape where my work may lead to more advanced and efficacious dental treatments, refined surgical techniques, and enhanced patient care. In the challenging realm of bone-anchored percutaneous implants, plagued by the persistent issue of implant failure due to infections at the soft tissue-implant interface, I confront this concern head-on. My mission is to meticulously investigate the biological and biophysical intricacies of this interface, with the aim of enhancing its barrier function through innovative strategies.

    My journey from the confines of clinical practice to the expansive realms of research has been underpinned by a humble desireā€”a desire to forge a lasting impact on the field of dentistry, to ignite the flames of curiosity in future generations of dentists, and to contribute to the enhancement of dental care for all.

  • M. Usman Ahmad

    M. Usman Ahmad

    Postdoctoral Scholar, General Surgery

    BioDr. Ahmad is currently a postdoctoral research fellow under the mentorship of Prof. George Poultsides in the Section of Surgical Oncology at Stanford University. In addition, he engages in basic scientific inquiry in tumor immunology under Prof. Amanda Kirane. As part of an interdisciplinary team, Dr. Ahmad is currently investigating the role of the intratumor microbiome and response to treatment for patients with pancreatic cancer funded by the Stanford Cancer Institute (SCI) and Sarafan ChEM-H. He entered his current position after completing 2 years of general surgical training at Stanford University and the University of Colorado.
    Dr. Ahmad received his medical education at the University of South Florida (USF) where he was the recipient of numerous scholarships and awards including the Galen Scholarship, SELECT Koch Award, Anderson SELECT Scholarship, and Osler Award. During medical school, Dr. Ahmad was productive in both basic science and research resulting in 3 peer-reviewed publications and induction into the Robert A. Good Honor Society bestowed upon the top 10% of medical students in research. Dr. Ahmad also received the Alpha Omega Alpha Carolyn A. Kuckein Fellowship to continue policy work on improving the organ supply for Americans requiring organ transplants. Early in medical school, he conducted basic scientific work transplanting immune cells on metastatic melanoma in a mouse model while a visiting researcher under Prof. Gavin Pettigrew & Prof. Reza Mottalebzadeh in the Department of Surgery at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom. Dr. Ahmad was also active in health policy work culminating in a role as Vice Chair of the Medical Student Section Committee of Legislation & Advocacy for the American Medical Association with several roles at university, county, and state levels in both Florida and Pennsylvania. Dr. Ahmad has an extensive record of volunteer activity serving at risk populations in the United States during medical school including HIV, LGBTQ, pediatric, and homeless populations. In addition, he spends time mentoring and reviewing scholarship applications for Greenhouse Scholars, program focused on developing under-resourced high performing American students from high school to first career and beyond.
    Prior to medical school, Dr. Ahmad had a career in the life sciences industry after receiving a degree in Economics from Northwestern University where he primarily focused on bringing new medical technology to market. Dr. Ahmad was part of a team selected by the Chicago Chamber of Commerce as the most innovative company in 2010 winning a state-wide competition. He also volunteered his time as a board member re-vitalizing a 25 year old arts organization in Chicago and helping to develop a business incubator in Detroit shortly after the Great Recession.
    Dr. Ahmad is a native Chicagoan hailing from a large family raised near the Southside of Chicago. In his free time he enjoys cooking, reading, history, traveling, working on cars, and developing his interest in aviation.

  • Somayeh H. Ahmad, DDS, Dr. Med. Dent.

    Somayeh H. Ahmad, DDS, Dr. Med. Dent.

    Instructor, Surgery - Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsDentistry
    Dental Oncology
    Dental Surgery
    Special Needs Dentistry