Stanford University

Showing 21-30 of 61 Results

  • Mary Leonard

    Mary Leonard

    Arline and Pete Harman Professor and Professor of Medicine (Nephrology) and, by courtesy, of Epidemiology and Population Health

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsMy multidisciplinary research program is focused on (1) the detrimental effects of glucocorticoids, sarcopenia and inflammation on bone development in pediatric diseases, (2) the long-term effects of childhood cancer on bone and muscle quality, (3) the assessment of renal osteodystrophy using novel micro-imaging techniques, (4) the effects of vitamin D deficiency on physical function and cardiovascular disease, and (5) the evaluation of biomechanical interventions as anabolic bone therapies.

  • Stephanie A. Leonard

    Stephanie A. Leonard

    Assistant Professor (Research) of Obstetrics and Gynecology (Maternal Fetal Medicine) and, by courtesy, of Anesthesiology, Perioperative & Pain Medicine

    BioStephanie Leonard, PhD, MS, is an Assistant Professor in the Dunlevie Maternal-Fetal Medicine Center for Discovery, Innovation, and Clinical Impact ( She is also affiliated with the California Maternal Quality Care Collaborative ( and the Stanford Maternal and Child Health Research Institute.

    The goal of Dr. Leonard’s research is to advance equitable, positive health experiences and outcomes for pregnant individuals and newborns. She is interested in applying transdisciplinary methods to perinatal health research, with a focus on studying pregnancy-related morbidities in large data sources. Currently, her primary research interests are in building an infrastructure for distributed data network studies of perinatal health and improving treatment of chronic hypertension in pregnancy. To this end, she co-launched the OHDSI Pregnancy and Reproductive Health Work Group ( and collaborates closely with the Harvard Program on Perinatal and Pediatric Pharmacoepidemiology ( She also serves as a collaborator and mentor on a variety of obstetrics studies, including clinical trials, prospective and retrospective observational studies, and qualitative studies. Dr. Leonard's research program is currently funded by NHLBI (K01) and NICHD (U54).

    Dr. Leonard trained in epidemiology at UCLA (MS) and UC Berkeley (PhD), where her research focused on nutrition in pregnancy and was completed in partnership with the WIC program and the Nutrition Policy Institute. She completed a postdoc in Neonatal and Developmental Medicine at Stanford as part of the Stanford Center for Population Health Sciences.

  • Marc Levenston

    Marc Levenston

    Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering and, by courtesy, of Radiology (Radiological Sciences Laboratory)

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsMy lab's research involves the function, degeneration and repair of musculoskeletal soft tissues, with a focus on meniscal fibrocartilage and articular cartilage. We are particularly interested in the complex interactions between biophysical and biochemical cues in controlling cell behavior, the roles of these interactions in degenerative conditions such as osteoarthritis, and development of tissue engineered 3D model systems for studying physical influences on primary and progenitor cells.

  • David B. Lewis

    David B. Lewis

    Naddisy Foundation Professor of Pediatric Food Allergy, Immunology, and Asthma

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsMy laboratory is focused on defining cellular and molecular mechanisms that limit T cell responses to vaccines and pathogens during normal early postnatal development and in cases of inherited genetic immunodeficiencies. We are also determinomg how these limitations in immunity can be overcome by using novel approaches for vaccine adjuvants for influenza vaccine and by using catalytically inactive Cas proteins for inducing endogenous gene expression.

  • Gordon Li, MD

    Gordon Li, MD

    Professor of Neurosurgery and, by courtesy, of Neurology and of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery (OHNS)

    Current Research and Scholarly Interests1.) My laboratory studies the biology of brain tumors with the goal of developing novel therapeutics for the treatment of malignant brain tumors and translating that research into clinical trials.
    2.) My clinical interests include improving surgical techniques for brain tumor surgery, immunotherapy for the treatment of glioblastoma, and novel uses for stereotactic radiosurgery.

  • Jin Billy Li

    Jin Billy Li

    Professor of Genetics

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsThe Li Lab is primarily interested in RNA editing mediated by ADAR enzymes. We co-discovered that the major function of RNA editing is to label endogenous dsRNAs as "self" to avoid being recognized as "non-self" by MDA5, a host innate immune dsRNA sensor, leading us to pursue therapeutic applications in cancer, autoimmune diseases, and viral infection. The other major direction of the lab is to develop technologies to harness endogenous ADAR enzymes for site-specific transcriptome engineering.

  • Yi Li, MD, PhD

    Yi Li, MD, PhD

    Clinical Assistant Professor, Neurology & Neurological Sciences

    BioDr. Li is a board-certified, fellowship-trained neurologist and a clinical assistant professor in the Department of Neurology and Neurological Sciences at Stanford University School of Medicine.

    She specializes in epilepsy care and research. She has dedicated her career to advancing our understanding of the mechanism, diagnosis, and treatment of epilepsy. In addition to her MD degree, she holds a PhD degree in neurology and neuroscience. She undertook PhD training to better understand epileptogenesis and to identify potential new treatments for refractory epilepsy patients. She has received the Stanford Genetics and Genomics Certificate, which helped advance her knowledge of how genomic data can enhance patient management in clinical practice.

    She has published numerous articles on a wide range of epilepsy-related topics. Among her honors, Dr. Li has earned recognition from the American Epilepsy Society and International League Against Epilepsy. She also won a safety and quality awards scholarship from the American Academy of Neurology. She is a member of the American Academy of Neurology and the American Epilepsy Society.