Stanford University
Showing 1,481-1,490 of 2,770 Results
Mengning Liang
Lead Scientist, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Current Role at StanfordMy role at LCLS at SLAC is SRD Deputy Director for Strategic Development - I aid management to develop FEL science sustainably and to increase the impact of FEL science in the broader scientific community.
Coherent X-ray Imaging (CXI) Instrument lead - Lead one of the scientific instruments at LCLS. CXI is a hard X-ray, in-vacuum instrument which specialized in low signal to noise experiments due to a vacuum sample environment and high X-ray power measurements due to a nanofocus beam which can provide X-ray power up to 10^20W/cm^2
LCLS-II-HE CXI upgrade science lead. LCLS-II-HE is an upgrade of the LCLS X-ray Free Electron Laser which will take the repetition rate from 120Hz to 1MHz. The CXI instrument will undergo a complete upgrade to maximally utilize this unprecedented new source.