
Professor Alduy works primarily on French Renaissance Literature and contemporary French politics and culture, particularly political discourse analysis of the far right and presidential campaigns, as they relate to the question of French identity and mythologies of "Frenchness." She works in both field on the intersection between letters and politics in France. Areas of interests includes the history and mythology of national and ethnic identities since the Renaissance, far right ideology and rhetoric (National Front), the intersection between cultural, literary and medical discourses on gender and the body, poetry and poetics, narrative forms and their discontent, French cinema and contemporary French literature.

Prof. Alduy is a regular contributor to The Atlantic, The Nation, the New Yorker's blog, the New York Times, the Los Angeles Review of Books, the Boston Review, Le Monde, and the San Francisco Chronicle.She has a blog on contemporary culture, technology, and literature on Arcade.

Her latest book is "Marine Le Pen prise aux mots. Décryptage du nouveau discours frontiste (Paris: Seuil, 2015) and she has contributed a profile of Marine Le Pen for The Atlantic, as well as many investigative, analytical and opinion pieces on the National Front in Le Monde, Politico, The Nation, Al Jazeera America, L'Obs, etc.

She is co-editing with Dominic Thomas and Bruno Cornellier a special issue of the journal "Occasions" on “The Charlie Hebdo Attacks and their Aftermath” that gathers over a dozen essays from French, Canadian, American and English intellectuals from all horizons.

Her previous book is "The Politics of Love: Poetics and Genesis of the "Amours" in Renaissance France" (1549-1560) (Geneva: Droz, 2007). It examines how the poetics of French Petrarchan love collections was exploited by the generation of Ronsard and Du Bellay to promote a nationalist agenda, that of a "Defense and Illustration of the French Tongue" and its cultural supremacy.

She has published extensively on the works of Marot, Scève, Du Bellay, Ronsard, Louise Labé, La Boétie, Montaigne, Rabelais, and Philippe Jaccottet among others. Her publications also include a revised critical edition of Maurice Scève's Délie (Paris: STFM, 2001) and a comprehensive study of all works written by or on Scève from his lifetime to the present (Maurice Scève. Roma: Memini, 2006). She has served as guest editor of two collected volumes: a special issue of Réforme Humanisme Renaissance entitled "Licences et censures poétiques. La littérature érotique et pornographique vernaculaire à la Renaissance" (vol. 69, 2009); and the proceedings of the 2008 interdisciplinary conference Between Experience and Experiment In The Early Modern World, co-edited with Roland Greene and published in Republic of Letters (2010).

In other work, she expands the traditional field of Renaissance poetics by exploring new areas of inquiry: multi-authored collections as polemical proto-media (The Anatomical Blazons); the intersection between the emerging field of obstetrics, its book market, and the pre-history of obscenity and pornography ("Archeology of a Close-up"); the instability of gender in male and female lyrics ("The Anatomy of Gender"); or the economy of poetic production ("Self-Sustainable Economies," RQ. 2010).

Prof. Alduy was the Director of the Center of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (CMEMS) from 2010 to 2013.

She is Director of the French and Italian Department, starting in September 2015.

Academic Appointments

  • Professor, French and Italian

Administrative Appointments

  • Associate Professor, Stanford University (2010 - Present)
  • Visiting Faculty, Stanford Overseas Program in Paris (2009 - 2009)
  • Visiting Faculty, Stanford Overseas Program in Paris (2005 - 2005)
  • Assistant Professor, Stanford University (2003 - 2010)
  • Assistant Professor, Boston University (2002 - 2003)
  • Lecturer, University of Reims (1999 - 2002)
  • Visiting Scholar, Department of French, University of California, Berkeley (1998 - 1999)

Honors & Awards

  • Junior Faculty Colloquium Initiative, Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages, Stanford (2004)
  • Fellowship, Hewlett Packard International Studies Fellowship (2004)
  • Research Project "Renaissances", Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages, Stanford University (2005-2007)
  • Fellowship, Bibliographical Society of America (2005)
  • Edouard Morot-Sir Research Fellowship in Literature, Institut Français de Washington (2007)
  • Summer Research Fellowship, Northeast Modern Language Association (2007)
  • Fellowship, Bibliographical Society of America (2007)
  • Stanford Official Nominee for National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Fellowship, School of Humanities, Stanford University
  • Nominee for Recognition Award for Emerging Scholars, American Association of University Women (2007)
  • Franklin Award, American Philosophical Society (2008)
  • Dean's Distinguished Teaching Award for First Years In Teaching, Stanford University (2008)
  • Hoefer Prize in Undergraduate Writing Mentorship Award, Stanford University (2011)
  • Stanford Official Nominee for National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Fellowship, School of Humanities, Stanford University (2012)

Boards, Advisory Committees, Professional Organizations

  • Member, Northeast Modern Language Association
  • Member, Société des Textes Français Modernes
  • Member, American Association of Journalists and Authors
  • Member, Modern Languages Association
  • Member, Réforme Humanisme Renaissance
  • Member, Sixteenth Century Society and Conference
  • Member, Renaissance Society of America
  • Member, Société Française Des Études Seizièmistes
  • Research Affiliate, Fondation Jean Jaurès (Paris) (2014 - Present)
  • Participant, Teagle Foundation Project on Collaborative Faculty-Graduate Student Teaching (2013 - 2014)
  • Chair, Graduate Affairs Committee, Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages, Stanford University (2012 - 2013)
  • Member, Executive Committee, Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages, Stanford University (2012 - 2013)
  • External Reviewer, Research Enhancement Program in the Arts and Humanities Fellowships, Wayne State University (2012 - 2012)
  • Manuscript Peer Reviewer, University of California Press (2012 - 2012)
  • Translator, Le Nouvel Observateur (2012 - 2012)
  • Chair of Graduate Studies, French Doctoral Program, Stanford University (2010 - 2013)
  • Director, Center for Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2010 - 2013)
  • Co-Chair, Renaissances Focal Group, Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages, Stanford University (2010 - 2011)
  • Director of Undergraduate Studies, French and Italian Department, Stanford University (2007 - 2010)
  • Liaison, Overseas Stanford Campus in Paris for the French and Italian Department (2007 - 2010)
  • Member, Obscenity in Renaissance France (University of Exeter) (2007 - 2009)
  • Member, Editorial Board, Republics of Letters (2007 - 2009)
  • Member, Advisory Board, Stanford Center for Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2007 - 2008)
  • Manuscript Peer Reviewer, University of Delaware Press (2007 - 2007)
  • Manuscript Peer Reviewer, Honoré Champion Publisher (2007 - 2007)
  • Liaison, École Normale Supérieure-Stanford Exchange Program (2006 - 2013)
  • Researcher Affiliate, Stanford European Forum at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies (2006 - 2013)
  • Member, Steering Committee, Stanford Center for Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2006 - 2007)
  • Coordinator, Cultural Events of the French and Italian Department, Stanford University (2005 - 2006)
  • Founder and Organizer, From Script to Screen: Conversations on Contemporary French Cinema (2003 - 2006)
  • Member, ad-hoc committee, Graduate Student Exchange Program with the École normale Supérieure (2003 - 2006)
  • Member, Planning and Personnel Committee, Division of Literature, Cultures, and Languages, Stanford University (2003 - 2004)

Professional Education

  • Docteur ès Lettres (Ph.D.), University of Reims, French Literature (2003)
  • D.E.A. (M.A.), University of Paris III-Sorbonne Nouvelle, French Literature (1999)
  • Agrégation de Lettres Modernes, French Ministry of National Education, French and Comparative Literature (1997)
  • Maîtrise (B.A.), University of Paris VII-Sorbonne Nouvelle, French Literature (1996)

Current Research and Scholarly Interests

Within the field of French studies, my work focuses on two historical periods: the Renaissance and contemporary France. In both, I am interested in the rhetorical construction, in literary and political texts, of collective and individual identities at critical historical junctures. Specifically, I have pursued two distinct, but interconnected lines of research: (1) the emergence of a proto-national sentiment in Renaissance literature on the cusp of the Wars of Religions; (2) the nationalist rhetoric of the successive leaders of the National Front (FN) party, Jean-Marie and Marine Le Pen, in France’s current cultural, economic and social crisis.

2024-25 Courses

All Publications

  • THE BATTLE FOR THE SOUL OF FRANCE NATION Alduy, C. 2014; 298 (12): 18-21
  • Paternité, Maternité, Egalité Boston Review Alduy, C. 2013
  • Life as Sarkozy's Speechwriter The Atlantic Alduy, C. 2013
  • The Devil's Daughter The Atlantic Alduy, C. 2013
  • La poétique du trouble: identité et altérité dans Délie Délie, du canzoniere au temple d’érudition. Actes du colloque "Délie” de Maurice Scève Alduy, C. edited by Demonet, M. L. Fabula. 2013
  • The Art of Meditation and the French Renaissance Love Lyric : The Poetics of Introspection in Maurice Sceve's "Delie, object de plus haulte vertu" (1544) (Book Review) REVUE D HISTOIRE LITTERAIRE DE LA FRANCE Book Review Authored by: Alduy, C. 2012; 112 (4): 970-972
  • Two Schools: Newtown and Toulouse The New Yorker Alduy, C. 2012
  • Digital Democracy: Inside the French Presidential Elections Los Angeles Review of Books Alduy, C. 2012
  • Scève et Pétrarque: La mise à distance d’un héritage Maurice Scève ou l'emblème de la perfection enchevêtrée Alduy, C. edited by Roger-Vasselin, B. Presses Universitaires de France. 2012: 43–61
  • Dizain Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics Alduy, C. edited by Greene, R., Cushman, S. Princeton University Press. 2012; Fourth Edition: 372
  • Blasons Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics Alduy, C. edited by Greene, R., Cushman, S. Princeton University Press. 2012; Fourth Edition: 150–151
  • Portrait of the Author in the Age of Wikipedia Los Angeles Review of Books Alduy, C. 2012
  • Review of The Conflict: How Modern Motherhood Undermines the Status of Women Los Angeles Review of Books Alduy, C. 2012
  • Les Femmes prennent le pouvoir ELLE Alduy, C. 2012: 129-132
  • Bibliographie Maurice Scève ou l'emblème de la perfection enchevêtrée Alduy, C. edited by Roger-Vasselin, B. Presses Universitaires de France. 2012: 287–308
  • Archéologie d’un gros plan: sémiologie du sexe imprimé Obscenités renaissantes Alduy, C. edited by Robert, H., Peureux, G., Wajeman, L. Geneva: Droz. 2011: 163–192
  • Review of The Art of Meditation and the French Renaissance Love Lyric: The Poetics of Introspection in Maurice Sceve's Delie, Object de Plus Halute Vertu (1544) Emblematica Alduy, C. 2011; 19: 335-340
  • Gradus ad Mount Tsukuba: AnIntroduction to the Culture of Japanese Linked Verse Revue du tanka francophone Horton, H. M. edited by Alduy, C. 2011
  • The Anatomy of Gender: Decoding Petrarchan Lyrics (Labé, Scève, Ronsard) Approaches to Teaching French Women Writers of the Renaissance and Reformation Alduy, C. edited by Winn, C. MLA. 2011: 218–229
  • Gender and Feminisms. An Introduction Arcade Alduy, C. 2011
  • Lyric Economies: Manufacturing Values in French Petrarchan Collections (1549-60) RENAISSANCE QUARTERLY Alduy, C. 2010; 63 (3): 721-753
  • Between Experience and Experiment: Five Articles at an Early Modern Crossroads Republics of Letters: A Journal for the Study of Knowledge, Politics, and the Arts Alduy, C., Greene, R. 2010; 1 (2)
  • Between Experience and Experiment Special Issue, Republics of Letters: A Journal for the Study of Knowledge, Politics, and the Arts edited by Alduy, C., Greene, R. 2010; 1 (2)
  • The poetic works of Olivier de Magny (Book Review) BIBLIOTHEQUE D HUMANISME ET RENAISSANCE Book Review Authored by: Alduy, C. 2009; 71 (3): 672-674
  • Licences et censures poétiques. La littérature érotique et pornographique en langue vernaculaire à la Renaissance Réforme Humanisme Renaissance edited by Alduy, C. 2009; 68
  • Pierre de Ronsard (Book Review) BIBLIOTHEQUE D HUMANISME ET RENAISSANCE Book Review Authored by: Alduy, C. 2009; 71 (3): 672-674
  • Le Sexe en toutes lettres à la Renaissance Réforme Humanisme Renaissance Alduy, C. 2009; 68: 9-28
  • Midwifery, obstetrics and the rise of gynaecology: The uses of a sixteenth-century compendium (Book Review) RENAISSANCE QUARTERLY Book Review Authored by: Alduy, C. 2008; 61 (2): 624-625
  • Anthony Grafton's 'Future Reading' The New Yorker Alduy, C. 2008
  • Marc-Claude de Buttet (1529/31-1586): The honour of Savoy. (Book Review) RENAISSANCE QUARTERLY Book Review Authored by: Alduy, C. 2007; 60 (1): 199-201
  • Politique des “Amours”: Poétique et genèse d’un genre français nouveau (1544-1560) Alduy, C. Geneva: Droz. 2007
  • L’Arbre et la Branche: croissance du recueil et défense de la langue française dans L’Olive (1549-1550) Joachim Du Bellay: une révolution poétique dans les années 1549-1550 Alduy, C. edited by Roger-Vasselin, B. Paris: PUF. 2007: 35–57
  • Poétique et pratique dans les « Poèmes » de Jean-Antoine de Baïf Renaissance Quarterly Alduy, C. 2007: 199-201
  • D’un Cygne absent: poétique de l’allusion dans L’Olive de Du Bellay Méthode! Alduy, C. 2007; 13: 1-10
  • L’Adolescence mise en recueil. Ordre du livre, fiction d’auteur L’Information littéraire Alduy, C. 2006; 3: 10-18
  • Maurice Scève Bibliographie des Écrivains Français Alduy, C. Roma: Memini. 2006
  • Montaigne et les Vingt neuf Sonnetz d’Estienne de La Boëtie: de la composition du recueil poétique à celle des Essais Montaigne Studies Alduy, C. 2006; 18: 119-136
  • Mémoire et oubli au temps de la Renaissance Bibliothèque d’Humanisme et Renaissance Alduy, C. 2005; 67: 505-507
  • Site of petrarchism: Early modern national sentiment in Italy, France, and England. (Book Review) RENAISSANCE QUARTERLY Book Review Authored by: Alduy, C. 2004; 57 (4): 1352-1353
  • Scève et Pétrarque: ‘De mort à vie Les Poètes français de la Renaissance et Pétrarque Alduy, C. edited by Balsamo, J. Geneva: Droz. 2004: 157–170
  • L’Imaginaire cosmologique de Ronsard Renaissance et Réforme/ Reformation and Renaissance Alduy, C. 2003; 26 (3): 69-73
  • Délie palimpseste ou l’art de la citation Studi Francesi Alduy, C. 2003; 139: 23-38
  • Les Amours au XVIe siècle ou le recueil comme genre macrotextuel Pratiques et théorie du recueil Alduy, C., Langlet, I. ennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes. 2003: 21–34
  • Lecteurs réels et lectrices alléguées: lire les recueils d’Amours au XVIe siècle Lire à la Renaissance Alduy, C. 2003; 7: 117-133
  • Poésie et Renaissance Bibliothèque d’Humanisme et Renaissance Alduy, C. 2003; 65 (3): 695-697
  • La Poésie de la prose chez Philippe Jaccottet Revue des Lettres Modernes Alduy, C. 2003; 7: 135-162
  • L’Allusion dans la littérature Rivista di letteratura moderne e comparate Alduy, C. 2003; 61 (3): 337-340
  • Harmonie divine et subjectivité poétique chez Maurice Scève Studi Francesi Alduy, C. 2002
  • La Lettre et le signe Acta fabula. Revue en ligne des parutions en théorie littéraire Alduy, C. 2002
  • Délie en mosaïque: ‘texte’ des emblèmes et texte poétique, une ‘marquetterie mal jointe’ Poétique Alduy, C. 2001; 127: 281-300
  • Preface and Bibliography Maurice Scève. Délie object de plus haulte vertu Alduy, C. Paris: STFM. 2001
  • Bonnefoy lecteur de Baudelaire Acta fabula Alduy, C. 2001
  • Écrire le Baroque, écrire baroque Acta fabula Alduy, C. 2001
  • Le recueil comme genre Acta fabula Alduy, C. 2001
  • Et si on taxait les étrangers? Les immigrés au siècle de Louis XIV Dubost, J., Sahlins, P. edited by Alduy, C. Paris: Flammarion. 1999
  • Les Erreurs de la versification dans Délie de Maurice Scève Nouvelle Revue du Seizième Siècle Alduy, C. 1998; 16 (2): 249-266