Stanford Advisors

All Publications

  • Roof renewal disparities widen the equity gap in residential wildfire protection. Nature communications Reining, S., Wussow, M., Zanocco, C., Neumann, D. 2025; 16 (1): 463


    Wildfires are having disproportionate impacts on U.S. households. Notably, in California, over half of wildfire-destroyed homes (54%) are in low-income areas. We investigate the relationship between social vulnerability and wildfire community preparedness using building permits from 16 counties in California with 2.9 million buildings (2013-2021) and the U.S. government's designation of disadvantaged communities (DACs), which classifies a census tract as a DAC if it meets a threshold for certain burdens, such as climate, environmental, and socio-economic. Homes located in DACs are 29% more likely to be destroyed by wildfires within 30 years, partly driven by a gap in roof renewals, one of several important home hardening actions. Homes in DACs have 28% fewer roof renewals than non-DACs and post-wildfire, non-DAC homes have more than twice the increase in renewals (+17%) compared to DAC homes (+7%). Our research offers policy insights for narrowing this equity gap in renewals for wildfire-prone areas. We recommend increasing financial support for roof renewals and targeted awareness campaigns for existing programs which are not sufficiently emphasized in wildfire strategies, particularly in DACs.

    View details for DOI 10.1038/s41467-024-55705-w

    View details for PubMedID 39774145

    View details for PubMedCentralID PMC11707273

  • Electric vehicles as facilitators of grid stability and flexibility: A multidisciplinary overview WILEY INTERDISCIPLINARY REVIEWS-ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT Stogl, O., Miltner, M., Zanocco, C., Traverso, M., Stary, O. 2024; 13 (5)

    View details for DOI 10.1002/wene.536

    View details for Web of Science ID 001316571300001

  • Comparing public and scientific extreme event attribution to climate change CLIMATIC CHANGE Zanocco, C., Mote, P., Flora, J., Boudet, H. 2024; 177 (5)
  • Exploring the potential of non-residential solar to tackle energy injustice NATURE ENERGY Wussow, M., Zanocco, C., Wang, Z., Prabha, R., Flora, J., Neumann, D., Majumdar, A., Rajagopal, R. 2024
  • Time of use pricing and likelihood of shifting energy activities, strategies, and timing ENERGY POLICY Muttaqee, M., Stelmach, G., Zanocco, C., Flora, J., Rajagopal, R., Boudet, H. S. 2024; 187
  • Assessing public attitudes towards urban green spaces as a heat adaptation strategy: Insights from Germany LANDSCAPE AND URBAN PLANNING Sousa-Silva, R., Zanocco, C. 2024; 245
  • Extreme heat experience influences public support for local climate adaptation policies in Germany URBAN CLIMATE Zanocco, C., Sousa-Silva, R. 2023; 52
  • Food retail environments, extreme weather, and their overlap: Exploratory analysis and recommendations for U.S. food policy. PloS one Scharadin, B., Zanocco, C., Chistolini, J. 2023; 18 (11): e0289282


    Extreme weather events are increasing in frequency and severity due to climate change, yet many of their impacts on human populations are not well understood. We examine the relationship between prior extreme weather events and food environment characteristics. To do so, we conduct a U.S. county-level analysis that assesses the association between extreme weather events and two common food retail environment dimensions. Overall, we find a relationship between higher levels of historic extreme weather exposure and lower food availability and accessibility. In addition, we find heterogeneity in association across the distribution of the number of extreme weather events and event type. Specifically, we find that more localized extreme weather events are more associated with a reduction of access and availability than broad geographic events. Our findings suggest that as extreme weather events amplify in intensity and increase in frequency, new approaches for mitigating less acute and longer-term impacts are needed to address how extreme weather may interact with and reinforce existing disparities in food environment factors. Furthermore, our research argues that integrated approaches to improving vulnerable food retail environments will become an important component of extreme weather planning and should be a consideration in both disaster- and food-related policy.

    View details for DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0289282

    View details for PubMedID 37939027

    View details for PubMedCentralID PMC10631631

  • Extreme event counterfactual analysis of electricity consumption in Brazil: Historical impacts and future outlook under climate change ENERGY Zuin, G., Buechler, R., Sun, T., Zanocco, C., Galuppo, F., Veloso, A., Rajagopal, R. 2023; 281
  • Cooling-related electricity consumption patterns for small and medium businesses in California: Current impacts and future projections under climate change ENERGY AND BUILDINGS Sun, T., Zanocco, C., Flora, J., Johnson, S., Soto, H. J., Rajagopal, R. 2023; 295
  • The effect of policy narratives on policy elite versus public preferences for hydraulic fracturing regulation(sic)(sic)(sic)Palabras clave REVIEW OF POLICY RESEARCH Galloway, B., Zanocco, C., Song, G., Jones, M. 2023

    View details for DOI 10.1111/ropr.12563

    View details for Web of Science ID 001026943600001

  • Trial by Fire: Support for Mitigation and Adaptation Policy after the 2020 Oregon Wildfires WEATHER CLIMATE AND SOCIETY Giordono, L., Siddiqi, M., Stelmach, G., Zanocco, C., Flora, J., Boudet, H. 2023; 15 (3): 633-664
  • Presidential stories of fear: Focusing congressional climate change mitigation attention in the United States REVIEW OF POLICY RESEARCH Peterson, H. L., Zanocco, C. 2023

    View details for DOI 10.1111/ropr.12557

    View details for Web of Science ID 001001497000001

  • Disaster preparedness and community helping behaviour in the wake of the 2020 Oregon wildfires. Disasters Amin Siddiqi, M. U., Giordono, L., Zanocco, C., Stelmach, G., Flora, J., Boudet, H. 2023


    Extreme weather events are increasing in frequency and severity due to climate change. Individual-level behavioral responses - including disaster preparedness and community helping actions (e.g., volunteering, donating) - supplement government efforts to respond to such events but have rarely been explored together. Using data from a survey of 1308 Oregonians administered within 6 months of the 2020 Oregon wildfires, we examine and compare a range of sociodemographic, experiential, attitudinal, and communication-related factors associated with these two types of individual-level behavioral responses. Findings indicate that respondents who reported experiencing a higher degree of harm and more concern about climate change after experiencing the 2020 wildfires were more likely to report preparedness and community helping actions. Those who reported more frequent informal discussions about the wildfires; who consulted a higher number of sources to seek information about wildfires; and who reported higher percentages of friends, neighbors, and community members taking actions to prepare for future wildfires also reported more disaster preparedness and community helping actions. Disaster preparedness actions were also positively associated with seeking information from formal/official sources. Male respondents, residents of rural zip codes, and respondents with household vulnerabilities were more likely to report disaster preparedness, while household income and the presence of minors were linked to community helping behavior. Our findings suggest individuals who report wildfire-related harm are likely to benefit from improved dissemination of wildfire-related information and frequent social interactions in their efforts to prepare for future wildfires, both in terms of their own disaster preparedness and community helping actions.

    View details for DOI 10.1111/disa.12584

    View details for PubMedID 37086026

  • Minors Can Have Major Effects: Household Hurricane Preparation Insights from Alabama SOCIETY & NATURAL RESOURCES Peterson, H. L., Zanocco, C., Giordono, L. 2023
  • Assessing Californians' awareness of their daily electricity use patterns NATURE ENERGY Zanocco, C., Sun, T., Stelmach, G., Flora, J., Rajagopal, R., Boudet, H. 2022
  • DeepSolar++: Understanding residential solar adoption trajectories with computer vision and technology diffusion models JOULE Wang, Z., Arlt, M., Zanocco, C., Majumadaar, A., Rajagopal, R. 2022; 6 (11): 2611-2625
  • Constructing dynamic residential energy lifestyles using Latent Dirichlet Allocation APPLIED ENERGY Chen, X., Zanocco, C., Flora, J., Rajagopal, R. 2022; 318
  • Food Practice Lifestyles: Identification and Implications for Energy Sustainability. International journal of environmental research and public health Giordono, L. S., Flora, J., Zanocco, C., Boudet, H. 2022; 19 (9)


    Food systems, including production, acquisition, preparation, and consumption, feature importantly in environmental sustainability, energy consumption and climate change. With predicted increases in food and water shortages associated with climate change, food-related lifestyle and behavioral changes are advocated as important mitigation and adaptation measures. Yet, reducing emissions from food systems is predicted to be one of our greatest challenges now and in the future. Traditional theories of environmental behavioral change often assume that individuals make "reasoned choices" that incorporate cost-benefit assessment, moral and normative concerns and affect/symbolic motives, yielding behavioral interventions that are often designed as informational or structural strategies. In contrast, some researchers recommend moving toward an approach that systematically examines the temporal organization of society with an eye toward understanding the patterns of social practices to better understand behaviors and develop more targeted and effective interventions. Our study follows on these recommendations with a study of food consumption "lifestyles" in the United States, using extant time use diary data from a nationally representative sample of Americans (n = 16,100) from 2014 to 2016. We use cluster analysis to identify unique groups based on temporal and locational eating patterns. We find evidence of six respondent clusters with distinct patterns of food consumption based on timing and location of eating, as well as individual and household characteristics. Factors associated with cluster membership include age, employment status, and marital status. We note the close connections between age and behaviors, suggesting that a life course scholarship approach may add valuable insight. Based on our findings, we identify opportunities for promoting sustainable energy use in the context of the transition to renewables, such as targeting energy-shifting and efficiency-improvement interventions based on group membership.

    View details for DOI 10.3390/ijerph19095638

    View details for PubMedID 35565032

  • Shelter from the storm: How perceived extreme event experience and government trust shape public support for climate change mitigation policy in the United States RISK HAZARDS & CRISIS IN PUBLIC POLICY Giordono, L., Zanocco, C., Peterson, H., Boudet, H. 2022

    View details for DOI 10.1002/rhc3.12250

    View details for Web of Science ID 000778792800001

  • Poor Air Quality during Wildfires Related to Support for Public Safety Power Shutoffs SOCIETY & NATURAL RESOURCES Zanocco, C., Stelmach, G., Giordono, L., Flora, J., Boudet, H. 2022
  • The Grid Under Extremes: Pandemic Impacts on California Electricity Consumption IEEE Power and Energy Magazine Bergman, D., Sun, T., Buechler, E., Zanocco, C., Rajagopal, R. 2022; 20 (6): 38-46

    View details for DOI 10.1109/MPE.2022.3199846

  • Global Changes in Electricity Consumption During COVID-19. iScience Buechler, E., Powell, S., Sun, T., Astier, N., Zanocco, C., Bolorinos, J., Flora, J., Boudet, H., Rajagopal, R. 2021: 103568


    Understanding how the COVID-19 pandemic has altered electricity consumption can provide insights into society's responses to future shocks and other extreme events. We quantify changes in electricity consumption in 58 different countries/regions around the world from January-October 2020, and examine how those changes relate to government restrictions, health outcomes, GDP, mobility metrics, and electricity sector characteristics in different countries. We cluster the timeseries of electricity consumption changes to identify impact groupings that capture systematic differences in timing, depth of initial changes and recovery rate, revealing substantial heterogeneity. Results show that stricter government restrictions and larger decreases in mobility (particularly retail and recreation) are most tightly linked to decreases in electricity consumption, though these relationships are strongest during the initial phase of the pandemic. We find indications that decreases in electricity consumption relate to pre-pandemic sensitivity to holidays, suggesting a new direction for future research.

    View details for DOI 10.1016/j.isci.2021.103568

    View details for PubMedID 34877481

  • When the lights go out: Californians' experience with wildfire-related public safety power shutoffs increases intention to adopt solar and storage ENERGY RESEARCH & SOCIAL SCIENCE Zanocco, C., Flora, J., Rajagopal, R., Boudet, H. 2021; 79
  • Public preferences for five electricity grid decarbonization policies in California(sic)(sic)(sic)Palabras clave REVIEW OF POLICY RESEARCH Boudet, H., Zanocco, C., Stelmach, G., Muttaqee, M., Flora, J. 2021

    View details for DOI 10.1111/ropr.12442

    View details for Web of Science ID 000683397900001

  • NIMBY, YIMBY, or something else? Geographies of public perceptions of shale gas development in the Marcellus Shale (vol 15, 074039, 2020) ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS Zanocco, C., Boudet, H., Clarke, C. E., Stedman, R., Evensen, D. 2021; 16 (5)
  • Exploring household energy rules and activities during peak demand to better determine potential responsiveness to time-of-use pricing ENERGY POLICY Stelmach, G., Zanocco, C., Flora, J., Rajagopal, R., Boudet, H. S. 2020; 144
  • NIMBY, YIMBY, or something else? Geographies of public perceptions of shale gas development in the Marcellus Shale ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS Zanocco, C., Boudet, H., Clarke, C. E., Stedman, R., Evensen, D. 2020; 15 (7)
  • Event attribution and partisanship shape local discussion of climate change after extreme weather NATURE CLIMATE CHANGE Boudet, H., Giordono, L., Zanocco, C., Satein, H., Whitley, H. 2020; 10 (1): 69-+
  • Exploring the effects of California's COVID-19 shelter-in-place order on household energy practices and intention to adopt smart home technologies Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews Zanocco, C., Flora, J., Rajagopal, R., Boudet, H. 2020
  • Personal harm and support for climate change mitigation policies: Evidence from 10 US communities impacted by extreme weather GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE-HUMAN AND POLICY DIMENSIONS Zanocco, C., Boudet, H., Nilson, R., Flora, J. 2019; 59
  • Spatial Discontinuities in Support for Hydraulic Fracturing: Searching for a "Goldilocks Zone" SOCIETY & NATURAL RESOURCES Zanocco, C., Boudet, H., Clarke, C. E., Howe, P. D. 2019
  • An Energy Lifestyles Program for Tweens: A Pilot Study Mauriello, M., Zanocco, C., Stelmach, G., Flora, J., Boudet, H., Rajagopal, R., Assoc Comp Machinery ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY. 2019
  • Cultural Worldviews and Political Process Preferences SOCIAL SCIENCE QUARTERLY Zanocco, C. M., Jones, M. D. 2018; 99 (4): 1377–89

    View details for DOI 10.1111/ssqu.12500

    View details for Web of Science ID 000449992200008

  • Fracking Bad Guys: The Role of Narrative Character Affect in Shaping Hydraulic Fracturing Policy Preferences POLICY STUDIES JOURNAL Zanocco, C., Song, G., Jones, M. 2018; 46 (4): 978–99

    View details for DOI 10.1111/psj.12278

    View details for Web of Science ID 000451451600011

  • Policy Narratives and Policy Outcomes: An NPF Examination of Oregon's Ballot Measure 97 POLICY STUDIES JOURNAL McMorris, C., Zanocco, C., Jones, M. 2018; 46 (4): 771–97

    View details for DOI 10.1111/psj.12263

    View details for Web of Science ID 000451451600003

  • Exploring the impacts of climate and policy changes on coastal community resilience: Simulating alternative future scenarios ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING & SOFTWARE Mills, A. K., Bolte, J. P., Ruggiero, P., Serafin, K. A., Lipiec, E., Corcoran, P., Stevenson, J., Zanocco, C., Lach, D. 2018; 109: 80–92
  • The Effect of Geographic Proximity to Unconventional Oil and Gas Development on Public Support for Hydraulic Fracturing RISK ANALYSIS Boudet, H. S., Zanocco, C. M., Howe, P. D., Clarke, C. E. 2018; 38 (9): 1871–90


    With the rapid growth of unconventional oil and natural gas development transforming the U.S. economic and physical landscape, social scientists have increasingly explored the spatial dynamics of public support for this issue-that is, whether people closer to unconventional oil and gas development are more supportive or more opposed. While theoretical frameworks like construal-level theory and the "Not in My Backyard" (or NIMBY) moniker provide insight into these spatial dynamics, case studies in specific locations experiencing energy development reveal substantial variation in community responses. Larger-scale studies exploring the link between proximity and support have been hampered by data quality and availability. We draw on a unique data set that includes geo-coded data from national surveys (nine waves; n = 19,098) and high-resolution well location data to explore the relationship between proximity and both familiarity with and support for hydraulic fracturing. We use two different measures of proximity-respondent distance to the nearest well and the density of wells within a certain radius of the respondent's location. We find that both types of proximity to new development are linked to more familiarity with hydraulic fracturing, even after controlling for various individual and contextual factors, but only distance-based proximity is linked to more support for the practice. When significant, these relationships are similar to or exceed the effects of race, income, gender, and age. We discuss the implications of these findings for effective risk communication as well as the importance of incorporating spatial analysis into public opinion research on perceptions of energy development.

    View details for DOI 10.1111/risa.12989

    View details for Web of Science ID 000444965400010

    View details for PubMedID 29637576

  • Community climate change beliefs, awareness, and actions in the wake of the September 2013 flooding in Boulder County, Colorado JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES AND SCIENCES Shepard, S., Boudet, H., Zanocco, C. M., Cramer, L. A., Tilt, B. 2018; 8 (3): 312–25
  • Analyzing the factors that influence US public support for exporting natural gas ENERGY POLICY Pierce, J. J., Boudet, H., Zanocco, C., Hillyard, M. 2018; 120: 666–74
  • Mapping Out Climate Change: Assessing How Coastal Communities Adapt Using Alternative Future Scenarios JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH Lipiec, E., Ruggiero, P., Mills, A., Serafin, K. A., Bolte, J., Corcoran, P., Stevenson, J., Zanocco, C., Lach, D. 2018; 34 (5): 1196–1208
  • Place, proximity, and perceived harm: extreme weather events and views about climate change CLIMATIC CHANGE Zanocco, C., Boudet, H., Nilson, R., Satein, H., Whitley, H., Flora, J. 2018; 149 (3-4): 349–65
  • Great Basin land managers provide detailed feedback about usefulness of two climate information web applications CLIMATE RISK MANAGEMENT Zanocco, C., Brown, M., Bachelet, D., Gough, M., Mutch, T., Sheehan, T. 2018; 20: 78–94
  • Co-producing software for complex environmental data visualization Zanocco, C., Cushing, J., Lach, D., ACM, Zuiderwijk, A., Hinnant, C. C. ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY. 2018: 818–19
  • The effect of industry activities on public support for 'fracking' ENVIRONMENTAL POLITICS Boudet, H., Bugden, D., Zanocco, C., Maibach, E. 2016; 25 (4): 593–612