Cynthia Irvine
Associate Dean, Office of Medical Education, School of Medicine - Student Affairs
Current Role at Stanford
Associate Dean, Office of Medical Education (MD Program)
Education & Certifications
M.Ed., University of Vermont, Higher Education and Student Affairs (1981)
BA, Stanford University, Psychology (1978)
Professional Interests
Longitudinal curriculum models in medical student education; innovative technologies for curriculum delivery; medical student wellness and professionalism; faculty and staff development.
Professional Affiliations and Activities
Chair, Steering Committee, AAMC Western Group on Educational Affairs (2015 - 2017)
Chair, LCME Self-Study Subcommittee on Educational Program & Curriculum Management, Stanford University School of Medicine (2012 - 2013)
Member, LCME Self-Study Subcommittee on Educational Objectives, Teaching & Evaluation, Stanford University School of Medicine (2012 - 2013)
Member, LCME Self-Study Subcommittee on General/Clinical Facilities, Stanford University School of Medicine (2012 - 2013)
Member, Steering Committee: LCME Self-Study Educational Program for the MD Degree, Stanford University School of Medicine (2012 - 2013)
Faculty Fellow, Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) (2011 - 2012)
All Publications
- Stanford University School of Medicine Acad Med 2010; 85 (9 Suppl): S111-3
- Mentoring and modeling the art of medicine San Francisco Medicine: Journal of the San Francisco Medical Society 2005; 28 (7): 27-28
- The interdisciplinary generalist curriculum project at the University of California, San Francisco Acad Med 2001; 76 (4): S109-113
- Organizational change and the improvement of faculty advising Journal of the National Academic Advising Association 1983; 3 (1): 21-29
- Using interaction analysis to evaluate the faculty in a human behavior course J Med Educ 1982; 57 (1): 68-9
- An examination of the mentor role in graduate education The Vermont Connection 1981; 2 (2): 3-6