Dolores Gallagher Thompson, PhD, ABPP
Professor (Research) of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science (Public Mental Health and Population Sciences), Emerita
Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Web page: http://med.stanford.edu/profiles/Dolores_Thompson/
Dr. GallagherThompson specializes in treatment of late-life depression and in working with persons with neurocognitive disorders (such dementia) and their family caregivers/ care partners. She provides individual psychotherapy, using a cognitive/behavioral framework (CBT) as part of the Geropsychiatry outpatient clinic at Stanford. She also leads psychoeducational workshops.as part of the Neuroscience Center's community educational programs..She is a board-certified specialist in Geropsychology (psychology of older adults) and is a licensed clinical psychologist who has been in practice for 25 years.
She received her degree in clinical psychology/adult development and aging from the University of Southern California and did her clinical training at UCLA. She has been an NIH funded researcher for the past 25 years and is most noted for her empirical studies on the efficacy of psychoeducational interventions to reduce stress and improve the psychological status of family caregivers of older adults with Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia. She has culturally modified, translated, and tailored programs for Chinese-speaking, Spanish-speaking, and Farci-speaking caregivers. In addition she works with an international advisory group, led by WHO, that has created an on-line web-based program to provide education and skill training globally to dementia family caregivers. The third edition of the edited book, Ethnicity and the Dementias, was published in 2019. Additionally, she is a Fellow of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy and a recognized Trainer/ Consultant/ Supervisor in CBT. In collaboration with others she is completing 2nd edition of the clinician guide and client workbook in the Treatments that Work series (Oxford). These focus on effective use of CBT with older adults. In addition, she has worked with colleagues to create an edited "primer" on geropsychology. All three books will be published in 2021.
At present she is Emerita Professor of Research in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University School of Medicine, and former Director of the Outreach, Recruitment and Education Core of the Stanford Alzheimer's Disease Research Center. The latter focused on recruiting Latino and American Indian persons with dementia and their family caregivers. She has authored over 200 papers in major journals in the field. She is co-founder and current member of the Diversity & Inclusion Committee of the local northern CA chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association. She is an associate editor of the journal Clinical Gerontologist: The Journal of Mental Health, Diversity, and Aging.
Current active projects include: consulting on development and implementation of an internet-based programs for rural US caregivers of persons with dementia, and for family caregivers of older adults with any form of dementia in Thailand. She is currently working with collaborators at UCSF on the CARE project which aims to establish a research registry specifically for Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders who have been traditionally very under-represented in health-related research. Finally, she is working with a local technology company to develop a suite of apps for mobile phones and tablets, aimed at family caregivers.
Clinical Focus
- Geropsychology
- Psychoeducational programs for family caregivers
- Health/ Behavioral Psychology
- Impact of Diversity on Mental Health
- Designing and Implementing Technology for mental health concerns
- Cognitive/Behavioral Therapy for Late Life Depression
- Clinical Psychology
Academic Appointments
Professor Emeritus-Hourly, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Administrative Appointments
Senior Fellow, Stanford Center for Innovation in Global Health (2015 - Present)
Director, Outreach, Recruitment and Education Core, Stanford Alzheimer's Disease Research Center (2015 - 2017)
Member, Education Leadership & Integration Committee, Dept. of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences (2013 - 2017)
Member, Departmental Community Engagement Advisory Committee, Dept. of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences (2013 - 2017)
Representative, Faculty Senate of the School of Medicine and Dept. of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences (2013 - 2015)
Director, Principal Investigator, Stanford Geriatric Education Center (2010 - 2015)
Affiliated Faculty, Global Health Initiative, Stanford University School of Medicine (2009 - Present)
Director, Stanford Geriatric Education Center (2008 - 2015)
CONA: Committee on Aging. Shapes APA policy as it relates to geriatric mental health, American Psychological Association (2008 - 2010)
Affiliated Faculty, Clayman Institute for Gender Research (2004 - Present)
Affiliated Faculty, Stanford Center on Longevity (2004 - Present)
Director, Education & Information Transfer Core, Alzheimer's Clinical Research Center of Stanford Univ/VA Palo Alto (2002 - 2007)
Director, Older Adult & Family Center, VA Palo Alto Health Care Center/Stanford Univ. (2000 - 2007)
Core Faculty in Psychology, Stanford Geriatric Education Center (1987 - 2006)
Honors & Awards
M Powell Lawton Award for Lifetime Distinguished Contributions to Applied Geropsychology, American Psychological Association, Division 20: Adult Development and Aging (2018)
T J McCallum Inaugural Gerodiversity Award, American Psychological Association, Division 12, Section II: Geropsychology (2018)
Honorary Professorship (3 year term), School of Psychology, University of Queensland, Australia (2017)
Honorary Professorship (5 year term), Norwich Medical School, University of East Anglia, Norwich, England (2017)
Diplomate in Geropsychology, American Board of Professional Psychology (2014)
Honorary Doctorate, The Hong Kong Institute of Education (2014)
M. Powell Lawton award for distinguished life-time contributions to the field of Psychology, The Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco (2007)
Volunteer Appreciation, Self-Help for the Elderly, a service program for Chinese families (2003)
Volunteer Appreciation, Alzheimer's Association, Greater San Francisco Bay Area chapter (2000, 2002, 2004, 2017)
Outstanding Mentorship Award, American Psychological Assn, Div. 20 (Adult Development & Aging) (2000)
Founding Fellow, Academy of Cognitive Therapy (1999)
Diplomate in Clinical Psychology, American Board of Professional Psychology (1997)
Outstanding Teacher Award, Stanford Univ. School of Education (1992)
Distinguished Alumni Award, UCLA Neuro-psychiatric Institute (1985)
Boards, Advisory Committees, Professional Organizations
Member, National Advisory Board, Institute for Healthcare Improvement, Rush University Medical Center (2020 - Present)
Associate Editor, Clinical Gerontologist (2018 - Present)
Board Member, Geropsychology Specialty Board of the American Board of Professional Psychology (2018 - Present)
Co-Editor-in-Chief, Clinical Gerontologist: The journal of aging and mental health (2006 - 2017)
Founding Fellow, Academy of Cognitive Therapy (1999 - 1999)
Editorial Board, Journal of Aging and Ethnicity (1994 - 1996)
Editorial Board, Journal of Clinical Geropsychology (1993 - 1995)
Editorial Board, Psychology and Aging (1988 - 1989)
Editorial Board, The Gerontologist (1987 - 1989)
Editorial Board, Journal of Gerontology (1984 - 1985)
Professional Education
Board Certification: American Board of Professional Psychology, Clinical Psychology (1997)
PhD Training: University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine (1979) CA
Board certification, American Board of Professional Psychology, Clinical Psychology (1997)
Board Certification, American Board of Professional Psychology, Geropsychology (2014)
Ph.D., University of Southern California, Clinical Psychology (1979)
Certificate of completion, UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute, pre-doctoral internship (1978)
Community and International Work
ACES: Active Caregiving Empowerment Skills, Stanford Neuroscience Center
stress reduction training for dementia family caregivers
Partnering Organization(s)
Stanford Neuroscience Center Support Services Program
Populations Served
caregivers of persons with various forms of dementia
Bay Area
Ongoing Project
Opportunities for Student Involvement
PRISM: Partnership in Implementation Science for Geriatric Mental Health, Thailand and Shanghai
Program development, implementation, and evaluation in Thailand and Shanghai, China
Partnering Organization(s)
University College London & government entities in Thailand and Shanghai
Populations Served
Carers of persons with dementia in Thailand and Shanghai
Ongoing Project
Opportunities for Student Involvement
MIRELA: How a Latino Family Copes with Cognitive Loss, Bay Area current focus
Uses "soap opera" segments in Spanish
Partnering Organization(s)
Photozig Inc & Alzheimer's Assn.
Populations Served
Spanish speaking persons who identify as Hispanic/ Latino
Ongoing Project
Opportunities for Student Involvement
iSupport for Dementia Family Caregivers
Diversity & Dementia
Partnering Organization(s)
World Health Organization
Populations Served
Globally: family members of persons with significant cognitive confusion
Ongoing Project
Opportunities for Student Involvement
Interventions for Grandparents Caring for Problematic Grandchildren
Partnering Organization(s)
University of North Texas, Denton
Ongoing Project
Opportunities for Student Involvement
Caregiving Interventions for Latino Family Caregivers of Older Cognitively Impaired Persons
Partnering Organization(s)
Southern Caregiver Resource Center
Ongoing Project
Opportunities for Student Involvement
Caregiving for Persons with Dementia
Partnering Organization(s)
Australian Government in Queensland
Ongoing Project
Opportunities for Student Involvement
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Late Life Depression Among Stroke Patients
Partnering Organization(s)
University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
Ongoing Project
Opportunities for Student Involvement
Coping with Caregiving: A Group Program for Spanish Dementia Family Caregivers
Partnering Organization(s)
Departamento de Psicologia, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain
Ongoing Project
Opportunities for Student Involvement
In Home Intervention versus Telephone Support to Reduce Stress of Dementia Caregivers
Partnering Organization(s)
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Ongoing Project
Opportunities for Student Involvement
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Late Life Depression, Shanghai, China
Partnering Organization(s)
Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University
Ongoing Project
Opportunities for Student Involvement
Caring for the Caregiver in Japan & China, Tokyo, Beijing
Skill training for Japanese & Chinese family caregivers
Partnering Organization(s)
International Alzheimer's Assn.
Populations Served
Japanese & Chinese family members caring at home for frail elderly relatives
Ongoing Project
Opportunities for Student Involvement
Skill Training for Family Caregivers
"Train the Trainers" to deliver psychoeducational skill building programs to family caregivers
Partnering Organization(s)
Caregiver Resource Centers of CA & San Francisco Bay Area chapter of the Alzheimer's Association
Populations Served
Staff and families caring for physically and/or cognitively impaired elder relatives
Ongoing Project
Opportunities for Student Involvement
Research Interests
Assessment, Testing and Measurement
Parents and Family Issues
Poverty and Inequality
Current Research and Scholarly Interests
Currently I am researching how non-traditional methods to deliver information and to provide services to distressed persons and families can be used effectively, AND, how these non-traditional methods vary by culture and other dimensions of diversity.
Specifically, I have 5 current projects that embody these concepts:
1) PRISM: this project is an innovative collaboration among academic institutions (Harvard, Stanford, Univ. of South Carolina), government entities in Thailand and Shanghai, China, and health care providers in those countries. The goal is to develop culturally appropriate intervention programs for carers of persons with neurocognitive disorders and to implement them effectively. This 5 year project began Jan. 2018 and is currently enrolling participants.
2) CARE: Collaborative Approach for Asian Americans & Pacific Islanders Research & Education. This 3 year project will establish a research registry of AA/PI interested in dementia- related research by studying effective "messages" & outreach methods. Since less than 1% of AA/PI are currently represented in this kind of research this registry is sorely needed. CARE members include a host of community agencies representing various AA/PI sub-groups, as well as UCSF, UC Irvine, USC,& UC Davis.
3) iSupport: This recently completed project, funded by WHO and the Alzheimer's Assn, developed a web-based psychoeducational program for dementia family caregivers & conducted a pilot study in India. I am now working with a team based at NYU to develop a US version of iSupport.
4) Rural Dementia Care Project: This research provides an on-line caregiver psychoeducational workshop to rural caregivers in multiple states in the US. Its goal is to reach out to this underserved group & to evaluate how effective this kind of program is to reduce distress and improve quality of life. UCSF is the lead institution.
5) MIRELA is a recently completed project that developed and tested a webnovela, entirely in Spanish, that follows the trajectory of an elder Latina as she declines over time from Alzheimer's disease. It depicts (in novel soap opera format) what the challenges are and how this multi-generational family responds to them, The RCT clearly showed that MIRELA was superior to the control condition in reducing depression and improving coping skills in caregivers.
Finally: A revised and updated version of my original "Coping with Caregiving" evidence-based program for dementia family caregivers was completed. It emphasizes positive psychology by incorporation gratitude, forgiveness, & hope. ACES: Active Caregiving: Empowerment Skills is offered free of charge through Aging Adult Services and the Neuroscience Supportive Care Program at Stanford University School of Medicine. .
iSupport web-based program for dementia family caregivers around the world, World Health Organization & Stanford Univ. School of Medicine faculty
iSupport is a collaborative effort between Stanford faculty, the World Health Organization, and a panel of international dementia care experts who are working together to create an open-source platform of information, support, and skill training exercises to assist dementia caregivers around the world. Content development will be completed by end of 2015. In 2016 the platform will be developed and pilot tested in a randomized trial to be conducted in Bangalore, India, after cultural "tailoring" of content and language. If successful the program and platform will be made available free of charge to any country that is interested. They are free then to do their own cultural & linguistic "tailoring" as appropriate for their country.
- Kala Mehta, D Sc, Collaborator , Univ. CA at San Francisco
MIRELA: A webnovela for Hispanic/ Latino dementia family caregivers, Photozig, Inc, Mountain View; Stanford Univ. School of Medicine faculty; Alzheimer's Assn - multiple chapters throughout California and Nevada and several community-based organizations that serve Latino elders and their families
This is an 18-episode "soap opera" formatted webnovela, entirely in Spanish and filmed by skilled actors, that is being used to educate Latino families about cognitive decline. It shows how a real-life multi-generational Latino family learns that grandma has significant memory loss; it shows how they cope initially, and with changes over time, in her condition. It is both entertaining and informative. We are currently recruiting (through June 2016) for participants. It is entirely web-based so geographical proximity is not an issue. If there is no computer/ internet availability but a family is eligible, a DVD can be provided and all pre and post tests mailed. This project is funded by the National Institute on Aging. Student participation welcome!
- Larry Thompson, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Stanford University School of Medicine
CLASP, Stanford Alzheimer's Disease Research Center
Longitudinal study of how caregivers of older persons with dementia of some type adapt over time. Conducted collaboratively with the Stanford Alzheimer's Disease Research Center
San Francisco Bay Area
Our Family Journey, Stanford University
4-part workshop series designed to teach adaptive coping skills to family caregivers of persons with dementia. Offered throughout the community in various locations. Spanish language version will soon be available.
greater San Francisco Bay area
- Nusha Askari, Ph.D., Senior Administrator, Alzheimer's Disease Research Center , Stanford University School of Medicine
2023-24 Courses
Independent Studies (5)
- Directed Reading in Psychiatry
PSYC 299 (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Graduate Research
PSYC 399 (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Medical Scholars Research
PSYC 370 (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Teaching in Psychiatry
PSYC 290 (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Undergraduate Research, Independent Study, or Directed Reading
PSYC 199 (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum)
- Directed Reading in Psychiatry
Graduate and Fellowship Programs
Geriatric Psychiatry (Fellowship Program)
Prevention Research (Scholarly Concentration Application)
All Publications
Modeling Pathways by which the Caregiver TLC Psychoeducational Program Impacts Psychological Health of Caregivers.
The Gerontologist
The study seeks to elucidate the pathways by which the Caregiver TLC psycho-educational program impacts the psychological health of caregivers by examining the degree to which changes in self-efficacy, personal gains, and emotional support mediate the changes on perceived depression, anxiety and burden.Using pre-post data from the Caregiver TLC randomized controlled trial (n = 81) for each outcome and mediator pair, a series of multiple regression models were executed to test the degree to which the program's total effects on changes in depression, burden and anxiety from baseline to post-intervention are due to changes in each mediator variable from pre- and post-intervention assessments. Caregivers were primarily female (85%), White (62 %), Black (38%), with a median age of 62 and household income of $75,000+. Caregivers reported caring for a person with dementia (69%) or chronic health conditions (31%).Mediation path modeling indicated that changes in self-efficacy affected by participation in the Caregiver TLC program, mediating between 32% and 63% of the total treatment effect on the outcome variables. Change in personal gains and change in emotional support also demonstrated meaningful mediation effects, albeit smaller in magnitude.Results confirm that the observed positive impact of the Caregiver TLC program is due to changes in self-efficacy (in particular) and to a lesser degree to changes in personal gains and emotional support. These results confirm that strengthening caregivers perceived self-efficacy to manage stress plays a significant role in improving psychosocial functioning.
View details for DOI 10.1093/geront/gnaf020
View details for PubMedID 39868570
View details for DOI 10.1093/geroni/igae098.0133
View details for Web of Science ID 001394198700046
View details for DOI 10.1093/geroni/igae098.4271
View details for Web of Science ID 001394198701704
Dementia Care Research and Psychosocial Factors.
Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association
2024; 20 Suppl 4: e087787
Family caregivers of persons living with dementia (PLWD) in rural areas of the United States (U.S.) are isolated, under-served, and experience poor health outcomes. We evaluated the impact of an online workshop on the psychological well-being and health of rural caregivers.We conducted a randomized controlled trial of an asynchronous 6-week online peer-led small group workshop, Building Better Caregivers, that is designed to increase self-care and caregiving skills. Caregivers use materials at home whenever they have time, self-pace their learning, and chat asynchronously with other caregivers through threaded discussion board conversations. Caregivers living in U.S. rural areas, 18+ years old, and giving care ≥ 10 hours a week to a family member or friend living with dementia were randomly assigned in a 3:1 ratio to intervention or attention control (phone calls and caregiver handbook, plus workshop after trial completion). Data were collected at baseline, 1.5 months, and 6 months. Primary outcomes were depressive symptoms and stress. Secondary outcomes were loneliness, caregiving self-efficacy, and self-reported health. Longitudinal outcomes were modeled with (generalized) linear mixed effect models and compared with corresponding contrasts between the two groups over time.409 caregivers participated, and 88% were retained at 6 months. Participants were aged 62.3±11.2 years; 85% identified as female; 90% identified as heterosexual; 86% identified as White; 55% had ≥ bachelor's degree. (Table 1) Most provided care to a spouse (44%), parent (44%), or other relative (7%), and 76% lived with the PLWD. Among PLWD at baseline, 51% needed assistance with at least two activities of daily living (ADLs), and 39% required assistance with three or more ADLs. Compared to controls at 1.5 months, intervention group participants had lower depression symptoms, stress, and loneliness, and higher caregiving self-efficacy. (Table 2) At 6 months, intervention group participants had fewer depressive symptoms and were less likely to report poor health than controls. Specifically, intervention group caregivers maintained similar levels of depressive symptoms and self-rated health throughout the trial whereas controls worsened substantially.Findings suggest that the Building Better Caregivers online workshop improves the well-being of rural caregivers who perform high burden care.
View details for DOI 10.1002/alz.087787
View details for PubMedID 39782145
Dementia Care Research and Psychosocial Factors.
Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association
2024; 20 Suppl 4: e091838
The Collaborative Approach for Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders (AANHPI) Research and Education (CARE) is a recruitment registry that has enrolled over 10,000 AANHPI participants who expressed willingness to participate in Alzheimer's disease and related dementias (ADRD), aging, caregiving, and other health research. We report survey results from 24 of the 28 study principal investigators ("users") who utilized CARE between January 2021 and October 2023 to support their study recruitment.Users answered five questions on a 4-point Likert scale (0 = Strongly disagree to 3 = Strongly agree) related to (1) user experience, (2) usefulness in accelerating recruitment, (3) improving AANHPI representation, (4) whether they would use the registry again, and (5) whether they would recommend the registry to others. The survey also included open-ended questions for suggestions to improve the registry and collect information on products (e.g., publications) for each of the CARE-supported studies.Among 24 CARE-supported studies with available user survey data, 14 (58%) were related to ADRD or dementia caregiving, 10 (42%) recruited specific AANHPI sub-groups (e.g., Chinese, Korean), and 10 (42%) were funded by the National Institutes of Health. Half of users learned about CARE through word of mouth. All users agreed or strongly agreed they would recommend the registry to others and that the referral request process was well-organized. Also, 83% and 93% agreed or strongly agreed that CARE accelerated their study recruitment and improved the representation of AANHPI participants in their study, respectively. Lastly, 96% of users agreed or strongly agreed they would submit a referral again for future research. Open-ended responses identified several study-level characteristics (e.g., in-person requirement, stringent eligibility criteria) of the referred studies as challenges to successful recruitment from the registry. Collectively, these studies have produced 12 peer-reviewed publications and 32 abstracts at professional conferences.Users overall reported positive experiences with the referral process and indicated that CARE can aid recruitment and diversify study samples. CARE provides a promising recruitment source to support studies seeking to include AANHPI participants.
View details for DOI 10.1002/alz.091838
View details for PubMedID 39782269
Dementia Care Research and Psychosocial Factors.
Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association
2024; 20 Suppl 4: e091617
Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) populations are underrepresented in Alzheimer's disease and related dementias (ADRD) research, despite being the fastest growing racial group in the United States. The Collaborative Approach for AANHPI Research and Education (CARE) registry aims to create a sustainable research recruitment source to address this need.Participants can enroll online, by phone, or in-person by completing an enrollment survey in English, Chinese (Simplified/Traditional), Hindi, Korean, Samoan, or Vietnamese. Guided by a Community Advisory Board, CARE is strategically promoted as a registry that supports "health research across the lifespan," focusing on ADRD, dementia caregiving, and aging-related topics. CARE regularly holds Brain Trust Meetings to promote CARE in the research community, and researchers can request support for their study recruitment.Between October 2020 and January 2024, 10,133 total AANHPI adults enrolled in the CARE registry. Participants' mean age is 51.8 years (Standard Deviation (SD) = 17.9), including 2,450 middle-aged (50-64 years old) and 3,373 older (≥65 years old) participants. About 14% (n = 1,402) of the participants reported having ADRD symptoms. Among the 1,072 caregivers, 40.4% reported caring for someone with ADRD. Most participants who had self-reported ADRD symptoms (96.4%) and caregivers (76.5%) were foreign-born with 61.7% speaking limited English. The major cultural groups among ADRD caregivers were Chinese (33.2%), Vietnamese (26.5%), Korean (11.3%), Asian Indian (7.6%), and Japanese (8.8%). Of the 98 recruitment referral requests received, 64 (65.3%) were aging-related, including 49 (50%) ADRD or ADRD-caregiving studies. CARE shared data with 51 studies and over 5,500 CARE participants have been referred to at least one study from January 2021 to January 2024.CARE has successfully recruited over 10,000 AANHPI participants who are interested in health research participation. Participants from several AANHPI groups were limited (e.g., Filipino, Asian Indian, Native Hawaiians/Pacific Islanders), however, we anticipate future growth following language expansions and targeted outreach efforts. The registry stands as a valuable recruitment source and fosters meaningful and necessary engagement of AANHPI representation in ADRD-related research.
View details for DOI 10.1002/alz.091617
View details for PubMedID 39782283
Commentary: Strengthening System Readiness for Health Interventions: Lessons for Implementing Interventions and Implementation Support in Low-And Middle-Income Countries.
Evaluation & the health professions
2024: 1632787241295322
In low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), barriers such as low system readiness, contextual mismatches, and resource limitations impede effective implementation of evidence-based interventions. This commentary offers insights into overcoming these challenges with a case study of the PRISM project, designed to reduce behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia in older adults living in Thailand. The case highlights how combining two evidence-based models - the Reducing Disability in Alzheimer's Disease clinical intervention and the Getting To Outcomes implementation science process enhances program success. Using interviews with stakeholders across various health system levels, we identify factors critical to successful program implementation: (1) integrating interventions into policy frameworks, (2) empowering local implementers, (3) fostering collaborative learning, and (4) adapting interventions to local contexts. The case demonstrates that building system readiness through local engagement and ownership is central to scaling up health programs in LMICs. This commentary's contribution lies in its emphasis on the role of implementation science as a vehicle for translating research into practice. It presents a practical, adaptive model for embedding interventions into routine health systems, thereby offering a pathway for successfully scaling up evidence-based programs in LMICs. Such findings provide lessons for overcoming barriers to implementation in resource-limited environments.
View details for DOI 10.1177/01632787241295322
View details for PubMedID 39489714
Barriers to accessing home and community-based services among family caregivers of Veterans.
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has long recognized the importance of having a rich complement of home and community-based resources for the Veteran population. For Veterans experiencing disability-related impairments, home- and community-based services (HCBS) facilitate aging in place and alleviate family caregivers' burden. However, even in the enriched VA context, HCBS are underutilized. Our objective was to understand unmet needs and barriers to accessing HCBS from the perspectives of Veterans' family caregivers.This multi-method study recruited family caregivers of Veterans seen within a major VA Health Care System. Eligible caregivers provided care for at least 8 h/week in the prior 6 months, to a Veteran with 1+ impairments in instrumental activities of daily living. Recruitment was conducted via flyers, physician referrals, registries, and chart reviews. Participants completed 1-h semi-structured interviews to assess unmet psychosocial needs and barriers to accessing VA and non-VA HCBS. Interviews were analyzed using a thematic analysis approach.A total of 23 caregivers (62.9 + 13.5 years; 74% women; 52.2% White; 26.1% Black; 95.2% pre-9/11) provided 8.4 ± 6.3 h of daily care. Most had provided care for more than 1 year; nine had cared for their Veteran for 5+ years. The following themes were identified: (1) need for clear, accurate, timely information about HCBS; (2) lack of time, amplified by COVID-19 restrictions; (3) need for respite to manage their own health and other caregiving responsibilities; and (4) perceived difference in care needs that can strain caregivers' relationship with the care recipient.In addition to known barriers including lack of timely knowledge, service delays, and caregiver stress, Veteran-caregiver disagreements emerged as a novel barrier to using HCBS. A multi-pronged approach that addresses these barriers may increase timely access to HCBS.
View details for DOI 10.1111/jgs.19051
View details for PubMedID 39319417
View details for Web of Science ID 001271352800225
Vietnamese American Perspectives on Engagement in an Aging-Focused Research Registry.
Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders
2024; 53 (2): 83-90
We elicited Vietnamese Americans' perspectives on culturally appropriate recruitment into a new research registry: Collaborative Approach for Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders (AANHPIs) Research and Education (CARE).Three focus groups were conducted with 21 Vietnamese Americans. Topics included knowledge about and experiences with research, outreach and recruitment methods for research participation and registry enrollment, and views about research incentives. Focus group transcripts were analyzed thematically.Mean age of participants was 41 years (range 18-73), 57% were male, 86% were non-US born, and 81% had never participated in a research study. Themes that emerged included (1) motivations to participate in research to gain knowledge: for oneself, for family's benefit, and for the Vietnamese American community as a whole; (2) necessity of trustworthy and credible individuals/spokespersons to promote the research initiative; (3) recruitment strategies that are age-specific and culturally appropriate, and (4) importance of monetary incentives.Findings from this study will be used to guide recruitment into and engagement with CARE among Vietnamese Americans but are also relevant for other registries aiming to diversify their participants.
View details for DOI 10.1159/000538050
View details for PubMedID 38422998
View details for PubMedCentralID PMC11073895
Effective strategies to recruit rural family/friend caregivers of persons living with dementia in the United States into a national randomized controlled trial: preliminary results
WILEY. 2023
View details for DOI 10.1002/alz.080747
View details for Web of Science ID 001135112900035
Caregiving and all-cause mortality in postmenopausal women: findings from the Women's Health Initiative.
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society
Caregiving is commonly undertaken by older women. Research is mixed, however, about the impact of prolonged caregiving on their health, well-being, and mortality risk. Using a prospective study design, we examined the association of caregiving with mortality in a cohort of older women.Participants were 158,987 postmenopausal women aged 50-79 years at enrollment into the Women's Health Initiative (WHI) who provided information on current caregiving status and caregiving frequency at baseline (1993-1998) and follow-up (2004-2005). Mortality was ascertained from baseline through March of 2019. Cox regression with caregiving status defined as a time-varying exposure was used to estimate hazard ratios (HR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for mortality, adjusting for sociodemographic factors, smoking, and history of diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease (CVD), and cancer. Stratified analyses explored whether age, race-ethnicity, depressive symptoms, frequency of caregiving, optimism, and living status modified the association between caregiver status and mortality.At baseline, 40.7% of women (mean age 63.3 years) self-identified as caregivers. During a mean 17.5-year follow-up, all-cause mortality (50,526 deaths) was 9% lower (multivariable-adjusted HR = 0.91, 95% CI: 0.89-0.93) in caregivers compared to non-caregivers. The inverse association between caregiving and all-cause mortality did not differ according to caregiving frequency or when stratified by age, race-ethnicity, depressive symptoms, optimism, or living status (interaction p > 0.05, all). Caregiving was inversely associated with CVD and cancer mortality.Among postmenopausal women residing across the United States, caregiving was associated with lower mortality. Studies detailing the type and amount of caregiving are needed to further determine its impact on older women.
View details for DOI 10.1111/jgs.18620
View details for PubMedID 37936486
Clinic-based Assessment and Support for Family Caregivers of Patients With Cancer: Results of a Feasibility Study.
Cancer care research online
2023; 3 (4)
Cancer caregiving is burdensome with unique needs, highlighting the importance of assessing caregivers' distress. Caregivers often accompany patients to healthcare visits, presenting an opportunity to complete distress screening at patients' point-of-care.To evaluate the feasibility of caregiver distress screening at patients' point-of-care and implementing a caregiver psychoeducational session.We approached caregivers in outpatient cancer clinic waiting rooms. Participants completed depression, burden, anxiety, quality of life, and stress measures. A psychoeducational session with a psychologist was offered to those meeting clinical cutoffs for depression and/or burden. Fifty caregivers completed 1+ measure; however, due to incomplete consent documentation, findings from 23 caregivers are reported.22% of caregivers screened positive for depression, 30% burden, and 70% anxiety. More than half rated stress as moderate or higher. Mental wellbeing was slightly below that of the general population. More than 75% screened positive on 1+ distress measure. Of the 9 caregivers who met cutoffs for depression and/or burden, two (22%) accepted the psychoeducational session.Caregivers were moderately receptive to distress screening during patients' visits, but were less receptive to engaging in the psychoeducational session due to time constraints and privacy concerns.Assessing caregivers' distress can facilitate referrals for supportive services. Offering caregivers psychoeducational intervention outside of patient care may not be acceptable. Future research may evaluate the integration of routine caregiver screening within patient care to promote engagement with mental health services.This research offers a unique method of assessing cancer caregivers' distress.
View details for DOI 10.1097/cr9.0000000000000047
View details for PubMedID 38328267
View details for PubMedCentralID PMC10846853
Caregiver Thrive, Learn, & Connect: Testing the Efficacy of an Online Psychoeducational Program for Family Caregivers.
Clinical gerontologist
2023: 1-11
Research reports that providing care to a relative or friend with a chronic health condition or significant neurocognitive disorders, such as dementia is a demanding job. Caregiving often leads to higher risk for adverse mental health outcomes. In this study, we examine the short-term efficacy of the CaregiverTLC online psychoeducational program to caregivers of adults with chronic health or significant memory troubles.Using pre-post data from the CaregiverTLC randomized controlled trial (n = 81) we examined differences between the intervention and control conditions on caregivers' psychosocial outcomes for depressive symptoms, self-efficacy, burden, anxiety, and caregiver gains.Data analyses indicated significant decrease in self-reported depressive symptoms, burden, anxiety, and significant increases in self-efficacy and caregiver gains for caregivers in the active intervention compared to those in the control condition.These results suggest that regardless of whether caregivers care for a person with a chronic illness or significant neurocognitive disorder, they can benefit from participation in this online psychoeducational program.The CaregiverTLC program may be an effective method to teach skills to reduce depression, burden, and anxiety, and improve self-efficacy and personal gains among caregivers of older adults with chronic illnesses.
View details for DOI 10.1080/07317115.2023.2232352
View details for PubMedID 37416945
A call to address structural barriers to Hispanic/Latino representation in clinical trials on Alzheimer's disease and related dementias: A micro-meso-macro perspective.
Alzheimer's & dementia (New York, N. Y.)
2023; 9 (2): e12389
This perspective paper addresses the US Hispanic/Latino (herein, Latino) experience with regards to a significant public health concern-the underrepresentation of Latino persons in Alzheimer's disease and related dementias (AD/ADRD) clinical trials. Latino individuals are at increased risk for AD/ADRD, experience higher disease burden, and low receipt of care and services. We present a novel theoretical framework-the Micro-Meso-Macro Framework for Diversifying AD/ADRD Trial Recruitment-which considers multi-level barriers and their impact on Latino trial recruitment.Based on a review of the peer-reviewed literature and our lived experience with the Latino community, we drew from our interdisciplinary expertise in health equity and disparities research, Latino studies, social work, nursing, political economy, medicine, public health, and clinical AD/ADRD trials. We discuss factors likely to impede or accelerate Latino representation, and end with a call for action and recommendations for a bold path forward.In the 200+ clinical trials conducted with over 70,000 US Americans, Latino participants comprise a fraction of AD/ADRD trial samples. Efforts to recruit Latino participants typically address individual- and family-level factors (micro-level) such as language, cultural beliefs, knowledge of aging and memory loss, limited awareness of research, and logistical considerations. Scientific efforts to understand recruitment barriers largely remain at this level, resulting in diminished attention to upstream institutional- and policy-level barriers, where decisions around scientific policies and funding allocations are ultimately made. These structural barriers are comprised of inadequacies or misalignments in trial budgets, study protocols, workforce competencies, healthcare-related barriers, criteria for reviewing and approving clinical trial funding, criteria for disseminating findings, etiological focus and social determinants of health, among others.Future scientific work should apply and test the Micro-Meso-Macro Framework for Diversifying AD/ADRD Trial Recruitment to examine structural recruitment barriers for historically underrepresented groups in AD/ADRD research and care.
View details for DOI 10.1002/trc2.12389
View details for PubMedID 37287471
View details for PubMedCentralID PMC10242183
Asian Americans' and Pacific Islanders' preferences in recruitment strategies and messaging for participation in the CARE registry: A discrete choice experiment.
Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association
This discrete choice experiment (DCE) identified Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) adults' preferences for recruitment strategies/messaging to enroll in the Collaborative Approach for AAPI Research and Education (CARE) registry for dementia-related research.DCE recruitment strategy/messaging options were developed in English, Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese. AAPI participants 50 years and older selected (1) who, (2) what, and (3) how they would prefer hearing about CARE. Analyses utilized conditional logistic regression.Participants self-identified as Asian Indian, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Samoan, or Vietnamese (N = 356). Overall, they preferred learning about CARE from the healthcare community (vs. community champions and faith-based organizations), joining CARE to advance research (vs. personal experiences), and hearing about CARE through social media/instant messaging (vs. flyer or workshop/seminar). Preferences varied by age, ethnic identity, and survey completion language.DCE findings may inform tailoring recruitment strategies/messaging to engage diverse AAPI in an aging-focused research registry.
View details for DOI 10.1002/alz.13091
View details for PubMedID 37171018
View details for Web of Science ID 001042977900554
View details for Web of Science ID 000938935900143
Examining Brain and Mental Health Inequities from a Global Lens: Insights and Opportunities.
Clinical gerontologist
2023; 46 (2): 123-127
View details for DOI 10.1080/07317115.2022.2158269
View details for PubMedID 36774963
View details for Web of Science ID 000913044000172
View details for Web of Science ID 000913044003015
View details for Web of Science ID 000913044003014
OXFORD UNIV PRESS. 2022: 698-699
View details for Web of Science ID 000913044003334
Study protocol for a hybrid effectiveness-implementation trial of the Building Better Caregivers online workshop for rural family/friend caregivers of people living with dementia.
Contemporary clinical trials
2022: 106903
Dementia caregiving is complex and disproportionally burdens caregivers living in rural areas due to fewer resources and formal support systems. There is an immediate need to identify effective, scalable, and accessible online programs to support rural caregivers' well-being. Building Better Caregivers (BBC), a possible solution, is an asynchronous online 6-week, interactive, and skills-building workshop developed for caregivers of persons with dementia. This research aims to assess the effectiveness and implementation of the BBC workshop when delivered among rural dementia caregivers in the United States.A hybrid effectiveness and implementation trial applying mixed methods will be conducted in collaboration with local, state, and national partnering organizations. Eligible participants live in a rural area of the United States, give care at least 10 h a week for a family member or friend with dementia, and have internet access. Evaluation is based on the RE-AIM framework. Effectiveness outcomes are assessed using a randomized control trial. Caregivers are randomly assigned to the BBC workshop (intervention) or attention control group. Implementation outcomes are assessed using surveys and debriefing interviews from partnering organizations and participants. The study protocol including the study design, methods of recruitment and assessment, and outcomes are described.This is the first known study to evaluate both the effectiveness and implementation of a caregiver support intervention under real-world conditions in rural areas. If successful, this online workshop will be a practical and acceptable approach for promoting the health and well-being of geographically isolated rural dementia caregivers.
View details for DOI 10.1016/j.cct.2022.106903
View details for PubMedID 36057375
Dementia Neuropsychiatric Symptom Frequency, Severity, and Correlates in Community-Dwelling Thai Older Adults
2022; 30 (8): 883-891
Thailand is experiencing a rapid increase in the number of older people with dementia (PWD). We examined the frequency, severity, and correlates of dementia neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPS) among community-dwelling Thai older adults.This study was based on analysis of baseline data from a larger clinical trial comparing two different implementation approaches of an evidence-based exercise intervention for people with dementia. To be eligible, participants needed to be age 60 and above, have probable dementia, have one or more NPS, be ambulatory, and have an adult (age 18+) family caregiver. In the 353 eligible participants, we examined the correlation between NPS severity and caregiver distress (assessed by the Neuropsychiatric Inventory Questionnaire or NPI-Q) and used ordinary least squares (OLS) regression to examine associations between PWD and caregiver characteristics and NPS severity.NPS frequency varied from 18% for appetite and/or eating changes to 42% for delusions. NPS severity was significantly (p <0.05) associated with caregiver stress for all individual NPS. Among PWD characteristics, higher ADL score (less functional impairment) was inversely associated with NPS total severity (b = -0.16, p <0.05). More physical role limitation was significantly associated with higher NPS total severity (b = 0.77, p <0.001). Among caregivers' characteristics, higher burden was significantly associated with higher NPS total severity (b = 0.19, p <0.001).Our study found NPS to be common among community-dwelling PWD in Thailand and have adverse impacts on both PWD and family caregivers. These findings highlight the clinical importance of NPS symptoms among Thai older adults.
View details for DOI 10.1016/j.jagp.2022.05.005
View details for Web of Science ID 000834140100005
View details for PubMedID 35705435
View details for Web of Science ID 000788118601587
View details for Web of Science ID 000788118600244
The Collaborative Approach for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders Research and Education (CARE): A recruitment registry for Alzheimer's disease and related dementias, aging, and caregiver-related research
Clinical research focused on aging, Alzheimer's disease and related dementias (ADRD), and caregiving often does not recruit Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs).With funding from the National Institute on Aging, we designed and launched the Collaborative Approach for AAPIs Research and Education (CARE), a research recruitment registry to increase AAPIs' participation in ADRD, aging, and caregiving research. We present the design of this novel recruitment program.CARE uses community-based participatory research methods that are culturally and linguistically appropriate. Since CARE's launch, it has enrolled >7000 AAPIs in a 1-year period. The majority enrolled in CARE via community organizations and reported never having participated in any kind of research before. CARE also engages researchers by establishing a recruitment referral request protocol.CARE provides a promising venue to foster meaningful inclusion of AAPIs who are under-represented in aging and dementia-related research.
View details for DOI 10.1002/alz.12667
View details for Web of Science ID 000783535100001
View details for PubMedID 35420258
<p>Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Late-Life Depression: Evidence, Issues, and Recommendations</p>
2022; 29 (1): 128-145
View details for Web of Science ID 000779722600011
Implementation Science in Thailand: Design and Methods of a Geriatric Mental Health Cluster-Randomized Trial
2022; 73 (1): 83-91
Thailand has a rapidly aging population yet lacks evidence for effective and scalable evidence-based psychosocial interventions to support persons living with dementia and their family caregivers. In this study of a culturally adapted and evidence-based clinical program (Reducing Disabilities in Alzheimer's Disease [RDAD]), designed to reduce behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia in older adults, the authors test the hypothesis that an implementation support strategy, Getting To Outcomes (GTO), would produce better implementation and clinical outcomes compared with usual implementation of RDAD in Thailand.The study uses a hybrid type III cluster-randomized design to compare eight geographical districts that receive training on both implementing the RDAD clinical intervention and on GTO implementation support strategies (intervention arm) with eight other districts that receive the same RDAD training but without training in GTO implementation support strategies (control arm). GTO is an evidence-based intervention designed to support implementers to better plan, implement, and evaluate innovative intervention programs in a novel setting. Primary outcomes, including implementation and clinical outcomes, will be assessed at baseline, month 3 (posttreatment), and month 6 (3-month follow-up).The research team anticipates that there will be significantly more improvements in the delivery of the RDAD intervention program in the experimental group than in the control group.If clinical trial findings are positive, the authors plan to replicate and scale up the proposed implementation science approach across Thailand to enhance and expand mental health services for older adults with dementia.
View details for DOI 10.1176/appi.ps.202000028
View details for Web of Science ID 000744146600012
View details for PubMedID 34126778
View details for PubMedCentralID PMC8785231
Cultural Adaptation of the Reducing Disability in Alzheimer's Disease (RDAD) Protocol for an Intervention to Reduce Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia in Thailand
2022; 87 (4): 1603-1614
The Reducing Disability in Alzheimer's Disease (RDAD) program is an evidence-based intervention found to be feasible for implementation in community settings in the United States, and effective in reducing depression, one of the major behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD).The goal of the study is to culturally adapt the RDAD for persons with dementia living in community settings of Thailand.Key adaptation steps included: 1) assess the community, 2) understand/select the intervention, 3) consult with experts/stakeholders, 4) decide what needs to be adapted, 5) adapt the original program, 6) train staff, and 7) pilot test the adapted materials.Modifications to the original RDAD protocol included changes in number of sessions, mode of delivery, and the specific pleasant activities targeted. The pilot test demonstrated the feasibility and acceptance of the adapted RDAD intervention protocol. Implementers were able to comprehend and implement the core components of the intervention, while family members demonstrated ability to follow instructions, gain knowledge about dementia, and improve skills for setting up realistic goals.Following the key adaptation steps outlined above, we were able to successfully modify the RDAD for the Thai cultural context, maintaining core components of the original protocol. Program implementers demonstrated their ability to supervise family caregivers and help them gain the knowledge and skills needed to provide care for older adults with dementia. Findings from the pilot studies were incorporated into final training and intervention protocols currently being implemented and evaluated in a randomized implementation trial in Thailand.
View details for DOI 10.3233/JAD-215253
View details for Web of Science ID 000812971000019
View details for PubMedID 35491775
Adaptation of an online training and support program for caregivers of people with dementia to Indian cultural setting
2021; 59: 102624
Support for caregivers of people with dementia has been identified as an action area in the Global Action Plan on the Public Health Response to Dementia 2017-2025 by the World Health Organization (WHO). As a step towards that, WHO developed iSupport - an online program to provide support and training for caregivers of people with dementia. To address the need of caregivers in India, the iSupport program was adapted to the Indian cultural setting. The process of adaptation consisted of four phases: (a) information gathering (review of literature and focus group discussions), (b) preliminary adaptation design (modifications using an adaptation guide), (c) preliminary adaptation tests (face-to-face interviews and online test run), and (d) adaptation refinement (final modifications to the intervention and study process). The initial adaptation was carried out by effecting changes in words, names, resources, caregiving scenarios and audio files to make the English version of iSupport suitable to the Indian cultural context. The results of the qualitative adaptation tests provided additional recommendations like changing the links to India specific websites, revising the eligibility criterion for caregiving duration, re-wording of e-mail texts, inclusion of a time estimate required to complete the assessments and decreasing the numbers of screens that the caregivers had to navigate in the program, which were incorporated in the final phase. Preliminary data showed that the caregivers who participated in the adaptation process found the changes acceptable. Translation of iSupport to different Indian languages could be undertaken after initial effectiveness of the program is established.
View details for DOI 10.1016/j.ajp.2021.102624
View details for Web of Science ID 000646154500009
View details for PubMedID 33770675
Feasibility and preliminary effectiveness of an online training and support program for caregivers of people with dementia in India: a randomized controlled trial
Internet-based interventions involving elements of cognitive behavior therapy, psychoeducation, relaxation and skills training for caregivers of people with dementia have been found to be promising in Western countries. Given these outcomes, the adapted version of a multi-component online caregiver skills training and support program of the World Health Organization, called iSupport, was tested for feasibility and preliminary effectiveness in India.One hundred fifty-one caregivers of family members with a diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease or dementia were randomized to either the intervention arm (iSupport; n = 74) or to the control group (an education-only e-book program; n = 77). Participants were assessed using self-rated measures of depression and perceived burden, which were the primary outcome measures, at baseline and 3-month follow-up. Person-centered attitude, self-efficacy, mastery and self-rated health were also assessed.Fifty-five caregivers (29 in the iSupport group and 26 in the control condition) completed the study. The recruitment and retention rate of the study were 44.67% and 36.42% respectively. No significant differences were found between the two groups at 3-month follow-up on the primary outcomes. Among the secondary outcomes, significant improvement was only seen in caregivers' person-centered attitude towards persons with dementia in the iSupport group (t = 2.228; p < 0.05).Despite efforts to recruit and retain participants to the online program, this study had a low recruitment and retention rate, which require closer attention and indicates a need for further adaptations of the Indian version of the iSupport program to improve its acceptability and accessibility. The lessons learned from this study will guide the further development of caregiver training and support interventions in India. The trial was registered with the Clinical Trials Registry-India (Trial Registration No. CTRI/2017/02/007876).
View details for DOI 10.1002/gps.5502
View details for Web of Science ID 000615903100001
View details for PubMedID 33491811
View details for Web of Science ID 000842009903093
Conceptual Framework to Guide Intervention Research Across the Trajectory of Dementia Caregiving
2020; 60: S29–S40
This article presents a comprehensive conceptual framework designed to foster research in the changing needs of caregivers and persons with dementia as they move through their illness trajectory. It builds on prior theoretical models and intervention literature in the field, while at the same time addressing notable gaps including inadequate attention to cultural issues; lack of longitudinal research; focus on primary caregivers, almost to the exclusion of the person with dementia and other family members; limited outcome measures; and lack of attention to how the culture of health care systems affects caregivers' quality of life. The framework emphasizes the intersectionality of caregiving, sociocultural factors, health care systems' factors, and dementia care needs as they change across time. It provides a template to encourage longitudinal research on reciprocal relationships between caregiver and care recipient because significant changes in the physical and/or mental health status of one member of the dyad will probably affect the physical and/or mental health of the partner. This article offers illustrative research projects employing this framework and concludes with a call to action and invitation to researchers to test components, share feedback, and participate in continued refinement to more quickly advance evidence-based knowledge and practice in the trajectory of dementia caregiving.
View details for DOI 10.1093/geront/gnz157
View details for Web of Science ID 000518533300004
View details for PubMedID 32057080
View details for PubMedCentralID PMC7019661
Perspectives on Components of an Online Training and Support Program for Dementia Family Caregivers in India: A Focus Group Study
2020: 1–15
Objectives: There is a considerable need for support interventions for caregivers of people with dementia in developing countries, such as India. The purpose of the study was to identify the components and understand the acceptability of an online training and support program for dementia caregivers in India.Methods: Three focus group discussions were carried out with dementia caregivers (2) and health professionals (1) to understand the requirements of an online training and support program from their perspective. The commonly recurring themes were identified and defined using thematic content analysis.Results: The expectations from an online training and support program were wide-ranging from information about identification and management of dementia to support caregiver well-being. Use of simple language, cultural relevance, and an interactive design were suggestions to facilitate the use of the support program. Lack of time, difficulty in accessing the internet, lack of awareness about the portal, difficulty in reaching the rural population were anticipated as challenges in using the program.Conclusions: The study highlights the requisite components of a first of its kind online training and support program in India by integrating the experiences, motivations, challenges, and expectations of caregivers and professionals involved in dementia care.Clinical Implications: The focus group discussions in the current study provide a road map for the development of an online caregiver training and support program underlying the perspectives of the stakeholders for the consolidation of an effective dementia care program for lower resourced settings.
View details for DOI 10.1080/07317115.2020.1725703
View details for Web of Science ID 000515042300001
View details for PubMedID 32081097
Development and Evaluation of the 8-item Caregiver Self-Efficacy Scale (CSES-8).
The Gerontologist
This paper describes the development and evaluation of a short caregiving self-efficacy measure. The self-administered 8-item Caregiver Self-efficacy Scale (CSES-8) was developed to reflect components of typical caregiver-support interventions and to be practical for inclusion in future self-efficacy and caregiving research.We administered the CSES-8 in two samples: participants in an intervention for caregivers of persons with cognitive disabilities, and a voluntary on-line survey for caregivers of adults. We evaluated the completion rate, item-scale correlations, reliability, descriptive statistics, and preliminary construct validity of the CSES-8 in both samples, and sensitivity to change in the intervention sample.The intervention caregivers' sample (N=158) was 85% female (mean age=65 years). The on-line survey sample (N=138) was 90% female (mean age=78). In both samples, the CSES-8 had excellent internal-consistency reliability (0.89 and 0.88) and good distribution with sufficient variability to detect change. Test-retest reliability was good in the on-line sample (0.73). As evidence of construct validity, most hypotheses were confirmed in both samples. The CSES-8 was sensitive to change at 6 months for caregivers in the intervention program (p < .001).The CSES-8 is short, comprehensive with respect to common components of interventions to improve caregivers' quality of life, and sensitive to change. It can serve a useful role exploring mechanisms by which caregiver intervention studies work, and it can be helpful in examining whether self-efficacy mediates the effect of these intervention on various outcomes such as psychological well-being.
View details for DOI 10.1093/geront/gnaa174
View details for PubMedID 33146727
Working With Depressed Caregivers: Behavioral Activation "I Can't Find the Energy or Time to Leave the House"
2020: 31–41
View details for Web of Science ID 000555001100004
The effectiveness of nonpharmacological interventions for informal dementia caregivers: An updated systematic review and meta-analysis.
Psychology and aging
2020; 35 (1): 55–77
This systematic review and meta-analysis compared the effects of 131 randomized controlled trials, published between 2006 and mid-2018, for dementia caregivers with community-dwelling care-recipients. A new classification of interventions was proposed to enable a more detailed examination of the effectiveness of psychological interventions; 350 postintervention effect sizes in 128 studies and 155 follow-up effect sizes in 55 studies were computed. Postintervention effects were significant for all outcomes when all interventions are pooled together. Follow-up effects were found for all outcomes, except physical health and positive aspects of caregiving. Educational programs with psychotherapeutic components, counseling/psychotherapy, and mindfulness-based interventions had the strongest effects on reducing depressive symptoms. Multicomponent and miscellaneous interventions had the largest effects on reduction of burden/stress. Multicomponent and mindfulness-based interventions had the largest effects on enhancing subjective well-being. It should be noted that mindfulness and counseling/psychotherapy studies generally had small samples, and studies with smaller sample sizes tended to report larger effects. Metaregression analyses revealed that, overall, younger caregivers benefited more from the interventions. Although the majority of studies were from North America and Europe, there were a growing number from Asia and other parts of the world. Recommendations were made, including developing new theoretical models that address caregivers' changing needs over time; development of interventions that can be flexibly administered and individually "tailored," and assessing positive as well as negative aspects of caregiving to encourage development of greater resilience. We conclude with observations on the global health significance of improving the impact of psychosocial interventions on caregivers' lives. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).
View details for DOI 10.1037/pag0000401
View details for PubMedID 31985249
iSupport: a WHO global online intervention for informal caregivers of people with dementia
2019; 18 (3): 365–66
View details for DOI 10.1002/wps.20684
View details for Web of Science ID 000484988400031
View details for PubMedID 31496096
View details for PubMedCentralID PMC6732694
Vietnamese American Dementia Caregivers' Perceptions and Experiences of a Culturally Tailored, Evidence-Based Program to Reduce Stress and Depression
2019; 45 (9): 39–50
Vietnamese American dementia caregivers are at increased risk for adverse mental health compared to the general U.S. population given their sociodemographic and immigration experiences, yet programs that address their needs are lacking. The current article describes Vietnamese American dementia caregivers' perceptions and experiences of a culturally tailored, evidence-based intervention to reduce stress and depression. A convenience sample of caregivers was recruited from the San Francisco Bay area and randomly assigned to intervention ("Our Family Journey"; OFJ) (n = 30) or control (written dementia caregiving information) (n = 30) groups. All intervention and 76.7% of control caregivers reported that the OFJ or educational materials, respectively, were very/somewhat helpful. Three or more skills were refined/learned by 96.7% of OFJ and 36.6% of control participants. Qualitative findings indicated that the intervention had positive effects on well-being and taught new caregiving skills. This first U.S. study to address the mental health needs of Vietnamese American dementia caregivers shows positive perceptions/experiences and demonstrates a model to address a significant need in the community. [Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 45(9), 39-50.].
View details for DOI 10.3928/00989134-20190813-05
View details for Web of Science ID 000483303800006
View details for PubMedID 31437289
Perspective-Taking Interventions for Intergenerational Caregivers of Alzheimer's Diseases: A Randomized Controlled Trial
View details for DOI 10.1177/1049731519864165
View details for Web of Science ID 000478360100001
Telephone-based behavioral activation intervention for dementia family caregivers: Outcomes and mediation effect of a randomized controlled trial.
Patient education and counseling
The study examined the effects of a telephone-administered psycho-education with behavioral activation intervention (TBA) for family caregivers of person's with Alzheimer's dementia to reduce levels of depressive symptoms and burden and to enhance relationship satisfaction with the care-recipient METHODS: A double-blinded randomized trial compared TBA with telephone-based psycho-education with general monitoring (TGM). Ninety-six dementia caregivers were randomized. Both conditions received four weekly psycho-education sessions led by a social worker. TBA participants then received eight bi-weekly behavioral activation practice sessions delivered by paraprofessionals. TGM participants received eight bi-weekly monitoring sessions by paraprofessionals.As compared to TGM, TBA participants reported significantly larger reductions in depressive symptoms and burden and larger improvement in relationship satisfaction. Self-efficacy for controlling upsetting thoughts was found to have a partial meditation effect between TBA and the reduction of depressive symptoms. Qualitative feedback suggested that TBA participants expressed unique gains in awareness and developing new ways of reappraising the caregiving situation.TBA was an effective intervention to reduce depressive symptoms and burden as well as to enhance relationship satisfaction in dementia caregivers.The use of telephone and trained paraprofessionals can enhance the accessibility and sustainability of behavioral activation intervention for dementia family caregivers.
View details for DOI 10.1016/j.pec.2019.06.009
View details for PubMedID 31279613
Promising results from a pilot study to reduce distress in Vietnamese American dementia and memory loss caregivers.
Alzheimer's & dementia (New York, N. Y.)
2019; 5: 319–27
Introduction: This study developed and examined the feasibility of a culturally tailored, evidence-based skill-building program to reduce stress and depression of Vietnamese American dementia caregivers.Methods: This pilot randomized controlled trial included pretest and posttest measures using the Center for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression Scale and the Revised Memory and Behavior Problems Checklist. The intervention (n=30) group participated in a culturally tailored, 4-week Vietnamese-language cognitive-behavioral skills evidenced-based program (Our Family Journey); caregivers in the control condition (n=30) received dementia-related educational materials (education control condition).Results: Our Family Journey caregivers showed significantly lower somatic scores on the Center for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression Scale and reported lower frequency of care recipients' disruptive behaviors. However, they also reported being more stressed by their care recipients' depressive symptoms on the Revised Memory and Behavior Problems Checklist compared to caregivers in the education control condition.Discussion: These promising results suggest that a culturally adapted program can benefit Vietnamese dementia caregivers. Additional research is needed to develop and evaluate stronger, more impactful interventions for this underserved group.
View details for DOI 10.1016/j.trci.2019.05.006
View details for PubMedID 31384663
Psychological Interventions for Dementia Caregivers: What We Have Achieved, What We Have Learned.
Current psychiatry reports
2019; 21 (7): 59
With the rising dementia population, more and more programs have been developed to help caregivers deal with the care-recipient as well as their own frustrations. Many interventions aim to enhance caregiver's ability to manage behavior problems and other deteriorations in functioning, with less direct emphasis placed on caring for the caregivers. We argue that techniques based on psychotherapy are strategically important in assistance provided to caregivers because of their utility for promoting emotional health. This article provides a focused review of such methods used in evidence-based intervention programs, along with the mechanisms of change associated with these methods. While cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) has a strong evidence base, there is also a growing trend to package CBT techniques into various psychoeducational programs. These programs, which we call psychoeducation with psychotherapeutic programs, have been consistently found to be effective in reducing caregiver distress and are suited for delivery in group format, even by paraprofessionals, to lower the cost of intervention. A recent trend is the effective use of technological aids (e.g., the internet) to deliver CBT and psychoeducation, reaching more caregivers. As for therapeutic mechanisms, the use of coping skills, reduced dysfunctional thoughts, and increased self-efficacy in controlling upsetting thoughts has received support in studies. We conclude that psychotherapeutic techniques are increasingly being used effectively and efficiently to assist caregivers, aided by successful adaptation for educational or technologically advanced means of delivery. More research on therapeutic mechanisms is needed to understand how the techniques work and how they can be further refined.
View details for DOI 10.1007/s11920-019-1045-9
View details for PubMedID 31172302
iSupport, an online training and support program for caregivers of people with dementia: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial in India
2018; 19: 271
Dementia has a huge physical, psychological, social and economic impact upon caregivers, families and societies at large. There has been a growing impetus to utilize Internet interventions given the potential scalability, and presumed cost-effectiveness and accessibility. In this paper, we describe the design of a randomized controlled trial (RCT) aiming to study the impact of online self-help programs on caregivers of people with dementia in India. The experimental group will receive an interactive training and support program and the comparison group will receive an education-only e-book. It will be among the first online support intervention RCTs for a mental health condition in a lower-middle income country.Two hundred and eight participants are expected to be recruited via several strategies (email, Internet and social media, telephone and face-to-face) starting in the Bangalore region of India. The inclusion criteria for participation in the trial are: (1) being 18 years or older, (2) being a self-reported caregiver of a person with dementia, (3) self-report that a family member has a diagnosis of dementia (AD8 ≥ 2), and experience caregiver distress (≥ 4 on a 1-item burden scale ranging from 1 to 10 or ≥ 4 or < 20 on the Center for Epidemiologic Study-Depression (CES-D) scale (10-item) or ≥ 4 or < 15 on the Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale (7-item). The intervention group will be offered iSupport, an online self-help training and support program, enabling a personalized education plan with a maximum of 23 lessons. These modules present a range of topics from "what is dementia?" to "dealing with challenging behaviors like aggression." The comparison group will receive an education-only e-book containing similar content. The outcomes of this trial are: caregiver burden as measured by the 22-item Zarit Burden Scale, depressive symptoms, anxiety symptoms (primary outcomes), quality of life, person-centered attitude, self-efficacy and mastery (secondary outcomes).Based on the findings of this trial, we will examine the potential use and scale up of iSupport for caregiver distress in India. This style of online self-help programs could be expanded to other regions or countries or to other suitable caregiver groups.Clinical Trials Registry-India (CTRI), ID: CTRI/2017/02/007876 .
View details for PubMedID 29739423
Perspectives and Insights from Vietnamese American Mental Health Professionals on How to Culturally Tailor a Vietnamese Dementia Caregiving Program
2018; 41 (3): 184–99
Little is known about dementia and caregiving among the rapidly growing Vietnamese American population. This qualitative study elicited insights on culturally tailoring an intervention to address mental health needs in Vietnamese American dementia caregivers from Vietnamese American mental health professionals.Eight Vietnamese American mental health professionals were interviewed to explore: experiences working with and needs of the community; Vietnamese attitudes toward treatment; and acculturation in Vietnamese caregiving. Participants provided recommendations on tailoring a program for Vietnamese dementia caregivers. Content analysis of their responses was conducted.Themes included: a) caregivers' unique needs and experiences; b) different waves of immigration and acculturation levels affect views on mental health, treatment, and caregiving; c); traditions and beliefs on caregiving; d) mental health, help-seeking and health services; e) how to culturally tailor a program for Vietnamese dementia caregivers; and f) cultural acceptance of the program.An intervention to reduce stress and depression among Vietnamese American dementia caregivers should recognize the special risks of the experiences of war and immigration of the caregivers as well as the pressure of the expectations of the Vietnamese culture on family care. For the program to be acceptable and effective, it needs to consider all aspects of caregivers' health, and incorporate Vietnamese cultural values/beliefs.A successful Vietnamese dementia caregiver intervention should include traditional Vietnamese values/beliefs, holistic experiences, spirituality, and background/immigration experiences. Evidence-based programs may be used with this population if they are culturally tailored.
View details for PubMedID 29419364
Validating the Revised Scale for Caregiving Self-Efficacy: A Cross-National Review.
The Gerontologist
This article reviews an instrument used in cross-national research with dementia family caregivers-the Revised Scale for Caregiving Self-Efficacy (RSCSE). Although the RSCSE has been translated into multiple languages, few studies have examined scale performance across samples. We examine congruence of psychometric, reliability, and validity data to inform research and practice.We conducted citation searches using Scopus, Google Scholar, Web of Science, and PsycINFO. Identified dementia caregiving studies cited the original RSCSE article and described results of English and/or non-English translations of the scale.Peer-reviewed published studies (N = 58) of dementia family caregivers included data for Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Italian, and Spanish translations of the RSCSE; the majority (72%) reported use of non-English translations. Studies utilizing confirmatory factor analytic approaches reported findings consistent with the original development study. Internal consistency, convergent/discriminant validity, and criterion validity indices were congruent across diverse cross-national caregiving samples assessed with different translations. Data supported the RSCSE's sensitivity to change following specific psychosocial caregiving interventions.The reliability and validity of different translations of the RSCSE support continued use with cross-national samples of dementia family caregivers. Limitations of the scale point to the need for further self-efficacy measurement development within caregiving domains. Consistent with Bandura's discussion of social cognitive theory in cultural contexts, personal agency for caregiving challenges remains generalizable to cross-national populations. This review discusses the implications for cross-cultural research and practice.
View details for PubMedID 29546334
Dementia Awareness Campaign in the Latino Community: A Novel Community Engagement Pilot Training Program with Promotoras
2018; 41 (3): 200–208
To create a curriculum about Alzheimer's disease and dementia, and to train Promotoras affiliated with a local community education and health advocacy organization, in order to raise awareness and knowledge of what dementia is, and how it can be recognized, in persons of Hispanic/Latino descent.Community based participatory research (CPBR) model was used to create materials, implement training, and engage/empower Promotoras to educate the local community.Pre-post findings indicated a positive learning experience for the Promotoras and willingness to share new dementia information with their community. One year post-evaluative survey with a subset showed outreach to an average of 15-25 community members, indicating positive reception of this new information.CPBR model is a successful education and outreach tool with Latino communities. Our Dementia Awareness Campaign was a success with the first 20 Promotoras trained; at present we plan to train additional groups in nearby communities with significant Hispanic/Latino populations.In order to get Latinos to seek early detection, we need to first educate them about dementia, win trust, and encourage treatment-seeking. Early intervention, diagnosis, and prevention will benefit from educational campaigns using the CBPR model.
View details for PubMedID 29240536
View details for PubMedCentralID PMC5935246
The Impact of Latino Values and Cultural Beliefs on Brain Donation: Results of a Pilot Study to Develop Culturally Appropriate Materials and Methods to Increase Rates of Brain Donation in this Under-Studied Patient Group
2018; 41 (3): 237–48
Increasing the number of Latino persons with dementia who consent to brain donation (BD) upon death is an important public health goal that has not yet been realized. This study identified the need for culturally sensitive materials to answer questions and support the decision-making process for the family.Information about existing rates of BD was obtained from the Alzheimer's Disease Centers. Several methods of data collection (query NACC database, contacting Centers, focus groups, online survey, assessing current protocol and materials) were used to give the needed background to create culturally appropriate BD materials.A decision was made that a brochure for undecided enrollees would be beneficial to discuss BD with family members. For those needing further details, a step-by-step handout would provide additional information.Through team collaboration and engagement of others in the community who work with Latinos with dementia, we believe this process allowed us to successfully create culturally appropriate informational materials that address a sensitive topic for Hispanic/Latino families.Brain tissue is needed to further knowledge about underlying biological mechanism of neurodegenerative diseases, however it is a sensitive topic. Materials assist with family discussion and facilitate the family's follow-through with BD.
View details for PubMedID 29227743
View details for PubMedCentralID PMC5962259
Randomized Controlled Trial of Inner Resources Meditation for Family Dementia Caregivers.
Journal of clinical psychology
This randomized controlled trial examined the comparative effectiveness of 2 interventions for improving diurnal cortisol slope and life satisfaction and reducing stress symptoms among older female dementia family caregivers.Thirty-one family dementia caregivers were randomized to 8 weeks of Inner Resources for Stress mindfulness meditation and mantra training (IR) or psychoeducation and telephone support (PTS).Intention-to-treat analyses revealed statistically significant pre-post improvements in diurnal cortisol slope and overall life satisfaction, but not depression or self-efficacy, in the IR relative to the PTS group. Adherence to between-session meditation practice was significantly associated with decreases in depression and self-reported improvements in ability to cope with stress. In addition, IR participants rated the overall benefits of the program more highly than the PTS group.These results indicate that mindfulness meditation and mantra has promise as a feasible and effective caregiver intervention for quality of life and physiological responding to stress.
View details for DOI 10.1002/jclp.22470
View details for PubMedID 28263398
The impact of executive function on response to cognitive behavioral therapy in late-life depression
2016; 31 (4): 334-339
Late-life depression (LLD) is a common and debilitating condition among older adults. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has strong empirical support for the treatment of depression in all ages, including in LLD. In teaching patients to identify, monitor, and challenge negative patterns in their thinking, CBT for LLD relies heavily on cognitive processes and, in particular, executive functioning, such as planning, sequencing, organizing, and selectively inhibiting information. It may be that the effectiveness of CBT lies in its ability to train these cognitive areas.Participants with LLD completed a comprehensive neuropsychological battery before enrolling in CBT. The current study examined the relationship between neuropsychological function prior to treatment and response to CBT.When using three baseline measures of executive functioning that quantify set shifting, cognitive flexibility, and response inhibition to predict treatment response, only baseline Wisconsin Card Sort Task performance was associated with a significant drop in depression symptoms after CBT. Specifically, worse performance on the Wisconsin Card Sort Task was associated with better treatment response.These results suggest that CBT, which teaches cognitive techniques for improving psychiatric symptoms, may be especially beneficial in LLD if relative weaknesses in specific areas of executive functioning are present. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
View details for DOI 10.1002/gps.4325
View details for Web of Science ID 000372192200002
The impact of executive function on response to cognitive behavioral therapy in late-life depression.
International journal of geriatric psychiatry
2016; 31 (4): 334-339
Late-life depression (LLD) is a common and debilitating condition among older adults. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has strong empirical support for the treatment of depression in all ages, including in LLD. In teaching patients to identify, monitor, and challenge negative patterns in their thinking, CBT for LLD relies heavily on cognitive processes and, in particular, executive functioning, such as planning, sequencing, organizing, and selectively inhibiting information. It may be that the effectiveness of CBT lies in its ability to train these cognitive areas.Participants with LLD completed a comprehensive neuropsychological battery before enrolling in CBT. The current study examined the relationship between neuropsychological function prior to treatment and response to CBT.When using three baseline measures of executive functioning that quantify set shifting, cognitive flexibility, and response inhibition to predict treatment response, only baseline Wisconsin Card Sort Task performance was associated with a significant drop in depression symptoms after CBT. Specifically, worse performance on the Wisconsin Card Sort Task was associated with better treatment response.These results suggest that CBT, which teaches cognitive techniques for improving psychiatric symptoms, may be especially beneficial in LLD if relative weaknesses in specific areas of executive functioning are present. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
View details for DOI 10.1002/gps.4325
View details for PubMedID 26230057
California Older Persons Pleasant Events Scale: a Tool to Help Older Adults Increase Positive Experiences
2016; 39 (1): 64-83
View details for DOI 10.1080/07317115.2015.1101635
View details for Web of Science ID 000366610200006
Using an Emic Lens to Understand How Latino Families Cope With Dementia Behavioral Problems
2015; 30 (5): 454-462
Focus group data collected for a larger project to develop a fotonovela for Latino caregivers was used to conduct a meaning-centered thematic analysis in order to elicit Latino family caregiver perspectives on how behavior problems occurring in the context of dementia are perceived and managed. A sample of 42 Spanish-speaking Latino caregivers were recruited from organizations affiliated with the Alzheimer's Association near San Diego, California. Caregivers were queried on challenging behaviors, coping strategies, as well as other daily challenges. Focus group sessions were conducted in Spanish, translated and transcribed into English, and analyzed using qualitative, grounded anthropological methods. In addition to a range of behavior problems, five indigenous approaches to managing challenging behaviors were identified: acceptance, love, patience, adaptability, and establishing routines of care. Additionally, participants identified persistent challenges which deter effective coping. These include: issues with providers, problems with family members, limited knowledge of resources, emotional distress, and financial strain. To our knowledge, this is one of the few qualitative studies to report indigenous coping strategies for dementia behavioral problems. These findings have the potential to inform culturally-tailored intervention.
View details for DOI 10.1177/1533317514566115
View details for Web of Science ID 000358412700004
View details for PubMedCentralID PMC4533828
Effectiveness of a Fotonovela for Reducing Depression and Stress in Latino Dementia Family Caregivers
2015; 29 (2): 146-153
The clinical need to address stress and depression in Latino dementia caregivers (CGs) combined with low health literacy and less accurate knowledge of dementia motivated the development of a pictorial tool [called a fotonovela (FN)] to teach (a) coping skills for caregiver (CG) stress; (b) self-assessment of depression; and (c) encourage improved utilization of available resources. To test the effectiveness of the FN, 110 of 147 Latino CGs, who were randomly assigned to the Fotonovela Condition (FNC) or the Usual Information Condition (UIC), were included in the final analyses. Self-report measures were given at baseline and post intervention. Results showed that FNC CGs demonstrated significantly greater reductions in level of depressive symptoms than UIC CGs. A significant decrease in level of stress due to memory and behavioral problems exhibited by their loved ones was similar in both groups. The FNC CGs reported that the FN was more helpful and that they referred to it more often than the UIC CGs did with regard to the informational materials they were provided about dementia. In conclusion, a culturally tailored FN can be an effective tool for Latino CGs given their high unmet needs for assistance and various barriers in accessing resources.
View details for Web of Science ID 000354889200007
View details for PubMedID 25590939
Does cognitive-behavioural therapy promote meaning making? A preliminary test in the context of geriatric depression.
Psychology and psychotherapy
2015; 88 (1): 120-124
This study examined the extent to which cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) for geriatric depression promoted meaning made of stress.Fifty-one participants received CBT and were assessed at pre- and post-treatment.The primary outcome was the Integration of Stressful Life Experiences Scale (ISLES) and demographic factors were examined as moderators of changes over time.Those with more education showed improvement in their ability to regain positive values, worldviews, and purpose in life after a stressor.It appears that CBT promotes some forms of meaning made of stress for those with higher education.Cognitive-behavioural therapy as it is routinely practiced may help highly educated older adults regain their Footing in the World (e.g., maintain positive values, worldviews, and purpose in life) in the aftermath of a stressful life event. Cognitive-behavioural therapy appears to offer fewer gains for less educated older adults (in terms of Footing in the World) as well as for other aspects of meaning-making, such as the ability to 'make sense' of a significant stressor. Although more empirical work is necessary, meaning-oriented interventions (e.g., 're-authoring' a fragmented self-narrative; Neimeyer, 2009, p. 97) hold promise as useful adjuncts to routine therapy that could augment outcomes.
View details for DOI 10.1111/papt.12030
View details for PubMedID 24839175
View details for PubMedCentralID PMC4233192
fMRI Activation During Executive Function Predicts Response to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Older, Depressed Adults
2015; 23 (1): 13-22
To test our hypothesis that pre-treatment executive function and brain regional activation during executive function would discriminate between responders and non-responders to cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) in elderly depressed outpatients.Clinical cohort study.University-affiliated hospital.Sixty outpatients (age 59 years and older) completed 12 weeks of CBT between July 2010 and December 2011. Forty-four completed fMRI procedures.The main outcome consisted of a conversion from a clinical diagnosis (Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview) of depression to no clinical diagnosis of depression or a significant improvement in diagnostic criteria. Brain activation measured by functional magnetic resonance imaging during the Wisconsin Card Sorting task (WCST) was the primary predictor variable.67% of patients had a positive response to CBT. Decreased activation in the left inferior frontal triangle and right superior frontal gyrus as well as increased activity in the right middle frontal gyrus and left superior frontal gyrus predicted a positive response to CBT. Demographic and neurocognitive measures of WCST performance were not significant predictors of a positive CBT outcome, whereas the measure of WCST-induced activity in the prefrontal cortex was a significant predictor.These data are among the first to suggest that measures of prefrontal brain activation during executive functioning predict response to CBT in older adults. Further exploration of the specific underlying processes that these prefrontal cortical regions are engaging that contributes to better CBT outcomes is warranted in larger, randomized studies.
View details for DOI 10.1016/j.jagp.2014.02.001
View details for Web of Science ID 000346204400003
View details for PubMedID 24656506
Behavioral activation for dementia caregivers: scheduling pleasant events and enhancing communications
2015; 10: 611-619
Dementia caregiving is often associated with increase in depressive symptoms and strained relationships. This study tested whether telephone-delivered psychoeducation combined with an enhanced behavioral activation (BA) module had a better effect on the well-being of Alzheimer's caregivers than psychoeducation alone. The focus is on enhancing the competent use of coping skills via BA. The program is delivered by telephone to increase accessibility and sustainability for caregivers. Senior citizens are trained as paraprofessionals to deliver the BA module to increase the potential for sustainability of the program.The study compared two telephone interventions using a 4-month longitudinal randomized controlled trial. For the first 4 weeks, all participants received the same psychoeducation program via telephone. Then for the following 4 months, eight biweekly telephone follow-up calls were carried out. For these eight follow-up calls, participants were randomized into either one of the two following groups with different conditions. For the psychoeducation with BA (PsyED-BA) group, participants received eight biweekly sessions of BA practice focused on pleasant event scheduling and improving communications. For the psychoeducation only (PsyED only) group, participants received eight biweekly sessions of general discussion of psychoeducation and related information. A total of 62 family caregivers of persons living with dementia were recruited and 59 (29 in the PsyED-BA group and 30 in the PsyED only group) completed the whole study.As compared to the group with psychoeducation and discussion, the group with enhanced BA had decreased levels of depressive symptoms. The study had a low attrition rate.Results suggested that competence-based training could be effectively administered through the telephone with the help of senior citizens trained and engaged as paraprofessionals. Results contribute to the present literature by offering some framework for developing effective, accessible, sustainable, and less costly interventions.
View details for DOI 10.2147/CIA.S72348
View details for Web of Science ID 000351759100001
View details for PubMedID 25848237
View details for PubMedCentralID PMC4381894
- Using an emic lens to understand how Latino families cope with dementia behavioral problems: A focus group study Alzheimer's Disease & Other Dementias 2015
Psychosocial predictors of salivary cortisol among older adults with depression
2014; 26 (9): 1531-1539
View details for DOI 10.1017/S1041610214000489
View details for Web of Science ID 000341780900015
A Pilot of an Intervention Delivered to Chinese- and Spanish-Speaking Carers of People With Dementia in Australia
2014; 29 (1): 32-37
There are limited language- and culture-specific support programs for carers of people with dementia living in Australia. A group intervention for use with Chinese and Spanish speakers in the United States was adapted to the Australian context, and a pilot study was undertaken with these 2 communities. The intervention is based on a cognitive behavioral therapy approach and was delivered by bilingual health professionals. The adapted material comprised 7 sessions, spanning 2 hours in duration. All 22 participants completed the Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale-Short form (DASS-21) pre- and postintervention. A significant decrease in depression, anxiety, and stress was observed among Spanish speakers; a significant decrease in depression and anxiety was present among the Chinese speakers. The implications are considered in the context of Australia's changing aged care service system.
View details for Web of Science ID 000331463000005
View details for PubMedID 24085251
The unique impact of late-life bereavement and prolonged grief on diurnal cortisol.
journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences
2014; 69 (1): 4-11
This study expands on previous research by examining the effects of prolonged grief disorder (PGD) symptoms and bereavement on diurnal cortisol patterns above and beyond depressive symptomatology.Drawing on information from 56 depressed older adults, 3 groups were compared: (1) a depressed nonbereaved group, (2) a depressed bereaved without elevated PGD symptoms group, and (3) a depressed bereaved with elevated PGD symptoms group. Multilevel modeling was used to examine differences in diurnal cortisol profiles between these 3 groups, controlling for demographic factors and depressive symptoms.Results revealed that those who were bereaved had more dysregulated cortisol patterns, but PGD symptomatology seemed to have little effect. Subsidiary analysis with just the bereaved participants suggests that those who were recently widowed may have had greater cortisol dysregulation compared with other bereaved individuals in the sample.These findings suggest that the circumstance of being bereaved may be associated with more dysregulated cortisol, regardless of PGD symptomatology. This pattern of results might reflect greater disturbance in daily routines among bereaved individuals and acute stress in the case of those experiencing the recent loss of a spouse, which leads to disruption in circadian rhythms and the diurnal cycle of cortisol.
View details for DOI 10.1093/geronb/gbt051
View details for PubMedID 23740094
View details for PubMedCentralID PMC3894130
Latino Older Adults and Mental Health: A Review and Commentary
2014; 37 (1): 33-48
View details for DOI 10.1080/07317115.2013.847514
View details for Web of Science ID 000327512600004
- Caring for Caregivers of a Person with Dementia The Oxford Handbook of Clinical Geropsychology: International Perspectives Oxford University Press. 2014
Psychosocial predictors of salivary cortisol among older adults with depression
International Psychogeriatrics
2014; 26 (9): 1531-1539
View details for DOI 10.1017/S104160214000489
Psychosocial predictors of treatment response to cognitive-behavior therapy for late-life depression: an exploratory study
2013; 17 (7): 830-838
Objective: The primary objective of this study was to examine a variety of potential predictors of response to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) in depressed older adults. Method: Sixty older adults with a clinical diagnosis of major or minor depression or dysthymic disorder received 12 individual sessions of CBT over a three- to four-month-period. The BDI-II was administered pre- and post-intervention to assess change in the level of depression. A cutoff score of 13 or less at post was used to determine positive treatment response. A variety of measures (obtained at baseline) were evaluated using hierarchical regression techniques to predict improvement following treatment. Results: Individuals who showed greater improvement were: (a) more open to new experiences; (b) less negatively affected by past stressors; (c) less inclined to have an external locus of control but more likely to cite others as responsible for negative stress in their lives; and (d) were more likely to seek emotional support when symptomatic. Lower education level and reported use of active coping strategies at baseline were associated with less improvement. Other variables (e.g., age, overall physical health, and cognitive status) were not associated with treatment response. Use of logistic regression to predict responders vs. nonresponders yielded a similar pattern. Conclusion: These findings agree with prior research confirming the effectiveness of a brief CBT intervention for older depressed persons and suggest further exploration of several psychosocial factors that may contribute to a stronger response to CBT.
View details for DOI 10.1080/13607863.2013.791661
View details for Web of Science ID 000323476600008
View details for PubMedID 23631698
Exploring the effectiveness of an Internet-based program for reducing caregiver distress using the iCare Stress Management e-Training Program
2013; 17 (5): 544-554
Determine if the online iCare Stress Management e-Training Program reduces stress, bother, depression, and poor life quality for dementia family caregivers (CGs).CGs (N = 150) were randomly assigned to the iCare Condition (ICC) or to the Education/Information-Only Condition (EOC) for a 3-month period. Change in self-report measures of stress (PSS) (primary outcome), caregiver bother(RMBPC), depression (CES-D), and quality of life (PQOL) (secondary outcomes) was determined, along with usage of new information in one's own caregiving.A mixed ANOVA revealed that change in perceived stress was significant for the ICC but not the EOC (p = .017). Changes in the other measures were not significant. More caregivers in the ICC used the materials in their own caregiving situation than those in the EOC. Roughly one-third of the caregivers enrolled in the study dropped prior to completion.Results are promising, but the high dropout is a concern. Future efforts to improve dropout rate and increase participant engagement are warranted. To our knowledge, this is the first attempt to present an evidence-based intervention for CGs via the Internet.
View details for DOI 10.1080/13607863.2013.775641
View details for Web of Science ID 000320913300004
View details for PubMedID 23461355
View details for PubMedCentralID PMC3695021
International Perspectives on Nonpharmacological Best Practices for Dementia Family Caregivers: A Review
2012; 35 (4): 316-355
View details for DOI 10.1080/07317115.2012.678190
View details for Web of Science ID 000304874600004
- Providing Evidence-Based Psychological Treatments for Distress in Family Caregivers of Older Adults Making Evidence-Based Psychological Treatments Work with Older Adults American Psychological Association Press. 2012
Cortisol Outcomes among Caucasian and Latina/Hispanic Women Caring for a Family Member with Dementia: A Preliminary Examination of Psychosocial Predictors and Effects of a Psychoeducational Intervention
2011; 27 (4): 334-346
View details for DOI 10.1002/smi.1375
View details for Web of Science ID 000295876000007
Understanding Caregiver Health Behaviors: Depressive Symptoms Mediate Caregiver Self-Efficacy and Health Behavior Patterns
2011; 26 (4): 310-316
Previous research on female caregivers of elderly relatives with dementia has demonstrated that caregiving self-efficacy (SE) is associated with reduced cumulative health risk. The overarching aim of the current study was to expand on that research by exploring whether depressive symptoms mediate the relationship between 3 domains of caregiving SE and cumulative health risk associated with health behavior patterns. Data from 256 female family caregivers of patients with dementia are presented. Path analysis revealed a significant mediated effect for depressive symptoms as both SE for obtaining respite and SE for controlling upsetting Thoughts had a significant, indirect effect on cumulative health risk. There were no direct effects between caregiver SE and cumulative health risk. The current study sheds light on the complex pathway between caregiver SE and health and speaks to the importance of skills-based interventions designed to enhance efficacy beliefs and minimize depression in dementia caregivers.
View details for DOI 10.1177/1533317511410557
View details for Web of Science ID 000292570400006
View details for PubMedID 21636582
- Psychosocial treatment of bipolar disorder in older adults Cognitive behavioral therapy with older adults: Innovations across care settings Springer Publishing Company, LLC. 2011
Is Religious Coping Associated with Cumulative Health Risk? An Examination of Religious Coping Styles and Health Behavior Patterns in Alzheimer's Dementia Caregivers
2010; 49 (4): 498-512
The current study explored the relationship between religious coping and cumulative health risk associated with health behavior patterns in a sample of 256 Latina and Caucasian female caregivers of elderly relatives with dementia. Primary analyses examined the relationship between religious coping (both positive and negative) and an overall index of cumulative health risk. Secondary analyses were conducted on the individual health behaviors subsumed in the broader index. Findings revealed that negative religious coping was significantly associated with increased cumulative health risk. Positive religious coping was predictive of decreased cumulative health risk among Latina caregivers but not among Caucasians. Negative religious coping was significantly associated with both an increased likelihood for weight gain and increased dietary restriction. Positive religious coping was associated with decreased likelihood for weight gain in Latinas. Implications for both caregivers and clinicians are discussed.
View details for DOI 10.1007/s10943-009-9300-8
View details for Web of Science ID 000284654500007
View details for PubMedID 19904608
Factorial Validity of the Texas Revised Inventory of Grief-Present Scale Among Bereaved Older Adults
2010; 22 (3): 675-687
The Texas Revised Inventory of Grief-Present scale (TRIG-Present) is one of the most widely used grief measures; however, researchers have only empirically examined the validity and underlying factor structure of TRIG-Present scores in a few studies. Hence, in the present investigation, we sought to examine the factorial validity of the TRIG-Present (those scores that index current grief) among 2 samples of bereaved older adults--a community-dwelling sample of 162 individuals who experienced a diverse set of losses in terms of relationship to the deceased and time since loss, and a recently widowed sample of 212 individuals who were assessed at 2-months and 12-months postloss. Across both samples, we found support for a 3-factor model, composed of clusters of items representing Emotional Response, Thoughts, and Nonacceptance regarding a loss. Additionally, this 3-factor model exhibited significant invariance from 2-months to 12-months postloss in the recently widowed sample. Analyses examining the convergent validity of these 3 factors also suggest that this conceptualization of the TRIG-Present could have practical advantages and potentially influence the way in which clinicians and/or researchers assess grief and evaluate bereavement interventions.
View details for DOI 10.1037/a0019914
View details for Web of Science ID 000281588600020
View details for PubMedID 20822280
Effectiveness of Cognitive/Behavioral Small Group Intervention for Reduction of Depression and Stress in Non-Hispanic White and Hispanic/Latino Women Dementia Family Caregivers: Outcomes and Mediators of Change.
Journal of rational-emotive and cognitive-behavior therapy : RET
2008; 26 (4): 286-303
This study enrolled 184 middle-aged and older women (95 Non-Hispanic White and 89 Hispanic/Latino) who provided in-home hands-on care to an elderly relative with Alzheimer's disease or another form of dementia. Within ethnic group they were randomly assigned to either a CBT-based small group intervention program called "Coping with Caregiving" (CWC) that taught a variety of cognitive and behavioral skills to reduce stress and depression, or to a minimal telephone based control condition (TSC). Intervention lasted about 4 months; one post-treatment assessment was completed 6 months after baseline by interviewers blind to the intervention condition. Interviews and interventions were conducted in English or Spanish by trained staff. Results indicated that those in the CWC (regardless of ethnicity) showed greater improvement from pre to post intervention than those in the TSC on measures of depressive symptoms, overall life stress, and caregiving-specific stress. In order to investigate if these changes may have been related to one proposed mechanism of change in CBT (skill utilization), a new measure was constructed. Change in frequency of use and perceived helpfulness of adaptive coping skills were assessed in all caregivers. Results indicated that caregivers in CWC reported greater frequency of use, and greater perceived helpfulness, of these skills at post intervention compared to caregivers in the TSC. Improvement measured by dependent measures was correlated with an increase in these indices for those in the CWC. Tests for mediation suggest that effective skill utilization may mediate the effect of treatment on outcome. Implications of these findings are discussed and recommendations provided for future research.
View details for PubMedID 25067886
Design decisions to optimize reliability of daytime cortisol slopes in an older population
26th Annual Meeting of the Society-for-Behavioral-Medicine
The daytime log-cortisol slope appears to be of growing importance in studying the relationship between stress and health. How best to estimate that slope with minimal burden to the participants and the cost of the study is a decision often made without empiric foundation.In 50 older participants, the authors examined cortisol assay comparability across laboratories, assay reliability, test-retest reliability of slopes, and comparability of slope estimates for two, three, and four samples per day.The authors demonstrate in an older sample that 1) assay reliability is a relatively minor issue, that one assay per saliva sample suffices; 2) the use of a sample obtained at wake time for each participant appears to be a preferred anchor for the slope estimate in comparison to a sample 30 minutes postwake time; 3) self-reported times appear preferable to automatic time recording; and 4) test-retest reliability of slopes, however, is not sufficiently high to base a slope estimate on one day; minimally two days and preferably three should be required.Whether these conclusions apply to other populations, or using other protocols, is not assured, but the study itself provides a model that can be used to check research decisions. Unnecessarily imposing a burdensome protocol has both ethical and scientific ramifications and should be carefully avoided.
View details for Web of Science ID 000236540800005
View details for PubMedID 16582041
Ethnicity, stress, and cortisol function in Hispanic and non-Hispanic white women: A preliminary study of family dementia caregivers and noncaregivers
2006; 14 (4): 334-342
This study examined differences in psychologic and physiological responses to caregiving stress in Hispanic and non-Hispanic white women dementia caregivers and noncaregivers. Dependent variables were perceived stress, depression, and salivary cortisol.Eighty-three women caregivers (20 Hispanic and 24 non-Hispanic white) and noncaregivers (19 Hispanic and 20 non-Hispanic white) completed the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression Scale (CES-D), and collected three saliva samples daily for 3 consecutive days. A subsample of 17 Hispanic and 28 non-Hispanic white participants matched on age and education was used for the main analyses.Caregivers had higher levels of 8 am, 5 pm, and 9 pm log cortisol as well as higher perceived stress than noncaregivers. Non-Hispanic whites had higher depression scores than noncaregivers, but there was no significant difference for Hispanics. Hispanics, regardless of caregiving status had flatter daytime cortisol slopes than the non-Hispanic whites. Multivariate regression analyses showed that both ethnicity and depressive symptoms independently predicted daytime cortisol slope.Results support the relationship between chronic stress and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis dysregulation among women dementia caregivers and highlight the need to examine further the role of ethnicity and depressive symptoms in their physiological responses.
View details for Web of Science ID 000236540800006
View details for PubMedID 16582042
Treatment of depression in low-income older adults
2005; 20 (4): 601-609
The purpose of this study was to compare cognitive-behavioral group therapy (CBGT), clinical case management (CCM), and their combination (CBGT + CCM) to treat depression in low-income older adults (60+). Sixty-seven participants with major depressive disorder or dysthymia were randomly assigned and entered into 1 of the 3 treatment conditions for 6 months. They were followed for 18 months after treatment initiation on depression and functional outcomes. CCM and CBGT + CCM led to greater improvements in depressive symptoms than CBGT, but CBGT led to greater improvements in physical functioning. All 3 conditions resulted in similar reduction of needs. Findings suggest that disadvantaged older adults with depression benefit from increased access to social services either alone or combined with psychotherapy.
View details for DOI 10.1037/0882-7974.20.4.601
View details for Web of Science ID 000234623100007
View details for PubMedID 16420135
Caregiver self-efficacy, ethnicity, and kinship differences in dementia caregivers
2005; 13 (9): 787-794
The authors sought to determine the effect of kinship status (daughters versus wives) and ethnicity (Hispanic/Latino versus Caucasian) on self-efficacy to perform tasks relevant to caregiving in a sample of family caregivers for people with memory problems.Baseline data were collected from 238 female caregivers who participated in an intervention program. Ethnic and kin relationship groups were compared on measures of caregiver self-efficacy, acculturation within the Hispanic/Latino sample, and the relationship of self-efficacy to key outcome variables.Hispanics/Latinos reported higher self-efficacy on two of three self-efficacy subscales (Responding to Disruptive Behaviors and Controlling Negative Thoughts About Caregiving). Daughters reported higher self-efficacy on all three self-efficacy scales. Among Hispanics/Latinos, acculturation did not relate strongly to self-efficacy. Caucasian and spousal caregivers appeared to make more generalized appraisals about caregiving.Higher self-efficacy among Hispanic/Latino caregivers may relate to cultural values about caregiving and/or ethnic differences in appraisal. Wives may be more at risk for low self-efficacy, which may relate to greater role frustration and distress. This study highlights the heterogeneity among caregivers in their experience of caregiving.
View details for Web of Science ID 000231755800007
View details for PubMedID 16166408
Effective recruitment strategies for Latino and Caucasian dementia family caregivers in intervention research
2004; 12 (5): 484-490
Latino family caregivers of older people with memory problems are a rapidly growing group. However, their participation in intervention research is disproportionately low. The authors compared the participant retention rates of three different recruitment strategies in a sample of Latino and Caucasian family caregivers.A total of 310 caregivers (195 Latino and 105 Caucasian) were screened for participation in one of two clinical intervention trials. Potential participants were recruited from one of three sources: 1) non-professional (e.g., health fairs); 2) professional (e.g., community agencies); and 3) advertisements. Reasons for non-participation were also obtained.Caucasians were significantly more likely to be successfully retained across all recruitment strategies (52% versus 31%, respectively). However, logistic regression revealed a recruitment strategy-by-ethnicity interaction: Latinos were highly similar in retention rates to Caucasians when recruited through professional referrals, and far less likely to participate with other strategies. Descriptive analyses also revealed ethnic differences for non-participation.Partnership of Latino family caregivers with community agencies may result in the highest recruitment rates among this group. Latino cultural values likely play a role in the success of these partnerships in participant recruitment.
View details for Web of Science ID 000223685700006
View details for PubMedID 15353386
- Caregiver stress and physical health: The case for stress management therapy The Clinical Psychologist 2004; 8 (1): 22-28
Anger and depression management: Psychoeducational skill training interventions for women caregivers of a relative with dementia
2003; 43 (5): 678-689
This study examines the short-term impact of two theoretically based psychoeducational small group interventions with distressed caregivers, and it also examines the role of specific moderator and mediator variables on caregiver outcomes.Female participants (N = 169) aged 50 and older who were caring for a community-dwelling relative with a dementing illness were randomly assigned to one of three treatment interventions: anger management, depression management, or a wait-list control group. These interventions took place over a 3- to 4-month period. The primary outcomes examined were anger or hostile mood, depressed mood, frequency of use of positive and negative coping strategies, and perceived caregiving self-efficacy.Significant main effects in the expected direction were found for changes in most of these measures. Participants in both anger management and depression management groups had significant reductions in their levels of anger or hostility and depression from Time 1 to Time 2 in comparison to participants in the wait-list control group. Use of positive cognitive coping strategies increased in the anger management group only. Self-efficacy significantly increased for participants in both intervention groups, and it was also demonstrated to function as a mediator of intervention effects. Pretreatment levels of depressive symptoms and anger expression style (Anger Expression-Out) moderated the relative effects of the two interventions on mood and coping.These data are consistent with a growing body of evidence supporting the effectiveness of skills training, in small groups, to improve both the affective states and the type of coping strategies used by caregivers. In addition, this study underscores the need to evaluate key pretreatment variables in order to determine which form of treatment may be more compatible with caregiver characteristics and thus more likely to be beneficial to individuals.
View details for Web of Science ID 000186088100008
View details for PubMedID 14570964
Change in indices of distress among Latino and Anglo female caregivers of elderly relatives with dementia: Site-specific results from the REACH national collaborative study
2003; 43 (4): 580-591
Few empirical studies have compared the efficacy between psychoeducational (skill-building) approaches for reducing caregivers' psychological distress and interventions modeled after typical community-based support groups. We compare the impact of two distinct interventions on Anglo and Latino caregivers of elderly relatives with dementia.The change from preassessment to postassessment (baseline to 3 months) for 213 female caregivers (122 Anglo and 91 Latino) is presented. They were seen weekly for 10 weeks in either the Coping With Caregiving psychoeducational program (instruction and practice in small groups to learn specific cognitive and behavioral skills) or in the Enhanced Support Group condition (guided discussion and empathic listening to develop reciprocal support within the group). Both programs were tailored to be sensitive to the cultural concerns of Anglo and Latino caregivers, and they were delivered in either English or Spanish by trained interventionists.Overall, participants in the Coping With Caregiving condition reported a significant reduction in depressive symptoms, increased use of adaptive coping strategies, and a trend toward decreased use of negative coping strategies when compared with those in the Enhanced Support Group condition. Results were similar for both ethnic groups: there were no main effects for ethnicity, and no significant ethnicity by treatment interaction effects.This study provides empirical support that female caregivers benefit more from a skill-building approach to managing their distress than from support group membership alone. We find it very encouraging that the Latino caregivers responded well on key outcome variables, suggesting that Latinos will participate in clinical research and will benefit from their involvement when services are provided to meet their specific needs.
View details for Web of Science ID 000184967700014
View details for PubMedID 12937336
Recruitment and retention of Latino dementia family Caregivers in intervention research: Issues to face, lessons to learn
2003; 43 (1): 45-51
This article reviews and critiques several issues of importance to those whose goal is to make intervention research with Latino caregivers more "user-friendly." Issues range from current demographic trends showing the ever-increasing number of Latino caregivers to discussion of cultural values that influence their help-seeking behavior.This article presents a review of current published information on this topic. The gerontological literature was searched for the past decade for relevant material; in addition, the authors' own experience in this area is described.Although limited information was found that derived from actual empirical studies, a number of articles describe potential barriers to research involvement and provide suggestions for making participation more attractive and culturally appropriate for Latinos.Clinical researchers need to increase their sensitivity to such issues as cultural values and language preference and develop effective collaborations with the Latino community so that intervention research programs can be designed and implemented successfully with Latinos caring for cognitively impaired elderly family members at home.
View details for Web of Science ID 000180943600006
View details for PubMedID 12604745
- Tailoring psychological interventions for ethnically diverse caregivers Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice 2003; 10: 423-438
Dementia caregiver intervention research: In search of clinical significance
2002; 42 (5): 589-602
We reviewed intervention studies that reported dementia caregiver outcomes published since 1996, including psychosocial interventions for caregivers and environmental and pharmacological interventions for care recipients. Our goal was to focus on issues of clinical significance in caregiver intervention research in order to move the field toward a greater emphasis on achieving reliable and clinically meaningful outcomes.MEDLINE, PsycINFO, and Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health databases from 1996 through 2001 were searched to identify articles and book chapters mapping to two medical subject headings: caregivers and either dementia or Alzheimer's disease. Articles were evaluated on two dimensions, outcomes in four domains thought to be important to the individual or society and the magnitude of reported effects for these outcomes in order to determine if they were large enough to be clinically meaningful.Although many studies have reported small to moderate statistically significant effects on a broad range of outcomes, only a small proportion of these studies achieved clinically meaningful outcomes. Nevertheless, caregiving intervention studies have increasingly shown promise of affecting important public health outcomes in areas such as service utilization, including delayed institutionalization; psychiatric symptomatology, including the successful treatment of major and minor depression; and providing services that are highly valued by caregivers.Assessment of clinical significance in addition to statistical significance is needed in this research area. Specific recommendations on design, measurement, and conceptual issues are made to enhance the clinical significance of future research.
View details for Web of Science ID 000178363300002
View details for PubMedID 12351794
- Screening for depression in immigrant Chinese ? American elders: Results of a pilot study Journal of Gerontological Social Work 2002; 36 (1/2): 27-44
The revised scale for caregiving self-efficacy: Reliability and validity studies
2002; 57 (1): P74-P86
Two samples of family caregivers (Study 1: N = 169; Study 2: N = 145) of cognitively impaired older adults were used to revise, extend, and evaluate a measure of perceived self-efficacy for caregiving tasks. The Revised Scale for Caregiving Self-Efficacy measures 3 domains of caregiving self-efficacy: Obtaining Respite, Responding to Disruptive Patient Behaviors, and Controlling Upsetting Thoughts. The 3 subscales show strong internal consistency and adequate test-retest reliability. Construct validity is supported by relationships between these 3 facets of perceived caregiving efficacy and depression, anxiety, anger, perceived social support, and criticism expressed in speech samples. The Revised Scale for Caregiving Self-Efficacy has potential uses for both research and clinical purposes.
View details for Web of Science ID 000173164100009
View details for PubMedID 11773226
Apolipoprotein E epsilon 4 allele affects the relationship between stress and depression in caregivers of patients with Alzheimer's disease
2001; 14 (3): 115-119
We examined the effect of the apolipoprotein E (apo E) epsilon4 allele on the relationship between self-reported stress and mood in caregivers of patients with Alzheimer's disease. Eighty-six female subjects between the ages of 28 and 82 years who were community-dwelling AD patient caregivers participated in the study. A cross-sectional analysis of stress and mood was performed using the Revised Memory and Behavior Problem Checklist and the Geriatric Depression Scale. All subjects were evaluated for normal cognitive function (Mini-Mental Status Examination) and apo E genotype. The results indicated that increased levels of stress were associated with increased levels of depressive symptoms in nondemented caregivers with the epsilon4 allele. This relationship was not observed in caregivers without the epsilon4 allele. These results suggest that carriers of the epsilon4 allele may respond differently to psychological stress than do individuals without the epsilon4 allele.
View details for Web of Science ID 000170894200002
View details for PubMedID 11563433
Comparison of desipramine and cognitive/behavioral therapy in the treatment of elderly outpatients with mild-to-moderate depression
2001; 9 (3): 225-240
The authors evaluated the efficacy of desipramine-alone, vs. cognitive/behavioral therapy-alone (CBT) vs. a combination of the two, for the treatment of depression in older adult outpatients. Patients (N=102) meeting criteria for major depressive disorder were randomly assigned to one of these three treatments for 16 to 20 therapy sessions. All treatments resulted in substantial improvement. In general, the CBT-Alone and Combined groups had similar levels of improvement. In most analyses, the Combined group showed greater improvement than the Desipramine-Alone group, whereas the CBT-Alone group showed only marginally better improvement. The combined therapies were most effective in patients who were more severely depressed, particularly when desipramine was at or above recommended stable dosage levels. The results indicate that psychotherapy can be an effective treatment for older adult outpatients with moderate levels of depression.
View details for Web of Science ID 000170372300005
View details for PubMedID 11481130
- There?s still a person in there: The complete to treating and coping with Alzheimer?s 2000
Multiphase optimization of a multicomponent intervention for informal dementia caregivers: a study protocol.
2023; 24 (1): 791
Family caregiver interventions are essential to support dementia caregiving. However, such interventions are typically complex and consist of multiple components. Existing evidence rarely delineates the effectiveness and interactions between individual components. To optimise intervention, we adopt the multiphase optimisation strategy (MOST) to test the implementation fidelity and determine the effect of each component and the interactions between each component and the corresponding outcome.A prospective, assessor-blinded, randomised clinical trial with fractional factorial design using the MOST principle. Two hundred fifty family dementia caregivers will be randomised to one of 16 experimental conditions in a fractional factorial design involving six intervention components: (1) dementia and caregiving education; (2) self-care skills; (3) behavioural symptom management; (4) behavioural activation; (5) modified mindfulness-based cognitive therapy; and (6) support group. The first one is the core component, and the five remaining will be examined. Physical health, caregiver burden, stress, psychological well-being, anxiety and depressive symptoms, and social support will be assessed over the 12-month study period. Following the intention-to-treat principle, linear mixed models and regression analyses will be used to examine the specific effect of the five components and their two-way interactions to propose the most effective combination.This is the first study adopting the multiphase optimisation strategy to identify the most active and engaging components of a psychological intervention for caregivers of patients with dementia. In view that dementia caregiver interventions are increasingly diversified and complex, such knowledge is important to maximise the intervention efficacy and allow the intervention to be implemented within an efficient timeframe and dosage. The optimisation of caregiver support interventions is critical to enhance the health outcomes of caregivers and care recipients, thereby, delaying possible institutionalisation and reducing the costs of long-term dementia care.This study was retrospectively registered in the WHO Primary Registry - Chinese Clinical Trials Registry (ChiCTR2300071235). (Protocol date 30/10/2020; version identifier 2020-2021-0045). Registered on 9 May, 2023.SPIRIT guideline was followed.No patient or public involvement.
View details for DOI 10.1186/s13063-023-07801-3
View details for PubMedID 38053147
View details for PubMedCentralID PMC10696816
Predictors of psychological distress among rural family/friend caregivers of people living with dementia in the United States: Consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences
Caregivers of persons living with dementia in rural United States are a vulnerable population. During the COVID-19 pandemic, rural communities experienced heightened disparities in social services, healthcare, suicides, and mortality. Guided by the Caregiving Stress Process Model, this study examines the relationship between the stressors and resources of rural caregivers of persons living with dementia and their experience of depression, stress, and COVID-19.152 rural caregivers of persons living with dementia completed an online survey, March 1, 2021-April 30, 2022. Analyses used baseline responses to validated scales and an open-ended question "How has COVID impacted your life as a caregiver?". Dependent variables were depressive symptoms and stress. Bivariate and hierarchical linear regression analyses examined associations of stressors and resources with depressive symptoms and stress. Thematic analysis examined open-ended question responses.Among examined stressors, high care burden (b=1.94, p<0.05) and loneliness (b=0.76, p<0.0001) were positively associated with depressive symptoms. Loneliness (b=0.24, p<0.05) and ≥41 hours spent caregiving per week (reference 10-20 hours; b=0.99, p<0.05) were associated with stress. Among examined resources, self-efficacy for caregiving (b=-0.21, p<0.05) was inversely associated with stress. Qualitative results confirmed quantitative results and identified additional pandemic-related themes on stressors and resources.We found that caregiver burden, loneliness, and caregiving hours were associated with greater psychological distress among rural caregivers of persons living with dementia during the pandemic, whereas self-efficacy for caregiving was protective. Rural caregivers need increased support to address care burdens and enhance psychological resources for caregiving.
View details for DOI 10.1093/geronb/gbad164
View details for PubMedID 37897201
View details for Web of Science ID 001042977901562
View details for Web of Science ID 000938935900128
View details for Web of Science ID 000842009901441
Two, Four, Six, Eight, Don't Assume Your Grandma's Straight: The Intersectionality of Aging and Sexual Minority Status
2019; 42 (2): 135–36
View details for PubMedID 30721120
The Link between Activities of Daily Living and Cortisol in Late-Life Depression.
Clinical gerontologist
2019: 1–11
Dysregulated cortisol in older individuals is associated with neurodegeneration and executive dysfunction, among other negative health outcomes. Executive functioning deficits are believed to underlie declines in functioning among older adults. Despite these associations, there is limited research examining the relationship between cortisol and impaired functional status.The present study examined the relationship between cortisol and functional status in a community sample of 51 older adults with depression. Pearson correlations and ordinal regressions were used to determine whether greater cortisol dysregulation was associated with ADL and IADL impairment.Results indicated that individuals who had higher levels of cortisol also tended to demonstrate greater functional deficits. These findings remained true when functional status was measured by either a clinician-rated tool or a self-report measure.The results of this study provide preliminary support for the hypothesis that elevated cortisol, in the context of depression, is associated with functional status deficits in older adults.Findings from this study begin to fill the gap in research examining the relationship between cortisol and functional impairment in older adults and suggest that unique information can be gathered with the use of different functional status measures.
View details for PubMedID 30657029
The Importance of Attention to Cultural Factors in the Approach to Dementia Care Services for Older Persons
2018; 41 (3): 181–83
View details for PubMedID 29482470
Treatment Preferences of Older Adults with Substance Use Problems
2016; 39 (1): 15-24
View details for DOI 10.1080/07317115.2015.1101633
View details for Web of Science ID 000366610200003
Using an Emic Lens to Understand How Latino Families Cope With Dementia Behavioral Problems.
American journal of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias
2015; 30 (5): 454-62
Focus group data collected for a larger project to develop a fotonovela for Latino caregivers was used to conduct a meaning-centered thematic analysis in order to elicit Latino family caregiver perspectives on how behavior problems occurring in the context of dementia are perceived and managed. A sample of 42 Spanish-speaking Latino caregivers were recruited from organizations affiliated with the Alzheimer's Association near San Diego, California. Caregivers were queried on challenging behaviors, coping strategies, as well as other daily challenges. Focus group sessions were conducted in Spanish, translated and transcribed into English, and analyzed using qualitative, grounded anthropological methods. In addition to a range of behavior problems, five indigenous approaches to managing challenging behaviors were identified: acceptance, love, patience, adaptability, and establishing routines of care. Additionally, participants identified persistent challenges which deter effective coping. These include: issues with providers, problems with family members, limited knowledge of resources, emotional distress, and financial strain. To our knowledge, this is one of the few qualitative studies to report indigenous coping strategies for dementia behavioral problems. These findings have the potential to inform culturally-tailored intervention.
View details for DOI 10.1177/1533317514566115
View details for PubMedID 25601209
View details for PubMedCentralID PMC4533828
Pretreatment cortisol levels predict posttreatment outcomes among older adults with depression in cognitive behavioral therapy.
Psychiatry research
2013; 210 (2): 444-450
Previous studies suggest that individuals with elevated levels of cortisol (the "stress hormone") could be particularly resistant to treatment for depression. However, most of these studies have been conducted in the context of antidepressant medications, and no study has examined pretreatment cortisol levels as a predictor of treatment outcomes among older adults with depression in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), despite the relevance of this population for such a research question. The current study includes 54 older adults with depression who provided salivary cortisol samples at baseline and completed measures of depression at pretreatment and posttreatment, following a 12-week course of CBT. Structural equation modeling results suggest that those with higher daily outputs of cortisol and flatter diurnal slopes were less likely to benefit from CBT-a finding which if replicated could have important implications for clinical practice and future research.
View details for DOI 10.1016/j.psychres.2013.07.033
View details for PubMedID 23953171
View details for PubMedCentralID PMC3818434
Difficulties Accepting the Loss of a Spouse: A Precursor for Intensified Grieving Among Widowed Older Adults
2013; 37 (2): 126-144
Previous research has identified three distinct factors that make up the Texas Revised Inventory of Grief-Present (TRIG-Present) scale, which tap into grief related thoughts, emotional response, and nonacceptance regarding a loss. In the present study, the authors sought to identify which of these core grief experiences in the early aftermath of loss are predictive of subsequent intensified grieving. Information was collected from 169 conjugally bereaved older adults at 2- and 12-months following the loss of their spouse. Using a cross-lagged panel design, early experiences of nonacceptance were found to significantly predict more intense grief experiences later on; whereas grief-related thoughts and emotional response were not strongly related to grief at 12-months postloss, after accounting for synchronous (cross-sectional) and autoregressive (stability in the same factor over time) associations. These findings suggest that practitioners working with bereaved clients should pay close attention to early expressions of nonacceptance.
View details for DOI 10.1080/07481187.2011.617489
View details for Web of Science ID 000313615600002
Difficulties accepting the loss of a spouse: a precursor for intensified grieving among widowed older adults.
Death studies
2013; 37 (2): 126-144
Previous research has identified three distinct factors that make up the Texas Revised Inventory of Grief-Present (TRIG-Present) scale, which tap into grief related thoughts, emotional response, and nonacceptance regarding a loss. In the present study, the authors sought to identify which of these core grief experiences in the early aftermath of loss are predictive of subsequent intensified grieving. Information was collected from 169 conjugally bereaved older adults at 2- and 12-months following the loss of their spouse. Using a cross-lagged panel design, early experiences of nonacceptance were found to significantly predict more intense grief experiences later on; whereas grief-related thoughts and emotional response were not strongly related to grief at 12-months postloss, after accounting for synchronous (cross-sectional) and autoregressive (stability in the same factor over time) associations. These findings suggest that practitioners working with bereaved clients should pay close attention to early expressions of nonacceptance.
View details for PubMedID 24520845
- Latino older adults and mental health: A review and commentary Clinical Gerontologist 2013; 37 (1)
A pilot of an intervention delivered to Chinese- and Spanish-speaking carers of people with dementia in Australia
Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease & Other Dementias
View details for DOI 10.1177/1533317513505130
Common, specific and treatment fit variables in psychotherapy outcome
Journal of Psychotherapy Integration
2012; 22 (3): 255-281
View details for DOI 10.1037/a0029695
- Successful Interventions for Family Caregivers Principles and Practice of Geriatric Psychiatry John Wiley & Sons Limited. 2011; 3
The impact of education on care practices: an exploratory study of the influence of "action plans" on the behavior of health professionals
2010; 22 (6): 897-908
There has been limited focus on evaluation of continuing education (CEU) and continuing medical education (CME) in the fields of gerontology and geriatrics. The increasing elderly population combined with the limited clinical workforce highlights the need for more effective methods of continuing education. Traditionally, outcomes of CEU and CME programs relied on self-report measures of satisfaction with the scope and quality of the training, but more recent efforts in this area have focused on outcomes indicating level of improved skills and attitudinal changes of medical and allied health professionals towards working with elderly patients in need of assistance.This study focused on the use of "Action Plans" as a tool to stimulate changes in clinical programs following training, along with attempting to determine typical barriers to change and how to deal with them. More than 600 action plans were obtained from participants attending various continuing education classes providing training on care of patients with dementia (PWD) and their families. Both qualitative and quantitative methods, including logistic regression models were used to analyze the data.Three months following training 366 participants reported whether they were successful in implementing their action plans and identified factors that either facilitated or hindered their goal to make changes outlined in their action plans. Despite the low response rate of program participants, the "action plan" (with follow up to determine degree of completion) appeared to stimulate effective behavioral changes in clinicians working with dementia patients and their family members. Seventy three percent of the respondents reported at least some level of success in implementing specific changes. Specific details about barriers to change and how to overcome them are discussed.Our results support that developing and writing action plans can be a useful tool to self- monitor behavioral change among trainees over time.
View details for DOI 10.1017/S1041610210001031
View details for Web of Science ID 000282078000006
View details for PubMedID 20594385
View details for PubMedCentralID PMC2955438
Recruitment and retention of ethnic minority elders into clinical research.
Alzheimer disease & associated disorders
2010; 24: S35-41
Despite an increasing awareness of the problem, clinical research continues to include lesser numbers of ethnic minority participants disproportionate to their population percentages. To rectify this problem, this article attempts to identify key barriers to minority recruitment and retention as well as specific strategies and methods successful in the past. We propose specific recommendations to address these barriers, and formulate a 3-prong approach to increasing minority recruitment and retention, with emphasis on elderly participants. The article discusses such concerns as building trust in the target community, using appropriate methods of outreach, and providing culturally sensitive written materials at appropriate health literacy levels. Through an awareness of and attention to cultural differences and sensitivities, researchers can and must address the chronic underrepresentation of ethnic minorities in clinical research.
View details for PubMedID 22720320
Using the Revised Acculturation Rating Scale for Mexican Americans (ARSMA-II) with Older Adults.
Hispanic health care international : the official journal of the National Association of Hispanic Nurses
2010; 8 (1): 14-22
Projections for the year 2030 show that Latinos are expected to make the largest population increase. Cultural values create expectation levels about what will happen to the elderly. Acculturation is a concept that has been studied extensively, yet the relationship between age and acculturation has not been a focus of study. The present study has proposed an alternate way of scoring the ARSMA-II based on receiver operating characteristics. Specifically, this approach looks at participants' responses to two individual items to determine the level of acculturation of the older adults. It is a quicker method and one that could save healthcare providers a great deal of time as well as help them better understand their clients' level of acculturation; thus, being able to provide the appropriate educational materials.
View details for DOI 10.1891/1540-4153.8.1.14
View details for PubMedID 21998557
View details for PubMedCentralID PMC3190130
The Coping with Caregiving Group Program for Chinese caregivers of patients with Alzheimer's disease in Hong Kong
2010; 78 (2): 256-260
This pilot study evaluated the effectiveness of Coping with Caregiving (CWC) psychoeducational program for Chinese family caregivers of patients with Alzheimer's disease in Hong Kong.Twenty-seven female primary caregivers were randomized to join the treatment group or wait-list control group. The caregivers in the treatment group participated in 13 weekly training sessions which taught specific cognitive-behavioral strategies to handle caregiving stress.As compared to the wait-list control group, caregivers completing the CWC program demonstrated a significant increase in their self-efficacy for controlling their upsetting thoughts and handling disruptive behaviors of the care recipients. They also reported a significant increase in the use of both problem-focused and emotion-focused coping strategies.These findings suggested that cognitive-behavioral programs can be effective in improving the resourcefulness of Chinese caregivers of persons with dementia in Hong Kong.Future CWC programs will have to enhance participants' ability to differentiate among various coping skills and to use situation-appropriate strategies.
View details for DOI 10.1016/j.pec.2009.06.005
View details for Web of Science ID 000275010300020
View details for PubMedID 19619974
Effectiveness of a psychoeducational skill training DVD program to reduce stress in Chinese American dementia caregivers: Results of a preliminary study
2010; 14 (3): 263-273
Prior research (Gallagher-Thompson, D., Gray, H., Tang, P., Pu, C.-Y., Tse, C., Hsu, S., et al. (2007). Impact of in-home intervention versus telephone support in reducing depression and stress of Chinese caregivers: Results of a pilot study. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 15, 425-434.) found that an in-home behavioral management program, derived conceptually from cognitive behavioral theories (CBT), was effective in reducing caregiver related stress and depressive symptoms in Chinese American dementia caregivers (CGs). Results were promising, but a more cost-effective intervention is needed to serve this growing population. Past work also found that a psychoeducational videotaped training program based on CBT was effective in reducing stress due to caregiving in Caucasian and African American dementia family CGs (Steffen, 2000, Anger management for dementia caregivers: A preliminary study using video and telephone interventions. Behavior Therapy, 31, 281-299.). To date no research has been conducted using a technological medium to deliver a similar kind of intervention to Chinese American caregivers. The present study evaluated the effectiveness of a similar but culturally "tailored" program in which 70 CGs were randomly assigned to a 12-week CBT skill training program delivered on a DVD, or to a general educational DVD program on dementia. Both were available in Mandarin Chinese or English as preferred. Pre post change analyses indicated that CGs did not differ on change in level of negative depressive symptoms, but positive affect was higher, and patient behaviors were appraised as less stressful and bothersome, for CGs in the CBT skill training program. They were also more satisfied with the program overall and reported that they believed they were able to give care more effectively. Results encourage further development of theoretically based interventions, delivered using modern technology, for this ever increasing group of CGs.
View details for DOI 10.1080/13607860903420989
View details for Web of Science ID 000277438700004
View details for PubMedID 20425645
- Families dealing with dementia: Insights from Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan Aging Asia: The economic and social implications of rapid demographic change in China, Japan, and South Korea Stanford University Press: Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center. 2010: 157–176
- Effectively Using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with the Oldest-Old: Case Examples and Issues for Consideration Casebook of clinical geropsychology: International perspectives on practice Oxford University Press. 2010
Exploring the relationship between physical health, depressive symptoms, and depression diagnoses in Hispanic dementia caregivers
2010; 14 (3): 274-282
The present study examined the relationship between self-reported physical health, depressive symptoms, and the occurrence of depression diagnosis in Hispanic female dementia caregivers.Participants were 89 Hispanic female dementia caregivers.This study used a cross-sectional design. Baseline depression and physical health data were collected from participants enrolled in the 'Reducing Stress in Hispanic Anglo Dementia Caregivers' study sponsored by the National Institute on Aging.Physical health was assessed using the Medical Outcome Study Short Form-36 (SF-36), a one-item self-report health rating, body mass index, and the presence or history of self-reported physical illness. Depressive symptoms were assessed using the Center for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression Scale (CES-D). The occurrence of depression diagnosis was assessed using the Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders (SCID).Multiple linear and logistic regression analysis was used to examine the extent to which indices of physical health and depressive symptoms accounted for variance in participants' depressive symptoms and depressive diagnoses.Self-reported indices of health (e.g., SF-36) accounted for a significant portion of variance in both CES-D scores and SCID diagnoses. Caregivers who reported worsened health tended to report increased symptoms of depression on the CES-D and increased likelihood of an SCID diagnosis of a depressive disorder.Self-reported health indices are helpful in identifying Hispanic dementia caregivers at risk for clinical levels of depression.
View details for DOI 10.1080/13607860903483128
View details for Web of Science ID 000277438700005
View details for PubMedID 20425646
Ethnic Differences in Beliefs Regarding Alzheimer Disease Among Dementia Family Caregivers
2009; 17 (11): 925-933
The purpose of this study was to examine ethnic differences in female dementia family caregivers' knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs about Alzheimer disease (AD).Baseline data were collected from 215 female caregivers before their participation in various psychoeducational intervention programs. Caregivers were questioned about the epidemiology, etiology, and treatment of AD. Logistic regressions and one-way analysis of variance were conducted to assess ethnic differences.Hispanic and Chinese caregivers were more likely to believe that AD is a normal part of aging and that AD can be diagnosed by a blood test than the white group. These beliefs about AD may delay help-seeking activities for these patients and their family caregivers.Increased public education about AD is needed in these communities. Results are discussed in terms of barriers to accessing information about AD and ways to improve public informational outreach activities, so that the intended audiences are reached more effectively.
View details for DOI 10.1097/JGP.0b013e3181ad4f3c
View details for Web of Science ID 000271657200003
View details for PubMedID 20104051
Self-efficacy as a Moderator of the Relationship Between Care Recipient Memory and Behavioral Problems and Caregiver Depression in Female Dementia Caregivers
2009; 23 (4): 389-394
The purpose of the current study was to explore the moderating effect of 3 domains of caregiver self-efficacy on the relationship between exogenous caregiving stressors (care recipient memory and behavioral problems) and depression.Moderator analyses were used to analyze data for 256 caregivers of elder relatives with dementia recruited at the Palo-Alto site of the National REACH (Resources for Enhancing Alzheimer's Caregiver Health) Project. Significant interactions between the stressor and self-efficacy indicated a potential moderating effect. Post hoc analyses were then conducted to determine the nature of the interaction(s).Self-efficacy for managing disruptive behaviors and self-efficacy for controlling upsetting thoughts had a direct effect on depression. Self-efficacy for responding to disruptive behaviors moderated the relationship between care recipient memory and behavioral problems and symptoms of depression.Self-efficacy may be an important clinical tool for identifying the caregivers who are most vulnerable to depression. Self-efficacy for responding to disruptive behaviors may be especially helpful in identifying caregivers at the greatest risk for depression when care recipient memory and behavior problems are high.
View details for Web of Science ID 000272403700015
View details for PubMedID 19935146
Development of the Risk Appraisal Measure: A Brief Screen to Identify Risk Areas and Guide Interventions for Dementia Caregivers
2009; 57 (6): 1064-1072
To develop and validate a brief screening measure for use in research, healthcare, and community settings to systematically assess well-being and identify needed areas of support for caregivers of patients with dementia.This study used data from Resources for Enhancing Alzheimer's Caregiver Health (REACH II), a multisite randomized clinical trial of a behavioral intervention designed to improve the quality of life of caregivers in multiple domains.REACH II.Two hundred twelve Hispanic, 211 black, and 219 white family caregivers providing in-home care to patients with dementia.Based on conceptual and psychometric analyses, a 16-item measure was developed that assesses six domains linked to caregiver risk and amenable to intervention: depression, burden, self-care and health behaviors, social support, safety, and patient problem behaviors. The reliability and validity of the instrument was evaluated with 642 dementia caregiver dyads from the REACH II program.The measure was found to have acceptable internal consistency for a multidimensional scale and similar measurement properties for each of the racial and ethnic groups. Concurrent validity was also demonstrated for the measure.The REACH Risk Appraisal Measure developed in this study shows promise as an assessment tool that can be used in research, clinical, and community settings to guide, prioritize, and target needed areas of support for caregivers of patients with dementia.
View details for DOI 10.1111/j.1532-5415.2009.02260.x
View details for Web of Science ID 000266490500017
View details for PubMedID 19453305
View details for PubMedCentralID PMC2722069
Testing a Theoretical Model of the Stress Process in Alzheimer's Caregivers With Race as a Moderator
2009; 49 (2): 248-261
The primary aim of this study was to test the stress process model (SPM; Pearlin, Mullan, Semple, & Skaff, 1990) in a racially diverse sample of Alzheimer's caregivers (CGs) using structural equation modeling (SEM) and regression techniques. A secondary aim was to examine race or ethnicity as a moderator of the relation between latent constructs (e.g., subjective stressors and role strain) in the SPM.Participants included White or Caucasian (n = 212), Black or African American (n = 201), and Hispanic or Latino (n = 196) Alzheimer's CGs from the Resources for Enhancing Alzheimer's Caregiver Health (REACH) II clinical trial.SEM revealed that the Pearlin model obtains a satisfactory fit across race or ethnicity in the REACH II data, despite significant racial differences in each of the latent constructs. Race or ethnicity moderated the impact of resources on intrapsychic strain, such that CGs reported similar intrapsychic strain across race at lower levels of resources, but White or Caucasian CGs reported more intrapsychic strain than Black or African American or Hispanic or Latino CGs when resources are higher.Strengths and weaknesses for each race or ethnicity vary considerably, suggesting that interventions must target different aspects of the stress process to provide optimal benefit for individuals of different cultural or ethnic backgrounds.
View details for DOI 10.1093/geront/gnp015
View details for Web of Science ID 000265400300010
View details for PubMedID 19363019
Outcomes From the Resources for Enhancing Alzheimer's Caregiver Health (REACH) Program for Bereaved Caregivers
2009; 24 (1): 190-202
Although preventive efforts for bereaved individuals have not been shown to be particularly effective in past studies, it has been suggested that intervention effects might be underestimated due to methodological issues such as short follow-up assessments. Thus, the present study aimed to assess the efficacy (as whole intervention packages and as component parts) of the Resources for Enhancing Alzheimer's Caregiver Health (REACH) interventions in preventing complicated grief, normal grief, and depressive symptoms at a longer term follow-up assessment among bereaved caregivers (N = 224). On average, active interventions showed a statistically significant effect on normal grief symptoms (d = 0.28), exhibited a trend toward improvement on complicated grief symptoms (d = 0.25), and demonstrated little impact on depressive symptoms (d = 0.09). Interestingly, the examination of intervention components revealed differential effects, whereby cognitive and behavioral strategies were most effective at reducing levels of complicated grief, information and emotional support were most effective for addressing normal grief, and environmental modifications were most effective for ameliorating depressive symptoms. These findings suggest that different preloss interventions might be warranted depending on a caregiver's unique clinical presentation and combination of risk factors.
View details for DOI 10.1037/a0014303
View details for Web of Science ID 000264315800019
View details for PubMedID 19290751
The role of resources and appraisals in predicting burden among Latina and non-Hispanic white female caregivers: A test of an expanded socio-cultural model of stress and coping
2009; 13 (5): 648-658
The goal of this study is to propose and evaluate an expanded socio-cultural model of stress and coping that examines the role of culturally situated factors, such as coping abilities and the caregiver's self-efficacy beliefs, as mediators of outcomes among Latina and non-Hispanic white female caregivers.Using baseline data from 89 Latina and 96 non-Hispanic white female caregivers enrolled in an intervention study in the San Francisco area, exogenous and mediating factors were regressed on levels of burden among self-identified caregivers of older adults with Alzheimer's disease or another form of dementia.Results from structural equation modeling provided empirical evidence for a model in which the effects of ethnicity and other background variables are mediated through coping resources and appraisals of self-efficacy for managing care.This study adds to the existing literature that underscores the importance of evaluating the role of culturally mediated values for their impact on mental health outcomes. This influence is not only due to structural factors that reflect the disadvantaged minority status of ethnically diverse caregivers (e.g. socioeconomic status), but also to their coping resources and their appraisal of being able to meet caregiving demands, as shaped by their perceptions about caregiving. Future research is encouraged to explore the role of other culturally mediated factors that may affect mental health outcomes among caregivers of relatives with dementia.
View details for DOI 10.1080/13607860802534658
View details for Web of Science ID 000271511800002
View details for PubMedID 19882403
Social support and well-being in dementia family caregivers: The mediating role of self-efficacy
2009; 13 (5): 761-768
The study investigated self-efficacy as a possible mediator of the relationship between the social support and depressive symptoms of primarily informal caregivers, mainly family members, of patients with dementia in Hong Kong.One hundred and thirty-four caregivers were interviewed. Path analyses were conducted using a self-efficacy scale that consists of three subscales assessing three domains of caregiving self-efficacy. Self-efficacy for obtaining respite, responding to disruptive patient behaviours, and controlling upsetting thoughts about caregiving were measured.Results showed that self-efficacy acted as a partial mediator between social support and depressive symptoms of these caregivers.Findings suggest that self-efficacy may function as a mechanism through which social support influences depressive symptoms, and the importance of this self-efficacy mechanism can be domain-specific.
View details for DOI 10.1080/13607860902918223
View details for Web of Science ID 000271511800014
View details for PubMedID 19882415
The relationship between religiosity and health behaviors in female caregivers of older adults with dementia
2009; 13 (6): 788-798
The current study explored the relationship between three dimensions of religiosity: (a) organizational religiosity (e.g. attendance at religious events), (b) non-organizational religiosity (e.g. prayer), and (c) subjective religiosity (e.g. importance of religion) and caregiver health behavior patterns in a sample of Latina and Caucasian female caregivers of older adult relatives with dementia. It was hypothesized that religiosity would have a significant association with reduced cumulative health risk as determined by an index of health behaviors. It was also hypothesized that, when examining the individual health behaviors subsumed in the overarching index, religiosity would be positively associated with adaptive health behaviors like exercise and negatively associated with health risk behaviors like smoking. Amongst Caucasians, increased subjective religiosity was related to increased cumulative health risk. Conversely, in Latinas, non-organizational religiosity was positively correlated with improved dietary practices (reduced dietary restriction). Increased levels of subjective religiosity were significantly associated with decreased maintenance of a routine exercise regimen across ethnic groups. Recommendations for clinicians and religious leaders, and avenues of future research are discussed.
View details for DOI 10.1080/13607860903046446
View details for Web of Science ID 000271511900002
View details for PubMedID 19888699
The relationship between objectively measured sleep disturbance and dementia family caregiver distress and burden
2008; 21 (3): 159-165
The aim of this study was to determine whether distress and burden were associated with objective measures of sleep disturbance in dementia caregivers. Using wrist actigraphy, sleep was measured in 60 female, Caucasian dementia family caregivers (mean age, 64.8 years). Caregivers completed questionnaires about demographics, health, depression, duration of caregiving and care recipient nighttime behavior. Care recipients completed a mental status exam. We investigated whether these measures were associated with actigraphic sleep parameters. Greater depressive symptoms among caregivers were associated with poorer sleep efficiency. Older caregiver age and poorer self-rated health were associated with longer time in bed. Sleep disturbance, which is common among dementia caregivers, might be an important index of caregiver distress (ie, depression) but might not be associated with burden (based on the care recipient's general cognitive impairment or nighttime awakenings.).
View details for DOI 10.1177/0891988708316857
View details for Web of Science ID 000259164100001
View details for PubMedID 18503035
The benefits of using psychotherapy skills following treatment for depression: An examination of "afterwork" and a test of the skills hypothesis in older adults
2008; 15 (2): 194-202
View details for Web of Science ID 000257407600010
The relationship self-efficacy and between cumulative health risk associated with health behavior patterns in female caregivers of elderly relatives with Alzheimer's dementia
2007; 19 (6): 946-964
To promote caregiver well-being and to help caregivers persevere in their invaluable roles, personal resources that predict increased self-care and reduced health risk behaviors need to be identified.This study examined relationships between self-efficacy beliefs in three distinct domains of caregiving and cumulative health risk associated with health behavior patterns.Higher levels of self-efficacy for Obtaining Respite and self-efficacy for Controlling Upsetting Thoughts were found to be related to reduced health risk.These findings suggest that caregivers who believe that they can remove themselves from the stresses of caregiving and who can manage the distorted cognitions often associated with caregiving may experience tangible benefits in health behaviors and, ultimately, improved physical health.
View details for DOI 10.1177/0898264307308559
View details for Web of Science ID 000251065300005
View details for PubMedID 18165290
Exciting advances in family caregiver research
2007; 11 (6): 613-615
View details for DOI 10.1080/13607860701786698
View details for Web of Science ID 000252476800001
View details for PubMedID 18074248
Adapting homework for an older adult client with cognitive impairment
35th Annual Congress of the European-Association-of-Behavioural-and-Cognitive-Therapies
View details for Web of Science ID 000257407200002
Impact of in-home behavioral management versus telephone support to reduce depressive symptoms and perceived stress in Chinese caregivers: Results of a pilot study
2007; 15 (5): 425-434
Recent work has shown that Chinese Americans caring for a family member with dementia experience considerable psychological distress. However, few studies evaluate treatments for them. This study evaluated the efficacy of in-home intervention, based on cognitive behavior therapy principles, to relieve stress and depression in female Chinese American caregivers (CGs).Fifty-five CGs who met inclusion criteria were randomly assigned to a telephone support condition (TSC) or to an in-home behavioral management program (IHBMP) for 4 months. In the TSC, biweekly calls were made and relevant material was mailed. In the IHBMP, specific psychological skills were taught to deal with caregiving stress. CGs were assessed before and after treatment. Outcome measures evaluated overall perceived stress, caregiving-specific stress, and depressive symptoms.CGs in IHBMP were less bothered by caregiving-specific stressors and had lower depression levels than CGs in TSC. There was no difference in overall stress. CGs with low baseline level of self-efficacy for obtaining respite benefited from IHBMP, but showed little improvement in the TSC. CGs with higher self-efficacy benefited from both treatments.This intervention is promising and warrants replication in future studies. Additional research is needed to evaluate longer-term effects and to identify individual differences associated with improvement.
View details for Web of Science ID 000246299600008
View details for PubMedID 17463192
Reflections about the attention to family caregivers of people with dementia and proposal of an interdisciplinary psychoeducational intervention
2007; 15 (1): 57-76
View details for Web of Science ID 000253709300004
Evidence-based psychological treatments for distress in family caregivers of older adults
2007; 22 (1): 37-51
This review identifies evidence-based psychological treatments (EBTs) for reducing distress, and improving well-being, of family members caring for an older relative with significant cognitive and/or physical impairment. Three categories of psychologically derived treatments met EBT criteria: psychoeducational programs (N = 14 studies), psychotherapy (N = 3 studies), and multicomponent interventions (N = 2 studies). Specifically, support within the psychoeducational category was found for skill-training programs focused on behavior management, depression management, and anger management and for the progressively lowered threshold model. Within the psychotherapy category, cognitive-behavioral therapy enjoys strong empirical support. Within the multicomponent category, programs using a combination of at least 2 distinct theoretical approaches (e.g., individual counseling and support group attendance) were also found to be effective. Suggestions for future research include the development of more well-integrated multicomponent approaches, greater inclusion of ethnically diverse family caregivers in research protocols, and greater incorporation of new technologies for treatment delivery.
View details for DOI 10.1037/0882-7974.22.1.37
View details for Web of Science ID 000245060300006
View details for PubMedID 17385981
Health and Health Behaviors Among Female Caregivers of Elderly Relatives with Dementia: The Role of Ethnicity and Kinship Status
2007; 31 (2): 1-15
View details for DOI 10.1300/J018v31n02_01
View details for Web of Science ID 000207977100001
Enhancing the quality of life of dementia caregivers from different ethnic or racial groups - A randomized, controlled trial
2006; 145 (10): 727-738
Caring for a family member with dementia is extremely stressful, contributes to psychiatric and physical illness among caregivers, and increases the risk for caregiver death. Finding better ways to support family caregivers is a major public health challenge.To test the effects of a structured multicomponent intervention on quality of life and clinical depression in caregivers and on rates of institutional placement of care recipients in 3 diverse racial or ethnic groups.Randomized, controlled trial.In-home caregivers in 5 U.S. cities.212 Hispanic or Latino, 219 white or Caucasian, and 211 black or African-American caregivers and their care recipients with Alzheimer disease or related disorders.Caregivers within each racial or ethnic group were randomly assigned to an intervention or to a control group. The intervention addressed caregiver depression, burden, self-care, and social support and care recipient problem behaviors through 12 in-home and telephone sessions over 6 months. Caregivers in the control group received 2 brief "check-in" telephone calls during the 6-month intervention.The primary outcome was a quality-of-life indicator comprising measures of 6-month caregiver depression, burden, self-care, and social support and care recipient problem behaviors. Secondary outcomes were caregiver clinical depression and institutional placement of the care recipient at 6 months.Hispanic or Latino and white or Caucasian caregivers in the intervention group experienced significantly greater improvement in quality of life than those in the control group (P < 0.001 and P = 0.037, respectively). Black or African-American spouse caregivers also improved significantly more (P = 0.003). Prevalence of clinical depression was lower among caregivers in the intervention group (12.6% vs. 22.7%; P = 0.001). There were no statistically significant differences in institutionalization at 6 months.The study used only a single 6-month follow-up assessment, combined heterogeneous cultures and ethnicities into a single group, and excluded some ethnic groups.A structured multicomponent intervention adapted to individual risk profiles can increase the quality of life of ethnically diverse dementia caregivers. ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT00177489.
View details for Web of Science ID 000242387100002
View details for PubMedID 17116917
View details for PubMedCentralID PMC2585490
Recruiting Chinese Americans for dementia caregiver intervention research: Suggestions for success
2006; 14 (8): 676-683
The purpose of this study was to compare the relative effectiveness of three recruitment modalities for enrolling Chinese-American and white family caregivers into research studies to evaluate intervention strategies.A total of 116 Chinese Americans and 134 whites were screened for eligibility to participate in one of two clinical intervention trials. Participants were recruited using: 1) media sources; 2) nonprofessional referral sources; or 3) professional referrals. Each participant was asked an open-ended question about how they became aware of the programs offered.A smaller proportion of Chinese Americans (39%) than whites (50%) who responded to recruiting strategies actually enrolled as subjects. There was a significant interaction between ethnicity and recruitment strategy. Chinese-American caregivers who were recruited by nonprofessional sources were less likely to enroll in the intervention studies than those who were recruited through media sources or professional referrals. Whites, on the other hand, were more likely to be recruited through nonprofessional sources than the other two.A consumer-oriented approach, which included direct face-to-face contact with key community leaders, generated the highest number of Chinese-American participants. Culture-specific factors such as trust-building with social service agencies, demonstrating genuine commitment to the well-being of the target community, and linguistic and ethnic matching between research staff and potential participants appear helpful to successful research recruitment in this rapidly increasing segment of dementia caregivers.
View details for Web of Science ID 000239205500006
View details for PubMedID 16861372
The moderating effect of self-efficacy on intervention response in women family caregivers of older adults with dementia
2006; 14 (8): 642-649
This study performed moderator analyses to determine if self-efficacy predicted differential outcome in a randomized trial comparing a cognitive behavior psychoeducational intervention and an enhanced support group (ESG). The four key outcomes were depression, anxiety, social support, and coping. Low baseline self-efficacy scores were hypothesized to be more predictive of positive response in the psychoeducational intervention than in the support group. Change from pre- to posttreatment (baseline to three months) for 213 female caregivers of older adult relatives with dementia (122 Anglos and 91 Latinos) are presented. Caregivers were randomly assigned to either the coping with caregiving class (CWC), a skill-building, small group intervention designed to reduce caregiving stress, or to an enhanced support group (ESG), which used guided discussion and empathic listening to develop within-group reciprocal support. The findings showed that low baseline self-efficacy scores better predicted positive response to treatment in the CWC intervention than in the ESG intervention. This study supports the use of self-efficacy as a screening tool for appropriate caregiver intervention assignment.
View details for Web of Science ID 000239205500002
View details for PubMedID 16861368
Impact of current grief on memory for past grief in spousal bereavement
2006; 14 (3): 297-306
This study examined the impact of changes in level of current grief over time on changes in memory for past grief. Following from previous work on the impact of current affective state on memory for past affectively salient events, bereaved individuals who underwent a greater reduction in grief over time were expected to show a similar pattern of changes in memory for past grief. A sample of conjugally bereaved participants completed measures of current grief and memory for past grief at the time of the loss of their spouse at each of the 2, 6, 13, and 30 month post-loss time periods. As predicted, those who reported greater reduction in grief over the course of the study were more likely to remember their past grief as progressively less severe relative to those who underwent less reduction in grief over time. A nonrecursive causal model analysis verified that changes in memory for past grief were explained by changes in current grief. These results were discussed in terms of contemporary reconstructive memory accounts of the effect of affective state on memory.
View details for DOI 10.1080/09658210500243747
View details for Web of Science ID 000237386700004
View details for PubMedID 16574586
- The geriatric caregiver Principles and practice of geriatric psychiatry 2006: 37-48
- Women?s issues at the end of life Handbook of girls? and women?s psychological health 2006
- Psychotherapy across the lifecycle: Old age. In G. Gabbard, J. Beck & J. Holmes (Eds.) Concise Oxford textbook of psychotherapy 2005
- Cognitive-Behavioral Group Interventions Oxford textbook of psychotherapy 2005
Social marketing as a framework for recruitment: Illustrations from the REACH study
2004; 16 (5): 157S-176S
Recruitment is often the most challenging aspect of research with older persons. Social marketing--applying marketing techniques to influence the behavior of target audiences to improve their welfare--can help researchers identify factors that influence recruitment.Illustrations of social marketing principles are provided from the Resources for Enhancing Alzheimer's Caregiver Health project, a national Alzheimer's caregivers study that targeted ethnic and racial minorities.Social marketing principles--the six Ps of participants, product, price, place, promotion, and partners--provide a theoretical framework for organizing and planning recruitment activities, including developing varying strategies to define the target audience (participants), develop the intervention (product), manage time and trouble (price), target the audience, improve accessibility (place), promote the study, and develop and work with partners.Strategies to enhance recruitment are often undertaken without a comprehensive plan. A social marketing plan provides a framework to map out the steps in recruitment that will be needed and to plan for allocations of time, staff, and resources.
View details for DOI 10.1177/0898264304269727
View details for Web of Science ID 000224424800010
View details for PubMedID 15448292
View details for PubMedCentralID PMC2579268
Ethnicity and time to institutionalization of dementia patients: A comparison of Latina and Caucasian female family caregivers
2004; 52 (7): 1077-1084
To compare rates of institutionalization of dementia patients cared for by Latina and Caucasian female caregivers and to explore which caregiver and care-recipient characteristics predicted institutionalization.Longitudinal.San Francisco Bay area, California.Two hundred sixty-four female caregivers of dementia patients (154 Caucasian women, 110 Latinas) who participated in an intervention project designed to reduce caregiver stress and may represent a sample that is more stressed and motivated than a general sample of caregivers.Number of days between baseline interview and institutionalization was recorded over an 18-month period. Kaplan-Meier survival analysis with the log rank statistic was used to test for ethnic differences in time to institutionalization. Cox regression analyses were conducted to determine whether care-recipient or caregiver characteristics (e.g., care-recipient age and memory and behavior problems; caregiver depression, years of education, income, and views of the caregiving role) significantly interacted with ethnicity to explain time to institutionalization.Latinas delayed institutionalization significantly longer than their Caucasian counterparts; care-recipient characteristics or caregiver demographics did not explain these results, although Latinas who identified greater benefits or more-positive aspects of the caregiving process at baseline were less likely to institutionalize their loved one than those who reported fewer benefits of caregiving. Less-acculturated Latinas were significantly more likely to identify positive aspects of caregiving than more-acculturated Latinas.Latina dementia caregivers delay institutionalization significantly longer than female Caucasian caregivers. In addition, Latino cultural values and positive views of the caregiving role are important factors that may significantly influence their decision to institutionalize loved ones with dementia.
View details for Web of Science ID 000222070900005
View details for PubMedID 15209644
Positive aspects of caregiving - Contributions of the REACH project to the development of new measures for Alzheimer's caregiving
2004; 26 (4): 429-453
View details for DOI 10.1177/0164027504264493
View details for Web of Science ID 000221898500003
Well-being, appraisal, and coping in Latina and Caucasian female dementia caregivers: findings from the REACH study
2004; 8 (4): 330-345
While there has been considerable interest in studying ethnically diverse family caregivers, few studies have investigated the influence of dementia caregiving on Latino families. The current study includes participants from two sites of the REACH (Resources for Enhancing Alzheimer's Caregiver Health) project to compare well-being, appraisal, and religiosity by ethnicity, with specific attention to levels of acculturation. Latina (n = 191) and Caucasian female (n = 229) dementia family caregivers from two regions of the United States (Miami, Florida and Northern California) were compared at baseline on demographics, care recipient characteristics, mental and physical health, and psychosocial resources, including appraisal style and religiosity. Latina caregivers reported lower appraisals of stress, greater perceived benefits of caregiving, and greater use of religious coping than Caucasian caregivers. The relationship of these variables to level of acculturation for the Latina caregivers was also explored. Implications of these results for psychosocial interventions with Latino and Caucasian family caregivers are discussed.
View details for DOI 10.1080/13607860410001709683
View details for Web of Science ID 000222784200005
View details for PubMedID 15370049
A pilot study of a yoga and meditation intervention for dementia caregiver stress
109th Annual Convention of the American-Psychological-Association
JOHN WILEY & SONS INC. 2004: 677–87
Twelve older female dementia patient family caregivers (eight Latinas and four Caucasians) participated in a six-session manualized yoga-meditation program (called Inner Resources) designed to help caregivers cope with stress. Pre/post comparisons revealed statistically significant reductions in depression and anxiety and improvements in perceived self-efficacy. Average minutes of weekly yoga-meditation practice were significantly associated with improvements in depression. The majority of caregivers found the intervention useful and reported subjective improvements in physical and emotional functioning. These findings suggest that Inner Resources may be a feasible and effective intervention for family caregivers and may improve affect, coping, physical well-being, and stress management.
View details for DOI 10.1002/jclp.10259
View details for Web of Science ID 000221622900009
View details for PubMedID 15141399
- Bereavement and adjustment disorders. In D. Blazer, D. Steffens & E. Busse (Eds.) Textbook of Geriatric Psychiatry, 3rd ed 2004
- Positive Aspects of Caregiving: Contributions of the REACH Project to the development of new measures for Alzheimer?s caregiving Research of Aging 2004; 26 (4): 429-453
- Japanese American caregivers of individuals with dementia: An examination of Japanese cultural values and dementia caregiving Clinical Gerontologist 2004; 27 (1/2): 87-102
Psychometric analysis of the revised memory and behavior problems checklist: Factor structure of occurrence and reaction ratings
2003; 18 (4): 906-915
A modified version of the Revised Memory and Behavior Problems Checklist (RMBPC; L. Teri et al., 1992) was administered across 6 different sites to 1,229 family caregivers of community-dwelling adults with dementia. The total sample was divided randomly into 2 subsamples. Principal components analyses on occurrence responses and reaction ratings from the first subsample resulted in a 3-factor solution that closely resembled the originally proposed dimensions (memory-related problems, disruptive behaviors, and depression). Confirmatory factor analyses on data from the second subsample indicated adequate fit for the 3-factor model. Correlations with other caregiver and care-recipient measures supported the convergent and discriminant validity of the RMBPC measures. In addition, female caregivers and White caregivers reported more problems, on average, than male caregivers and African American caregivers, respectively.
View details for DOI 10.1037/0882-7974.18.4.906
View details for Web of Science ID 000187350900024
View details for PubMedID 14692875
Effect of multicomponent interventions on caregiver burden and depression: The REACH multisite initiative at 6-month follow-up
2003; 18 (3): 361-374
Meta-analysis was used to examine pooled parameter estimates of 9 active compared with 6 control conditions of the Resources for Enhancing Alzheimer's Caregiver Health (REACH) project at 6 months on caregiver burden and depressive symptoms. Associations of caregiver characteristics and outcomes were examined. For burden, active interventions were superior to control conditions (p = .022). Also, active interventions were superior to control conditions for women versus men and for caregivers with lower education versus those with higher education. For depressive symptoms, a statistically significant association of group assignment was found for Miami's family therapy and computer technology intervention (p = .034). Also, active interventions were superior to control conditions for Hispanics, nonspouses, and caregivers with lower education. Results suggest interventions should be multicomponent and tailored.
View details for DOI 10.1037//0882-7974.18.3.361
View details for Web of Science ID 000185419700002
View details for PubMedID 14518800
View details for PubMedCentralID PMC2583061
Resources for Enhancing Alzheimer's Caregiver Health (REACH): Overview, site-specific outcomes, and future directions
2003; 43 (4): 514-520
View details for Web of Science ID 000184967700008
View details for PubMedID 12937330
View details for PubMedCentralID PMC2579756
Recommendations about the knowledge and skills required of psychologists working with older adults
2003; 34 (4): 435-443
View details for DOI 10.1037/0735-7028.34.4.435
View details for Web of Science ID 000184401600013
Are all cognitive therapies alike? A comparison of cognitive and noncognitive therapy process and implications for the application of empirically supported treatments
2003; 71 (1): 150-158
The definition of an empirically supported treatment (EST) arguably embodies 2 untested assumptions: (a) that different manualized renditions of the same therapy are functionally equivalent and (b) that therapies can be reliably applied independently of therapist, setting, and format. These assumptions were tested as applied to cognitive therapy (CT), using process data from a large multisite study (N = 235) that included 3 cognitive and 6 alternative therapies. Although the non-CTs were more variable than the CTs on 2 of 4 dimensions studied (directiveness and emotional arousal), there was considerable variation among the 3 CTs, even when implemented in the current context of rigorous training, manualization, and adherence checks. Results are discussed as related to the assumptions underlying EST criteria.
View details for DOI 10.1037//0022-006X.71.1.150
View details for Web of Science ID 000180591700017
View details for PubMedID 12602435
- Innovative interventions to reduce dementia caregiver distress: A clinical guide 2003
Tailoring psychological interventions for ethnically diverse dementia caregivers
2003; 10 (4): 423-438
View details for DOI 10.1093/clipsy/bpg042
View details for Web of Science ID 000187059200003
- Treatment options for improving Wellbeing in Dementia Family caregivers: The case for psychoeducational interventions The Clinical Psychologist 2003; 7 (1): 21-31
- Interventions for a multicultural society Innovative interventions to reduce dementia caregiver distress. A clinical guide 2003
- A comparison of the Dodo, EST, and ATI factors among co-morbid stimulant dependent, depressed patients Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy 2003; 10: 69-85
Guidelines for conducting geropsychotherapy research
2003; 11 (1): 9-16
Geropsychotherapy researchers have established specific methods that improve the reliability and generalizability of the data from this research. To date, there has been little formal dissemination of these methods. The authors present guidelines for the optimal conduct of psychotherapy research in older adults, which include selection of age-appropriate psychotherapies and control conditions, use of consumer-based methods for recruitment, evaluation of age-related treatment processes and outcomes, and adjusting the research design to accommodate age-specific life events and provide examples of how each guideline was used in their psychotherapy studies. Psychotherapy research with older adults has benefited from methodological advances that improve our ability to ascertain the impact of psychotherapy on late-life disorders. However, the field is still in need of better outcome and process measures, methods for measuring the therapeutic content of non-psychotherapy encounters, and methods for determining the impact of choice of treatment on outcome.
View details for Web of Science ID 000180366400003
View details for PubMedID 12527535
- Pleasurable activities and mood: Differences between Latina and Caucasian dementia family caregivers Journal of Mental Health and Aging 2003; 8 (3): 211-224
- Religious coping among Caucasian and Latina dementia caregivers Journal of Mental Health And Aging 2003; 9: 97-110
- Cognitive-behaviour therapy with older people 2003
Family issues in end-of-life decision making and end-of-life care
2002; 46 (2): 284-298
View details for Web of Science ID 000178080800007
Psychologists in practice with older adults: Current patterns, source's of training, and need for continuing education
2002; 33 (5): 435-442
View details for DOI 10.1037//0735-7028.35.5.435
View details for Web of Science ID 000178187700001
Coping and depression in Alzheimer's caregivers: Longitudinal evidence of stability
2002; 57 (3): P205-P211
The present study examined the longitudinal relationship between depressive symptoms and coping strategies in older adult primary caregivers of noninstitutionalized Alzheimer's patients. Coping and depression were measured in 51 healthy, nondepressed caregivers (37 women, 14 men) at 4 times of testing approximately 6 months apart. The caregivers' coping strategies and depressive symptoms were found to be largely stable over all times of testing-with a recently developed method for evaluating construct stability-despite significant decline in the patients' cognitive functioning over the same interval. Avoidance coping was also found to be positively associated with depressive symptoms. Results suggest that a strong stable component is present in caregiver coping style and that caregiver intervention researchers may want to examine the extent to which commonly used outcome measures are assessing stable caregiver traits rather than state-dependent distress.
View details for Web of Science ID 000175480300002
View details for PubMedID 11983731
Encouraging homework completion among older adults in therapy
2002; 58 (5): 549-563
A growing body of research suggests that homework assignments facilitate positive outcomes in psychotherapy. We describe a cognitive behavioral outpatient therapy that stresses the important role homework plays in psychotherapy outcomes and that is found to be successful for treating emotional distress in both older adults and family caregivers. Just as a number of barriers can make it difficult for older clients to commit to regular therapy appointments, a variety of factors can also influence their completion of homework. We also address key issues frequently encountered when fostering homework compliance among older adults and utilize case vignettes to illustrate successful approaches to address these barriers. We present basic tenets for effective homework completion regardless of age group as well as several methods to address homework challenges that we find to be particularly pertinent for therapists treating today's older adults.
View details for DOI 10.1002/jclp.10032
View details for Web of Science ID 000175167500007
View details for PubMedID 11967880
- Psychologists in practice with older adults: Current patterns, sources of training, and need for continuing education Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 2002; 33: 435-442
- Depression in later life: Epidemiology, assessment, impact, and treatment Handbook of depression, 3rd ed. 2002: 560-580
- Men providing care: What do they need and how can we do it? Clinical Gerontologist 2002; 26 (1/2): 53-70
- Family issues in end-of-life decision making and end-of-life care American Behavioral Scientist 2002; 46 (2): 284-298
- A multi-module psychoeducational approach to reduce distress in dementia caregivers Research and Practice in Alzheimer?s Disease 2002; 5: 149-155
- Ethnic minority older adults in clinical and research programs: Issues and recommendations The Behavior Therapist 2002; 25 (1): 10-11 and 16
- Research with older adults. In J. Thomas & M. Hersen (Eds.) Understanding research in clinical and counseling psychology: A textbook 2002: 441-467
Judging outcomes in psychosocial interventions for dementia caregivers: The problem of treatment implementation
2001; 41 (4): 481-489
In published dementia caregiver intervention research, there is widespread failure to measure the level at which treatment was implemented as intended, thereby introducing threats to internal and external validity. The purpose of this article is to discuss the importance of inducing and assessing treatment implementation (TI) strategies in caregiving trials and to propose Lichstein's TI model as a potential guide.The efforts of a large cooperative research study of caregiving interventions, Resources for Enhancing Alzheimer's Caregiver Health (REACH), illustrates induction and assessment of the three components of TI: delivery, receipt, and enactment.The approaches taken in REACH vary with the intervention protocols and include using treatment manuals, training and certification of interventionists, and continuous monitoring of actual implementation.Investigation and description of treatment process variables allows researchers to understand which aspects of the intervention are responsible for therapeutic change, potentially resulting in development of more efficacious and efficient interventions.
View details for Web of Science ID 000170248300006
View details for PubMedID 11490046
A comparison of marital interaction patterns between couples in which the husband does or does not have Alzheimer's disease
2001; 56 (3): S140-S150
Objectives. Our main purpose was to examine similarities and differences in patterns of interpersonal interaction between Alzheimer's disease (AD) caregiving and noncaregiving couples (n = 54). Methods. Twenty-seven wives caring for moderately impaired husbands with probable AD and 27 noncaregiving wives from comparable sociodemographic backgrounds were videotaped in their homes during both mealtime and a future event planning task. In addition, they completed self-report questionnaires to assess depression, stress, relationship mutuality, and perceived hope. Results. Compared with their counterparts, caregiving wives reported higher levels of depression and stress, but similar shared values and closeness. For the three factors developed from the Marital Interaction Coding System (MICS, version IV; Supportive Facilitative, and Rapport Building), a complex pattern of results was found in which disease status, type of task, and gender interacted significantly. Noncaregiving couples were more interactive overall and expressed more support to each other. Caregiving wives were found to be most facilitative during the planning task, whereas AD husbands were highest on interactions that built rapport (e.g., smiling) during that same task. Caregiving wives actually increased their facilitative behavior from the mealtime to planning task, probably reflecting the increased demand characteristics of the latter.This study is one of a small body of literature to describe the negative impact of AD on spousal communication as observed and coded in two videotaped interaction situations in the home. Suggestions are made for future research, including the inclusion of longitudinal designs and non-Caucasian couples.
View details for Web of Science ID 000168341400010
View details for PubMedID 11316839
- Intervenciones cognitivo-conductuales para la depression en personas mayors. La eficacia de la terapie cognitivo-conductual para el tratamiento de la depression en personas mayores (translation: Cognitive-behavioral interventions for depression in older persons: The efficacy of cognitive/behavioral therapy for treatment of late life depression). Rev. Esp Geriatr Gerontol (Spanish Review of Geriatrics & Gerontology, published in Madrid) 2001; 36 (4): 189-194
- Chapter: Interventi psicoterapici con anziani a rischio suicidario. In P. Scocco, D. De Leo & L. Pavan (Eds.) (Psychotherapeutic intervention in the elderly with suicidal behaviors: Cognitive behavioral perspectives and approaches. Invited chapter for a book on cognitive/behavioral therapy in the Italian language). 2001
- A psychoeducational intervention to reduce distress in Hispanic family caregivers: Results of a pilot study Clinical Gerontologist 2001; 23 (1/2): 17-32
Training psychologists for service delivery in long-term care settings
2000; 7 (3): 329-336
View details for Web of Science ID 000089562600010
alpha 2 macroglobulin and the risk of Alzheimer's disease
2000; 54 (2): 438-442
alpha2 Macroglobulin is a panproteinase inhibitor that is found immunohistochemically in neuritic plaques, a requisite neuropathologic feature of AD. Recently, a pentanucleotide deletion near the 5' end of the "bait region" of the alpha2 macroglobulin (A2M) gene was reported to be associated with AD in a large cohort of sibpairs, in which the mutation conferred a similar odds ratio with AD as the APOE-epsilon4 allele for carriers of at least one copy of the A2M gene (Mantel-Haenszel odds ratio, 3.56).We studied three independent association samples of AD patients (n = 309) with an age range of 50 to 94 years and representative controls (n = 281) to characterize the allele frequency of the pentanucleotide deletion in this cohort. We detected the mutation near the 5' splice site of exon 18 using standard PCR and restriction fragment length polymorphism methods. The results were adjusted for age, gender, education, and APOE polymorphism.We found that the A2M gene polymorphism conferred an increased risk for AD, with an estimated Mantel-Haenszel ratio of 1.5 (95% CI 1.1 to 2.2; p = 0.025). There was no age- or gender-dependent increase in A2M gene allele frequencies in AD patients compared with controls. The combined sample showed the expected association between AD and APOE-epsilon 4. In one of our three samples there was an interaction between the A2M and APOE-epsilon4 genes, but the other two samples showed no interaction between the two risk factors.Our data support an association between the A2M gene and AD. This association is less pronounced, however, in our cohort than in the previously reported sample of sibpairs.
View details for Web of Science ID 000085043800030
View details for PubMedID 10668709
- Training psychologists for service delivery in long-term care settings Clinical Psychology: Science & Practice 2000; 7: 329-336
- Impact of an Alzheimer?s disease education program: Focus on Hispanic families Gerontology and Geriatrics Education 2000; 20 (3): 25-40
- Psychotherapy with older adults. In C.R. Snyder & R. Ingram (Eds.) Handbook of psychological change: Psychotherapy processes and practices for the 21st century 2000: 614-637
- Impact of psychoeducational interventions on distressed family caregivers Journal of Clinical Geropsychology 2000; 6: 91-110
- Older adults. In J.R. White & A.S. Freeman (Eds.) Cognitive-behavioral group therapy for specific problems and populations 2000: 235-261
- Understanding the intervention process: A theoretical/conceptual framework for intervention approaches to caregiving. In R. Schulz (Ed.) Handbook on dementia caregiving 2000: 33-60
- Psychological, social, and economic implications of bereavement among older women. In L. Sherr and J. S. St. Lawrence (Eds.) Women, Health, and the Mind 2000: 151-171
- Development and implementation of intervention strategies for culturally diverse caregiving populations. In Schulz, R. (Ed.) Handbook on dementia caregiving 2000: 151-185
Lifestyle and health behaviors among female family dementia caregivers: a comparison of wives and daughters
1999; 3 (2): 165-172
View details for Web of Science ID 000080797000009
Physical and psychosocial correlates of hormone replacement therapy with chronically stressed postmenopausal women
1999; 11 (1): 3-26
This study investigated the relationship between hormone replacement therapy (HRT) use and physical and psychosocial functioning in a sample of chronically stressed older women.Participants (N = 94) were postmenopausal women caring for a parent or spouse with dementia. Caregivers were evaluated using both psychological and physical health indices.Caregivers receiving HRT reported lower levels of hostility and were less likely to report unpleasant interactions with members of their support network; these findings were unrelated to demographic variables, caregiving-related indices, or health behaviors. HRT recipients had lower 10-year risk scores for cardiovascular disease, but there were no group differences in stroke risk. The largest effects on hostility, depression, heart and stroke risk were observed in caregivers receiving a combination of estradiol and progesterone.HRT for postmenopausal women may promote positive outcomes for some, but not for all, affective states and cardiovascular variables vulnerable to chronic life stressors.
View details for Web of Science ID 000078453600001
View details for PubMedID 10848139
The psychological impact of genetic testing for Alzheimer disease
49th Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Human-Genetics
MARY ANN LIEBERT INC. 1999: 121–31
Information regarding one's genetic risk for a particular disease might effectively inform medical, financial, and reproductive decisions and perhaps promote established risk reduction behaviors. However, genetic testing may also lead to significant levels of anxiety, depression, or other forms of distress, especially when psychological coping strategies and social reserves are not adequate to manage positive or inconclusive results. This paper focuses on the psychological impact of predisposition genetic for Alzheimer disease (AD). We present stress and coping models that capture the essence of this impact and discuss the potential role of counseling and follow-up interventions. The discussion draws primarily from the experiences of professionals working with other diseases, and seeks to expand that experience into the AD arena. In addition, we emphasize two issues we believe need additional attention in the psychological literature regarding genetic testing and counseling: (i) the psychosocial vulnerability of individuals being tested and, (ii) the sociocultural context of the AD patient and their family members.
View details for Web of Science ID 000087218200016
View details for PubMedID 10464586
- Lifestyle and health behaviors among female family dementia caregivers: A comparison of wives and daughters Aging and Mental Health 1999; 3 (2): 165-172
- Self-efficacy as mediator of caregiving coping: Development and testing of an assessment model Journal of Clinical Geropsychology 1999; 5 (3): 221-230
- Postdoctoral training in professional geropsychology: A survey of recent fellowship graduates Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 1999; 30: 617-622
- Personality disorders and treatment outcome. In E. Rosowksy, R.C., Abrams & R.A. Zweig (Eds.) Personality disorders in older adults 1999: 69-94
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy for the treatment of late-life distress. In M. Duffy (Ed.) Handbook of counseling and psychotherapy with older adults 1999: 487-510
Hopelessness and suicidal ideation in older adults
1998; 38 (1): 62-70
This study examined the role that hopelessness plays in geriatric suicidal ideation. Sixty institutionalized elderly males were recruited. Multiple regression analyses revealed that while hopelessness was strongly related to suicidal ideation, the relationship between hopelessness and suicidal ideation was dependent on level of depression. Participants who reported moderate or higher levels of depressive symptoms were more likely to have suicidal ideation with increasing hopelessness, whereas hopelessness had little effect on level of ideation at mild or lower depressive symptom levels. Unlike previous studies in younger adults, hopelessness did not predict suicidal ideation better than depressive symptoms, although the relationship between depression and suicidal ideation was stronger within higher levels of hopelessness. These findings highlight the importance of considering depression and hopelessness simultaneously when assessing and treating geriatric suicidal ideation.
View details for Web of Science ID 000071944000008
View details for PubMedID 9499654
Standards for psychological services in long-term care facilities
1998; 38 (1): 122-127
Psychologists in Long-Term Care (PLTC), a national network established in 1983, has developed, with input from colleagues and consumers, standards for psychological practice in long-term care facilities. These standards address provider characteristics, methods of referral, assessment practices, treatment, and ethical issues. This article describes the document's development and offers suggestions for its use.
View details for Web of Science ID 000071944000014
View details for PubMedID 9499660
- Family caregiving: Stress, coping, and intervention. In M. Hersen & V. B. Van Hasselt (Eds.) Handbook of clinical geropsychology 1998: 469-494
- Suicidal thoughts in male nursing home residents Annals of Long Term Care 1998; 6: 301-308
- Depressed caregivers: Comparative outcomes of two interventions Clinical Gerontologist 1998; 19 (4): 3-15
- Alliance, technique, and their interactions in predicting outcome of behavioral, cognitive, and brief dynamic therapy. Psychotherapy Research 1998; 8: 190-209
- Effect of geriatric clinical rotations on health professional trainee?s attitudes about older adults Journal of Gerontology and Geriatrics Education 1998; 19 (2): 67-79
A feasibility study of videotaping to assess the relationship between distress in Alzheimer's disease caregivers and their interaction style
1997; 1 (4): 346-355
View details for Web of Science ID A1997YJ97100008
Primary stressors and depressive symptoms in caregivers of dementia patients
1997; 1 (3): 248-255
View details for Web of Science ID A1997YJ96800007
Patterns of coping preferences for male and female caregivers of frail older adults
1997; 12 (2): 263-267
The similarities and differences in male and female caregivers' preferred strategies for coping and the perceived helpfulness of these strategies in managing caregiving stressors were examined in this study. Respondents were 170 caregivers (139 women and 31 men) who were primary caregivers for an elderly adult relative who was either cognitively impaired or physically frail. Results provide preliminary evidence that gender is related to frequency of use but not to the perceived helpfulness of specific coping strategies.
View details for Web of Science ID A1997XD03100007
View details for PubMedID 9189986
Hispanic caregivers of older adults with dementia: Cultural issues in outreach and intervention
1997; 21 (2): 211-232
View details for Web of Science ID A1997XF36100008
No association between the alpha 1-antichymotrypsin A allele and Alzheimer's disease
1997; 48 (5): 1313-1316
The alpha 1-antichymotrypsin (ACT) A allele was recently associated with Alzheimer's disease (AD), and the ACT AA genotype was reported to be more frequent in AD subjects with the apolipoprotein E (APOE) epsilon4 allele. We examined ACT and APOE genotypes in a sample of 160 subjects with probable AD and in 102 elderly control subjects. ACT A allele frequencies were similar in AD subjects (0.503) and elderly controls (0.519). In addition, we found no evidence that in AD the AA genotype is more frequent in subjects with the APOE epsilon4 allele than in those without it. Our results do not support an association between the ACT A allele and AD.
View details for Web of Science ID A1997WZ77800030
View details for PubMedID 9153464
- Distress levels and coping in female caregivers and non-caregivers with major depressive disorder. Journal of Clinical Geropsychology 1997; 3: 101-110
- The relationship of dimensions of acculturation to self-reported depression in older Mexican American women Journal of Clinical Geropsychology 1997; 3 (2): 123-137
Suicide in later life
1997; 28 (1): 23-41
View details for Web of Science ID A1997XM63900003
- ispanic caregivers of older adults with dementia: Cultural issues in outreach and intervention Group: Journal of the Eastern Group Psychotherapy Society 1997; 21 (2): 211-232
- Preliminary study investigating psychological distress among female Hispanic caregivers Journal of Clinical Geropsychology 1997; 3 (1): 1-15
- Primary stressors and depressive symptoms in caregivers of dementia patients. Aging and Mental Health 1997; 1 (3): 248-255
- A feasibility study of videotaping to assess the relationship between distress in Alzheimer?s disease caregivers and their interaction style Aging and Mental Health 1997; 1 (4): 346-355
- Psychotherapeutic interventions with older adults in outpatient and extended care settings. In R.L. Rubinstein, & M.P. Lawton (Eds.) Depression in long term and residential care 1997: 169-184
- Suicide in later life Behavior Therapy 1997; 28: 23-41
Issues and recommendations for the recruitment and retention of older ethnic minority adults into clinical research
1996; 64 (5): 875-880
A burgeoning literature indicates that treatment of mental disorders offsets mortality, morbidity, and poor quality of life in senior citizens. Unfortunately, ethnic minority senior citizens, who are in most need of mental health services, have not been well represented in psychosocial research. This lack of attention is due, in large part, to difficulties that may arise in recruitment and retention of older ethnic minority adults in research studies. The purpose of this article is to discuss successful methods for recruiting older ethnic minority adults into psychosocial research and to offer specific suggestions for keeping this population involved in longitudinal studies. Also included is a discussion of past research and present data from treatment studies that used the methods discussed in this article.
View details for Web of Science ID A1996VM70000007
View details for PubMedID 8916614
Valuing intervention research
1996; 51 (5): S268-S268
View details for Web of Science ID A1996WC50100013
View details for PubMedID 8809012
Strategies for increasing participation of ethnic minorities in Alzheimer's Disease Diagnostic Centers: A multifaceted approach in California
1996; 36 (2): 259-262
A unified, state-wide effort to increase outreach activities targeted to ethnic minority families with a demented relative is described. A variety of strategies are reported, along with data supporting the effectiveness of these outreach efforts. At present, it appears that the three major ethnic minority groups in the State of California (i.e., Hispanic, African American, and Asian) are utilizing the network of state diagnostic centers at a rate proportional to their representation in the population.
View details for Web of Science ID A1996UL78000019
View details for PubMedID 8920098
Internal resourcefulness, task demands, coping, and dysphoric affect among caregivers of the frail elderly
1996; 42 (3): 229-248
Internal resourcefulness is defined as the repertoire of skills and behaviors individuals employ to deal with negative affective states. The relationships among caregivers' internal resourcefulness, demands of the caregiving situation, and caregivers' self-reported coping behaviors were examined relative to changes in dysphoric affect over time. Primary caregivers of the frail elderly (N = 143) completed the following measures, at two time periods, approximately four months apart: Rosenbaum's Self Control Schedule, assessing internal resourcefulness; Poulshock and Deimling's list of tasks carried out for the frail elder; Zarit et al.'s Memory and Behavior Problem Check List assessing caregiver burden; Moos et al.'s Indices of Coping; and Beck et al.'s Depression Inventory as a means of assessing dysphoric affect. Although caregivers' reactions to the care recipients' annoying behaviors predicted negative affect at time 1 and avoidant coping behavior predicted negative affect at times 1 and 2, internal resourcefulness was the only significant predictor of changes in dysphoric affect over time. Decreased dysphoric affect among caregivers was linked to possession of a larger initial set of internal resources to deal with negative internal experiences.
View details for Web of Science ID A1996UT02200005
View details for PubMedID 8805085
- Dimensions of post traumatic stress disorders among older veterans seeking outpatient medical care: A pilot study Journal of Clinical Geropsychology 1996; 2 (4): 239-246
- Variations in dementia characteristics by ethnic category. In G. Yeo & D. Gallagher-Thompson (Eds.) Ethnicity and the dementias 1996: 21-30
- Ethnicity and the dementias 1996
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy. In R.T. Woods (Ed.) Handbook of the clinical psychology of aging 1996: 509-544
- Applying cognitive- behavior therapy to the psychological problems of later life. In S.H. Zarit & B.G. Knight (Eds.) A Guide to Psychotherapy and aging: Effective clinical interventions in a life stage context 1996: 61-82
- Practical issues related to maintenance of mental health and positive well-being in family caregivers. In: L.L. Carstensen, B.A. Edelstein, & L. Dornbrand (Eds.) The practical handbook of clinical gerontology 1996: 129-150
- Bereavement and adjustment disorders. In E.W. Busse and D.G. Blazer (Eds.) Textbook of geriatric psychiatry, 2nd edition 1996: 313-328
- Late-life depression. In M. Hersen & V.B. Van Hasselt (Eds.) Psychological treatment of older adults: An introductory text 1996: 181-208
- Service delivery issues and recommendations for working with Mexican American family caregivers. In G. Yeo, & D. Gallagher-Thompson (Eds.) Ethnicity and the dementias 1996: 137-152
- Assessment, treatment, and management of depression. In J. Sheikh (Ed.) Management of psychiatric problems in the elderly 1996: 1-44
- Psychotherapy with older adults in theory and practice. In B. Bongar and L.E. Beutler (Eds.) Comprehensive textbook of psychotherapy: Theory, and Practice 1995: 359-379
Linear and nonlinear changes in mood between psychotherapy sessions: Implications for treatment outcome and relapse risk
1995; 5 (4): 327-336
View details for Web of Science ID A1995TY38800004
- Cognitive therapy with the core beliefs of a distressed, lonely caregiver Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy: An International Quarterly 1995; 9 (4): 215-227
- Depression in later life. In E.E. Beckham & R. Leber (Eds.) ndbook of depression: Treatment, assessment and research. 2nd ed. 1995: 494-525
- Treatment of clinical depression in caregivers of spouses with dementia Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy: An International Quarterly 1995; 9 (1): 35-44
- Issues in geropsychological training at the internship level. In B.G. Knight, L. Teri, J. Santos & P. Wohlford (Eds.) Mental health services for older adults: Implications for training and practice in geropsychology 1995: 129-142
- Linear and nonlinear changes in mood between psychotherapy sessions: Implications for treatment and outcome and relapse risk Psychotherapy Research 1995; 5 (4): 327-336
1994; 34 (4): 548-552
We describe a novel intervention program in which wives or daughters who are caregivers are taught several specific skills to enable them to manage their frustrations more effectively. These skills include learning to relax in very stressful situations and learning to be appropriately assertive with their frail elder and with other family members. Class content and structure are presented, along with preliminary data on class efficacy that is based on an N of 48 caregivers who have currently completed this particular class series. We close by noting that this psychoeducational intervention has been very well received by colleagues in other agencies serving family caregivers. In fact, this class series is now being offered to a broad range of caregivers in the San Francisco Bay area.
View details for Web of Science ID A1994PB46900018
View details for PubMedID 7959115
1992 Annual Meeting of the Society-for-Psychotherapy-Research
Clinically depressed family caregivers (N = 66) of frail, elderly relatives were randomly assigned to 20 sessions of either cognitive-behavioral (CB) or brief psychodynamic (PD) individual psychotherapy. At posttreatment, 71% of the caregivers were no longer clinically depressed according to research diagnostic criteria (RDC), with no differences found between the 2 outpatient treatments. The results suggested therapy specificity; there was an interaction between treatment modality and length of caregiving on symptom-oriented measures. Clients who had been caregivers for a shorter period showed improvement in the PD condition, whereas those who had been caregivers for at least 44 months improved with CB therapy. These findings suggest that patient-specific variables should be considered when choosing treatment for clinically depressed family caregivers.
View details for Web of Science ID A1994NR92300013
View details for PubMedID 8063980
- Older Adults. In F.M. Dattilio & A. Freeman (Eds.) Cognitive-behavior strategies in crisis intervention 1994: 200-218
- Clinical intervention strategies for distressed family caregivers: Rationale and development of psychoeducational approaches. In E. Light, G. Niederehe, & B. Lebowitz (Eds.) Stress effects on family caregivers of Alzheimer's patients 1994: 260-277
- Cognitive/behavior therapy with depressed older adults. In L.S. Schneider, C.F. Reynolds, B.D. Lebowitz, & A.J. Friedhoff (Eds.) Diagnosis and treatment of depression in late life 1994: 279-291
- Direct services and interventions for caregivers: A review of extant programs and a look to the future. In M.H. Cantor (Ed.) Family caregiving: Agenda for the future 1994: 102-122
- Assessment of depression. In M.P. Lawton and J. Teresi (Eds.) Annual review of gerontology and geriatrics 1994: 234-256
- A comparison of outreach strategies for Hispanic caregivers of Alzheimer's victims Clinical Gerontologist 1994; 15 (1): 57-63
1993; 48 (5): S245-S254
This study assessed the relationships between six different types of social support and five measures of caregiving burden. Two questions were addressed: Are all types of social support equally associated with burden, and do the same types of support correlate with different types of burden? Family caregivers (N = 217) to frail elders composed the sample. Multiple regression analyses demonstrated that all types of social support for caregivers of frail elders are not equal. Engaging in social interaction for fun and recreation appears to be the most important in diminishing the burden of caregiving. These findings are instructive both theoretically and clinically. The theoretical import of greater social participation under a condition of chronic stress is discussed. Further, interventions that focus on caregivers regularly experiencing pleasant activity with friends and other family would seem to go a long way toward managing the burden of caregiving.
View details for Web of Science ID A1993LY22600015
View details for PubMedID 8366273
- The impact of spousal bereavement in older widows and widowers. In W. Stroebe, M. Stroebe, & R. Hansson (Eds.) Handbook of bereavement 1993: 227-239
Cardiovascular disease risk factors and attitudes towards prevention among Korean-American elders.
Journal of cross-cultural gerontology
1993; 8 (1): 17-33
The leading cause of death among the aging population is cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease prevention and modification of disease risk factors are important and worthwhile directions for study because this population is rapidly increasing. Past studies have shown the significance of modifying cardiovascular disease risk factors in Anglo populations where major risk factors of hypertension, elevated cholesterol levels, diabetes, obesity, physical inactivity and smoking have been identified. However, the prevalence of these risk factors and the attitudes towards modifying them have not been studied in the Korean-American elderly population. This preliminary study used questionnaires given to fifty older recently immigrated Korean-American participants of a Korean senior center. Results show that this population has a lower frequency of cardiovascular disease and all risk factors, except for diabetes compared to an Anglo elderly population In addition, older Korean-American elders were generally unaware of risk factors for cardiovascular disease and uninterested in changing their habits to avoid cardiovascular disease. Increased availability of educational campaigns and health care in Korean are recommended.
View details for DOI 10.1007/BF00973797
View details for PubMedID 24389754
- Cognitive/behavioral therapy and the angry caregiver Clinical Gerontologist 1993; 13 (4): 53-57
- Cardiovascular disease risk factors and attitudes towards prevention among Korean-American elders Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology 1993; 8: 17-33
1992; 47 (6): P357-P366
Comparisons are made of the impact of a suicide death on the surviving spouse (55 years and older) with that of a natural death on spouse survivors and a married nonbereaved control group over a bereavement period of 2 1/2 years after death. Regardless of mode of death, the loss of a loved one is a difficult psychological trauma, accompanied by depression, confusion, and pervasive feelings of emptiness. Few differences in the impact of the deaths in the early months of bereavement were reported, but changes appeared over the course of the 2 1/2-year measurement period. Compared with natural death survivors, the process of bereavement was found to be more difficult for the survivors of a suicide death, whose severe depressive feelings do not seem to lessen significantly and whose feelings of mental health do not seem to improve until after the first year. Women, in general, report greater feelings than men of anxiety, tension, and apprehension, especially within the first 6 months. By the end of the observation period, most of the differences between the two bereaved groups have disappeared, and both report functioning adequately despite continuing feelings of sadness and loss.
View details for Web of Science ID A1992JX15700001
View details for PubMedID 1430857
1992; 40 (8): 807-810
To investigate the relations among the initial perceived stress of Alzheimer patients' caregivers, the rate of change of perceived stress, patients' sundowning behaviors, and patients' rate of cognitive decline.A longitudinal cohort study in which Alzheimer patients and their caregivers were assessed at 6-month intervals.Hospital out-patient clinic. Patients and caregivers lived at home.Subjects were 35 patients (50-79 years) with Alzheimer's disease and their primary caregivers (24 males and 11 females); all caregivers were spouses.At time of entry into the study, caregivers indicated which of seven behaviors indicative of sundowning were exhibited by the patient. Patients were evaluated successively using the Mini-Mental State Examination, whereas caregivers completed the Perceived Stress Scale, provided an index of social support utilization, and completed the Beck Depression Inventory.Caregivers' initial perceived stress and the rate of change of perceived stress, patients' sundowning behavior, and rate of cognitive decline.The pattern of correlations indicated that both rate of cognitive decline and initial sundowning behavior were significantly correlated with initial perceived caregiver stress. The average rate of increase of caregivers' perceived stress was positively correlated with the initial incidence of sundowning behaviors, even when controlling for the effects of caregiver depression and social support utilization.Sundowning behavior of Alzheimer patients is associated with an increased rate of change of caregivers' perceived stress. This association may be specific to sundowning behavior because there was no relation between the rate of change of perceived stress and morning agitation. The findings suggest that future caregiver intervention programs could profitably focus on sundowning behavior rather than general agitation.
View details for Web of Science ID A1992JH34400009
View details for PubMedID 1634724
Applying cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy to the chronically ill elderly: treatment issues and case illustration.
International psychogeriatrics
1992; 4 (1): 127-140
A large percentage of older adults must endure at least one chronic medical illness. Clinically significant depression and anxiety are common among these patients. Specific psychotherapy approaches as well as adaptations required to address the unique issues of this population have not been delineated in the literature. We outline a cognitive-behavioral therapy approach and discuss five treatment issues we have found to be important for this population. These issues include: (1) resolving practical barriers to participation; (2) accepting depression as a separate and reversible problem; (3) limiting excess disability; (4) counteracting the loss of important social roles and autonomy; and (5) challenging the perception of being a "burden." A case study of a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patient with depression is presented and recommendations for future research are suggested.
View details for PubMedID 1391668
1992; 60 (2): 300-303
This article describes agreement among diagnoses made according to five definitions of endogenous depression in a sample of 99 depressed elders and discusses the relationship among these systems and selected demographic and clinical characteristics. Poor to fair agreement was generally demonstrated, except for Research Diagnostic Criteria (Spitzer, Endicott, & Robins, 1978) and Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 3rd ed., rev. (American Psychiatric Association, 1987), which demonstrated excellent agreement. Mostly, demographic and clinical variables (e.g., severity of depression) were unrelated to endogeneity diagnoses. The conclusion was reached that these criteria are not all measuring the same construct in older adults and that the relationship between depression severity and endogeneity should be discussed in terms of specific definitions rather than general terms.
View details for Web of Science ID A1992HM68200019
View details for PubMedID 1592961
1992; 22 (1): 107-124
This report examines the changing role of social supports in the bereavement of spouses of elderly suicide and natural deaths, focusing on differences and similarities in relation to gender, time, and mode of death. Measurements were obtained 4 times after death (within 2 months, at 6 months, at 12 months, and at 2 to 2 1/2 years) on 79% of the 108 survivors of elderly suicide, 89% of the 199 natural death survivors, and 79% of the nonbereaved controls. The results indicated that the suicide survivors received significantly less emotional support for their feelings of depression and grief than the natural death survivors, and that they did not confide in the persons in their network any more than the nonbereaved controls did. Women report receiving more support overall than men. A low spot in social supports occurred at the 6-month point after loss for both bereaved groups, but primarily in practical help received by natural death survivors. By the end of the second year, both practical and emotional supports had increased to at least the same level as immediately after death.
View details for Web of Science ID A1992HX81400009
View details for PubMedID 1579980
- The older adult. In A. Freeman & F.M. Dattilio (Eds.) Comprehensive casebook of cognitive therapy 1992: 193-200
- Inhibited grief. In A. Freeman and F. Dattilio (Eds.) Comprehensive casebook of cognitive-behavior therapy 1992: 201-207
- A comparison of depression and coping among caregivers of physically and cognitively impaired elders. Journal of Verhaltenstherapie 1992; 3 (Band 2): 231-236
1991; 6 (3): 434-441
Self-report measures of grief, depression, and general psychopathology were studied in widows and widowers over a 2.5-year period following death of their partner. A comparison sample of men and women was also followed for the same period. Differences in severity of depression and psychopathology previously reported at 2 months postloss (Gallagher, Breckenridge, Thompson, & Peterson, 1983) diminished to nonsignificant levels at 12 and 30 months. However, significant differences between bereaved and comparison subjects on measures of grief were still apparent 30 months after spousal loss. A main effect of gender for depression and psychopathology (but not for grief) was found at 2 and 12 months: Women reported more distress than men regardless of bereavement status. Results indicate that the experience of grief persists for at least 30 months in both older men and women who have lost their spouse.
View details for Web of Science ID A1991GF57600011
View details for PubMedID 1930760
1991; 6 (2): 232-237
The relationship between social support and depression was studied in 165 women caring for frail family members. The Arizona Social Support Interview Schedule (Barrera, Sandler, & Ramsay, 1981), which includes 4 dimensions of availability and use of resources and satisfaction with and need for support, was used to examine 7 categories of supportive activity. Depression was assessed according to Research Diagnostic Criteria (Spitzer, Endicott, & Robins, 1978) with the Schedule of Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia (Endicott & Spitzer, 1978). There were no differences in overall satisfaction with received support in comparisons of depressed and nondepressed caregivers. However, depressed caregivers (n = 87) reported a higher incidence of negative interactions with others. Both groups appeared to have equal access to social support, with nondepressed caregivers (n = 78) reporting significantly greater use of those resources.
View details for Web of Science ID A1991FQ04500008
View details for PubMedID 1863392
1991; 31 (3): 413-416
This paper presents two strategies for treating depression in Alzheimer's patients. Cognitive therapy, used with mildly demented adults, challenges the patient's negative cognitions in order to reduce distortions and enable the patient to generate more adaptive ways of viewing specific situations and events. Behavioral intervention, used with more moderately or severely demented adults, attempts to modify person-environment interactions by increasing the level of positive activities and decreasing negative ones (Lewinsohn et al., 1984). Both theories have been used successfully in clinical settings.
View details for Web of Science ID A1991FQ07900018
View details for PubMedID 1879719
1991; 6 (1): 67-75
Three hundred ninety-three elderly adults aged 55 and older were divided into 1 of 9 subgroups in a 3 (bereavement group: survivors of spouses who died by natural death or by suicide and nonbereaved control Ss) x 3 (depression group: none, mild, and moderate-severe) design over 4 times of measurement--1 month, 6 months, 1 year, and 2.5 years after death of spouse. Significant Bereavement x Depression Group effects were obtained on Brief Symptom Inventory scores. The moderate-severe depression/suicide subgroup had the greatest psychiatric complications with bereavement. Results indicated that elderly persons with significant clinical depression at the time of a spouse's death were at significant risk for psychological complications during the bereavement process, and survivors of spouses who had committed suicide were even more at risk within the greatest depression group.
View details for Web of Science ID A1991FA55300009
View details for PubMedID 2029370
- Meta-analysis of therapist effects in psychotherapy outcome studies Psychotherapy Research 1991; 1 (2): 81-91
- ). Short term treatment of endogenous depression using cognitive/behavioral therapy and pharmacotherapy Clinical Gerontologist 1991; 10 (3): 81-84
- ecommendations for handling termination from a cognitive/behavioral perspective. International Cognitive Therapy Newsletter 1991; 5/6: 1-2
- Psychotherapeutic interventions for stressed family caregivers. In W.A. Myers (Ed.) New Techniques in the Psychotherapy of older patients 1991: 61-78
- An expansion of the A-B-C approach to cognitive/behavioral therapy Clinical Gerontologist 1991; 10 (4): 65-69
- Alliance prediction of outcome beyond in-treatment symptomatic change as psychotherapy processes Psychotherapy Research 1991; 1 (2): 104-113
- Cognitive/behavioral therapy for affective disorders in the elderly. In W.A. Myers (Ed.) New techniques in the psychotherapy of older patients 1991: 3-18
- Problems of Aging, chapter in Text by Ronald Comer Abnormal Psychology 1991
Factor analysis and preliminary validation of the mini-mental state examination from a longitudinal perspective.
International psychogeriatrics
1990; 2 (2): 123-134
The Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) is a commonly used instrument for assessing mental impairment. Previous proposals for its underlying structure have focused on scores obtained from a single administration of the test. Because the MMSE is widely used in longitudinal studies, we examined the pattern of relations among the rates of chance of the items. Data were obtained from 63 subjects for 1.5 years or more. The relations among the rates of change of the MMSE items were described by a five-factor solution that accounted for 75% of the variance and comprised factors pertaining to orientation and concentration, obeying commands, learning and repetition, language, and recall. This was in contrast to the structure of the scores obtained from a single administration of the MMSE, which was best described by a two-factor solution. In order to provide a clinical validation, factor scores derived from the MMSE factors were used to predict scores on the Memory and Behavior Problems Checklist and the Brief Cognitive Rating Scale.
View details for PubMedID 2101301
1990; 58 (3): 371-374
Cross-sectional and longitudinal data are presented from a 2-year follow-up study of 91 older adults, initially diagnosed as in an episode of major depressive disorder (MDD), who were treated with brief cognitive, behavioral, or psychodynamic psychotherapy. Using research diagnostic criteria (RDC), 52%, 58%, and 70% of the sample did not meet criteria for any RDC depressive disorder at posttherapy, and 12- and 24-month follow-ups, respectively. There were no significant differences in response rate by therapy modality. Using Longitudinal Interval Follow-up Evaluation (LIFE; Shapiro & Keller, 1979; Keller et al., 1987) methodology, we noted that patients not depressed at posttreatment remained depression-free for longer time periods than those who were minor or MDD. These rates compare favorably with published reports on younger depressed patients.
View details for Web of Science ID A1990DJ32800017
View details for PubMedID 2365900
1990; 5 (2): 277-283
Two hundred twelve bereaved elders rated marital adjustment using items drawn from the Locke and Wallace (1959) Marital Adjustment Test and completed the Beck Depression Inventory 2 months, 12 months, and 30 months after the loss of their spouses. Their responses were compared with those of 162 nonbereaved individuals of comparable age who were tested at the same times. More positive ratings of marital adjustment were made by bereaved subjects than by nonbereaved subjects. Among nonbereaved elders, more severe ratings of depression were associated with lower ratings of marital adjustment. In the bereaved sample, however, the opposite was found: More severe ratings of depression were associated with higher ratings of marital adjustment. This pattern of results changed only slightly over the 2.5-year course of bereavement and was not influenced by gender. These results are discussed in terms of cognitive processes (e.g., idealization) that influence retrospective assessments of marital adjustment during bereavement.
View details for Web of Science ID A1990DH07000015
View details for PubMedID 2378693
1990; 14 (1): 95-108
View details for Web of Science ID A1990CX25200007
- Depression and information valence influence depressive cognition Cognitive Therapy and Research 1990; 14 (1): 95-108
- Cognitive/behavioral treatment of atypical bereavement: A case study Clinical Gerontologist 1990; 10 (2): 73-76
1989; 37 (10): 991-1002
View details for Web of Science ID A1989AV89600012
View details for PubMedID 2794323
1989; 29 (4): 449-456
Family caregivers who sought help to increase their coping skills (N = 158) and caregivers who volunteered for a longitudinal study of Alzheimer's disease (N = 58) were screened for depression. Among help-seekers, 46% had depression according to Research Diagnostic Criteria (RDC), but among non-help-seekers, only 18% met this criterion. In general, women were more depressed than men, but no major differences in the extent of depression were found in those who cared for more impaired persons.
View details for Web of Science ID A1989AK23600004
View details for PubMedID 2521102
1989; 177 (8): 464-472
Older adults who met criteria for major depressive disorder were randomly assigned to behavioral, cognitive, or brief dynamic therapy. Symptoms were equally reduced across the three treatment conditions. Early in treatment, alliance ratings were obtained from both therapists and patients and were related to outcome. We calculated one therapist alliance composite score and five patient alliance factor scores. In general, no agreement was found between therapists' and patients' judgments of alliance. Levels of alliance were found to be not significantly different across the three treatment conditions. For the sample as a whole, only the patient factor of Patient Commitment was found to be associated with depressive symptoms after treatment, with the strongest findings in the cognitive therapy condition. The Patient Commitment factor uniquely contributed to outcome over and above the contribution of initial symptomatology and symptomatic change at midpoint in therapy. Expected trends of association with outcome were observed for the therapist alliance composite score in brief dynamic therapy and for the patient factor of Patient Working Capacity in both cognitive and brief dynamic therapy. Findings are discussed in terms of their theoretical and clinical implications.
View details for Web of Science ID A1989AK86300003
View details for PubMedID 2760597
- Bereavement and adjustment disorders. In. E.W. Busse, & D.G. Blazer (Eds.) Geriatric psychiatry 1989: 459-473
- Cognitive behavioral therapy with early stage Alzheimer?s patients: An exploratory view of the utility of this approach. In E. Light & B. Lebowitz (Eds.) Alzheimer?s disease treatment and family stress: Directions for research 1989: 89-1569
- Training in clinical gero-psychology: Program descriptions and participant evaluation Gerontology and Geriatrics Education 1989; 10 (2): 1-17
- Effects of bereavement on symptoms of psychopathology in older men and women. In D.G. Lund (Ed.) Older bereaved spouses: Research with practical applications 1989
- Use of select coping strategies during late-life spousal bereavement. In D. Lund (Ed) Older bereaved spouses: Research with practical applications 1989
- Interventions with caregivers of frail elderly persons. In M. Ory & K. Bond (Eds.) Aging and health care: Social science and policy perspectives 1989: 167-190
- ). Impact of confirming patient expectations of change processes in behavioral, cognitive, and brief dynamic psychotherapy Psychotherapy 1989; 26: 296-302
- Depression and other negative affects in family caregivers. In E. Light & B. Lebowitz (Eds.) Alzheimer's disease treatment and family stress: Directions for research 1989: 218-244
- Geriatric psychiatry: Cognitive behavioral therapy with older adults. In B. J. Sadock & V. A. Sadock (Eds.) Comprehensive textbook of psychiatry
- Entries on CBT and Aging, and CBT and Caregiving, for A. Freeman (Ed.) International encyclopedia of cognitive behavior therapy