Edward Paul Chin
Research Technical Manager, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
My name is Edward Chin. I am currently the Division Director for the System Safety Engineering Divsion in the Accelerator Directorate at SLAC. During my 15 year career at SLAC, I have worked on various projects, such as PPS CCR Upgrade, Mission Readiness PPS Upgrade, PPS Sector 10 Injector Vault, LCLS II PPS, and LCLS II BCS where I acted as lead coordinator, lead engineer, Cost Account Manager, and Project Manager. I have been happily married to my wife Rebecca for 23 years, and I am the proud father of 2 beautiful children Jillian and Sam. I enjoy playing golf, basketball, and lifting weights.
Current Role at Stanford
My role at SLAC is to support the mission of the lab by integrating a fully functional safety system which includes the Personnel Protection System, Hutch Protection System, Beam Containment System, Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection System, and the Oxygen Deficiency Monitoring System. I ensure the division is adequately staffed to design, build, test, and support the safety systems as required by the program.
Education & Certifications
BS, Cal State East Bay, Computer Science (2002)