
Emily Schell is a Doctoral Candidate in Developmental and Psychological Sciences at Stanford's Graduate School of Education (GSE), graduating in June 2024. Prior to starting her doctoral study, Emily received her double bachelors from Brown University in East Asian Studies (with honors) and International Relations. She also served as a Fulbright English Teacher in Taiwan and received her masters in International Comparative Education from Stanford's GSE.

Emily uses mixed methods to study "cultural mismatches" between individuals and their social institutions, with the goal of helping higher education and workplaces support their increasingly diverse students and employees. Her dissertation examines how universities can create culturally responsive advising systems for immigrant and international students. Her research has earned multiple grants, including from the National Academic Advising Association, and has been published in high-impact journals, such as Ethnic and Racial Studies. In addition to her research, Emily has been the primary or co-instructor for 11 courses, spanning introductory to advanced coursework. As a result of her "individualized support of students, innovative use of technology, and passion for community engaged learning," she was the 2021 graduate student recipient of the Walter J. Gores Award, Stanford's highest teaching honor.