Eric Crizer MSN RN FNP
Clinical Instructor (Affiliated), School of Medicine - Senior Associate Dean for Medical Student Education
Eric Crizer MSN RN FNP is a primary care provider at Stanford Health Care in Santa Clara. He graduated with his Registered Nurse and Family Nurse Practitioner degrees from San Francisco State University. He began his nursing career working as an inpatient nurse at the University of California San Francisco Medical Center. He began his primary care practice in the rural health setting. He has completed a fellowship in Primary Care Psychiatry with UC Davis and UC Irvine. He has experience in the treatment of substance use disorders, chronic pain, psychiatric conditions such as anxiety, depression, post traumatic stress disorder, as well as other chronic medical conditions.
Clinical Focus
- Nurse Practitioner
Professional Education
Board Certification: American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, Nurse Practitioner (2014)
Professional Education: San Francisco State University School of Nursing Registrars Office (2014) CA