
Eugene Volokh is the Thomas M. Siebel Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution. He is also the Gary T. Schwartz Distinguished Professor of Law at UCLA School of Law, where he has been on the faculty for 30 years; beginning July 1, 2024, he will be Emeritus at UCLA.

Volokh has taught First Amendment law, business tort law, tort law, criminal law, copyright law, and firearms regulation policy. Before becoming a law professor, he clerked for Justice Sandra Day O'Connor on the U.S. Supreme Court and for Judge Alex Kozinski on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.

Volokh is the author of the textbooks The First Amendment and Related Statutes (8th ed. 2023) and Academic Legal Writing (5th ed. 2016), as well as over 100 law review articles; his work makes him one of the most cited law review article authors. He is a member of The American Law Institute, a member of the American Heritage Dictionary Usage Panel, and the founder and coauthor of The Volokh Conspiracy, a Weblog (independent 2002-2014, hosted at the Washington Post 2014-2017, hosted at Reason from 2017).

Volokh has argued 40 appellate cases since 2013 in state and federal courts throughout the country, and has filed over 200 appellate briefs; his articles have also been cited over 300 times in judicial opinions.

Volokh worked for 12 years as a computer programmer, has a B.S. in math-computer science at UCLA (1983), and has written many articles on computer software. Volokh was born in the USSR; his family emigrated to the U.S. when he was seven years old.

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