Evans Whitaker
Part-Time Reference Librarian, School of Medicine - Lane Medical Library
I recently joined Lane Medical Library as a Research and Instruction Library. My position is temporary and part-time. My connections to Stanford go back a while, I did my undergraduate work in Biology at Stanford, with enjoyable stints at Hopkins. I worked for 2 years in the no longer existing undergraduate library and worked for 4 years at the no longer existing Stanford Outdoor Primate Facility in the shadow of SLAC. After finishing medical school and residency I worked for about 25 years as a Family Practice doc. I did suffer an episode of pretty severe burnout at the end of that and then received a Masters in Library and Information Science. Since that time I have worked at USC, UCSF and now Stanford. I've lived in the foothills of the Santa Cruz Mountains for 35 years, I have two grown children and one grandchild. My enjoyments are pretty much anything outdoors, bicycling, birding, and reading. At this point I am working on improving my terrible medical Spanish and slowly working on acoustic guitar. See attached CV for more details.
Current Role at Stanford
Research and Instruction Librarian Lane Medical Library