
Author of Signs Taken for Wonders (1983), The Way of the World (1987), Modern Epic (1995), Atlas of the European Novel 1800-1900 (1998), Graphs, Maps, Trees (2005), The Bourgeois (2013), and Distant Reading (2013). Chief editor of The Novel (2006). Has founded the Center for the Study of the Novel and the Literary Lab. Writes often for New Left Review, and has been translated into over twenty languages.

Academic Appointments

  • Emeritus Faculty, Acad Council, English

Administrative Appointments

  • Research Lecturer, English Lit., Universita' di Roma (1975 - 1979)
  • Associate Professor, English Lit., Universita' di Salerno (1979 - 1981)
  • Professor, English Lit., Universita' di Salerno (1981 - 1983)
  • Professor, English Lit, Universita' di Verona (1983 - 1986)
  • Professor, Comparative Lit, Universita' di Verona (1986 - 1990)
  • Professor, English and Comp Lit., Columbia (1990 - 2000)
  • Professor, English and Comp Lit., Stanford (2000 - Present)
  • Visiting Professor, Comparative Lit., UC Berkeley (1985 - 1985)
  • Visiting Professor, Literature Program, Duke University (1987 - 1987)
  • Visiting Professor, English and Comparative, UCLA (1990 - 1990)
  • Visiting Professor, English and Comparative, UCSD (1990 - 1990)
  • Visiting Professor, Comparative Lit., Copenhagen University (1996 - 1996)
  • Visiting Professor, English Literature, Stanford (1999 - 1999)
  • Fellow, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin (1999 - 2000)
  • Beckman Professor, UC Berkeley (2002 - 2002)
  • Northrop Frye Professor, University of Toronto (2011 - 2011)
  • Pescara: TA in English Lit, Universita' "G. D'Annunzio" (1972 - 1975)

Boards, Advisory Committees, Professional Organizations

  • Founder, Center for the Study of the Novel at Stanford University
  • Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
  • Member, American Philosophical Society
  • Member, Academia Europaea
  • Fellow, Wissenschaftskolleg [Institute of advanced study] in Berlinellow (2012 - 2013)

All Publications

  • BANKSPEAK NEW LEFT REVIEW Moretti, F., Pestre, D. 2015: 75-99
  • The Bourgeois. Between History and Literature Moretti, F. Verso. 2013
  • Style as the Scale of the Sentence Literary Lab Pamphlet Moretti, F., Allison, S., Gemma, M., Heuser, R., Tevel, A., Yamboliev, I. 2013
  • Distant Reading Moretti, F. Verso. 2013
  • The Way of the World (French Edition) Moretti, F. Paris, Garnier. 2013
  • Graphs, Maps, Trees (Slovenian Edition) Moretti, F. 2011
  • Quantitative Formalism: an Experiment Literary Lab Pamphlet Moretti, F., Allison, S., Heuser, R., Jockers, M., Witmore, M. 2011; 1
  • History of the Novel, Theory of the Novel NOVEL-A FORUM ON FICTION Moretti, F. 2010; 43 (1): 1-10
  • THE GREY AREA Ibsen and the Spirit of Capitalism NEW LEFT REVIEW Moretti, F. 2010: 117-131
  • Style, Inc. Reflections on Seven Thousand Titles (British Novels, 1740-1850) CRITICAL INQUIRY Moretti, F. 2009; 36 (1): 134-158
  • Signs taken for Wonders Moretti, F. Cairo. 2009
  • Evolutionary theory, world-systems analysis, Weltliteratur The Princeton Sourcebook in Comparative Literature: From the European Enlightenment to the Global Present Moretti, F., et al edited by Damrosch, et al 2009
  • The Novel (Brazilian edition) 5 volumes Moretti, F. Cosac&Naify,. 2009; 1
  • The Novel: History and theory NEW LEFT REVIEW Moretti, F. 2008: 111-?
  • Graphs, Maps, Trees (French Edition) Moretti, F. 2008
  • Graphs, Maps, Trees (German Edition) Moretti, F. 2008
  • Cards (Mary Mitfod, Berthold Auerbach and John Galt) ROMANTISME Moretti, F. 2007: 11-34
  • Graphs, Maps, Trees (Portuguese Edition) Moretti, F. 2007
  • Graphs, Maps, Trees (Spanish Edition) Moretti, F. 2007
  • The end of the beginning - A reply to Christopher Prendergast NEW LEFT REVIEW Moretti, F. 2006: 71-?
  • Evolution, world-systems, Weltliteratur International Symposium on Studying Transcultural Literary History Moretti, F. WALTER DE GRUYTER & CO. 2006: 113–121
  • Evolutionary theory, world-systems analysis, Weltliteratur Studying Transcultural Literary History Moretti, F. edited by Lindberg-Wada, G. Gruyter, Berlin. 2006
  • Graphs, Maps, Trees (Turkish edition) Moretti, F. 2006
  • Signs taken for Wonders (Turkish edition) Moretti, F. Istanbul. 2006
  • The Novel Moretti, F. Princeton UP. 2006; 2
  • Modern Epic (Turkish edition) Moretti, F. Everest. 2005
  • Evolutionary theory, world-systems analysis, Weltliteratur Review Moretti, F. 2005
  • Evolutionary theory, world-systems analysis (Spanish translation) Latinoamérica en la literatura mundial Moretti, F. edited by Sánchez Prado, I. M. Pittsburgh: Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana,. 2005
  • Graphs, Maps, Trees Moretti, F. Verso, London. 2005
  • Atlas of the European Novel 1800-1900 (Turkish edition) Moretti, F. Everest. 2005
  • Atlas of the European Novel 1800-1900 (Korean edition) Moretti, F. New Wave, Seoul. 2005
  • La letteratura vista da lontano Moretti, F. Einaudi, Torino. 2005
  • The Way of the World (Korean edition) Moretti, F. Munhak-dongne. 2005
  • Signs taken for Wonders Moretti, F. London: Verso. 2005
  • Graphs, Maps, Trees. Abstract Models for Literary History – 3 NLR Moretti, F. 2004; 28
  • Graphs, Maps, Trees. Abstract Models for Literary History – 2 NLR Moretti, F. 2004; 26
  • Modern Epic (Korean edition) Moretti, F. New Wave, Seoul. 2004
  • More conjectures NEW LEFT REVIEW Moretti, F. 2003: 73-81
  • Atlas of the European Novel 1800-1900 (Brazilian edition) Moretti, F. Boitempo, Rio. 2003
  • Graphs, Maps, Trees. Abstract Models for Literary History - 1 NLR Moretti, F. 2003; 24
  • More Conjectures NLR Moretti, F. 2003; 20
  • Signs taken for Wonders (Korean edition) Moretti, F. New Wave, Seoul. 2003
  • Modern Epic Close reading: The reader Moretti, F. edited by Lenricchia, F., Dubois, E. Duke University Press. 2003
  • Il romanzo edited by Moretti, F. 2003; 4 and 5
  • Il romanzo edited by Moretti, F. Einaudi: Torino. 2002; 2 and 3
  • The Moment of Truth (chinese translation) New left Review Moretti, F. 2002
  • Planet Hollywood NEW LEFT REVIEW Moretti, F. 2001: 90-101
  • Il romanzo edited by Moretti, F. Einaudi: Torino. 2001; 1
  • Planet Hollywood NLR Moretti, F. 2001; 10
  • Conjectures on World Literature Literatures in the Postcolonial/Post- Imperial World: Moving Towards a World-Literature Moretti, F. edited by Bharucha, N. E., Rajeswaran, S. Delhi. 2001
  • Il secolo serio Il romanzo Moretti, F. 2001; 1
  • Atlas of the European Novel 1800-1900 (Spanish edition) Moretti, F. Trama, Barcelona. 2001
  • Markets of the mind NEW LEFT REVIEW Moretti, F. 2000: 111-?
  • MoMA2000: The capitulation NEW LEFT REVIEW Moretti, F. 2000: 98-?
  • The slaughterhouse of literature (Literary canon, reception) MODERN LANGUAGE QUARTERLY Moretti, F. 2000; 61 (1): 207-227
  • The Way of the World Moretti, F. London: Verso. 2000
  • The Comfort of Civilization The Way of the World Moretti, F. 2000; 2nd
  • 2000e Video-Stores NLR Moretti, F. 2000; 5
  • Moma 2000: the Capitulation NLR Moretti, F. 2000; 4
  • Conjectures on World Literature (Korean translation) World Literature Moretti, F. 2000; 93
  • Death at the New York Times NLR Moretti, F. 2000; 2
  • The Slaughterhouse of Literature MLQ Moretti, F. 2000
  • Moma 2000: the Capitulation Art in Theory, 1900-2000 Moretti, F. 2000
  • Conjectures on world literature NEW LEFT REVIEW Moretti, F. 2000: 54-68
  • Atlas of the European Novel 1800-1900 (French edition) Moretti, F. Seuil, Paris. 2000
  • Atlas of the European Novel 1800-1900 (German edition) Moretti, F. DuMont, Köln. 1999
  • Il romanzo di formazione edited by Moretti, F. Einaudi, Torino. 1999
  • The Dialectic of Fear Dracula Moretti, F. edited by Byron, G. St. Martin’s Press, NY. 1999
  • Atlas of the European Novel 1800-1900 (Mexican Edition) Moretti, F. Siglo XXI, Mexico City. 1999
  • Atlas of the European Novel 1800-1900 Moretti, F. London: Verso. 1998
  • Signs taken for Wonders Moretti, F. London: Verso. 1997
  • Narrative Markets, ca. 1850 (Korean translation) In/Outside Moretti, F. 1997
  • Towards a Unified Theory of Literature American Book Review Moretti, F. 1997
  • Narrative Markets, ca. 1850 Review Moretti, F. 1997
  • Atlante del romanzo europeo 1800-1900 Moretti, F. Torino: Einaudi. 1997
  • The Dialectic of Fear Dracula Moretti, F. edited by Auerbach, N. Norton. 1996
  • Modern Epic Moretti, F. London: Verso. 1996
  • The Dialectic of Fear World Literature Moretti, F. 1996
  • Modern European Literature: A Geographical Sketch (Korean translation) Creation and Criticism Moretti, F. 1995
  • Opere Mondo Moretti, F. Torino: Einaudi. 1994
  • Letteratura europea Storia d'Europa Moretti, F. edited by Anderson, Aymard, Bairoch, Barberis, Ginzburg Einaudi, Torino. 1993
  • Signs taken for Wonders (Japanese edition) Moretti, F. Tokio: Shinhyoron. 1992
  • El encanto de la indecision Mythopoesis Moretti, F. edited by Resina, J. R. Barcelona. 1992
  • A useless longing for myself: The crisis of the European Bildungsroman, 1898-1914 Studies in Historical Change Moretti, F. edited by Cohen, R. Virginia UP. 1992
  • The Moment of Truth Contemporary Marxist Literary Criticism Moretti, F. edited by Mulhern, F. London. 1992
  • The Dialectic of Fear Birikim Moretti, F. 1991; 29
  • The Spell of Indecision Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture Moretti, F. edited by Nelson, Grossberg Illinois UP. 1991
  • Dalla terra desolata al paradiso artificiale Literatur og Modernitat Moretti, F. 1990
  • Un'inutile nostalgia di me stesso Nuova Corrente Moretti, F. 1990; 106
  • Signs taken for Wonders Moretti, F. London: Verso. 1988
  • The Dialectic of Fear Signs etc Moretti, F. 1987
  • The Moment of Truth Signs etc Moretti, F. 1987; 2nd
  • Dalla terra desolata al paradiso artificiale Signs etc Moretti, F. 1987
  • "A Huge Eclipse": Tragic Form and the Deconsecration of Sovereignty Signs etc Moretti, F. 1987
  • Fruktans Dialektik Häften för kritiska Studier Moretti, F. 1987; 2
  • Signs taken for Wonders (Italian edition) Moretti, F. Torino: Einaudi. 1987
  • The Way of the World Moretti, F. London: Verso. 1987
  • The Comfort of Civilization Il romanzo di formazione Moretti, F. 1987
  • THE MOMENT OF TRUTH NEW LEFT REVIEW Moretti, F. 1986: 39-48
  • Il romanzo di formazione Moretti, F. Milano: Garzanti. 1986
  • The Spell of Indecision Signs etc. Moretti, F. 1984; 2nd
  • L'incantesimo dell'indecisione Linea d'ombra, Moretti, F. 1984; 4
  • Signs taken for Wonders Moretti, F. London: Verso. 1983
  • The Dialectic of Fear New Left Review Moretti, F. 1982; 136
  • "A Huge Eclipse": Tragic Form and the Deconsecration of Sovereignty The Power of Forms in the English Renaissance Moretti, F. edited by Greenblatt, S. Norman, Okla. 1982
  • Dalla terra desolata al paradiso artificiale Calibano Moretti, F. 1980; 5
  • La grande eclissi Calibano Moretti, F. 1979; 4
  • Dialettica della paura Calibano Moretti, F. 1978; 2
  • Letteratura e ideologie negli anni Trenta inglesi Moretti, F. Bari: Adriatica. 1976