Current Role at Stanford
Glynn is the Assistant Director in the Department of Special Collections & University Archives is primarily in charge of the Collection Services Division and the libraries' Born- and Acquired-Digital Programs. She also collaborates with other managers to develop new programs and directions within the department.
Collection Services staff work collaboratively with over 20 subject specialists and curators throughout the library; we take in over 350 collections each year, totaling between 1,800 and 3,500 linear feet (this is equivalent to 2.5-6 million documents) a year. Our focus is on collection management as well as discovery and access including: acquisitions, cataloging and processing of incoming material in any format - from rare books and papyrus fragments to artifacts and computer media. We also manage all digitization projects and descriptive metadata for special collections materials in conjunction with subject specialists and the digital library group.
The departments' Born-Digital Program collaborates with Digital Libraries Systems and Services as well as the libraries' Metadata Development Unit. The department of Special Collections also directs the ePADD Project - developing software to acquire, process and deliver email archives in our collections. A new release of ePADD software (Version 5.0) came out in winter 2018.
Honors & Awards
Digital Preservation Award for Research and Innovation - ePADD Project, Digital Preservation Coalition (2018)
NDSA innovation award - ePADD Project, National Digital Stewardship Alliance (2017)
NDSA innovation award - An Inter-Institutional Model for Stewardship Project, National Digital Stewardship Alliance (2012)
Education & Certifications
MLIS, Simmons College, Archives Management
MA, Simmons College, History
AB, Brown University, Classics
ePADD Project: NHPRC-funded, development of email processing and access software, Stanford University Library (July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2015)
A two-year project to develop a software program to make email archives available for research. It is funded by a grant from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission.
Stanford, CA
- Peter Chan, Digital Archivist, Special Collections, Stanford University Libraries
- Josh Schneider, Stanford University Libraries
Benoit Mandelbrot papers - digitization & processing project, Stanford University (10/1/2012)
To process and make available the papers and born-digital material created by Benoit Mandelbrot.
425 Broadway St., Redwood City, California
CLIR Processing Project - MALDEF & CRLA, Stanford University (September 1, 2011 - February 28, 2013)
Processing the records of two legal aid organizations: Mexican American Legal Defense & Education Fund (MALDEF) and California Rural Legal Assistance (CRLA).
557 Escondido Mall, Stanford, CA
Stop AIDS Project Records - processing & digitization project, Stanford University (October 1, 2011 - September 30, 2012)
Stop AIDS Project San Francisco
557 Escondido Mall, Stanford, CA
- Catherine Aster, Librarian - Product & Service Manager, Library Technology, Stanford University Libraries and Academic Information Resources
AIMS Born Digital Collections: An Inter-Institutional Model for Stewardship project, Stanford University (October 1, 2009 - September 30, 2011)
Collaborative project with University of Virginia, Yale University, and Hull University (U.K.)
557 Escondido Mall, Stanford, CA
- Michael Olson, Librarian, Library Technology, Stanford University Libraries and Academic Information Resources
- Peter Chan, Digital Archivist, Special Collections, Stanford University Libraries
Hummel Family Papers - digitization & processing project, Stanford University (September 1, 2009 - August 1, 2012)
557 Escondido Mall, Stanford, CA
Professional Affiliations and Activities
Member, Society of American Archivists (2001 - Present)
Member, Program Committee (2012-13), Society of California Archivists (2006 - Present)
Member, American Library Association (2007 - Present)
Member, Rare Books & Manuscripts Section (RBMS) of ARCL (2007 - Present)
Member, Northern California Technical Processes Group (2012 - Present)
All Publications
- ePADD: Computational Analysis Software Enabling Screening, Browsing, and Access for Email Collections IPRES2017. Kyoto, Japan. 2017
Implementing Controlled Vocabularies for Computer Game Platforms and Media Formats in SKOS
Journal of Library Metadata
2016; 16 (1): 1-22
View details for DOI 10.1080/19386389.2016.1167494
- Core Metadata Schema for Cataloging Video Games Version 1 Game Metadata and Citation Project. California. 2015 ; Game Metadata and Citation Project Tech Report 31
- Capturing and Processing Born-Digital Files in the STOP AIDS Project Records: A Case Study Journal of Western Archives 2013; 4 (1)
- AIMS Born-Digital Collections: An Inter-Institutional Model for Stewardship 2012
- Born-Digital Material at Stanford SAA Technology and Science Newsletter 2010
- Experiments In Navigation: The Art of Charles Hobson Special Collections, Stanford University Library. 2008