
I am a PhD student in the Stanford Department of Applied Physics. My research, conducted in the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory High Energy Density Science Division, focuses on developing sources of laser-driven ion and neutron beams using ambient-temperature liquid jet targets developed by our group.

Honors & Awards

  • DOE NNSA Stewardship Science Graduate Fellowship, US DOE National Nuclear Security Administration (2020-2024)
  • NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, National Science Foundation (2019-2020)
  • Dean's Honored Graduate, College of Natural Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin (2019)
  • Highest Academic Achievement Award, Department of Physics, The University of Texas at Austin (2019)
  • Mitchell Award for Undergraduate Academic Excellence, University Co-op, The University of Texas at Austin (2019)
  • Barry Goldwater Scholarship, Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation (2018)

Education & Certifications

  • BS, The University of Texas at Austin, Physics Honors (2019)
  • BA, The University of Texas at Austin, Plan II Honors (2019)

All Publications

  • Stable laser-acceleration of high-flux proton beams with plasma collimation. Nature communications Streeter, M. J., Glenn, G. D., DiIorio, S., Treffert, F., Loughran, B., Ahmed, H., Astbury, S., Borghesi, M., Bourgeois, N., Curry, C. B., Dann, S. J., Dover, N. P., Dzelzainis, T., Ettlinger, O. C., Gauthier, M., Giuffrida, L., Glenzer, S. H., Gray, R. J., Green, J. S., Hicks, G. S., Hyland, C., Istokskaia, V., King, M., Margarone, D., McCusker, O., McKenna, P., Najmudin, Z., Parisuaña, C., Parsons, P., Spindloe, C., Symes, D. R., Thomas, A. G., Xu, N., Palmer, C. A. 2025; 16 (1): 1004


    Laser-plasma acceleration of protons offers a compact, ultra-fast alternative to conventional acceleration techniques, and is being widely pursued for potential applications in medicine, industry and fundamental science. Creating a stable, collimated beam of protons at high repetition rates presents a key challenge. Here, we demonstrate the generation of multi-MeV proton beams from a fast-replenishing ambient-temperature liquid sheet. The beam has an unprecedentedly low divergence of 1° (≤20 mrad), resulting from magnetic self-guiding of the proton beam during propagation through a low density vapour. The proton beams, generated at a repetition rate of 5 Hz using only 190 mJ of laser energy, exhibit a hundred-fold increase in flux compared to beams from a solid target. Coupled with the high shot-to-shot stability of this source, this represents a crucial step towards applications.

    View details for DOI 10.1038/s41467-025-56248-4

    View details for PubMedID 39856070

    View details for PubMedCentralID 7560615

  • Ambient-temperature liquid jet targets for high-repetition-rate HED discovery science PHYSICS OF PLASMAS Treffert, F., Glenn, G. D., Chou, H. J., Crissman, C., Curry, C. B., DePonte, D. P., Fiuza, F., Hartley, N. J., Ofori-Okai, B., Roth, M., Glenzer, S. H., Gauthier, M. 2022; 29 (12)

    View details for DOI 10.1063/5.0097857

    View details for Web of Science ID 000899004900003

  • Improved large-energy-range magnetic electron-positron spectrometer for experiments with the Texas Petawatt Laser JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION Glenn, G. D., Tiwari, G., Dyer, G., Curry, C. B., Donovan, M. E., Gaul, E., Gauthier, M., Glenzer, S. H., Gordon, J., Hegelich, B. M., Martinez, M., McCary, E., Spinksa, M., Ditmire, T. 2019; 14
  • Release dynamics of nanodiamonds created by laser-driven shock-compression of polyethylene terephthalate. Scientific reports Heuser, B., Bergermann, A., Stevenson, M. G., Ranjan, D., He, Z., Lütgert, J., Schumacher, S., Bethkenhagen, M., Descamps, A., Galtier, E., Gleason, A. E., Khaghani, D., Glenn, G. D., Cunningham, E. F., Glenzer, S. H., Hartley, N. J., Hernandez, J. A., Humphries, O. S., Katagiri, K., Lee, H. J., McBride, E. E., Miyanishi, K., Nagler, B., Ofori-Okai, B., Ozaki, N., Pandolfi, S., Qu, C., May, P. T., Redmer, R., Schoenwaelder, C., Sueda, K., Yabuuchi, T., Yabashi, M., Lukic, B., Rack, A., Zinta, L. M., Vinci, T., Benuzzi-Mounaix, A., Ravasio, A., Kraus, D. 2024; 14 (1): 12239


    Laser-driven dynamic compression experiments of plastic materials have found surprisingly fast formation of nanodiamonds (ND) via X-ray probing. This mechanism is relevant for planetary models, but could also open efficient synthesis routes for tailored NDs. We investigate the release mechanics of compressed NDs by molecular dynamics simulation of the isotropic expansion of finite size diamond from different P-T states. Analysing the structural integrity along different release paths via molecular dynamic simulations, we found substantial disintegration rates upon shock release, increasing with the on-Hugnoiot shock temperature. We also find that recrystallization can occur after the expansion and hence during the release, depending on subsequent cooling mechanisms. Our study suggests higher ND recovery rates from off-Hugoniot states, e.g., via double-shocks, due to faster cooling. Laser-driven shock compression experiments of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) samples with in situ X-ray probing at the simulated conditions found diamond signal that persists up to 11 ns after breakout. In the diffraction pattern, we observed peak shifts, which we attribute to thermal expansion of the NDs and thus a total release of pressure, which indicates the stability of the released NDs.

    View details for DOI 10.1038/s41598-024-62367-7

    View details for PubMedID 38806565

    View details for PubMedCentralID 7275726

  • Automated control and optimization of laser-driven ion acceleration HIGH POWER LASER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Loughran, B., Streeter, M. V., Ahmed, H., Astbury, S., Balcazar, M., Borghesi, M., Bourgeois, N., Curry, C. B., Dann, S. D., DiIorio, S., Dover, N. P., Dzelzainis, T., Ettlinger, O. C., Gauthier, M., Giuffrida, L., Glenn, G. D., Glenzer, S. H., Green, J. S., Gray, R. J., Hicks, G. S., Hyland, C., Istokskaia, V., King, M., Margarone, D., McCusker, O., McKenna, P., Najmudin, Z., Parisuana, C., Parsons, P., Spindloe, C., Symes, D. R., Thomas, A. R., Treffert, F., Xu, N., Palmer, C. J. 2023; 11
  • Versatile tape-drive target for high-repetition-rate laser-driven proton acceleration HIGH POWER LASER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Xu, N., Streeter, M. V., Ettlinger, O. C., Ahmed, H., Astbury, S., Borghesi, M., Bourgeois, N., Curry, C. B., Dann, S. D., Dover, N. P., Dzelzainis, T., Istokskaia, V., Gauthier, M., Giuffrida, L., Glenn, G. D., Glenzer, S. H., Gray, R. J., Green, J. S., Hicks, G. S., Hyland, C., King, M., Loughran, B., Margarone, D., McCusker, O., McKenna, P., Parisuana, C., Parsons, P., Spindloe, C., Symes, D. R., Treffert, F., Palmer, C. J., Najmudin, Z. 2023; 11
  • High deuteron and neutron yields from the interaction of a petawatt laser with a cryogenic deuterium jet FRONTIERS IN PHYSICS Jiao, X., Curry, C. B., Gauthier, M., Chou, H. J., Fiuza, F., Kim, J. B., Phan, D. D., McCary, E., Galtier, E. C., Dyer, G. M., Ofori-Okai, B. K., Labun, L., Labun, O. Z., Schoenwaelder, C., Roycroft, R., Tiwari, G., Glenn, G. D., Treffert, F., Glenzer, S. H., Hegelich, B. M. 2023; 10
  • Diamond formation kinetics in shock-compressed C─H─O samples recorded by small-angle x-ray scattering and x-ray diffraction. Science advances He, Z., Rodel, M., Lutgert, J., Bergermann, A., Bethkenhagen, M., Chekrygina, D., Cowan, T. E., Descamps, A., French, M., Galtier, E., Gleason, A. E., Glenn, G. D., Glenzer, S. H., Inubushi, Y., Hartley, N. J., Hernandez, J., Heuser, B., Humphries, O. S., Kamimura, N., Katagiri, K., Khaghani, D., Lee, H. J., McBride, E. E., Miyanishi, K., Nagler, B., Ofori-Okai, B., Ozaki, N., Pandolfi, S., Qu, C., Ranjan, D., Redmer, R., Schoenwaelder, C., Schuster, A. K., Stevenson, M. G., Sueda, K., Togashi, T., Vinci, T., Voigt, K., Vorberger, J., Yabashi, M., Yabuuchi, T., Zinta, L. M., Ravasio, A., Kraus, D. 2022; 8 (35): eabo0617


    Extreme conditions inside ice giants such as Uranus and Neptune can result in peculiar chemistry and structural transitions, e.g., the precipitation of diamonds or superionic water, as so far experimentally observed only for pure C─H and H2O systems, respectively. Here, we investigate a stoichiometric mixture of C and H2O by shock-compressing polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastics and performing in situ x-ray probing. We observe diamond formation at pressures between 72 ± 7 and 125 ± 13 GPa at temperatures ranging from ~3500 to ~6000 K. Combining x-ray diffraction and small-angle x-ray scattering, we access the kinetics of this exotic reaction. The observed demixing of C and H2O suggests that diamond precipitation inside the ice giants is enhanced by oxygen, which can lead to isolated water and thus the formation of superionic structures relevant to the planets' magnetic fields. Moreover, our measurements indicate a way of producing nanodiamonds by simple laser-driven shock compression of cheap PET plastics.

    View details for DOI 10.1126/sciadv.abo0617

    View details for PubMedID 36054354

  • High-repetition-rate, multi-MeV deuteron acceleration from converging heavy water microjets at laser intensities of 10(21) W/cm(2) APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Treffert, F., Curry, C. B., Chou, H. J., Crissman, C. J., DePonte, D. P., Fiuza, F., Glenn, G. D., Hollinger, R. C., Nedbailo, R., Park, J., Schoenwaelder, C., Song, H., Wang, S., Rocca, J. J., Roth, M., Glenzer, S. H., Gauthier, M. 2022; 121 (7)

    View details for DOI 10.1063/5.0098973

    View details for Web of Science ID 000861138400019

  • Investigation of hard x-ray emissions from terawatt laser-irradiated foils at the Matter in Extreme Conditions instrument of the Linac Coherent Light Source JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION Fletcher, L. B., Curry, C. B., Gauthier, M., Glenn, G. D., Chen, Z., Cunningham, E., Descamps, A., Frost, M., Galtier, E. C., Heimann, P., Kim, J. B., Mo, M., Ofori-Okai, B. K., Peebles, J., Seiboth, F., Treffert, F., Dyer, G. M., McBride, E. E., Glenzer, S. H. 2022; 17 (4)
  • 2D monochromatic x-ray imaging for beam monitoring of an x-ray free electron laser and a high-power femtosecond laser REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS Sawada, H., Trzaska, J., Curry, C. B., Gauthier, M., Fletcher, L. B., Jiang, S., Lee, H. J., Galtier, E. C., Cunningham, E., Dyer, G., Daykin, T. S., Chen, L., Salinas, C., Glenn, G. D., Frost, M., Glenzer, S. H., Ping, Y., Kemp, A. J., Sentoku, Y. 2021; 92 (1): 013510


    In pump-probe experiments with an X-ray Free Electron Laser (XFEL) and a high-power optical laser, spatial overlap of the two beams must be ensured to probe a pumped area with the x-ray beam. A beam monitoring diagnostic is particularly important in short-pulse laser experiments where a tightly focused beam is required to achieve a relativistic laser intensity for generation of energetic particles. Here, we report the demonstration of on-shot beam pointing measurements of an XFEL and a terawatt class femtosecond laser using 2D monochromatic Kα imaging at the Matter in Extreme Conditions end-station of the Linac Coherent Light Source. A thin solid titanium foil was irradiated by a 25-TW laser for fast electron isochoric heating, while a 7.0 keV XFEL beam was used to probe the laser-heated region. Using a spherical crystal imager (SCI), the beam overlap was examined by measuring 4.51 keV Kα x rays produced by laser-accelerated fast electrons and the x-ray beam. Measurements were made for XFEL-only at various focus lens positions, laser-only, and two-beam shots. Successful beam overlapping was observed on ∼58% of all two-beam shots for 10 μm thick samples. It is found that large spatial offsets of laser-induced Kα spots are attributed to imprecise target positioning rather than shot-to-shot laser pointing variations. By applying the Kα measurements to x-ray Thomson scattering measurements, we found an optimum x-ray beam spot size that maximizes scattering signals. Monochromatic x-ray imaging with the SCI could be used as an on-shot beam pointing monitor for XFEL-laser or multiple short-pulse laser experiments.

    View details for DOI 10.1063/5.0014329

    View details for Web of Science ID 000630907400004

    View details for PubMedID 33514225

  • Optimization of radiochromic film stacks to diagnose high-flux laser-accelerated proton beams REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS Curry, C. B., Dunning, C. S., Gauthier, M., Chou, H. J., Fiuza, F., Glenn, G. D., Tsui, Y. Y., Bazalova-Carter, M., Glenzer, S. H. 2020; 91 (9): 093303


    Here, we extend flatbed scanner calibrations of GafChromic EBT3, MD-V3, and HD-V2 radiochromic films using high-precision x-ray irradiation and monoenergetic proton bombardment. By computing a visibility parameter based on fractional errors, optimal dose ranges and transitions between film types are identified. The visibility analysis is used to design an ideal radiochromic film stack for the proton energy spectrum expected from the interaction of a petawatt laser with a cryogenic hydrogen jet target.

    View details for DOI 10.1063/5.0020568

    View details for Web of Science ID 000573944100003

    View details for PubMedID 33003776

  • Beam distortion effects upon focusing an ultrashort petawatt laser pulse to greater than 10(22) W/cm(2) OPTICS LETTERS Tiwari, G., Gaul, E., Martinez, M., Dyer, G., Gordon, J., Spinks, M., Toncian, T., Bowers, B., Jiao, X., Kupfer, R., Lisi, L., McCary, E., Roycroft, R., Yandow, A., Glenn, G. D., Donovan, M., Ditmire, T., Hegelich, B. M. 2019; 44 (11): 2764–67