
Hi, I am a Postdoctoral Fellow at Stanford Data Science, where I work with Professors Pascal Geldsetzer, David Lobell, Marshall Burke, Carlos Guestrin, Stefano Ermon, Eran Bendavid and Gary Darmstadt. I am particularly interested in using insights from data science and remote sensing to address the challenges of global sustainable development. My doctoral research integrated machine learning with satellite imagery and multi-source geospatial big data to address research challenges associated with natural hazard forecasting, risk assessment and management, as well as global environment monitoring under climate change. My research as a Stanford Data Science Fellow focuses on the development of intelligent earth observation approaches for global population health monitoring, especially for low-resource regions like low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). The primary goal is to harness the potential of data science techniques for the analysis of satellite imagery and other publicly available geotagged data, enabling precise and timely global health monitoring with much enhanced spatial and temporal resolutions.

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