
Ian Hodder joined the Department of Cultural and Social Anthropology in September of 1999. Among his publications are: Symbols in Action (Cambridge 1982), Reading the Past (Cambridge 1986), The Domestication of Europe (Oxford 1990), The Archaeological Process (Oxford 1999). Catalhoyuk: The Leopard's Tale (Thames and Hudson 2006), and Entangled. An archaeology of the relationships between humans and things (Wiley and Blackwell, 2012). Professor Hodder has been conducting the excavation of the 9,000 year-old Neolithic site of Catalhoyuk in central Turkey since 1993. The 25-year project has three aims - to place the art from the site in its full environmental, economic and social context, to conserve the paintings, plasters and mud walls, and to present the site to the public. The project is also associated with attempts to develop reflexive methods in archaeology. Dr. Hodder is currently the Dunlevie Family Professor Emeritus.

Academic Appointments

  • Emeritus Faculty, Acad Council, Anthropology

Administrative Appointments

  • Lecturer, Department of Archaeology, University of Leeds (1974 - 1977)
  • University Assistant Lecturer, University of Cambridge (1981 - 1981)
  • University Lecturer, University of Cambridge (1981 - 1981)
  • Reader in Prehistory, University of Cambridge (1990 - 1990)
  • Professor of Archaeology, Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge (1996 - 1999)
  • Professor of Anthropology, Department of Anthropology, Stanford University (1999 - 2009)
  • Co-Director, Archaeology Center (1999 - 2009)
  • Director, Archaeology Center (1999 - 2009)
  • Dunlevie Family Professor, School of Humanities and Sciences, Stanford University (2002 - Present)
  • Adjunct Assistant Professor of Anthropology, State University of New York, Binghamton (1984 - 1989)
  • Adjunct Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis (1986 - 1994)
  • Visiting Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis (1986 - 1994)
  • Visiting Professor, Van Giffen Institute for Pre- and Proto-history, Amsterdam (1980 - 1980)
  • Visiting Professor, University of Paris I -Sorbonne (U.E.R. d'Art et d'Archéologie) (1985 - 1985)
  • Fellow, Centre for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford (1987 - 1987)
  • Fellow, Darwin College, Cambridge (1990 - 2001)
  • Fellow, British Academy (1996 - Present)
  • Guggenheim Fellow, Guggenheim Foundation (2005 - 2006)
  • Honorary Professor, Institute of Archaeology, University College, London (2007 - Present)
  • Visiting Fellow, Magdalen College, Oxford (2009 - 2009)
  • Visiting Professor, Maison des Sciences de l'Homme (2010 - 2010)
  • Associate Professor, University of Paris I –Sorbonne (2010 - 2010)
  • Senior Residential Fellow, Research Center for Anatolian Civilization, Koç University, Istanbul (2010 - 2010)
  • Fellow, Royal Anthropological Institute (1985 - 1988)

Honors & Awards

  • Gordon Childe Prize, Institute of Archaeology, University College, London (1971)
  • The Oscar Montelius Medal, Swedish Society of Antiquaries (1995)
  • National prize, Turkish Minister of Culture for scientific contributions to Turkish archaeology (2002)
  • Honorary Degree of Doctor of Science, Bristol University (2009)
  • Drexel Medal, University of Pennsylvania Museum (2009)
  • Huxley Memorial Medal, Royal Anthropological Institute, London (2009)
  • Honorary Doctorate, University of Leiden (2011)

Boards, Advisory Committees, Professional Organizations

  • Director-General, Cambridge Archaeological Unit (1990 - 2001)
  • Director, TEMPER (Training, Education, Management and Prehistory in the Eastern Mediterranean) (2002 - 2004)
  • Associate/Council Member, Institute of Field Archaeologists (1986 - 1989)
  • Council Member, Royal Anthropological Institute (1985 - 1988)
  • Member, Prehistoric Society
  • Member, Society for American Archaeology
  • Member, American Anthropological Association
  • Editor, Annual Report of the Cambridgeshire Archaeological Committee (1981 - 1985)
  • Member, Editorial Board of New Directions in Archaeology, Cambridge University Press (1978 - 1989)
  • Member, Editorial board of Anthropology Today
  • Member, Editorial board of Archeologia e Calcolatori
  • Member, Editorial board of Cambridge Archaeological Journal
  • Member, Editorial board of Journal of European Archaeology
  • Member, Editorial Board of Home Culture
  • Member, Editorial Board of Archaeologies
  • Member, Advisory board of Rural History: Economy, Society, Culture
  • Member, Advisory board of Journal of Material Culture
  • Member, Editorial panel of Journal of Social Archaeology
  • General editor of series, B. Blackwell, Oxford, entitled: Social Archaeology (series ended 2001)
  • General editor (with R Preucel), Series for University of Pennsylvania Press
  • General editor, Altamira Press entitled Archaeology, Society and Culture (from 2001)
  • Academic Secretary, Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge (1980 - 1982)
  • Academic Secretary, Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge (1986 - 1989)
  • Secretary, Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Cambridge (1984 - 1984)
  • Secretary, Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Cambridge (1989 - 1989)
  • Senior Examiner, University of Cambridge
  • Chairman of Examiners, University of Cambridge
  • Member, Appointments Committee, University of Cambridge
  • Secretary, Cambridgeshire Archaeological Committee (1980 - 1986)
  • Chairman, University Liaison Committee, I.F.A (1988 - 1990)
  • Member, University Liaison Committee, I.F.A (1988 - 1990)
  • Chairman, Career Development and Training Committee, I.F.A. (1990 - 1992)
  • Member, National Committee for World Archaeological Congress (1986 - 1986)
  • Member, Executive Committee for World Archaeological Congress (1986 - 1986)
  • Representative, North European, World Archaeological Congress (1988 - 1988)
  • Member, Founding Committee for European Association of Archaeologists (1991 - 1995)
  • Member, British Universities Archaeological Committee (1987 - 1989)
  • Departmental representative, SCUPHA (1987 - 1989)
  • Examiner, University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate, Archaeology 'A' level (1984 - 1986)
  • External Examiner, Southampton University (1989 - 1992)
  • External Examiner, St. David's University College, Lampeter (1991 - 1994)
  • Organiser, Darwin Lecture Series, Cambridge (1999 - 1999)
  • Chair, Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Stanford University (2001 - 2005)
  • Member, Humanities and Sciences Appointments and Promotions Committee (2001 - 2003)
  • Co-Director, Archaeology Center, Stanford University (2000 - 2002)
  • Director, Archaeology Center, Stanford University (2006 - 2009)
  • Member, Stanford University Committee for the Review of Undergraduate Majors (2007 - 2009)
  • Chair, Stanford University Committee for the Review of Undergraduate Majors (2008 - 2009)
  • Member, Academic Advisory Committee for Global Heritage Fund (2001)
  • Member, Advisory Board for John Templeton Foundation (2010)
  • Reviewer, American Anthropologist
  • Reviewer, Antiquity
  • Reviewer, Cambridge Archaeological Journal
  • Reviewer, Man
  • Reviewer, Progress in Geography
  • Reviewer, Journal of Historical Geography
  • Reviewer, Rain
  • Reviewer, Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society
  • Reviewer, Journal of Society of Antiquaries
  • Reviewer, Journal of Field Archaeology
  • Reviewer, Semiotica
  • Reviewer, Times Higher Education Supplement
  • Reviewer, Times Literary Supplement
  • Reviewer, Current Anthropology

Professional Education

  • Ph.D., Cambridge University, Spatial analysis in archaeology (1975)
  • B.A., Institute of Archaeology, London University, Prehistoric Archaeology (1971)

2023-24 Courses

All Publications

  • Staying Egalitarian and the Origins of Agriculture in the Middle East CAMBRIDGE ARCHAEOLOGICAL JOURNAL Hodder, I. 2022
  • Variable kinship patterns in Neolithic Anatolia revealed by ancient genomes. Current biology : CB Yaka, R., Mapelli, I., Kaptan, D., Dogu, A., Chylenski, M., Erdal, O. D., Koptekin, D., Vural, K. B., Bayliss, A., Mazzucato, C., Fer, E., Cokoglu, S. S., Lagerholm, V. K., Krzewinska, M., Karamurat, C., Gemici, H. C., Sevkar, A., Dagtas, N. D., Kilinc, G. M., Adams, D., Munters, A. R., Saglican, E., Milella, M., Schotsmans, E. M., Yurtman, E., Cetin, M., Yorulmaz, S., Altinisik, N. E., Ghalichi, A., Juras, A., Bilgin, C. C., Gunther, T., Stora, J., Jakobsson, M., de Kleijn, M., Mustafaoglu, G., Fairbairn, A., Pearson, J., Togan, I., Kayacan, N., Marciniak, A., Larsen, C. S., Hodder, I., Atakuman, C., Pilloud, M., Surer, E., Gerritsen, F., Ozbal, R., Baird, D., Erdal, Y. S., Duru, G., Ozbasaran, M., Haddow, S. D., Knusel, C. J., Gotherstrom, A., Ozer, F., Somel, M. 2021


    The social organization of the first fully sedentary societies that emerged during the Neolithic period in Southwest Asia remains enigmatic,1 mainly because material culture studies provide limited insight into this issue. However, because Neolithic Anatolian communities often buried their dead beneath domestic buildings,2 household composition and social structure can be studied through these human remains. Here, we describe genetic relatedness among co-burials associated with domestic buildings in Neolithic Anatolia using 59 ancient genomes, including 22 new genomes from Asikli Hoyuk and Catalhoyuk. We infer pedigree relationships by simultaneously analyzing multiple types of information, including autosomal and X chromosome kinship coefficients, maternal markers, and radiocarbon dating. In two early Neolithic villages dating to the 9th and 8th millennia BCE, Asikli Hoyuk and Boncuklu, we discover that siblings and parent-offspring pairings were frequent within domestic structures, which provides the first direct indication of close genetic relationships among co-burials. In contrast, in the 7th millennium BCE sites of Catalhoyuk and Barcin, where we study subadults interred within and around houses, we find close genetic relatives to be rare. Hence, genetic relatedness may not have played a major role in the choice of burial location at these latter two sites, at least for subadults. This supports the hypothesis that in Catalhoyuk,3-5 and possibly in some other Neolithic communities, domestic structures may have served as burial location for social units incorporating biologically unrelated individuals. Our results underscore the diversity of kin structures in Neolithic communities during this important phase of sociocultural development.

    View details for DOI 10.1016/j.cub.2021.03.050

    View details for PubMedID 33857427

  • Breaking continuity? Site formation and temporal depth at Catalhoyuk and Tell Sabi Abyad ANATOLIAN STUDIES Plug, J., Hodder, I., Akkermans, P. G. 2021; 71: 1-27
  • The paradox of the long term: human evolution and entanglement star JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE Hodder, I. 2020; 26 (2): 389–411
  • Twenty-Five Years of Research at Catalhoyuk NEAR EASTERN ARCHAEOLOGY Hodder, I. 2020; 83 (2): 72–79

    View details for DOI 10.1086/708448

    View details for Web of Science ID 000540731400002

  • Religion as a Factor in the Development of Settled Life VIOLENCE AND THE SACRED IN THE ANCIENT NEAR EAST: GIRARDIAN CONVERSATION AT CATALHOYUK Hodder, I., Hodder 2019: 235-247
  • Things and the Slow Neolithic: the Middle Eastern Transformation JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL METHOD AND THEORY Hodder, I. 2018; 25 (1): 155–77
  • Introduction Two Forms of History Making in the Neolithic of the Middle East RELIGION, HISTORY, AND PLACE IN THE ORIGIN OF SETTLED LIFE Hodder, I., Hodder 2018: 3-32
  • The symmetries and asymmetries of human-thing relations. A dialogue ARCHAEOLOGICAL DIALOGUES Hodder, I., Lucas, G. 2017; 24 (2): 119-+
  • Network Analysis and Entanglement JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL METHOD AND THEORY Hodder, I., Mol, A. 2016; 23 (4): 1066-1094
  • More on history houses at catalhoyuk: A response to Carleton et al. JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE Hodder, I. 2016; 67: 1-6
  • Archaeogenomic analysis of ancient Anatolians: first genetic indication for Neolithic cultural diffusion in the Near East Somel, M., Kilinc, G., Ozer, F., Omrak, A., Yaka, R., Donertas, M., Dagtas, N. D., Yuncu, E., Koptekin, D., Buyukkarakaya, A. M., Acan, S. C., Alkan, C., Hodder, I., Haddow, S., Knusel, C., Larsen, C. S., Erdal, Y. S., Bicakci, E., Baird, D., Jakobsson, M., Togan, I., Gotherstrom, A. WILEY-BLACKWELL. 2016: 297–98
  • Revisiting reflexive archaeology at Catalhoyuk: integrating digital and 3D technologies at the trowel's edge ANTIQUITY Berggren, A., Dell'unto, N., Forte, M., Haddow, S., Hodder, I., Issavi, J., Lercari, N., Mazzucato, C., Mickel, A., Taylor, J. S. 2015; 89 (344): 433-448
  • Getting to the Bottom of It All: A Bayesian Approach to Dating the Start of Catalhoyuk JOURNAL OF WORLD PREHISTORY Bayliss, A., Brock, F., Farid, S., Hodder, I., Southon, J., Taylor, R. E. 2015; 28 (1): 1-26
  • A life in books JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE Hodder, I. 2014; 20 (2): 367-370
  • The Entanglements of Humans and Things: A Long-Term View NEW LITERARY HISTORY Hodder, I. 2014; 45 (1): 19-36
  • Modes of Religiosity and the Evolution of Social Complexity at Catalhoyuk RELIGION AT WORK IN A NEOLITHIC SOCIETY: VITAL MATTERS Whitehouse, H., Mazzucato, C., Hodder, I., Atkinson, Q. D., Hodder 2014: 134–55
  • The Vitalities of Catalhoyuk RELIGION AT WORK IN A NEOLITHIC SOCIETY: VITAL MATTERS Hodder, I., Hodder 2014: 1–32
  • Theories and Their Data: Interdisciplinary Interactions at Catalhoyuk RELIGION AT WORK IN A NEOLITHIC SOCIETY: VITAL MATTERS Hodder, I., Hodder 2014: 337–55
  • The Asymmetries of Symmetrical Archaeology JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY ARCHAEOLOGY Hodder, I. 2014; 1 (2): 228–30
  • Catalhoyuk: the leopard changes its spots. A summary of recent work ANATOLIAN STUDIES Hodder, I. 2014; 64: 1-22
  • Sub-surface terahertz imaging through uneven surfaces: visualizing Neolithic wall paintings in Catalhoyuk OPTICS EXPRESS Walker, G. C., Bowen, J. W., Matthews, W., Roychowdhury, S., Labaune, J., Mourou, G., Menu, M., Hodder, I., Jackson, J. B. 2013; 21 (7): 8126-8134


    Pulsed terahertz imaging is being developed as a technique to image obscured mural paintings. Due to significant advances in terahertz technology, portable systems are now capable of operating in unregulated environments and this has prompted their use on archaeological excavations. August 2011 saw the first use of pulsed terahertz imaging at the archaeological site of Çatalhöyük, Turkey, where mural paintings dating from the Neolithic period are continuously being uncovered by archaeologists. In these particular paintings the paint is applied onto an uneven surface, and then covered by an equally uneven surface. Traditional terahertz data analysis has proven unsuccessful at sub-surface imaging of these paintings due to the effect of these uneven surfaces. For the first time, an image processing technique is presented, based around Gaussian beam-mode coupling, which enables the visualization of the obscured painting.

    View details for Web of Science ID 000317659300028

    View details for PubMedID 23571902

  • DEATH AND DYING IN THE NEOLITHIC NEAR EAST (Book Review) TLS-THE TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT Book Review Authored by: Hodder, I. 2012: 32-32
  • Desperately Seeking Walter Taylor (Book Review) CURRENT ANTHROPOLOGY Book Review Authored by: Hodder, I. 2012; 53 (5): 664-665
  • Symbolism, Feasting, and Power at Catalhoyuk A Response to Sutliff and to Hayden CURRENT ANTHROPOLOGY Hodder, I., Meskell, L. 2012; 53 (1): 128-129

    View details for DOI 10.1086/663329

    View details for Web of Science ID 000300400600009

  • The role of religion in the Neolithic of the Middle East and Anatolia with particular reference to Çatalhöyük Paléorient Hodder, I. 2012; 37: 111-122
  • Sub-surface Terahertz Imaging through Uneven Surfaces: Visualizing Neolithic Wall Paintings in Catalhoyuk Walker, G. C., Bowen, J. W., Jackson, J., Matthews, W., Labaune, J., Mourou, G., Menu, M., Hodder, I., IEEE IEEE. 2012
  • Wheels of Time: Some Aspects of Entanglement Theory and the Secondary Products Revolution JOURNAL OF WORLD PREHISTORY Hodder, I. 2011; 24 (2-3): 175-187
  • A "Curious and Sometimes a Trifle Macabre Artistry" Some Aspects of Symbolism in Neolithic Turkey CURRENT ANTHROPOLOGY Hodder, I., Meskell, L. 2011; 52 (2): 235-263

    View details for DOI 10.1086/659250

    View details for Web of Science ID 000289867800005

  • Human-thing entanglement: towards an integrated archaeological perspective JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE Hodder, I. 2011; 17 (1): 154-177
  • Çatalhöyük: a prehistoric settlement on the Konya Plain The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Anatolia Hodder, I. edited by Steadman, S. R., McMahon, G. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2011: 934–949
  • An archaeology of the self: the prehistory of personhood In Search of Self Hodder, I. edited by van Huyssteen, J. W., Wiebe, E. P. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans. 2011; 50 - 69: 50–69
  • Is a shared past possible? The ethics and practice of archaeology in the 21st century New Perspectives in Global Public Archaeology Hodder, I. edited by Okamura, K., Matsuda, A. New York: Springer. 2011
  • Archaeological theory today Hodder, I. Polity Press, Cambridge. 2011
  • Cultural Heritage Rights: From Ownership and Descent to Justice and Well-being ANTHROPOLOGICAL QUARTERLY Hodder, I. 2010; 83 (4): 861-882
  • Material Cultures, Material Minds: The Impact of Things on Human Thought, Society, and Evolution (Book Review) JOURNAL OF ANTHROPOLOGICAL RESEARCH Book Review Authored by: Hodder, I. 2010; 66 (3): 399-400
  • Protecting and exhibiting Çatalhöyük TÜBA-KED Atalay, S., Çamurcuoğlu, D., Hodder, I., Moser, S., Orbaşlı, A., Pye, E. 2010
  • Religion in the emergence of civilization. Çatalhöyük as a case study Hodder, I. Cambridge University Press. 2010
  • Clues of production for the Neolithic Catalhoyuk (central Anatolia) pottery SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND ESSAYS Akca, E., Kapur, S., Ozdol, S., Hodder, I., Poblome, J., Arocena, J., Kelling, G., Bedestenci, C. 2009; 4 (6): 612-625
  • Thinking about archaeological excavation in reflexive terms ARCHAEOLOGICAL DIALOGUES McAnany, P. A., Hodder, I. 2009; 16 (1): 41–49
  • Thinking about stratigraphic sequence in social terms ARCHAEOLOGICAL DIALOGUES McAnany, P. A., Hodder, I. 2009; 16 (1): 1-22
  • An archaeological response Paléorient Hodder, I. 2009; 35 (1): 109-111
  • Earliest date for milk use in the Near East and southeastern Europe linked to cattle herding NATURE Evershed, R. P., Payne, S., Sherratt, A. G., Copley, M. S., Coolidge, J., Urem-Kotsu, D., Kotsakis, K., Ozdogan, M., Ozdogan, A. E., Nieuwenhuyse, O., Akkermans, P. M., Bailey, D., Andeescu, R., Campbell, S., Farid, S., Hodder, I., Yalman, N., Ozbasaran, M., Bicakci, E., Garfinkel, Y., Levy, T., Burton, M. M. 2008; 455 (7212): 528-531


    The domestication of cattle, sheep and goats had already taken place in the Near East by the eighth millennium bc. Although there would have been considerable economic and nutritional gains from using these animals for their milk and other products from living animals-that is, traction and wool-the first clear evidence for these appears much later, from the late fifth and fourth millennia bc. Hence, the timing and region in which milking was first practised remain unknown. Organic residues preserved in archaeological pottery have provided direct evidence for the use of milk in the fourth millennium in Britain, and in the sixth millennium in eastern Europe, based on the delta(13)C values of the major fatty acids of milk fat. Here we apply this approach to more than 2,200 pottery vessels from sites in the Near East and southeastern Europe dating from the fifth to the seventh millennia bc. We show that milk was in use by the seventh millennium; this is the earliest direct evidence to date. Milking was particularly important in northwestern Anatolia, pointing to regional differences linked with conditions more favourable to cattle compared to other regions, where sheep and goats were relatively common and milk use less important. The latter is supported by correlations between the fat type and animal bone evidence.

    View details for DOI 10.1038/nature07180

    View details for Web of Science ID 000259449600045

    View details for PubMedID 18690215

  • Multivocality and Social Archaeology 69th Annual Meeting of the Society-for-American-Archaeology Hodder, I. SPRINGER. 2008: 196–200
  • 40 years of theoretical engagement: A conversation with Ian Hodder NORWEGIAN ARCHAEOLOGICAL REVIEW Karlsson, H., Olsen, B., Hodder, I. 2008; 41 (1): 26–42
  • Revolution fulfilled? 'Symbolic and Structural Archaeology' a generation on CAMBRIDGE ARCHAEOLOGICAL JOURNAL Hodder, I., Leone, M. P., Bernbeck, R., Shanks, M., Tomaskova, S., McAnany, P. A., Shennan, S., Renfrew, C. 2007; 17 (2): 199-228
  • Catalhoyuk in the context of the Middle Eastern Neolithic ANNUAL REVIEW OF ANTHROPOLOGY Hodder, I. 2007; 36: 105-120
  • Excavating Çatalhöyük: South, North and KOPAL Area reports from the 1995-99 seasons McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research / British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara Monograph Hodder, I. 2007
  • Çatalhöyük Die ältesten Monumente der Menschheit Hodder, I. edited by Litcher, C. 2007: 124–5
  • Mediterranean prehistoric heritage. Training, education and management Hodder, I., Doughty, L. 2007
  • Looking back at Symbolic and Structural Archaeology Cambridge Archaeological Journal Hodder, I. 2007; 17 (2): 200 - 225
  • Symbolic and Structural Achaeology Hodder, I. Cambridge University Press. 2006
  • The leopard's tale. Revealing the mysteries of Çatalhöyük. Hodder, I. Thames and Hudson, London. 2006
  • The spectacle of daily performance at Çatalhöyük Archaeology of performance. Theaters of power, community, and politics Hodder, I. edited by Inomata, T., Coben, L. S. Altamira, Lanham. 2006: 81–102
  • A woodland archaeology. Neolithic sites at Haddenham McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research and English Heritage. The Haddenham Project Hodder, I., Evans, C. 2006; 1
  • Triggering post-processual archaeology and beyond The archaeology of Bruce Trigger. Theoretical empiricism Hodder, I. edited by Williamson, R. F., Bisson, M. S. McGill-Queen's University Press, Montreal. 2006: 16–24
  • Marshland communities and cultural landscapes. From the Bronze Age to the present day McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research and English Heritage. The Haddenham Project Hodder, I., Evans, C. 2006; 2
  • The spatio-temporal organization of the early 'town' at Çatalhöyük (un)settling the Neolithic Hodder, I. edited by Bailey, D., Whittel, A., Cummings, V. Oxbow, Oxford. 2005: 126–139
  • Çatalhöyük perspectives: themes from the 1995-99 seasons McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research / British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara Monograph Hodder, I. 2005; 40
  • Inhabiting Çatalhöyük: reports from the 1995-99 seasons McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research / British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara Monograph Hodder, I. 2005; 38
  • An archaeology of the four-field approach in anthropology in the United States Unwrapping the sacred bundle. Reflections on the disciplining of anthropology Hodder, I. edited by Segal, D., Yanagisako, S. Duke University Press, Durham. 2005: 126–140
  • Reflexive Methods Handbook of Archaeological Methods Hodder, I. edited by Maschner, H. D., Chippindale, C. 2005: 643–669
  • Changing materialities at Çatalhöyük: reports from the 1995-99 seasons McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research / British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara Monograph Hodder, I. 2005; 39
  • Daily practice and social memory at Catalhoyuk AMERICAN ANTIQUITY Hodder, I., Cessford, C. 2004; 69 (1): 17-40
  • Neo-thingness Explaining social change: Studies in Honour of Colin Renfrew Hodder, I. edited by Cherry, J., Scarre, C., Shennan, S. McDonald Institute Monographs. 2004: 45–52
  • The 'social' in archaeological theory: an historical and contemporary perspective A companion to social archaeology Hodder, I. edited by Maskell, L., Preucel, R. 2004
  • Archaeology beyond dialogue Hodder, I. University of Utah Press. 2004
  • Women and men at Catalhoyuk SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Hodder, I. 2004; 290 (1): 76-83

    View details for Web of Science ID 000187996800029

    View details for PubMedID 14682041

  • Social practice, method, and some problems of field archaeology AMERICAN ANTIQUITY Berggren, A., Hodder, I. 2003; 68 (3): 421-434
  • The body Hodder, I., Sweeney, S. Cambridge University Press. 2003
  • Reading the Past: Current Approaches to Interpretation in Archaeology Hodder, I., Hutson, S. Cambridge University Press. 2003
  • Archaeological reflexivity and the "local" voice ANTHROPOLOGICAL QUARTERLY Hodder, I. 2003; 76 (1): 55-69
  • Archaeology as a discontinuous domain Essential tensions in archaeological method and theory Hodder, I. edited by Van Pool, T. L., VanPool, C. S. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City. 2003: 5–8
  • Sustainable time travel: toward a global politics of the past The politics of archaeology and identity in the global context Hodder, I. 2003
  • Ethics and archaeology: The attempt at Catalhoyuk NEAR EASTERN ARCHAEOLOGY Hodder, I. 2002; 65 (3): 174-181
  • Two approaches to an archaeology of the social AMERICAN ANTHROPOLOGIST Hodder, I. 2002; 104 (1): 320-324
  • Accelerator mass spectrometry dating at Catalhoyuk RADIOCHIMICA ACTA Gokturk, E. H., Hillegonds, D. J., Lipschutz, M. E., Hodder, I. 2002; 90 (7): 407-410
  • Symbolism and the origins of agriculture in the Near East CAMBRIDGE ARCHAEOLOGICAL JOURNAL Hodder, I. 2001; 11 (1): 107-?
  • Archaeological theory today Hodder, I. Polity Press, Cambridge. 2001
  • Ancestral geographies of the Neolithic: Landscapes, monuments and memory (Book Review) CAMBRIDGE ARCHAEOLOGICAL JOURNAL Book Review Authored by: Hodder, I. 2000; 10 (2): 376-380
  • Agency and individuals in long-term processes 62nd Annual Meeting of the Society-for-American-Archaeology Hodder, I. ROUTLEDGE. 2000: 21–33
  • Agency and individuals in long-term processes Agency in archaeology Hodder, I. edited by Dobres, M. A., Robb, J. Routledge, London. 2000: 21–33
  • Towards reflexive method in archaeology: the example at Çatalhöyük McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research / British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara Monograph Hodder, I. 2000; 28
  • Symbolism at Çatalhöyük World Prehistory. Studies in Memory of Grahame Clark Hodder, I. edited by Coles, J., Bealey, R., Mellars, P. Oxford University Press. 1999
  • A response to Yannis Hamilakis Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology Hodder, I. 1999; 12 (1): 83 - 85
  • British Prehistory: Some Thoughts Looking In Cambridge Archaeological Journal Hodder, I. 1999; 10 (2): 376 - 380
  • Megaliths - Production and Reproduction The Megalithic Phenomenon, recent research and ethnoarchaeological approaches Hodder, I. edited by Beinhauer, K. W., Cooney, G., Guksch, C. E., Beier, S. V., Beran, B. 1999: 29–36
  • The Wet and Dry: Symbolic Archaeology in the Wetlands Ancient Lakes, their Cultural and Biological Diversity Hodder, I. edited by Kawanabe, H., Coutler, G. W., Rossevelt, A. C. 1999: 61–73
  • Archaeology and Global Information Systems Internet Archaeology Hodder, I. 1999; 6
  • Representations of Representations of Representations Thema des Jahres " Artefakt und Öffentlichkeit Museum-Movie-Multimedia" Hodder, I. 1999: 55 - 64
  • The archaeological process. An introduction Hodder, I. 1999
  • Renewed work at Çatalhöyük Neolithic in Turkey Hodder, I. edited by Ozdogan, M. Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları, Istanbul. 1999: 157–164
  • Trazando el mapa del pasado postmoderno Trabajos de Prehistoria Hodder, I. 1998; 55: 5 - 17
  • The past as passion and play: Çatalhöyük as a site of conflict in the construction of multiple pasts Archaeology Under Fire: nationalism, politics and heritage in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East edited by Meskell, L. Routledge, London. 1998: 124–139
  • Çatalhöyük: the 1990s seasons Ancient Anatolia Hodder, I., Matthews, R. edited by Matthews, R. 1998: 43–52
  • The domus: some problems reconsidered Understanding the Neolithic of NW Europe Hodder, I. edited by Edmonds, E., Richards, C. Cruithne Press. 1998: 84–101
  • Whose rationality? A response to F. Hassan Antiquity Hodder, I. 1998; 72: 21 - 27
  • Creative thought: a long-term perspective Creativity in human evolution and prehistory Hodder, I. edited by Mithen, S. Routledge, London. 1998: 61–77
  • 'Always momentary, fluid and flexible': towards a reflexive excavation methodology ANTIQUITY Hodder, I. 1997; 71 (273): 691-700
  • The gender screen Invisible people and processes Hodder, I. edited by Moore, J., Scott, E. Leicester University Press, London. 1997: 75–80
  • On the surface: Çatalhöyük 1993-95 McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research / British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara Monograph Hodder, I. 1996; 22
  • Re-opening Çatalhöyük Ilgi Hodder, I. 1996; 84: 8 - 11
  • Catalhöyük: 9,000 year-old housing and settlement in central Anatolia Housing and Settlements in Anatolia Hodder, I. The History Foundation. 1996: 43–48
  • Contemporary archaeology in theory Hodder, I., Preucel, R. 1996
  • La arqueologia y el otro Boletin de Antropologia Hodder, I. 1996; 10: 128 - 136
  • Multi-media data management in the context of contemporary cultural theory Computerizing Cultures Hodder, I. edited by Vatsyayan, K. 1996
  • Of mice and men: Collingwood and the development of archaeological thought Philosophy, history and civilisation Hodder, I. edited by Boucher, D., Connolly, I., Modood, T. University of Wales Press, Cardiff. 1995: 364–383
  • Symbolic and cognitive studies in archaeology Semiotica Hodder, I. 1995; 107: 81 - 88
  • Fighting back on the Plains Beyond Subsistence. Plains archaeology and the postprocessual critique Hodder, I. edited by Duke, P., Wilson, M. C. University of Alabama Press. 1995: 235–240
  • Towards a contextual methodology Whither archaeology? Hodder, I. edited by Kuna, M., Venclova, N. 1995
  • Interpretation in archaeology Cambridge Archaeological Journal Hodder, I. 1995; 5 (2): 306 - 309
  • Interpreting Archaeology Hodder, I., Shanks, M., Alexandri, A., Buchli, V., Carman, J., Last, J., Lucas, G. 1994
  • Architecture and meaning: the example of Neolithic houses and tombs Architecture & Order Hodder, I. edited by Parker Pearson, M., Richards, C. Routledge. 1994: 73–86
  • Discussion: The Dutch experience experienced from Britain Archaeological Dialogues Hodder, I. 1994; 1 (1): 36 - 38
  • New Generations of Spatial Analysis in Archaeology Arqueologia Espacial: Seminario de Arqueologia y Etnologia Turolense Hodder, I. 1994: 7-24
  • The interpretation of documents and material culture Handbook of Qualitative Research Hodder, I. edited by Denzin, N. K., Lincoln, Y. S. 1994: 393–402
  • Changing configurations Archaeological Resource Management in the U.K. Hodder, I. edited by Hunter, J., Ralston, I. 1993: 11–19
  • Theory and practice in archaeology Hodder, I. Routledge, London.. 1992
  • The decoration of containers: an ethnoarchaeological study The ethnoarchaeology of pottery variability Hodder, I. edited by Longacre, W. School of American Research, University of New Mexico Press.. 1992
  • Material practice, symbolism and ideology Proceedings of the Theoretical Archaeology Conference, Bergen Hodder, I. 1992
  • Archaeological theory in Europe. The last three decades Hodder, I. Routledge, London. 1991
  • The current theoretical debate Processual and post processual archaeologies Hodder, I. edited by Preucel, B. 1991
  • Archaeological theory in contemporary European societies: the emergence of competing traditions Archaeological theory in Europe Hodder, I. edited by Hodder, I. Routledge, London.. 1991
  • Reading the Past: Current Approaches to Interpretation in Archaeology Hodder, I. Cambridge University Press. 1991
  • Archaeology and the other Archaeology and the public Hodder, I., Hastorf, C. edited by Earle, T. U.C.L.A. Monograph Series. 1991
  • Interpretative archaeology and its role American Antiquity Hodder, I. 1991; 56: 7 - 18
  • Gender Representation and Social Reality The Archaeology of Gender Hodder, I. 1991
  • Style as historical quality The uses of style in archaeology Hodder, I. edited by Conkey, M., Hastorf, C. Cambridge University Press. 1990
  • The domestication of Europe: structure and contingency in Neolithic societies Hodder, I. 1990
  • Archaeology in the 1990's: a critical view Norwegian Archeological Review Hoddar, I. 1989; 22: 15 - 18
  • The meanings of things: material culture and symbolic expression Hodder, I. Unwin Hyman. 1989
  • Postmodernism, poststructuralism and postprocessual archaeology The meanings of things Hodder, I. edited by Hodder, I. Unwin Hyman, London. 1989
  • Writing archaeology: the example of site reports in context Antiquity Hodder, I. 1989; 63: 268 - 274
  • THE HADDENHAM LONG BARROW - AN INTERIM STATEMENT ANTIQUITY Hodder, I., Shand, P. 1988; 62 (235): 349-353
  • Material Culture 'Texts' and Social Change: A Theoretical Discussion and Some Archaeological Examples Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society Hodder, I. 1988: 67–75
  • The archaeology of contextual meanings Hodder, I. Cambridge University Press. 1987
  • The Fenlands of East Anglia, England: survey and excavation European wetlands in prehistory Hodder, I., Hall , Evans , Pryor edited by Coles, J., Lawson, A. 1987
  • The meaning of discard: ash and domestic space in Baringo Method and Theory in Activity Area Research Hodder, I. edited by Kent, S. Columbia University Press. 1987
  • Bow ties and pet foods: material culture and change in British industry The Archaeology of contextual meanings Hodder, I. edited by Hodder, I. Cambridge University Press. 1987
  • La arqueologia en la era post-moderna Trabajos de prehistoria Hodder, I. 1987; 44: 11 - 26
  • The contextual analysis of symbolic meanings The archaeology of contextual meanings Hodder, I. edited by Hodder, I. Cambridge University Press. 1987
  • The contribution of the long term Archaeology as long term history Hodder, I. edited by Hodder, I. Cambridge University Press. 1987
  • Archaeology as long term history Hodder, I. Cambridge University Press. 1987
  • Converging traditions: the search for symbolic meanings in archaeology and geography Landscape and Culture Hodder, I. edited by Wagstaff, J. M. Blackwell. 1987
  • Contextual archaeology: an interpretation of Catal Hüyük and a discussion of the origins of agriculture Bulletin of the Institute of Archaeology Hodder, I. 1987; 24: 43 - 56
  • Politics and ideology in the World Archaeological Congress 1985 Archaeological Review from Cambridge Hodder, I. 1986; 5: 113 - 119
  • From ethnoarchaeology to material culture studies Dialoghi di Archeologia Hodder, I. 1986; 3 (1): 93-97
  • Reading the Past: Current Approaches to Interpretation in Archaeology Hodder, I. Cambridge University Press. 1986
  • Digging for symbols in science and history: a reply Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society Hodder, I. 1986; 52: 352 - 356
  • Post-processual archaeology Advances in Archaeological Method and Theory Hodder, I. edited by Schiffer, M. Academic Press, New York. 1985
  • Excavations at Haddenham Fenland Research Hodder, I. 1985
  • Boundaries as strategies: an ethnoarchaeological study The Archaeology of frontiers and boundaries Hodder, I. edited by Green, S. W., Perlman, S. M. Academic Press, New York.. 1985
  • Ethnoarchaeology: application of the general theory Monograph of Historical Museum Hodder, I. edited by Stjernquist, B. Lund University. 1984
  • Burials, houses, women and men in the European Neolithic Ideology, power and prehistory Hodder, I. edited by Miller, D., Tilley, C. Cambridge University Press. 1984
  • Intensive Survey of Prehistoric Sites in the Stilo Region, Calabria Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society Hodder, I., Malone, C. 1984
  • ARCHAEOLOGY IN 1984 ANTIQUITY Hodder, I. 1984; 58 (222): 25-32
  • Beyond processual archaeology Monograph of Historical Museum Hodder, I. edited by Stjernquist, B. 1984
  • Analysis of artifact distribution at Ngenyn (Kenya): depositional and post-depositional effects Intra-site locational analysis Hivernel, F., Hodder, I. edited by Hietala, H. Cambridge University Press. 1984
  • Material culture studies in Cambridge Royal Anthropological Institute Newsletter Hodder, I. 1983; 59: 13-14
  • Symbols in action. Ethnoarchaeological studies of material culture Hodder, I. Cambridge University Press. 1982
  • Sequences of structural change in the Dutch Neolithic Structural and Symbolic archaeology Hodder, I. edited by Hodder, I. Cambridge University Press. 1982
  • The Present Past: An introduction to anthropology for archaeologists Hodder, I. Batsford, London. 1982
  • Exchange and reduction: an examination of Neolithic axe distribution in Britain Contexts for prehistoric exchange Hodder, I., Lane, P. edited by Earle, T., Ericson, J. Academic Press. 1982: 213–235
  • Symbolic and Structural Achaeology Hodder, I. Cambridge University Press. 1982
  • The Iron Age and Romano-British Settlement at Wendens Ambo, Essex Hodder, I. 1982
  • Theoretical archaeology: a reactionary view Structural and Symbolic archaeology Hodder, I. edited by Hodder, I. Cambridge University Press. 1982
  • A method for the identification of the location of regional cultural boundaries Journal of Anthropological Archaeology Hodder, I., Haselgrove, C., Kimes, T. 1982; 1: 113-131
  • Toward a contextual approach to prehistoric exchange Contexts for prehistoric exchange Hodder, I. edited by Earle, T., Ericson, J. Academic Press. 1982: 199–211
  • Pattern of the past: studies in honour of David Clarke Hodder, I., G, I., Hammond, N. Cambridge University Press. 1981
  • Towards a mature archaeology Pattern of the Past Hodder, I. edited by Hodder, I., Isaac, G., Hammond, N. Cambridge University Press. 1981
  • Pottery, production and use: a theoretical discussion Ceramics and archaeology Hodder, I. edited by Morris, E. 1981
  • Society, Economy and culture: an ethnographic case study amongst the Lozi Pattern of the Past Hodder, I. edited by Hodder, I., Isaac, G., Hammond, N. Cambridge University Press. 1981
  • An analysis of the distribution of coins in the western Roman Empire Archaeo-Physika Hodder, I., Reece, R. 1980; 7: 179-192
  • Ethnoarchéologie: une approche contextuelle Nouvelles de l'archéologie Hodder, I. 1980; 4: 24-30
  • Social structure and cemeteries: a critical appraisal Anglo Saxon Cemeteries Hodder, I. edited by Rahtz, P., Dickinson, T., Watts, L. 1980
  • Interpretation of spatial variation in material culture: some suggestions and hypotheses Proceedings of the VIIIth Panafrican Congres of Prehistory and Quaternary Studies Hodder, I. edited by Leakey, R., Ogot, B. A. 1980
  • Concluding discussion Models and methods in regional exchange. Hodder, I. edited by Fry, H. S.A.A. 1980
  • Pottery distributions: service and tribal areas Pottery and the archaeologist Hodder, I. edited by Millett, M. 1979
  • Social and Cultural Patterning in the Late Iron Age in Southern England Space, Hierarchy and Society Hodder, I., Blackmoore, C., Braithwaite, M. edited by Burnham, B., Kingsbury, J. 1979
  • British prehistory: an integrated view Man Hodder, I., Bradley, R. 1979; 14
  • Behavioural archaeology and refuse patterns: a case study Norwegian Archaeological Review Hodder, I., Halstead, P., Jones, G. 1979; 11: 118 - 131
  • Trends and surfaces in archaeology Computer graphic applications in archaeology Hodder, I. edited by Effland, R. 1979
  • Spatial patterns of the past: problems and potentials Statistical applications in the spatial sciences Hodder, I. edited by Wrigley, N. Pion. 1979
  • Simulating the growth of hierarchies Transformations: mathematical approaches to culture change Hodder, I. edited by Renfrew, C., Cooke, K. Academic Press. 1979
  • Social and economic stress and material culture patterning American Antiquity Hodder, I. 1979; 44: 446 - 454
  • Boundary maintenance and material culture in the Baringo district, Kenya Hikuin Hodder, I. 1978
  • Spatial organisation in Roman England and Wales The historical geography of England and Wales Hodder, I. edited by Dodgshon, R. A. Academic Press.. 1978
  • The spatial organisation of culture Hodder, I. Duckworth, London. 1978
  • A new method for assessing the association between distributions Simulation studies in archaeology Hodder, I., Okell, E. edited by Hodder, I. Cambridge University Press.. 1978
  • The simulation of Neolithic axe dispersal in Britain Simulation studies in Archaeology Elliot, K., Ellman, D., Hodder, I. edited by Hodder, I. Cambridge University Press. 1978
  • Simulation studies in archaeology Hodder, I. Cambridge University Press. 1978
  • Ethnoarchaeology in western Kenya Archaeology and Anthropology Hodder, I. edited by Spriggs, M. BAR Oxford. 1977
  • The distribution of material culture items in the Baringo district, W. Kenya Man Hodder, I. 1977; 12: 239 - 269
  • Iron Age distribution maps - how are they to be interpreted? The Iron Age in Britain: a review Hodder, I. edited by Collis, J. Sheffield. 1977
  • New developments in the analysis of archaeological distributions Spatial Archaeology Hodder, I. edited by Clarke, D. L. Academic Press. 1977
  • Preface Spatial archaeology Hodder, I. edited by Clarke, D. L. Academic Press. 1977
  • The typology and distribution of Iron Age weaving combs The Iron Age in Britain: a review Hodder, I., Hedges, J. edited by Collis, J. J.R. Collis Publications. 1977
  • Geographical techniques and the Mycenaean archaeologist Mycenaean Geography Hodder, I. edited by Brintliff, J., Chadwick, J. Cambridge. 1977
  • A model for the distribution of coins in the western Roman Empire Journal of Archaeological Science Hodder, I. 1976; 2: 1-23
  • Kenya and Iron Age Britain Current Archaeology Hodder, I. 1976; 54: 208 - 209
  • Spatial analysis in archaeology Hodder, I., Orton, C. Cambridge University Press. 1976
  • The spatial distribution of Romano-British small towns Small towns of Roman Britain Hodder, I. edited by Rowley, T., Rodwell, W. Oxford. 1975
  • A regression analysis of some later Romano-British fine pottery: a case study Oxoniensia Hodder, I., Fulford, M. 1975; 39: 26-33
  • The distribution of Savernake Ware Wiltshire Archaeological Magazine Hodder, I. 1974; 69: 67-84
  • Some marketing models for Romano-British coarse pottery Britannia Hodder, I. 1974; 5: 340-359
  • The distribution of two types of Romano-British coarse pottery in the West Sussex region Sussex Archaeological Collections Hodder, I. 1974; 112: 1-12
  • Locational models and the study of Romano-British settlement Models in Archaeology Hodder, I. edited by Clarke, D. L. London. 1972: 887–909
  • The interpretation of spatial patterns in archaeology: two examples Area Hodder, I. 1972; 4 (4): 223-239
  • NON-RANDOM SPACING OF ROMANO-BRITISH WALLED TOWNS MAN Hodder, I., Hassall, M. 1971; 6 (3): 391-407
  • The use of nearest neighbour analysis Cornish Archaeology Hodder, I. 1971; 10: 35-36