Clinical Focus

  • Maternal and Fetal Medicine
  • Perinatal Infectious Disease
  • Postpartum Hypertension

Academic Appointments

Professional Education

  • Board Certification: American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Maternal and Fetal Medicine (2018)
  • Fellowship: Massachusetts General Hospital Maternal Fetal Medicine Fellowship (2015) MA
  • Board Certification: American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Obstetrics and Gynecology (2008)
  • Residency: Kaiser Permanente San Francisco Obstetrics and Gynecology Residency Program (2006) CA
  • Medical Education: University of California Davis School of Medicine (2002) CA

Current Research and Scholarly Interests

Management of patients with postpartum hypertension using at-home technology

All Publications

  • Compassionate Use of Remdesivir in Pregnant Women with Severe Covid-19. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America Burwick, R. M., Yawetz, S. n., Stephenson, K. E., Collier, A. Y., Sen, P. n., Blackburn, B. G., Kojic, E. M., Hirshberg, A. n., Suarez, J. F., Sobieszczyk, M. E., Marks, K. M., Mazur, S. n., Big, C. n., Manuel, O. n., Morlin, G. n., Rose, S. J., Naqvi, M. n., Goldfarb, I. T., DeZure, A. n., Telep, L. n., Tan, S. K., Zhao, Y. n., Hahambis, T. n., Hindman, J. n., Chokkalingam, A. P., Carter, C. n., Das, M. n., Osinusi, A. O., Brainard, D. M., Varughese, T. A., Kovalenko, O. n., Sims, M. D., Desai, S. n., Swamy, G. n., Sheffield, J. S., Zash, R. n., Short, W. R. 2020


    Remdesivir is efficacious for severe COVID-19 in adults, but data in pregnant women are limited. We describe outcomes in the first 86 pregnant women with severe COVID-19 who were treated with remdesivir.Reported data span March 21 to June 16, 2020 for hospitalized pregnant women with PCR-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection and room air oxygen saturation ≤94% whose clinicians requested remdesivir through the compassionate use program. The intended remdesivir treatment course was 10 days (200mg on Day 1, followed by 100mg for Days 2-10, given intravenously).Nineteen of 86 women delivered before their first dose and were reclassified as immediate "postpartum" (median postpartum day=1; range 0-3). At baseline, 40% of pregnant women (median gestational age 28 weeks) required invasive ventilation, in contrast to 95% of postpartum women (median gestational age at delivery 30 weeks). By Day 28 of follow-up, the level of oxygen requirement decreased in 96% and 89% of pregnant and postpartum women, respectively. Among pregnant women, 93% of those on mechanical ventilation were extubated, 93% recovered, and 90% were discharged. Among postpartum women, 89% were extubated, 89% recovered, and 84% were discharged. Remdesivir was well tolerated, with a low incidence of serious adverse events (16%). Most adverse events were related to pregnancy and underlying disease; most laboratory abnormalities were Grades 1 or 2. There was one maternal death attributed to underlying disease and no neonatal deaths.Among 86 pregnant and postpartum women with severe COVID-19 who received compassionate use remdesivir, recovery rates were high, with a low rate of serious adverse events.

    View details for DOI 10.1093/cid/ciaa1466

    View details for PubMedID 33031500