Katherine Mackenzie, MD
Clinical Associate Professor, Neurology
Clinical Associate Professor, Pediatrics
Clinical Focus
- Pediatric Movement Disorders
- Neurology with Special Qualifications in Child Neurology
Academic Appointments
Clinical Associate Professor, Neurology
Clinical Associate Professor, Pediatrics
Professional Education
Medical Education: University of California at Irvine School of Medicine (2006) CA
Board Certification: American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, Neurology with Special Qualifications in Child Neurology (2011)
Residency: Kaiser Permanente Los Angeles Pediatric Residency (2008) CA
MD, Stanford Children's Health
Residency, Kaiser Permanente Los Angeles - Pediatrics, CA (2008)
Residency: Stanford University School of Medicine (2011) CA
Fellowship: Stanford University School of Medicine (2012) CA
All Publications
De novo EIF2AK1 and EIF2AK2 Variants Are Associated with Developmental Delay, Leukoencephalopathy, and Neurologic Decompensation.
American journal of human genetics
EIF2AK1 and EIF2AK2 encode members of the eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 alpha kinase (EIF2AK) family that inhibits protein synthesis in response to physiologic stress conditions. EIF2AK2 is also involved in innate immune response and the regulation of signal transduction, apoptosis, cell proliferation, and differentiation. Despite these findings, human disorders associated with deleterious variants in EIF2AK1 and EIF2AK2 have not been reported. Here, we describe the identification of nine unrelated individuals with heterozygous de novo missense variants in EIF2AK1 (1/9) or EIF2AK2 (8/9). Features seen in these nine individuals include white matter alterations (9/9), developmental delay (9/9), impaired language (9/9), cognitive impairment (8/9), ataxia (6/9), dysarthria in probands with verbal ability (6/9), hypotonia (7/9), hypertonia (6/9), and involuntary movements (3/9). Individuals with EIF2AK2 variants also exhibit neurological regression in the setting of febrile illness or infection. We use mammalian cell lines and proband-derived fibroblasts to further confirm the pathogenicity of variants in these genes and found reduced kinase activity. EIF2AKs phosphorylate eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 subunit 1 (EIF2S1, also known as EIF2α), which then inhibits EIF2B activity. Deleterious variants in genes encoding EIF2B proteins cause childhood ataxia with central nervous system hypomyelination/vanishing white matter (CACH/VWM), a leukodystrophy characterized by neurologic regression in the setting of febrile illness and other stressors. Our findings indicate that EIF2AK2 missense variants cause a neurodevelopmental syndrome that may share phenotypic and pathogenic mechanisms with CACH/VWM.
View details for DOI 10.1016/j.ajhg.2020.02.016
View details for PubMedID 32197074
TBC1D24-TLDc-related epilepsy exercise-induced dystonia: rescue by antioxidants in a disease model.
Brain : a journal of neurology
Genetic mutations in TBC1D24 have been associated with multiple phenotypes, with epilepsy being the main clinical manifestation. The TBC1D24 protein consists of the unique association of a Tre2/Bub2/Cdc16 (TBC) domain and a TBC/lysin motif domain/catalytic (TLDc) domain. More than 50 missense and loss-of-function mutations have been described and are spread over the entire protein. Through whole genome/exome sequencing we identified compound heterozygous mutations, R360H and G501R, within the TLDc domain, in an index family with a Rolandic epilepsy exercise-induced dystonia phenotype (http://omim.org/entry/608105). A 20-year long clinical follow-up revealed that epilepsy was self-limited in all three affected patients, but exercise-induced dystonia persisted into adulthood in two. Furthermore, we identified three additional sporadic paediatric patients with a remarkably similar phenotype, two of whom had compound heterozygous mutations consisting of an in-frame deletion I81_K84 and an A500V mutation, and the third carried T182M and G511R missense mutations, overall revealing that all six patients harbour a missense mutation in the subdomain of TLDc between residues 500 and 511. We solved the crystal structure of the conserved Drosophila TLDc domain. This allowed us to predict destabilizing effects of the G501R and G511R mutations and, to a lesser degree, of R360H and potentially A500V. Next, we characterized the functional consequences of a strong and a weak TLDc mutation (TBC1D24G501R and TBC1D24R360H) using Drosophila, where TBC1D24/Skywalker regulates synaptic vesicle trafficking. In a Drosophila model neuronally expressing human TBC1D24, we demonstrated that the TBC1D24G501R TLDc mutation causes activity-induced locomotion and synaptic vesicle trafficking defects, while TBC1D24R360H is benign. The neuronal phenotypes of the TBC1D24G501R mutation are consistent with exacerbated oxidative stress sensitivity, which is rescued by treating TBC1D24G501R mutant animals with antioxidants N-acetylcysteine amide or alpha-tocopherol as indicated by restored synaptic vesicle trafficking levels and sustained behavioural activity. Our data thus show that mutations in the TLDc domain of TBC1D24 cause Rolandic-type focal motor epilepsy and exercise-induced dystonia. The humanized TBC1D24G501R fly model exhibits sustained activity and vesicle transport defects. We propose that the TBC1D24/Sky TLDc domain is a reactive oxygen species sensor mediating synaptic vesicle trafficking rates that, when dysfunctional, causes a movement disorder in patients and flies. The TLDc and TBC domain mutations' response to antioxidant treatment we observed in the animal model suggests a potential for combining antioxidant-based therapeutic approaches to TBC1D24-associated disorders with previously described lipid-altering strategies for TBC domain mutations.
View details for DOI 10.1093/brain/awz175
View details for PubMedID 31257402
Extracutaneous manifestations in phacomatosis cesioflammea and cesiomarmorata: Case series and literature review
2019; 179 (6): 966–77
View details for DOI 10.1002/ajmg.a.61134
View details for Web of Science ID 000468322800015
Stereotypic Movement Disorders
2018; 25 (1): 19–24
This review summarizes motor stereotypies in terms of description, prevalence, pathophysiology, diagnosis and management. They are fixed and persistent movements. Stereotypies begin before 3 years of age and continue into adulthood. Primary motor stereotypies occur in children of normal intelligence, whereas secondary stereotypies ensue in the setting of an additional diagnosis such as autism spectrum disorder or other neurologic disorders. They are highly associated with comorbidities such as anxiety, obsessive-compulsive symptoms, inattention, and tics. The pathophysiology of stereotypies involves fronto-striatal overactive dopaminergic pathways, and underactive cholinergic and GABAergic inhibitory pathways. No genetic markers have been identified despite a clear genetic predisposition. Behavioral therapy is the principle treatment. Future studies will focus on identifying genetic markers, and on better understanding the functional and structural neurobiology of these movements.
View details for PubMedID 29735112
ADCY5-related dyskinesia: Broader spectrum and genotype-phenotype correlations.
2015; 85 (23): 2026-2035
To investigate the clinical spectrum and distinguishing features of adenylate cyclase 5 (ADCY5)-related dyskinesia and genotype-phenotype relationship.We analyzed ADCY5 in patients with choreiform or dystonic movements by exome or targeted sequencing. Suspected mosaicism was confirmed by allele-specific amplification. We evaluated clinical features in our 50 new and previously reported cases.We identified 3 new families and 12 new sporadic cases with ADCY5 mutations. These mutations cause a mixed hyperkinetic disorder that includes dystonia, chorea, and myoclonus, often with facial involvement. The movements are sometimes painful and show episodic worsening on a fluctuating background. Many patients have axial hypotonia. In 2 unrelated families, a p.A726T mutation in the first cytoplasmic domain (C1) causes a relatively mild disorder of prominent facial and hand dystonia and chorea. Mutations p.R418W or p.R418Q in C1, de novo in 13 individuals and inherited in 1, produce a moderate to severe disorder with axial hypotonia, limb hypertonia, paroxysmal nocturnal or diurnal dyskinesia, chorea, myoclonus, and intermittent facial dyskinesia. Somatic mosaicism is usually associated with a less severe phenotype. In one family, a p.M1029K mutation in the C2 domain causes severe dystonia, hypotonia, and chorea. The progenitor, whose childhood-onset episodic movement disorder almost disappeared in adulthood, was mosaic for the mutation.ADCY5-related dyskinesia is a childhood-onset disorder with a wide range of hyperkinetic abnormal movements. Genotype-specific correlations and mosaicism play important roles in the phenotypic variability. Recurrent mutations suggest particular functional importance of residues 418 and 726 in disease pathogenesis.
View details for DOI 10.1212/WNL.0000000000002058
View details for PubMedID 26537056
Here's looking at you, kid - Neural systems underlying face and gaze processing in fragile X syndrome
2004; 61 (3): 281-288
Children with fragile X syndrome (fraX) are at risk for manifesting abnormalities in social function that overlap with features of autism and social anxiety disorder. In this study, we analyzed brain activation in response to face and gaze stimuli to better understand neural functioning associated with social perception in fraX.Eleven female subjects with fraX, aged 10 to 22 years, were compared with age-matched female control subjects. Photographs of forward-facing and angled faces, each having direct and averted gaze (4 types of stimuli), were presented in an event-related design during functional magnetic resonance imaging. Subjects were instructed to determine the direction of gaze for each photograph. Activation in brain regions known to respond to face and gaze stimuli, the fusiform gyrus (FG) and superior temporal sulcus (STS), were compared between groups to isolate neural abnormalities in the perception of directed social stimuli.The fraX subjects had decreased accuracy in determining the direction of gaze compared with controls. Region of interest analysis of the FG revealed a significant interaction between diagnostic group and face orientation. Specifically, control subjects had greater FG activation to forward than to angled faces, whereas fraX subjects had no difference in FG activation to forward and angled faces. Controls showed greater left STS activation to all stimuli compared with fraX subjects.Our results suggest that gaze aversion in fraX subjects is related to decreased specialization of the FG in the perception of face orientation. Decreased STS activation in fraX suggests aberrant processing of gaze. These data suggest that gaze aversion in fraX may be related to dysfunction of neural systems underlying both face and gaze processing.
View details for Web of Science ID 000220064800009
View details for PubMedID 14993116
Prefrontal cortex involvement in processing incorrect arithmetic equations: Evidence from event-related fMRI
2002; 16 (2): 119-130
The main aim of this study was to investigate the differential processing of correct and incorrect equations to gain further insight into the neural processes involved in arithmetic reasoning. Electrophysiological studies in humans have demonstrated that processing incorrect arithmetic equations (e.g., 2 + 2 = 5) elicits a prominent event-related potential (ERP) compared to processing correct equations (e.g., 2 + 2 = 4). In the present study, we investigated the neural substrates of this process using event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Subjects were presented with arithmetic equations and asked to indicate whether the solution displayed was correct or incorrect. We found greater activation to incorrect, compared to correct equations, in the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC, BA 46) and the left ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (VLPFC, BA 47). Our results provide the first brain imaging evidence for differential processing of incorrect vs. correct equations. The prefrontal cortex activation observed in processing incorrect equations overlaps with brain areas known to be involved in working memory and interference processing. The DLPFC region differentially activated by incorrect equations was also involved in overall arithmetic processing, whereas the VLPFC was activated only during the differential processing of incorrect equations. Differential response to correct and incorrect arithmetic equations was not observed in parietal cortex regions such as the angular gyrus and intra-parietal sulcus, which are known to play a specific role in performing arithmetic computations. The pattern of brain response observed is consistent with the hypothesis that processing incorrect equations involves detection of an incorrect answer and resolution of the interference between the internally computed and externally presented incorrect answer. More specifically, greater activation during processing of incorrect equations appears to reflect additional operations involved in maintaining the results in working memory, while subjects attempt to resolve the conflict and select a response. These findings allow us to further delineate and dissociate the contributions of prefrontal and parietal cortices to arithmetic reasoning.
View details for DOI 10.1002/hbm.10035
View details for PubMedID 11954061