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  • Virtual Human Retina: Simulating Neural Signalling, Degeneration, and Responses to Electrical Stimulation. Brain stimulation Ly, K., Italiano, M. L., Shivdasani, M. N., Tsai, D., Zhang, J. Y., Jiang, C., Lovell, N. H., Dokos, S., Guo, T. 2025


    Current brain-based visual prostheses pose significant challenges impeding adoption such as the necessarily complex surgeries and occurrence of more substantial side effects due to the sensitivity of the brain. This has led to much effort toward vision restoration being focused on the more approachable part of the brain - the retina. Here we introduce a novel, parameterized simulation platform that enables study of human retinal degeneration and optimization of stimulation strategies. The platform bears immense potential for patient-specific tailoring and serves to enhance artificial vision solutions for individuals with visual impairments.Our virtual retina is developed using the software package, NEURON. This virtual retina platform supports large-scale simulations of over 10,000 neurons whilst upholding strong biological plausibility with multiple important visual pathways and detailed network properties. The comprehensive three-dimensional model includes photoreceptors, horizontal cells, bipolar cells, amacrine cells, and midget and parasol retinal ganglion cells, with comprehensive network connectivity across various eccentricities (1 mm to 5 mm from the fovea) in the human retina. The model is constructed using electrophysiology, immunohistology, and optical coherence tomography imaging data from healthy and degenerate human retinas. We validated our model by replicating numerous experimental observations from human and primate retina, with a particular focus on retinal degeneration.We simulated interactions between diseased retinas and state-of-the-art retinal implants, shedding light on the limitations of commercial retinal prostheses. Our results suggested that appropriate stimulation settings with intraretinal prototype devices could leverage network-mediated activation to achieve activation mosaics more alike that of the retina's response to natural light, promoting the prospect of more naturalistic vision. Our study additionally highlights the importance of controlling inhibitory circuits in the retinal network to induce functionally relevant retinal activity.This study demonstrates the potential of this software package and highlights its utility as a valuable tool for engineers, scientists, and clinicians in the design and optimisation of retinal stimulation devices for both research and educational applications.

    View details for DOI 10.1016/j.brs.2025.01.013

    View details for PubMedID 39827982

  • Simulating the impact of photoreceptor loss and inner retinal network changes on electrical activity of the retina JOURNAL OF NEURAL ENGINEERING Ly, K., Guo, T., Tsai, D., Muralidharan, M., Shivdasani, M. N., Lovell, N. H., Dokos, S. 2022; 19 (6)


    Objective.A major reason for poor visual outcomes provided by existing retinal prostheses is the limited knowledge of the impact of photoreceptor loss on retinal remodelling and its subsequent impact on neural responses to electrical stimulation. Computational network models of the neural retina assist in the understanding of normal retinal function but can be also useful for investigating diseased retinal responses to electrical stimulation.Approach.We developed and validated a biophysically detailed discrete neuronal network model of the retina in the software package NEURON. The model includes rod and cone photoreceptors, ON and OFF bipolar cell pathways, amacrine and horizontal cells and finally, ON and OFF retinal ganglion cells with detailed network connectivity and neural intrinsic properties. By accurately controlling the network parameters, we simulated the impact of varying levels of degeneration on retinal electrical function.Main results.Our model was able to reproduce characteristic monophasic and biphasic oscillatory patterns seen in ON and OFF neurons during retinal degeneration (RD). Oscillatory activity occurred at 3 Hz with partial photoreceptor loss and at 6 Hz when all photoreceptor input to the retina was removed. Oscillations were found to gradually weaken, then disappear when synapses and gap junctions were destroyed in the inner retina. Without requiring any changes to intrinsic cellular properties of individual inner retinal neurons, our results suggest that changes in connectivity alone were sufficient to give rise to neural oscillations during photoreceptor degeneration, and significant network connectivity destruction in the inner retina terminated the oscillations.Significance.Our results provide a platform for further understanding physiological retinal changes with progressive photoreceptor and inner RD. Furthermore, our model can be used to guide future stimulation strategies for retinal prostheses to benefit patients at different stages of disease progression, particularly in the early and mid-stages of RD.

    View details for DOI 10.1088/1741-2552/aca221

    View details for Web of Science ID 000894054000001

    View details for PubMedID 36368033