Laura Schlosberg
Academic Prog Prof 3, H&S Dean's Office
Laura is the Assistant Dean of Academic and Curricular Support in the School of Humanities and Sciences. In this role, she oversees the School's curriculum review and learning outcomes assessment processes and serves as an expert on undergraduate academic policies. She is supporting the launch of the capstone in the major requirement.
Previously, she was the Director of Academic and Educational Support Programs in UAR, overseeing specialized advising for Transfer Students, Returning Students, Coterminal Students, and ROTC Students. She also managed requests for academic exceptions and the Academic Progress Review Board.
Before joining Stanford in 2015, Laura worked in the Transdisciplinary Studies Program at Claremont Graduate University. She also served as a Resident Dean, Lecturer in Slavic Languages & Literatures, and the Transfer Student Program Coordinator at Harvard University. At Duke University, she worked for the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education on curricular and advising assessment projects, and for the Vice Provost for Budgets, Planning & Institutional Research supporting new interdisciplinary centers. She also served as a Pre-Major Advisor and an Adjunct Assistant Professor of History.
Her first book "'The Queen of Muses and of Beauty': a Creative Life of Zinaida Aleksandrova Volkonskaia" is under contract with Academic Studies Press.
Current Role at Stanford
Assistant Dean of Academic and Curriculum Support, School of Humanities and Sciences.
Honors & Awards
Mary Elvira Stevens Traveling Fellowship, Wellesley College (2017-2018)
Education & Certifications
BA, Wellesley College, History
MA, Duke University, History
PhD, Duke University, History
Certificate, Northwestern University School of Professional Studies, Philanthropy and Nonprofit Organizational Leadership
All Publications
- Re-crafting the past: Lydie Rostophchina’s "Family Chronicle 1812" between history, memory, and autobiography Writing Women's Lives: Auto/Biography, Life Narratives, Myths and Historiography International Symposium Paper Book edited by Keşoğlu, B., Şimşek-Rathke, L. Istanbul: Kadın Eserleri Kütüphanesi ve Bilgi Merkezi Vakfı Yayınları/ Women's Library and Information Center. 2017: 411–417
Development and Assessment of the Effectiveness of an Undergraduate General Education Foreign Language Requirement
2014; 47 (4): 653–68
View details for DOI 10.1111/flan.12112
View details for Web of Science ID 000345917500007
- Challenges in the Transfer Transition NACADA's Advising Transfer Students: Strategies for Today's Realities edited by Grites, T. J., Duncan, C. 2012; 2nd: 105–115
- Translation - Donations to the Alekseevskii Convent Russian women, 1698-1917 : experience and expression, an anthology of sources edited by Bisha, R., Gheith, J. M., Holden, C., Wagner, W. G. Indiana University Press. 2002: 281–283
- Evdokiia Rostopchina Censorship: A World Encyclopedia edited by Jones, D. Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers. 2001: vol. 3, 2064–2065