Marcella A. Anthony, Ed.D., MPA
Assistant Director, Diversity Outreach, Recruitment and Engagement, Office of Diversity in Medical Education
Web page: https://med.stanford.edu/odme.html
Dr. Anthony is a career student development professional with 20 years of experience in orientation and transition, new student, and family programs for first time college students and transfer students. She joined the Office of Diversity in Medical Education in 2010. Her work has included managing and directing summer programs for college students considering careers as physicians, providing advising, networking, and continuing opportunities for pathway program participants from first year to medical school. She has been active in the medical school admissions process, chairing an MD admissions subcommittee at Stanford medicine for several years. She is founder and Director of the Leadership Education for Aspiring Physicians Saturday academy that promotes health equity and health disparities education by supporting premedical and pre-health students in leading community-directed service projects designed to improve community health and wellness. These programs continue to produce physicians, physician assistants, nurses, public health, bioscience and an array of health professionals. Marcella's interest in cultivating a culturally responsive health workforce for vulnerable populations has allowed her to blend student development and health equity through leadership, service, advocacy, and scholarship.
Current Role at Stanford
Assistant Director of Diversity Outreach, Recruitment, and Engagement
Director, Leadership Education for Aspiring Physicians
Summer Community College Programs Administrator
Education & Certifications
EdD, Drexel University, Higher Education, Leadership and Administration. Creativity and Innovation concentration.
MPA, San Jose State University, Public Administration
B.S., Drexel University, Business Communication and Marketing
A.A., Community College of Philadelphia, International Studies
Service, Volunteer and Community Work
Milpitas Arts Commission, City of Milpitas (10/5/2009 - 10/1/2012)
This Commisson was founded October 17, 2000. The Milpitas Arts Commission serves as an advisory body to the City Council on matters pertaining to the Arts, performance or visual in the City of Milpitas. The Commission reviews Phantom Art Gallery artist applicants, and reviews the Cultural Arts Support Program. The Milpitas Unified School District also has a voting member appointed to the Commission. Members are appointed to three-year terms and alternates are appointed to two-year terms.
Milpitas, CA
Milpitas Public Art Committee, City of Milpitas (10/5/2009 - 10/1/2012)
Founded August 2, 2005. The Milpitas Public Art Committee (PAC) serves as an advisory body to the City Council. The Public Art Committee includes all members of the Arts Commission as well as 3 members from the Alliance for the Arts or its successor non-profit organization, and 1 member from the general public, with an art background or specifically identifiable involvement with the arts. Members are appointed to three-year terms.
Vice Chair 2011 - PresentLocation
Milpitas, CA
Alameda County Mental Health Advisory Board (11/8/2019 - 10/9/2020)
The Alameda County Mental Health Advisory Board reviews and evaluates the Alameda County mental health needs, facilities, services and special problems. Advise the County Board of Supervisors on any aspect of the local mental health programs. Advise the Alameda County Mental Health Director on any aspect of the local mental health programs. Review any county agreements or contracts entered into pursuant to Section 5650 of the Welfare and Institutions Code. The Mental Health Advisory Board Chair shall submit an annual report at the end of each fiscal year to the County Board of Supervisors on the needs and performance of the county's mental health system. Review and approve the procedures used to ensure citizen and professional involvement in all stages of the planning process. Review and comment on the county's performance outcome data and communicate its findings to the California Mental Health Planning Council. Review and make recommendations on applications for the appointment of a local director of mental health to the County Board of Supervisors. The board shall be included in the selection process prior to the vote of the governing body. Pursuant to Welfare and Institutions Code Section 5604.2(b), the Mental Health Advisory Board shall assess the impact of the realignment of services from the state to the county, on services delivered to clients and the local community. Perform any other duties requested by the County Board of Supervisors.
Atlantic County Mental Health Advisory Board (1/7/2021 - Present)
The Atlantic County Mental Health Advisory Board is a twelve member volunteer board. The board serves as an advocate and advisor to the county executive and the Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS) for the development of mental health services to the community. Board members become thoroughly acquainted with those programs of the division and related social services and regularly review all such programs. It advises and makes recommendations on the development of policies and procedures covering community mental health programs. To achieve its purpose, the board has several committees, including planning, education, contract review and a professional advisory committee.