
Test Bio.

Current Role at Stanford

I'm a member of Academic Application Services (AAS) team within the Technology and Digital Solutions (TDS) of Stanford Healthcare with focus on architecting and integrating Web and cloud based solutions for Stanford University in general and for the Stanford Healthcare (SHC) and School of Medicine (SoM) in particular. Solution space includes administrative, technical, infrastructural and research applications and processes. As a team, we partner with other groups of TDS, the University, Stanford Healthcare Adult and Children's Hospitals and related participating organizations to build and support IT solutions for business and research. We implement development and release processes, set architectural standards, and run our development and QA environments.


  • Stanford Profiles (CAP/CAP-API), Stanford University (ongoing), Stanford University (9/6/2016 - Present)

    Stanford Profiles is a website representing faculty, postdocs, staff, and students at Stanford University and Physicians and Advanced Practice Provides in Stanford Healthcare Organizations. The project began in 2004 in the School of Medicine as their Community Academic Profiles (CAP) system based on Faculty Research Database (FRD). Links: and


    Stanford, CA


    • Darryl Dieckman, Software Engineer, Technology & Digital Solutions, Technology & Digital Solutions

    For More Information:

  • Apple Heart Study - Clinical Trial / Research involving IoT and Big Data, SoM Stanford University (2/1/2018 - 2/1/2019)

    Daily moving reliably, accountable, audit-able, re-runnable, correctable and monitored 500K+ files - small to quite large - between places - clouds and other particular servers - using multiple transport and content protocols and loading a majority of the data into a research database. Architected and implemented a meta data and data driven, modular and easy to extend SW apparatus that can run on any number of cores to complete a days data in desired fraction of a day. This data collection and loading phase concluded, but the study and study of the vast amount of data keep going for quite some more time.The apple heart study is a collaboration between Apple and School of Medicine of Stanford University.




  • Data security and protection, Stanford University and SoM in particular (9/1/2018 - Present)

    Maintaining and extending server inventory application that collects data about servers from a multitude of monitoring and management systems to detect vulnerabilities, notify and serve owners, sys admins, application admins and security admins for for secure operation. Application also keeps track of training status of personel related with the servers.




    • Devi Meyyappan, Sr. Software Engineer, Technology & Digital Solutions, Technology & Digital Solutions
    • Chris Bricker, Web Developer, Technology & Digital Solutions, Technology & Digital Solutions
  • Vulnerability Monitoring and Removal and tooling thereof, SoM Stanford University (9/1/2018 - Present)

    Implementing and maintaining a pipeline that does ongoing tight scanning and monitoring applications developed, maintained and operated by my larger organization. Developed and implemented summery reporting and simplifying tools for management and developer community to be informed about the over status and health of the applications and promptly perform scans and remove vulnerabilities. Worked through all applications removing vulnerabilities in an initial effort to bring applications up to security requirements and keep monitoring and removing new vulnerabilities on applications I'm working on.



All Publications

  • Object Extender, OO-RDB runtime and design software in Smalltalk. IBM Redbook Muetschard, M. IBM. 1999