Academic Appointments

Administrative Appointments

  • Teaching Associate, Earth and Space Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles (1987 - 1992)
  • Research Associate, Earth and Space Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles (1987 - 1992)
  • Postdoctoral Fellow, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique/Universite Blaise Pascal (1992 - 1993)
  • Associate Specialist, Earth and Space Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles (1993 - 2000)
  • Specialist, Earth and Space Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles (2001 - 2008)
  • Research Professor, Geological and Environmental Sciences, Stanford University (2008 - Present)

Professional Education

  • Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles, Geology (1993)
  • M.S., University of California, Los Angeles, Geology (1987)
  • B.S., California State University, Long Beach, Geology (1983)

Current Research and Scholarly Interests

I study the evolution of the Earth's crust by undertaking petrologic and geochemically-based research that is grounded with fieldwork. I co-direct the Stanford-USGS ion probe laboratory and develop geochronologic methods to constrain crystallization, metamorphic, and metasomatic histories of the middle to deep crust. Similarly, because heat flow characteristically attends mass transfer during crustal deformation, I employ 40Ar/39Ar and (U-Th)/He thermochronology to extract thermal history information from minerals to constrain the timing and magnitude of fault slip as well as erosional and tectonic denudation. Finally, I am heavily involved in provenance studies to constrain aspects of crustal deformation and erosion that are only preserved in the sedimentary record.

2024-25 Courses

Stanford Advisees

All Publications

  • Evaluating the Impact of Pb Volatilization During 40Ar/39Ar CO2 Laser Fusion upon LA-ICP-MS Measurement of Pb Isotopic Composition of Detrital K-feldspar Chemical Geology Shulaker, D. Z., Hourigan, J. K., Grove, M. 2018; 483: 78-87
  • Deformational history and thermochronology of Wrangle Island, East Siberian Shelf, and coastal Chukotka, Arctic Russia Journal of the Geological Society of London Miller, E. L., Akinin, V. V., Dumitru, T. A., Gottleib, E. S., Grove, M., Meisling, K., Seward, G. 2017
  • 40Ar/39Ar dating and thermal modeling of adularia to constrain the timing of hydrothermal activity in magmatic settings Geology Oze, C., Cattell, H., Grove, M. 2017

    View details for DOI 10.1130/G38405.1

  • Geology and ⁴⁰Ar/³⁹Ar geochronology of the Middle Miocene McDermitt Volcanic Field, Oregon and Nevada: silicic volcanism associated with propagating flood basalt dikes at initiation of the Yellowstone hotspot Geological Society of America Bulletin Benson, T. R., Mahood, G., Grove, M. 2017
  • Extreme latest Cretaceous–Paleogene low-angle subduction: Zircon ages from Orocopia Schist at Cemetery Ridge, southwestern Arizona, USA GEOLOGY Jacobson, C. E., Hourigan, J. K., Haxel, G. B., Grove, M. 2017; 45 (10)

    View details for DOI 10.1130/G39278.1

  • Argon, oxygen, and boron isotopic evidence documenting Ar-40(E) accumulation in phengite during water-rich high-pressure subduction metasomatism of continental crust EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS Menold, C. A., Grove, M., Sievers, N. E., Manning, C. E., Yin, A., Young, E. D., Ziegler, K. 2016; 446: 56-67
  • Assembling the world's type shallow subduction complex: Detrital zircon geochronologic constraints on the origin of the Nacimiento block, central California Coast Ranges GEOSPHERE Chapman, A. D., Jacobson, C. E., Ernst, W. G., Grove, M., Dumitru, T., Hourigan, J., Ducea, M. N. 2016; 12 (2): 533-557

    View details for DOI 10.1130/GES01257.1

    View details for Web of Science ID 000373226700009

  • Cenozoic paleogeographic evolution of the Elko Basin and surrounding region, northeast Nevada GEOSPHERE Snee, J. L., Miller, E. L., Grove, M., Hourigan, J. K., Konstantinou, A. 2016; 12 (2): 464-500

    View details for DOI 10.1130/GES01198.1

    View details for Web of Science ID 000373226700007

  • Subduction-related 200 Ma Talun metagranite, SE Taiwan: an age constraint for palaeo-Pacific plate subduction beneath South China Block during the Mesozoic International Geology Review Yui, T. F., Chu, H. T., Suga, K., Lan, C. Y., Chung, S. H., Wang, K. L., Grove, M. 2016
  • White mica trace element and boron isotope evidence for distinctive infiltration events during exhumation of deeply subducted continental crust International Geology Review Seivers, N. E., Menold, C. A., Grove, M., Coble, M. A. 2016
  • A two-stage fluid history for the Orocopia Schist and associated rocks related to flat subduction and exhumation, southeastern California International Geology Review Holk, G. J., Grove, M., Jacobson, C. E., Haxel, G. B. 2016
  • Detrital thermochronologic record of burial heating and sediment recycling in the Magallanes foreland basin, Patagonian Andes BASIN RESEARCH Fosdick, J. C., Grove, M., Graham, S. A., Hourigan, J. K., Lovera, O., Romans, B. W. 2015; 27 (4): 546-572

    View details for DOI 10.1111/bre.12088

    View details for Web of Science ID 000357395100009

  • First bedrock samples dredged from submarine outcrops in the Chukchi Borderland, Arctic Ocean GEOSPHERE Brumley, K., Miller, E. L., Konstantinou, A., Grove, M., Meisling, K. E., Mayer, L. A. 2015; 11 (1): 76-92

    View details for DOI 10.1130/GES01044.1

    View details for Web of Science ID 000352017500005

  • Detrital zircon U-Pb provenance of the Colorado River: A 5 m.y. record of incision into cover strata overlying the Colorado Plateau and adjacent regions GEOSPHERE Kimbrough, D. L., Grove, M., Gehrels, G. E., Dorsey, R. J., Howard, K. A., Lovera, O. M., Aslan, A., House, P. K., Pearthree, P. A. 2015; 11 (5): 1-30

    View details for DOI 10.1130/GES00982.1

  • Unzipping the Patagonian Andes—Long-lived influence of rifting history on foreland basin evolution Lithosphere Malkowski, M. A., Grove, M., Graham, S. A. 2015

    View details for DOI 10.1130/L489.1

  • Timing and significance of gabbro emplacement within two distinct plutonic domains of the Peninsular Ranges batholith, southern and Baja California GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA BULLETIN Kimbrough, D. L., Grove, M., Morton, D. M. 2015; 127 (1-2): 19-37

    View details for DOI 10.1130/B30914.1

    View details for Web of Science ID 000352212200002

  • Detrital zircon provenance of the Late Cretaceous-Eocene California forearc: Influence of Laramide low-angle subduction on sediment dispersal and paleogeography GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA BULLETIN Sharman, G. R., Graham, S. A., Grove, M., Kimbrough, D. L., Wright, J. E. 2015; 127 (1-2): 38-60

    View details for DOI 10.1130/B31065.1

    View details for Web of Science ID 000352212200003

  • Experimental and geologic evaluation of monazite (U-Th)/He thermochronometry: Catnip Sill, Catalina Core Complex, Tucson, AZ EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS Peterman, E. M., Hourigan, J. K., Grove, M. 2014; 403: 48-55
  • Petrogenesis of metatexite and diatexite migmatites determined using zircon U-Pb age, trace element and Hf isotope data, Higo metamorphic terrane, central Kyushu, Japan JOURNAL OF METAMORPHIC GEOLOGY Maki, K., Yui, T., Miyazaki, K., Fukuyama, M., Wang, K., Martens, U., Grove, M., Liou, J. G. 2014; 32 (3): 301-323

    View details for DOI 10.1111/jmg.12073

    View details for Web of Science ID 000332259700004

  • The Sierra San Pedro Martir Zoned Pluton, Baja California, Mexico GSA Memoir 211, Peninsular Ranges Batholith, Baja California and Southern California Gastil, R. G., Kimbrough, D. L., Kimbrough, J. A., Grove, M., Shimizu, M. 2014: 739-758

    View details for DOI 10.1130/2014.1211(24)

  • Upper Jurassic Peñasquitos Formation – western wallrock of the Peninsular Ranges batholith Memoir 211, Peninsular Ranges Batholith, Baja California and Southern California Kimbrough, D. L., Abbott, P. L., Balch, D. C., Bartling, S. H., Grove, M., Mahoney, J. B. 2014: 625–643

    View details for DOI 10.1130/2014.1211(19)

  • The age and composition of the pre-Cenozoic basement of the Jalisco Block: implications for and relation to the Guerrero composite terrane CONTRIBUTIONS TO MINERALOGY AND PETROLOGY Valencia, V. A., Righter, K., Rosas-Elguera, J., Lopez-Martinez, M., Grove, M. 2013; 166 (3): 801-824
  • A reappraisal of the early slip history of the San Andreas fault, central California, USA GEOLOGY Sharman, G. R., Graham, S. A., Grove, M., Hourigan, J. K. 2013; 41 (7): 727-730

    View details for DOI 10.1130/G34214.1

    View details for Web of Science ID 000323272400002

  • Is Myanmar jadeitite of Jurassic age? A result from incompletely recrystallized inherited zircon (vol 160, pg 268, 2013) LITHOS Yui, T., Fukuyama, M., Iizuka, Y., Wu, C., Wu, T., Liou, J. G., Grove, M. 2013; 168: 236-236
  • Pressure-temperature structure of a mylonitized metamorphic pile, and the role of advection of the lower crust, Nagasaki Metamorphic Complex, Kyushu, Japan LITHOS Miyazaki, K., Ikeda, T., Arima, K., Fukuyama, M., Maki, K., Yui, T., Grove, M. 2013; 162: 14-26
  • Detrital zircons indicate no drainage link between southern California rivers and the Colorado Plateau from mid-Cretaceous through Pliocene GEOLOGY Ingersoll, R. V., Grove, M., Jacobson, C. E., Kimbrough, D. L., Hoyt, J. F. 2013; 41 (3): 311-314

    View details for DOI 10.1130/G33807.1

    View details for Web of Science ID 000317907500006

  • Origin and Tectonic Implication of Ophiolite and Eclogite in the Song Ma Suture Zone between the South China and Indochina Blocks JOURNAL OF METAMORPHIC GEOLOGY Zhang, R. Y., Lo, C., Chung, S., Grove, M., Omori, S., Iizuka, Y., Liou, J. G., Tri, T. V. 2013; 31 (1): 49-62

    View details for DOI 10.1111/jmg.12012

    View details for Web of Science ID 000312994000006

  • Retroarc deformation and exhumation near the end of the Andes, southern Patagonia EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS Fosdick, J. C., Grove, M., Hourigan, J. K., Calderon, M. 2013; 361: 504-517
  • Paleozoic to early Cenozoic cooling and exhumation of the basement underlying the eastern Puna plateau margin prior to plateau growth TECTONICS Insel, N., Grove, M., Haschke, M., Barnes, J. B., Schmitt, A. K., Strecker, M. R. 2012; 31
  • New data on U-Pb dating of zircons and the problem of the duration of the Angara-Vitim granitoid batholith formation DOKLADY EARTH SCIENCES Tsygankov, A. A., Udoratina, O. V., Burmakina, G. N., Grove, M. 2012; 447 (1): 1273-1277
  • Coupled U-Pb dating and Hf isotopic analysis of detrital zircon of modern river sand from the Yalu River (Yarlung Tsangpo) drainage system in southern Tibet: Constraints on the transport processes and evolution of Himalayan rivers GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA BULLETIN Zhang, J. Y., Yin, A., Liu, W. C., Wu, F. Y., Lin, D., Grove, M. 2012; 124 (9-10): 1449-1473

    View details for DOI 10.1130/B30592.1

    View details for Web of Science ID 000307915700004

  • Palaeogeography and diachronous infill of an ancient deep-marine foreland basin, Upper Cretaceous Cerro Toro Formation, Magallanes Basin BASIN RESEARCH Bernhardt, A., Jobe, Z. R., Grove, M., Lowe, D. R. 2012; 24 (3): 269-294
  • Hf isotope and REE compositions of zircon from jadeitite (Tone, Japan and north of the Motagua fault, Guatemala): implications on jadeitite genesis and possible protoliths EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MINERALOGY Yui, T., Maki, K., Wang, K., Lan, C., Usuki, T., Iizuka, Y., Wu, C., Wu, T., Nishiyama, T., Martens, U., Liou, J. G., Grove, M. 2012; 24 (2): 263-275
  • Managed Metapopulations: Do Salmon Hatchery 'Sources' Lead to In-River 'Sinks' in Conservation? PLOS ONE Johnson, R. C., Weber, P. K., Wikert, J. D., Workman, M. L., MacFarlane, R. B., Grove, M. J., Schmitt, A. K. 2012; 7 (2)


    Maintaining viable populations of salmon in the wild is a primary goal for many conservation and recovery programs. The frequency and extent of connectivity among natal sources defines the demographic and genetic boundaries of a population. Yet, the role that immigration of hatchery-produced adults may play in altering population dynamics and fitness of natural populations remains largely unquantified. Quantifying, whether natural populations are self-sustaining, functions as sources (population growth rate in the absence of dispersal, λ>1), or as sinks (λ<1) can be obscured by an inability to identify immigrants. In this study we use a new isotopic approach to demonstrate that a natural spawning population of Chinook salmon, (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) considered relatively healthy, represents a sink population when the contribution of hatchery immigrants is taken into consideration. We retrieved sulfur isotopes ((34)S/(32)S, referred to as δ(34)S) in adult Chinook salmon otoliths (ear bones) that were deposited during their early life history as juveniles to determine whether individuals were produced in hatcheries or naturally in rivers. Our results show that only 10.3% (CI = 5.5 to 18.1%) of adults spawning in the river had otolith δ(34)S values less than 8.5‰, which is characteristic of naturally produced salmon. When considering the total return to the watershed (total fish in river and hatchery), we estimate that 90.7 to 99.3% (CI) of returning adults were produced in a hatchery (best estimate = 95.9%). When population growth rate of the natural population was modeled to account for the contribution of previously unidentified hatchery immigrants, we found that hatchery-produced fish caused the false appearance of positive population growth. These findings highlight the potential dangers in ignoring source-sink dynamics in recovering natural populations, and question the extent to which declines in natural salmon populations are undetected by monitoring programs.

    View details for DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0028880

    View details for Web of Science ID 000302730100003

    View details for PubMedID 22347362

  • Separating metamorphic events in the Fosdick migmatite-granite complex, West Antarctica JOURNAL OF METAMORPHIC GEOLOGY Korhonen, F. J., Brown, M., Grove, M., Siddoway, C. S., Baxter, E. F., Inglis, J. D. 2012; 30 (2): 165-191

    View details for DOI 10.2475/02.2012.03

    View details for Web of Science ID 000304490500003

  • Evidence for Late Riphean Granite Formation in the Polar Urals DOKLADY EARTH SCIENCES Soboleva, A. A., Karchevskii, A. F., Efanova, L. I., Kuznetsov, N. B., Grove, M., Sobolev, I. D., Maurin, M. V. 2012; 442 (2): 181-187
  • Calibration of Nu-Instruments Noblesse multicollector mass spectrometers for argon isotopic measurements using a newly developed reference gas CHEMICAL GEOLOGY Coble, M. A., Grove, M., Calvert, A. T. 2011; 290 (1-2): 75-87
  • Origin of similar to 2.5 Ga potassic granite from the Nellore Schist Belt, SE India: textural, cathodoluminescence, and SHRIMP U-Pb data CONTRIBUTIONS TO MINERALOGY AND PETROLOGY Kumar, K. V., Ernst, W. G., Leelanandam, C., Wooden, J. L., Grove, M. J. 2011; 162 (4): 867-888
  • Sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) return after an absence of nearly 90 years: a case of reversion to anadromy CANADIAN JOURNAL OF FISHERIES AND AQUATIC SCIENCES Godbout, L., Wood, C. C., Withler, R. E., Latham, S., Nelson, R. J., Wetzel, L., Barnett-Johnson, R., Grove, M. J., Schmitt, A. K., McKeegan, K. D. 2011; 68 (9): 1590-1602

    View details for DOI 10.1139/F2011-089

    View details for Web of Science ID 000296169300006

  • Cenozoic tectonic history of the Himachal Himalaya (northwestern India) and its constraints on the formation mechanism of the Himalayan orogen GEOSPHERE Webb, A. A., Yin, A., Harrison, T. M., Celerier, J., Gehrels, G. E., Manning, C. E., Grove, M. 2011; 7 (4): 1013-1061

    View details for DOI 10.1130/GES00627.1

    View details for Web of Science ID 000293387100010

  • Baltica in the Cordillera? GEOLOGY Miller, E. L., Kuznetsov, N., Soboleva, A., Udoratina, O., Grove, M. J., Gehrels, G. 2011; 39 (8): 791-794

    View details for DOI 10.1130/G31910.1

    View details for Web of Science ID 000292824100024

  • Late Cretaceous-early Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the southern California margin inferred from provenance of trench and forearc sediments GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA BULLETIN Jacobson, C. E., Grove, M., Pedrick, J. N., Barth, A. P., Marsaglia, K. M., Gehrels, G. E., Nourse, J. A. 2011; 123 (3-4): 485-506

    View details for DOI 10.1130/B30238.1

    View details for Web of Science ID 000286665300007

  • Growth conditions of symplectic muscovite plus quartz: Implications for quantifying retrograde metamorphism in exhumed magmatic arcs GEOLOGY Peterman, E. M., Grove, M. 2010; 38 (12): 1071-1074

    View details for DOI 10.1130/G31449.1

    View details for Web of Science ID 000284375200008

  • Sulfur isotopes in otoliths allow discrimination of anadromous and non-anadromous ecotypes of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) 4th International Otolith Symposium Godbout, L., Trudel, M., Irvine, J. R., Wood, C. C., Grove, M. J., Schmitt, A. K., McKeegan, K. D. SPRINGER. 2010: 521–32
  • Extensional basin evolution in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru: Stratigraphic and isotopic records of detachment faulting and orogenic collapse in the Andean hinterland TECTONICS Giovanni, M. K., Horton, B. K., Garzione, C. N., McNulty, B., Grove, M. 2010; 29
  • Opposing shear senses in a subdetachment mylonite zone: Implications for core complex mechanics TECTONICS Cooper, F. J., Platt, J. P., Platzman, E. S., Grove, M. J., Seward, G. 2010; 29
  • First Paleoproterozoic ophiolite from Gondwana: Geochronologic-geochemical documentation of ancient oceanic crust from Kandra, SE India TECTONOPHYSICS Kumar, K. V., Ernst, W. G., Leelanandam, C., Wooden, J. L., Grove, M. J. 2010; 487 (1-4): 22-32
  • Geologic correlation of the Himalayan orogen and Indian craton: Part 1. Structural geology, U-Pb zircon geochronology, and tectonic evolution of the Shillong Plateau and its neighboring regions in NE India GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA BULLETIN Yin, A., Dubey, C. S., Webb, A. A., Kelty, T. K., Grove, M., Gehrels, G. E., Burgess, W. P. 2010; 122 (3-4): 336-359

    View details for DOI 10.1130/B26460.1

    View details for Web of Science ID 000274210600002

  • Decoupling of U-Pb dates from chemical and crystallographic domains in granulite facies zircon CHEMICAL GEOLOGY Flowers, R. M., Schmitt, A. K., Grove, M. 2010; 270 (1-4): 20-30
  • Fluid-rock interaction in orogenic crust tracked by zircon depth profiling GEOLOGY Gordon, S. M., Grove, M., Whitney, D. L., Schmitt, A. K., Teyssier, C. 2009; 37 (8): 735-738

    View details for DOI 10.1130/G25597A.1

    View details for Web of Science ID 000268498600016

  • Gangdese arc detritus within the eastern Himalayan Neogene foreland basin: Implications for the Neogene evolution of the Yalu-Brahmaputra River system EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS Cina, S. E., Yin, A., Grove, M., Dubey, C. S., Shukla, D. P., Lovera, O. M., Kelty, T. K., Gehrels, G. E., Foster, D. A. 2009; 285 (1-2): 150-162
  • Time-temperature-fluid evolution of migmatite dome crystallization: Coupled U-Pb age, Ti thermometry, and O isotopic ion microprobe depth profiling of zircon and monazite CHEMICAL GEOLOGY Gordon, S. M., Grove, M., Whitney, D. L., Schmitt, A. K., Teyssier, C. 2009; 262 (3-4): 186-201
  • Miocene-Pliocene exhumation along the west Salton detachment fault, southern California, from (U-Th)/He thermochronometry of apatite and zircon TECTONICS Shirvell, C. R., Stockli, D. F., Axen, G. J., Grove, M. 2009; 28
  • Age trends in garnet-hosted monazite inclusions from upper amphibolite facies schist in the northern Grouse Creek Mountains, Utah GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA Hoisch, T. D., Wells, M. L., Grove, M. 2008; 72 (22): 5505-5520
  • Detrital zircon ages of Neoproterozoic sedimentary successions in Uruguay and Argentina: Insights into the geological evolution of the Rio de la Plata Craton PRECAMBRIAN RESEARCH Gaucher, C., Finney, S. C., Poire, D. G., Valencia, V. A., Grove, M., Blanco, G., Pamoukaghlian, K., Peral, L. G. 2008; 167 (1-2): 150-170
  • Timescales of migmatization, melt crystallization, and cooling in a Cordilleran gneiss dome: Valhalla complex, southeastern British Columbia TECTONICS Gordon, S. M., Whitney, D. L., Teyssier, C., Grove, M., Dunlap, W. J. 2008; 27 (4)
  • Detrital zircon provenance of Neoproterozoic to Cenozoic deposits in Iran: Implications for chronostratigraphy and collisional tectonics Annual Meeting of the Geological-Society-of-America Horton, B. K., Hassanzadeh, J., Stockli, D. F., Axen, G. J., Gillis, R. J., Guest, B., Amini, A., Fakllari, M. D., Zamanzadeh, S. M., Grove, M. ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV. 2008: 97–122
  • U-Pb zircon geochronology of late Neoproterozoic-Early Cambrian granitoids in Iran: Implications for paleogeography, magmatism, and exhumation history of Iranian basement Annual Meeting of the Geological-Society-of-America Hassanzadeh, J., Stockli, D. F., Horton, B. K., Axen, G. J., Stockli, L. D., Grove, M., Schmitt, A. K., Walker, J. D. ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV. 2008: 71–96
  • Non-Laurentian cratonal provenance of Late Ordovician eastern Klamath blueschists and a link to the Alexander terrane Symposium on Ophiolites, Batholiths and Regional Geology in Honor of Cliff Hopson Grove, M., Gehrels, G. E., Cotkin, S. J., Wright, J. E., Zou, H. GEOLOGICAL SOC AMER INC. 2008: 223–250
  • The Catalina Schist: Evidence for middle Cretaceous subduction erosion of southwestern North America Geological-Society-of-America Penrose Conference Grove, M., Bebout, G. E., Jacobson, C. E., Barth, A. P., Kimbrough, D. L., King, R. L., Zou, H., Lovera, O. M., MAHONEY, B. J., Gehrels, G. E. GEOLOGICAL SOC AMER INC. 2008: 335–361
  • Ridge-trench interactions and the Neogene tectonic evolution of the Magdalena shelf and southern Gulf of California: Insights from detrital zircon U-Pb ages from the Magdalena fan and adjacent areas GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA BULLETIN Fletcher, J. M., Grove, M., Kimbrough, D., Lovera, O., Gehrels, G. E. 2007; 119 (11-12): 1313-1336
  • Late paleozoic tectonic history of the ertix fault in the chinese altai and its implications for the development of the central Asian orogenic system GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA BULLETIN Briggs, S. M., Yin, A., Manning, C. E., Chen, Z., Wang, X., Grove, M. 2007; 119 (7-8): 944-960

    View details for DOI 10.1130/B26044.1

    View details for Web of Science ID 000247896000012

  • Boron and lead isotope signatures of subduction-zone melange formation: Hybridization and fractionation along the slab-mantle interface beneath volcanic arcs 15th V M Goldschmidt Conference/Meeting of IGCP-510 King, R. L., Bebout, G. E., Grove, M., Moriguti, T., Nakamura, E. ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV. 2007: 305–22
  • High resolution Secondary Ionisation Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) delta O-18 analyses of Hulu Cave speleothem at the time of Heinrich Event 1 CHEMICAL GEOLOGY Treble, P. C., Schmitt, A. K., Edwards, R. L., McKeegan, K. D., Harrison, T. M., Grove, M., Cheng, H., Wang, Y. J. 2007; 238 (3-4): 197-212
  • Protolith ages and exhumation histories of (ultra)high-pressure rocks across the Western Gneiss Region, Norway GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA BULLETIN Walsh, E. O., Hacker, B. R., Gans, P. B., Grove, M., Gehrels, G. 2007; 119 (3-4): 289-301

    View details for DOI 10.1130/B25817.1

    View details for Web of Science ID 000246465600003

  • Late Miocene-Pliocene eclogite facies metamorphism, D'Entrecasteaux Islands, SE Papua New Guinea JOURNAL OF METAMORPHIC GEOLOGY Monteleone, B. D., Baldwin, S. L., Webb, L. E., FitzGerald, P. G., Grove, M., Schmitt, A. K. 2007; 25 (2): 245-265
  • Ridge-trench interactions and the Neogene tectonic evolution of the Magdalena Shelf: Insights from detrital zircon U-Pb ages from the Magdalena fan and adjacent areas Geological Society of America Bulletin Fletcher, J. M., Grove, M., Kimbrough, D. L., Lovera, O. M. 2007; 119: 1313-1336

    View details for DOI 10.1130/B26067.1

  • Exhumation of the Orocopia Schist and crystalline hangingwall rocks of southeastern California: Relative roles of erosion, synsubduction tectonic denudation, and middle Cenozoic extension Geological Society of America Jacobson, C. E., Grove, M., Vucic, A., Pedrick, J. 2007: 1-37

    View details for DOI 10.1130/2007.2419(01)

  • Thermochronology, geochronology, and upper crustal structure of the Cordillera Real: Implications for Cenozoic exhumation of the central Andean plateau TECTONICS Gillis, R. J., Horton, B. K., Grove, M. 2006; 25 (6)
  • Thermal histories from the central Alborz Mountains, northern Iran: Implications for the spatial and temporal distribution of deformation in northern Iran GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA BULLETIN Guest, B., Stockli, D. F., Grove, M., Axen, G. J., Lam, P. S., Hassanzadeh, J. 2006; 118 (11-12): 1507-1521

    View details for DOI 10.1130/B25819.1

    View details for Web of Science ID 000241706700014

  • High-temperature geochronology constraints on the tectonic history and architecture of the ultrahigh-pressure Dabie-Sulu Orogen TECTONICS Hacker, B. R., Wallis, S. R., Ratschbacher, L., Grove, M., Gehrels, G. 2006; 25 (5)
  • Oxygen isotopic disequilibrium in plagioclase-corundum-hercynite xenoliths from the Voisey's Bay Intrusion, Labrador, Canada EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS Mariga, J., Ripley, E. M., Li, C., McKeegan, K. D., Schmidt, A., Groove, M. 2006; 248 (1-2): 263-275
  • Structural evolution of the Arunachal Himalaya and implications for asymmetric development of the Himalayan orogen CURRENT SCIENCE Yin, A., Dubey, C. S., Kelty, T. K., Gehres, G. E., Chou, C. Y., Grove, M., Lovera, O. 2006; 90 (2): 195-206
  • Thermal Histories from the *entral Alborz Mountains, northern Iran: Implications for the Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Deformation in northern Iran Geological Society of America Bulletin Bulletin Guest, B., Stockli, D. F., Grove, M., Axen, G. J., Lam, P. S., Hassanzadeh, J. 2006; 118: 1507-1521

    View details for DOI 10.1130/B25819.1

  • Constrasting cratonal provenances for Upper Cretaceous Valle Group quartzite clasts, Baja California Using Stratigraphy, Sedimentology, and Geochemistry to unravel the Geologic History of the Southwestern Cordillera Kimbrough, D. L., Abbott, P. L., Grove, M., Smith, D. P., Mahoney, J. B., Moore, T. E., Gehrels, G. E. edited by Girty, G. H., Cooper, J. D. Society of Economic Paleotologists and Mineralogists. 2006: 97–110
  • Nyainqentanglha Shan: A window into the tectonic, thermal, and geochemical evolution of the Lhasa block, southern Tibet JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SOLID EARTH Kapp, J. L., Harrison, T. M., Kapp, P., Grove, M., Lovera, O. M., LIN, D. 2005; 110 (B8)
  • Continuous thermal histories from inversion of closure profiles LOW-TEMPERATURE THERMOCHRONOLOGY: TECHNIQUES, INTERPRETATIONS, AND APPLICATIONS Harrison, T. M. 2005; 58: 389-409
  • Thermal structure and exhumation history of the Lesser Himalaya in central Nepal TECTONICS Bollinger, L., Avouac, J. P., Beyssac, O., Catlos, E. J., Harrison, T. M., Grove, M., Goffe, B., Sapkota, S. 2004; 23 (5)
  • Pliocene eclogite exhumation at plate tectonic rates in eastern Papua New Guinea NATURE Baldwin, S. L., Monteleone, B. D., Webb, L. E., FitzGerald, P. G., Grove, M., Hill, E. J. 2004; 431 (7006): 263-267


    As lithospheric plates are subducted, rocks are metamorphosed under high-pressure and ultrahigh-pressure conditions to produce eclogites and eclogite facies metamorphic rocks. Because chemical equilibrium is rarely fully achieved, eclogites may preserve in their distinctive mineral assemblages and textures a record of the pressures, temperatures and deformation the rock was subjected to during subduction and subsequent exhumation. Radioactive parent-daughter isotopic variations within minerals reveal the timing of these events. Here we present in situ zircon U/Pb ion microprobe data that dates the timing of eclogite facies metamorphism in eastern Papua New Guinea at 4.3 +/- 0.4 Myr ago, making this the youngest documented eclogite exposed at the Earth's surface. Eclogite exhumation from depths of approximately 75 km was extremely rapid and occurred at plate tectonic rates (cm yr(-1)). The eclogite was exhumed within a portion of the obliquely convergent Australian-Pacific plate boundary zone, in an extending region located west of the Woodlark basin sea floor spreading centre. Such rapid exhumation (> 1 cm yr(-1)) of high-pressure and, we infer, ultrahigh-pressure rocks is facilitated by extension within transient plate boundary zones associated with rapid oblique plate convergence.

    View details for DOI 10.1038/nature02846

    View details for Web of Science ID 000223864000029

    View details for PubMedID 15372021

  • Isotopic and chemical alteration of zircon by metamorphic fluids: U-Pb age depth-profiling of zircon crystals from Barrow's garnet zone, northeast Scotland AMERICAN MINERALOGIST Breeding, C. M., Ague, J. J., Grove, M., Rupke, A. L. 2004; 89 (7): 1067-1077
  • Pb diffusion in monazite: A combined RBS/SIMS study GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA Cherniak, D. J., Watson, E. B., Grove, M., Harrison, T. M. 2004; 68 (4): 829-840
  • Thermal structure and exhumation history of the Lesser Himalaya in central Nepal Tectonics Bollinger, L., Avouac, J. P., Beyssac, O., Catlos, E. J., Harrison, T. M., Grove, M., Goffé, B., Sapkota, S. 2004; 23

    View details for DOI 10.1029/2003TC001564

  • Two phases of Mesozoic north-south extension in the eastern Altyn Tagh range, northern Tibetan Plateau TECTONICS Chen, X. H., Yin, A., Gehrels, G. E., Cowgill, E. S., Grove, M., Harrison, T. M., Wang, X. F. 2003; 22 (5)
  • The Geysers - Cobb Mountain Magma System, California (Part 1): U-Pb zircon ages of volcanic rocks, conditions of zircon crystallization and magma residence times GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA Schmitt, A. K., Grove, M., Harrison, T. M., Lovera, O., Hulen, J., Walters, M. 2003; 67 (18): 3423-3442
  • The Geysers-Cobb Mountain Magma System, California (Part 2): Timescales of pluton emplacement and implications for its thermal history GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA Schmitt, A. K., Grove, M., Harrison, T. M., Lovera, O., Hulen, J., Walters, M. 2003; 67 (18): 3443-3458
  • Thermochronological constraints on two pulses of Cenozoic high-K magmatism in eastern Tibet SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES D-EARTH SCIENCES Wang, J. H., Yin, A., Harrison, T. M., Grove, M., Zhou, J. Y., Zhang, Y. Q., Xie, G. H. 2003; 46 (7): 719-729
  • U-Pb zircon geochronology of rocks in the Salinas Valley region of California: A reevaluation of the crustal structure and origin of the Salinian block GEOLOGY Barth, A. P., Wooden, J. L., Grove, M., Jacobson, C. E., Pedrick, J. N. 2003; 31 (6): 517-520
  • Late Cretaceous cooling of the East-Central Peninsula Ranges batholith (33°N): Relationship to la posta pluton emplacement, Laramide shallow subduction, and forearc sedimentation Geological Society of America Grove, M., Lovera, O. M., Harrison, T. M. 2003; 374: 355-379
  • Temporal and spatial trends of Late Cretaceous-Early Tertiary underplating of Pelona and related schist beneath southern California and southwestern Arizona Geological Society of America Grove, M., Jacobson, C. E., Barth, A. P., Vucic, A. 2003; 374: 381-406
  • Jurassic peraluminous gneissic granites in the axial zone of the Peninsular Ranges, southern California Geological Society of America Bulletin Shaw, S. E., Todd, V. R., Grove, M. 2003; 374: 157–183
  • The Zedong terrane: a Late Jurassic intra-oceanic magmatic arc within the Yarlung-Tsangpo suture zone, southeastern Tibet CHEMICAL GEOLOGY McDermid, I. R., Aitchison, J. C., Davis, A. M., Harrison, T. M., Grove, M. 2002; 187 (3-4): 267-277
  • U-Pb isotopic behaviour of zircon during upper-amphibolite facies fluid infiltration in the Napier Complex, east Antarctica EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS Carson, C. J., Ague, J. J., Grove, M., Coath, C. D., Harrison, T. M. 2002; 199 (3-4): 287-310
  • Records of the evolution of the Himalayan orogen from in situ Th-Pb ion microprobe dating of monazite: Eastern Nepal and western Garhwal JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES Catlos, E. J., Harrison, T. M., Manning, C. E., Grove, M., Rai, S. M., Hubbard, M. S., Upreti, B. N. 2002; 20 (5): 459-479
  • O and Pb isotopic analyses of uranium minerals by ion microprobe and U-Pb ages from the Cigar Lake deposit CHEMICAL GEOLOGY Fayek, M., Harrison, T. M., Ewing, R. C., Grove, M., Coath, C. D. 2002; 185 (3-4): 205-225
  • Systematic analysis of K-feldspar Ar-40/Ar-39 step heating results II: Relevance of laboratory argon diffusion properties to nature GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA Lovera, O. M., Grove, M., Harrison, T. M. 2002; 66 (7): 1237-1255
  • U-Pb zircon geochronology of rocks in the Salinas Valley region of California: A reevaluation of the crustal structure and origin of the Salinian Block Geology A. P., Barth, Wooden, J. L., Grove, M., Jacobson, C. E., Dawson, J. P. 2002; 31: 517-520
  • Exhumation history of the Orocopia Schist and related rocks in the Gavilan Hills area of southeasternmost California Geological Society of America Jacobson, C. E., Grove, M., Stamp, M. M., Oyarzabal, F. R., Vucic, A., Haxel, G. B., Todsol, R. M., Sherrod, D. R. 2002; 365: 129-154
  • Geochronologic and thermobarometric constraints on the evolution of the Main Central Thrust, central Nepal Himalaya JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SOLID EARTH Catlos, E. J., Harrison, T. M., Kohn, M. J., Grove, M., Ryerson, F. J., Manning, C. E., Upreti, B. N. 2001; 106 (B8): 16177-16204
  • Exhumation of the west-central Alborz Mountains, Iran, Caspian subsidence, and collision-related tectonics GEOLOGY Axen, G. J., Lam, P. S., Grove, M., Stockli, D. F., Hassanzadeh, J. 2001; 29 (6): 559-562
  • Forearc-basin sedimentary response to rapid Late Cretaceous batholith emplacement in the Peninsular Ranges of southern and Baja California GEOLOGY Kimbrough, D. L., Smith, D. P., Mahoney, J. B., Moore, T. E., Grove, M., Gastil, R. G., Ortega-Rivera, A., Fanning, C. M. 2001; 29 (6): 491-494
  • A tectonic model for Cenozoic igneous activities in the eastern Indo-Asian collision zone EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS Wang, J. H., Yin, A., Harrison, T. M., Grove, M., Zhang, Y. Q., Xie, G. H. 2001; 188 (1-2): 123-133
  • In situ stable isotopic evidence for protracted and complex carbonate cementation in a petroleum reservoir, North Coles Levee, San Joaquin Basin, California, USA JOURNAL OF SEDIMENTARY RESEARCH Fayek, M., Harrison, T. M., Grove, M., McKeegan, K. D., Coath, C. D., Boles, J. R. 2001; 71 (3): 444-458
  • Thermochronological constraints on the timing of Cenozoic high-potassic magmatism in Eastern Tibet Bulletin of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry Wang, J. H., Yin, A., Harrison, T. M., Grove, M., J. Y., Zhou, Zhang, Y. Q., Xie, G. H. 2001; 20: 231-233
  • The Zedong Window: A record of superposed Tertiary convergence in southeastern Tibet JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SOLID EARTH Harrison, T. M., Yin, A., Grove, M., Lovera, O. M., Ryerson, F. J., Zhou, X. H. 2000; 105 (B8): 19211-19230
  • Ar-40/Ar-39 thermochronology from the northwestern Dabie Shan: Constraints on the evolution of Qinling-Dabie orogenic belt, east-central China TECTONOPHYSICS Xu, B., Grove, M., Wang, C. Q., Zhang, L. F., Liu, S. W. 2000; 322 (3-4): 279-301
  • Thermal evolution of Monte Blanco dome: Low-angle normal faulting during Gulf of California rifting and late Eocene denudation of the eastern Peninsular Ranges TECTONICS Axen, G. J., Grove, M., Stockli, D., Lovera, O. M., Rothstein, D. A., Fletcher, J. M., Farley, K., Abbott, P. L. 2000; 19 (2): 197-212
  • Hot and dry deep crustal xenoliths from Tibet SCIENCE Hacker, B. R., Gnos, E., Ratschbacher, L., Grove, M., McWilliams, M., Sobolev, S. V., Wan, J., Wu, Z. H. 2000; 287 (5462): 2463-2466
  • Late Cretaceous protolith age and provenance of the Pelona and Orocopia Schists, southern California: Implications for evolution of the Cordilleran margin GEOLOGY Jacobson, C. E., Barth, A. P., Grove, M. 2000; 28 (3): 219-222
  • A rapid in situ method for determining the ages of uranium oxide minerals: Evolution of the Cigar Lake deposit, Athabasca Basin INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGY REVIEW Fayek, M., Harrison, T. M., Grove, M., Coath, C. D. 2000; 42 (2): 163-171
  • A method for evaluating basement exhumation histories from closure age distributions of detrital minerals JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SOLID EARTH Lovera, O. M., Grove, M., Kimbrough, D. L., Abbott, P. L. 1999; 104 (B12): 29419-29438
  • Age and thermal history of the Geysers plutonic complex (felsite unit), Geysers geothermal field, California: a Ar-40/Ar-39 and U-Pb study EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS Dalrymple, G. B., Grove, M., Lovera, O. M., Harrison, T. M., Hulen, J. B., Lanphere, M. A. 1999; 173 (3): 285-298
  • Age and stratigraphic relationships of pre- and syn-rift volcanic deposits in the northern Puertecitos Volcanic Province, Baja California, Mexico JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH Nagy, E. A., Grove, M., Stock, J. M. 1999; 93 (1-2): 1-30
  • Tertiary deformation history of southeastern and southwestern Tibet during the Indo-Asian collision GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA BULLETIN Yin, A., Harrison, T. M., Murphy, M. A., Grove, M., Nie, S., Ryerson, F. J., Feng, W. X., Le, C. Z. 1999; 111 (11): 1644-1664
  • The origin of Himalayan anatexis and inverted metamorphism: Models and constraints JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES Harrison, T. M., Grove, M., Lovera, O. M., Catlos, E. J., D'Andrea, J. 1999; 17 (5-6): 755-772
  • Significant late Neogene east-west extension in northern Tibet GEOLOGY Yin, A., Kapp, P. A., Murphy, M. A., Manning, C. E., Harrison, T. M., Grove, M., LIN, D., Deng, X. G., Wu, C. M. 1999; 27 (9): 787-790
  • Monazite Th-Pb age depth profiling GEOLOGY Grove, M., Harrison, T. M. 1999; 27 (6): 487-490
  • Origin and episodic emplacement of the Manaslu intrusive complex, central Himalaya JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY Harrison, T. M., Grove, M., McKeegan, K. D., Coath, C. D., Lovera, O. M., Le Fort, P. 1999; 40 (1): 3-19
  • The thermal and cementation histories of a sandstone petroleum reservoir, Elk Hills, California - Part 1: Ar-40/Ar-39 thermal history results CHEMICAL GEOLOGY Mahon, K. I., Harrison, T. M., Grove, M. 1998; 152 (3-4): 227-256
  • A model for the origin of Himalayan anatexis and inverted metamorphism JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SOLID EARTH Harrison, T. M., Grove, M., Lovera, O. M., Catlos, E. J. 1998; 103 (B11): 27017-27032
  • New insights into the origin of two contrasting Himalayan granite belts GEOLOGY Harrison, T. M., Lovera, O. M., Grove, M. 1997; 25 (10): 899-902
  • Systematic analysis of K-feldspar Ar-40/Ar-39 step heating results .1. Significance of activation energy determinations GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA Lovera, O. M., Grove, M., Harrison, T. M., Mahon, K. I. 1997; 61 (15): 3171-3192
  • Thermal evolution and slip history of the Renbu Zedong Thrust, southeasterm Tibet JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SOLID EARTH Quidelleur, X., Grove, M., Lovera, O. M., Harrison, T. M., Yin, A., Ryerson, F. J. 1997; 102 (B2): 2659-2679
  • Ar-40(*) diffusion in Fe-rich biotite AMERICAN MINERALOGIST Grove, M., Harrison, T. M. 1996; 81 (7-8): 940-951
  • Vincent Thrust: role of denudation during shallow subduction Subduction Top to Bottom Grove, M., Lovera, O. M. edited by Bebout, G. E. Wiley. 1996: 163–170
  • Cretaceous tectonic evolution of coastal southern California: Insights from the Catalina Schist TECTONICS Grove, M., Bebout, G. E. 1995; 14 (6): 1290-1308
  • THE INSTABILITY OF RHABDOPHANE AND ITS UNIMPORTANCE IN MONAZITE PARAGENESIS Session on Geochemistry of Accessory Minerals as part of the 3rd V M Goldschmidt Conference AKERS, W. T., Grove, M., Harrison, T. M., Ryerson, F. J. ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV. 1993: 169–76