Mehrdad Ayati
Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor, Medicine - Primary Care and Population Health
Web page: http://geriatricsconcierge.com
Dr. Ayati completed his residency at UC Davis and his fellowship at Stanford University. During his residency at UC Davis, Dr. Ayati received the Award of Excellence in Clinical Teaching. Dr. Ayati worked at hospitals such as Lodi Memorial Hospital in Lodi, California, and as an Emergency Medicine Attending at Veteran Affairs in Palo Alto, California. Dr. Ayati worked as a Stanford Medical Director at Los Altos and Palo Alto Subacute and Rehabilitation centers and he is currently serving as a medical advisor for many Skilled Nursing facilities and also memory care units and assisted living facilities in Northen California. Dr. Ayati has a broad spectrum of practice and knowledge of general medicine and primary care in various settings, from office to Emergency room and acute and Sub-acute care. Dr. Ayati’s main areas of research and clinical focus are in the physiology of aging and on finding practical and yet innovative ways of addressing the wellbeing and needs of the population in any age category. Dr. Ayati is an advocate of his patient’s physical and mental health at any age in addition to disease management and prevention. Dr. Ayati is currently a member of the Ethnogeriatric and Quality and Policy Performance Committees of the Americal Geraitric Society. He also serves as a Community Health Advisor for Alzheimer Association, Northen California and Nevada Chapter. Dr. Ayati is the author of “Paths to Healthy Aging”. Dr. Ayati is also a guest educational speaker on several radio stations such as National Public Radio (NPR) and San Francisco’s KQED and international and national conferences. He also testified in the Senate of the US, Special Committee of Aging in 2018 to address the challenges of aging populations in the US.
Dr. Ayati strives to provide reliable information, effective strategies, and simple guidelines for patients of all ages to avoid or manage chronic diseases and to have a significantly better quality of life.
Dr. Ayati’s main focus and passion are in:
Raising awareness about Over Medication and Drug Cascade issues in the elderly population as well as highlighting prevention strategies
Helping patients better understand and voice their end of life care choices and medical intervention wishes
Bringing into focus the numerous social, economical, political and health challenges and hardship the elderly face in our society as well as finding solutions to address their needs
Being the voice of the elderly in finding innovative and yet practical solutions to promote their physical and mental health and well being
Clinical Focus
- Healthy Aging
- Elderly Overmedications
- Behavioral Disturbances related to Dementia
- Sport injuries in Aging Populations
- Gait and Balance impairments in Elderly and prevention of falls
- Chronic Disease Management
- Elderly care in Skilled Nursing Homes
- Family Medicine
Administrative Appointments
Medical Director, Palo Alto Subacute Care (2021 - Present)
Medical Director, Los Altos Subacute Care (2011 - Present)
Medical Director, Grant Cuesta Subacute Care (2020 - Present)
Honors & Awards
The Best Resident of the Year , Excellent in Teaching, UCDavis (2007)
Boards, Advisory Committees, Professional Organizations
Advisor, Consultant on Aging Initiatives, Stanford Research institute International , SRI (2016 - 2018)
National Committee Member, Ethnogeriaitric and QPMC, American Geriatric Society (2016 - Present)
Advisor, Alzheimer Association, Northern California and Nevada chapter (2018 - Present)
Course Co-Director, Geriatric Multidisciplinary Care Conference (2013 - 2013)
Advisory Faculty, Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Center, VA Palo Alto (2011 - Present)
Professional Education
Fellowship: Stanford University and VA Palo Alto Geriatric Medicine Fellowship (2010) CA
Residency: UC Davis Dept of Family and Community Medicine (2009) CA
Board Certification: American Board of Family Medicine, Geriatric Medicine (2012)
Residency, UCDAVIS School of Medicine, Family Medicine (2009)
Board Certification: American Board of Family Medicine, Family Medicine (2009)
Medical Education: Iran University of Medical Sciences (1999) Iran
Board Certification, ABFM, Geriatric Medicine (2011)
Clinical Trials
Quality of Life in Adults Impaired Functioning - A Randomized Controlled Trial of Bidet vs Usual Toileting
Not Recruiting
Our expectations (hypotheses) are: Primary outcome 1. Regular bidet use will improve quality of life around elimination in adults with impaired functional status. Functional status will be measured by activities of daily living (ADL). 2. Regular bidet use by adults with impaired functional status will improve the quality of life around toileting for their caregivers. Secondary 3. Regular bidet use will reduce the incidence, frequency and severity of constipation (as measured by self-report) in adults with impaired functional status. 4. Regular bidet use will reduce the incidence of urinary tract infection (UTI) in adult women with impaired functional status.
Stanford is currently not accepting patients for this trial. For more information, please contact Isabella Chu, MPH, 650-723-2513.
All Publications
- Paths to Healthy Aging Amazon. 2014
- Best prescription for healthy aging may be fewer pills The Palm Beach Post 2015
- Why too much fiber is unhealthy for the elderly SF Chronicle 2015
- Alzhiemer Disease Division of Medicine Clinical Teaching Module 2014
- Beware of adding prescriptions on top of prescriptions SF chronicle 2014
- Division of Medicine Clinical Teaching Module Lower Ext Ischemia 2012