Michael Rouan
Sr. Director, Academic Technology Innovation, CTL Program Support
After a multi-decade run in media/ed tech-related titles and responsibilities at the Stanford Center for Professional Development (SCPD) and the Vice Provost Office for Teaching & Learning (VPTL), Mike is the Senior Director of Academic Technology Innovation at the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) overseeing the Academic Technology Solutions Lab.
Mike has had the privilege to lead some extraordinary pioneering distance education projects including:
*Stanford Online (1995-7) first completely online master’s degree program (USDLA Most Significant Advancement in the Field of Distance Learning)
*Courselets (2004) self-contained, integrated sets of learning materials
*Stanford Online Bookmarking System (2005) USDLA 21st Century Best Practice Award for Distance Learning
*Mobile Learning Project (2007): Using Nokia N800s, Overseas Studies Program students were enabled to directly engage in live two-way video dialog with the teaching staff/students at Stanford and at the international sites
*Stanford Engineering Everywhere (2008): Stanford University’s first MOOC (see.stanford.edu)
*Stanford University’s Windows 8 App (2012): first higher education app released in the Microsoft Windows Store
*ProEd Moodle Platform (2013): The SI&E Program was released in the most advanced instance of Moodle winning the USDLA Best Practice Award for Distance Learning Programming
*ClassX (2014): the School of Engineering's central repository of reusable learning objects
Prior to Stanford, taught in San Francisco State University's Educational Technology Master's program, and coordinated the broadcast schedule of the University's cable television station as staff of the AV/ITV Center.
Served on the Telecommunications Commission for the City and County of San Francisco.
Member of:
Directors of Educational Technology/California Higher Education
Online Learning Consortium
United States Distance Learning Association