Michele Ferretti
Ph.D. Student in Mechanical Engineering, admitted Winter 2024
Masters Student in Mechanical Engineering, admitted Spring 2024
MS/PhD Student and Hypersonics Researcher in the High-Temperature Gasdynamics Laboratory (Hanson group).
Honors & Awards
William Henry McMenemey Memorial Prize, University of Liverpool (07/2023)
Royal Aeronautical Society Prize, Royal Aeronautical Society (07/2023)
Frederic Barnes Waldron Best Student Award, Institution of Mechanical Engineers (10/2022)
Hele-Shaw Prize, University of Liverpool (10/2022)
Education & Certifications
Bachelor of Engineering, University of Liverpool, Aerospace Engineering with Pilot Studies (2023)
Work Experience
Junior Aerospace Engineer, Stellar Advanced Concepts (October 2022 - June 2023)
Design, Manufacture and Flight Test of a bio-inspired morphing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle sponsored by the European Space Agency.
London, United Kingdom
Engineering and Technology Summer Intern, Rolls-Royce plc (June 2022 - September 2022)
Worked on high-priority engine strips and contributed to a critical root cause investigation concerning vibrations on the Trent 1000-TEN and Trent 7000 engines, performing aerothermomechanical analysis on selected parts. Analysed millions of data points from the Engine Monitoring Unit installed on the global engine fleet, learning the programming language SQL autonomously. Worked on the development of the UltraFan, carrying out experimental tests to validate engineering predictions.
Derby, United Kingdom