Molleigh Preefer
Associate Scientist, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Dr. Molleigh Preefer is an Associate Staff Scientist at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL). She initially worked at SSRL as a postdoctoral researcher using X-rays to study batteries through a combination of microscopy, diffraction, and spectroscopy. Her current research focus as associate staff scientist is studying electrochemical systems and synthesis, with a particular interest in enabling operando X-ray experiments when materials are pushed far from equilibrium. In addition to her research interests, she supports the transmission X-ray microscopy beamline (BL6-2) and the battery user program on the diffraction beamlines within the Materials Sciences Division.
Education & Certifications
Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara, Materials Chemistry (2020)
B.A., Columbia University, Chemistry (2014)