All Publications

  • Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Child Abuse Identification and Inpatient Treatment. JAMA network open Salimi-Jazi, F., Liang, N. E., Huang, Z., Tennakoon, L., Rafeeqi, T., Trickey, A., Chao, S. D. 2024; 7 (12): e2451588


    Importance: Child abuse is a leading cause of morbidity in early childhood. Accurate detection remains challenging.Objective: To describe racial and ethnic disproportionalities in suspicion for child abuse (SCA) in pediatric patients admitted after traumatic injury.Design, Setting, and Participants: This retrospective, multicenter cross-sectional study performed between 2022 and 2024 examined a representative national sample of children and adolescents (aged <18 years) admitted for pediatric trauma indications from 2006 to 2019. Data were from the Kids' Inpatient Database (KID), the largest publicly available all-payer pediatric inpatient care database. Patient demographics, injury severity, and hospitalization characteristics were classified by race and ethnicity and compared using univariate and multivariate regression. Statistical analysis was performed between March 2022 and October 2024.Exposure: The SCA subgroup was identified using International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) and International Statistical Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) codes corresponding to child and adolescent maltreatment.Main Outcome and Measure: The primary outcome was the racial and ethnic composition of pediatric patients admitted after traumatic injury with SCA vs those without SCA.Results: Among the weighted total of 634 309 pediatric patients with complete data included in the study, 13 579 patients had injuries attributable to SCA (SCA subgroup; mean [SD] age, 1.70 [0.04] years; 7650 male [56.3%]; 2868 Black [21.1%], 2293, Hispanic [16.9%], and 5675 White [41.8%]) and 620 730 patients did not (non-SCA subgroup; mean [SD] age, 9.70 [0.01] years; 395 158 male [63.7%]; 86 376 Black [13.9%], 108 406 Hispanic [17.5%], and 298 748 White [48.1%]). The racial and ethnic distribution of the non-SCA subgroup was similar to that of the 2010 US Census. In the SCA subgroup, Black patients (odds ratio [OR], 1.75; 95% CI, 1.65-1.85; P<.001) and Hispanic patients were overrepresented (OR, 1.11; 95% CI, 1.05-1.18; P<.001) and White patients were underrepresented compared with the Census. After controlling for socioeconomic factors and hospital characteristics among 504 365 (weighted) observations in White, Black, and Hispanic patients (493 530 patients without and 10 835 patients with SCA), Black race remained an independent risk factor associated with SCA (OR, 1.10; 95% CI, 1.03-1.17; P=.004), whereas Hispanic race was found to be a protective factor associated with decreased odds of SCA (OR, 0.71; 95% CI, 0.67-0.76; P<.001). Compared with White patients in the SCA subgroup, Black patients had a 26.5% (95% CI, 11.0%-44.3%) longer length of stay (P<.001) for mild to moderate injuries and a 40.1% (95% CI, 16.4%-68.5%) longer length of stay (P<.001) for serious injury.Conclusion and Relevance: In this study, Black children and adolescents were suspected to have experienced child abuse at higher rates than children and adolescents of other racial and ethnic backgrounds. More research is necessary to understand the origins of these disparities to reduce them in child abuse identification.

    View details for DOI 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.51588

    View details for PubMedID 39693068

  • Beyond Physical Injury: Routine Screening for Acute Stress Disorder and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Pediatric Trauma Patients - A Longitudinal Cohort Pilot Study. Journal of pediatric surgery Liang, N. E., Alvarez, K., Dalusag, K., Chan, K., Bunnell, B., Stroud, M., Steele, K., Chao, S. D. 2024: 161982


    Early identification of children at risk for PTSD is critical for improving mental health outcomes after traumatic injury. Currently, there is no standard PTSD screen for pediatric trauma patients and limited data on long-term quality of life for those who screen positive.In 2022, we piloted a comprehensive routine screening program for ASD and PTSD at our Level I PTC. All admitted trauma patients ≥8 years old were eligible for screening. Inpatients were administered the ASC3. Those who screened positive were referred for follow-up and repeat mental health evaluation. PTSD screening (CTSQ, CPSS) and quality-of-life screening (PedsQL™) surveys were administered to eligible discharged trauma patients at 1-month post-injury. Children who screened positive on the CTSQ or CPSS were referred for behavioral health services.205 children were screened for ASD using the ASC3. 49/205 children (23.9 %) had a positive screen (score ≥3). 56 children completed PTSD screening at 1-month post-discharge. 14/54 children (25.9 %) screened positive on CTSQ, and 8/50 children (16 %) screened positive on CPSS. There was a significant positive correlation between CTSQ and CPSS scores (r 0.76, ∗P<0.0001). When stratified by screening results, patients who screened positive on CTSQ and CPSS were found to have the most significant correlations with poor School and Emotional Functioning on their quality-of-life inventory.Early screening for ASD may be predictive of later development of PTSD in children. Screening using previously validated tools (ASC3, CTSQ, CPSS) were effective in identifying children with negative emotional functioning lasting beyond the acute phase of physical recovery following injury. CTSQ and CPSS both performed well for screening at one-month post-discharge. Early identification can facilitate timely referral to mental health services to potentially minimize long-term socioemotional impact of PTSD.

    View details for DOI 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2024.161982

    View details for PubMedID 39384491

  • Management and outcomes of pilonidal patients with secondary sinuses-a cohort study. Pediatric surgery international Liang, N. E., Abrajano, C., Dalusag, K. S., Chiu, B. 2024; 40 (1): 227


    Patients with pilonidal disease (PD) can present with concurrent draining secondary sinus at the superior gluteal cleft. The natural disease course in the setting of this severe phenotype is poorly characterized. We present the largest cohort of patients with PD and concurrent secondary sinus.Patients with PD and concurrent secondary sinus who underwent Gips procedure with secondary sinus excision from 2019 to 2023 were prospectively followed. Patient demographics, drainage recurrence, symptom resolution, treatment, and follow-up period were recorded. Recurrent drainage from previous secondary sinus site was defined as isolated painless serous drainage after the wound had closed for > 3 weeks; recurrent PD was characterized as recurrent pain and bloody drainage after excision.One hundred and five patients (seventy-one males) with a median age of 17.2 years [interquartile range (IQR):15.4-19.0] underwent excision of their disease and were followed for a median of 367.0 days (IQR: 173.2-658.8). Without regular epilation, six patients (5.7%, five males, one female) had recurrent PD. With regular epilation, three patients (2.8%, three males) had recurrent PD. Eight patients (7.5%, six males, two females) had recurrent secondary sinus site drainage. Median time to recurrent drainage was 75.5 days (IQR: 65.2-216.2) after excision and for recurrent drainage to resolve was 72 days (IQR: 49-81). Recurrent secondary sinus site drainage was treated with antibiotics, silver nitrate, debridement, or no treatment.Patients who present with PD in the setting of concurrent secondary sinus have a unique, more severe disease phenotype. Excision can be complicated by recurrent drainage from the secondary sinus site that can resolve without repeat surgical excision.

    View details for DOI 10.1007/s00383-024-05821-x

    View details for PubMedID 39145895

    View details for PubMedCentralID 3140333

  • Understanding the Foreign Body Response via Single-Cell Meta-Analysis. Biology Liang, N. E., Parker, J. B., Lu, J. M., Januszyk, M., Wan, D. C., Griffin, M., Longaker, M. T. 2024; 13 (7)


    Foreign body response (FBR) is a universal reaction to implanted biomaterial that can affect the function and longevity of the implant. A few studies have attempted to identify targets for treating FBR through the use of single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq), though the generalizability of these findings from an individual study may be limited. In our study, we perform a meta-analysis of scRNA-seq data from all available FBR mouse studies and integrate these data to identify gene signatures specific to FBR across different models and anatomic locations. We identify subclusters of fibroblasts and macrophages that emerge in response to foreign bodies and characterize their signaling pathways, gene ontology terms, and downstream mediators. The fibroblast subpopulations enriched in the setting of FBR demonstrated significant signaling interactions in the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) signaling pathway, with known pro-fibrotic mediators identified as top expressed genes in these FBR-derived fibroblasts. In contrast, FBR-enriched macrophage subclusters highly expressed pro-fibrotic and pro-inflammatory mediators downstream of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) signaling. Cell-cell interactions were additionally interrogated using CellChat, with identification of key signaling interactions enriched between fibroblasts and macrophages in FBR. By combining multiple FBR datasets, our meta-analysis study identifies common cell-specific gene signatures enriched in foreign body reactions, providing potential therapeutic targets for patients requiring medical implants across a myriad of devices and indications.

    View details for DOI 10.3390/biology13070540

    View details for PubMedID 39056733

  • Pilonidal disease in siblings - A case series JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC SURGERY CASE REPORTS Liang, N. E., Abrajano, C., Chiu, B. 2024; 103
  • Pilonidal disease in the pregnant patient: A case report. International journal of surgery case reports Liang, N. E., Abrajano, C., Chiu, B. 2024; 117: 109539


    Pilonidal disease in the pregnant patient is underreported and may be instigated by significant shifts in hormone levels throughout pregnancy and the postpartum period.An otherwise healthy primigravid 22-year-old woman developed pilonidal disease at the beginning of her pregnancy. While pregnant, her symptoms recurred once and resolved without treatment. She was managed non-operatively during pregnancy. Her symptoms recurred again in the postpartum period but they quickly resolved. Due to the recurrent symptoms, she underwent definitive management via minimally invasive Gips procedure in the postpartum period, without further recurrence.Pilonidal disease affects pregnant patients and can be managed non-operatively. The etiology of pilonidal disease in the setting of pregnancy may be related to hormonal shifts and warrants further investigation.We present the first report of pilonidal disease in a pregnant patient in the primary literature. The hormonal shifts associated with pregnancy may be associated with the development of pilonidal disease in the pregnant patient.

    View details for DOI 10.1016/j.ijscr.2024.109539

    View details for PubMedID 38507939

  • Esophageal lung, pulmonary artery sling and congenital tracheal stenosis: A case report JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC SURGERY CASE REPORTS Liang, N. E., Kim, G. S., Gugig, R., Ma, M., Coll, A., Sidell, D., Bruzoni, M. 2024; 101
  • Use of magnets in pediatric surgery. Seminars in pediatric surgery Liang, N. E., Lin, S., Slater, B. J., Bruzoni, M. 2024; 33 (1): 151381


    Since the 1970s, magnets have been progressively harnessed for use in minimally invasive treatment of pediatric surgical disease. In particular, multiple magnetic devices have been developed for treating esophageal atresia, pectus excavatum and scoliosis. These devices, which can be placed via small incisions or under endoscopic or fluoroscopic guidance, provide the added benefit of sparing patients multiple large, invasive procedures, and allowing for gradual correction of congenital anomalies over days to months, depending on the disease. In the following text, we detail the current landscape of magnetic devices used by pediatric surgeons, illustrate their use through clinical cases, and review the available body of literature with respect their outcomes and complications.

    View details for DOI 10.1016/j.sempedsurg.2024.151381

    View details for PubMedID 38194748

  • Regional Variations in Pediatric Metabolic and Bariatric Surgeon Availability: A Call for Action. The Journal of surgical research Liang, N. E., Perez, N. P., Singhal, V., Pratt, J. S., Zitsman, J., Griggs, C. L. 2023; 295: 522-529


    Obesity is a significant public health concern in children. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends the use of metabolic and bariatric surgery (MBS) in children with severe obesity, however; MBS remains underutilized in part due to lack of access. This study aims to characterize the prevalence of pediatric obesity and compare this to regional pediatric MBS provider availability.State-specific prevalence rates of childhood obesity in children aged 10-17 were obtained from the National Survey of Children's Health. The member directory provided by the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgeons was used to identify all pediatric MBS providers and used to calculate the prevalence of MBS providers by state.The five states with the highest prevalence rates of childhood obesity were Kentucky, Mississippi, Louisiana, West Virginia, and Alabama. The five states with the highest prevalence (per 100,000 children with obesity) of MBS providers doing pediatric cases were North Dakota, New Jersey, Kansas, New York, and Utah. Notably, there was a negative correlation between the states with the lowest prevalence of pediatric MBS providers and states with the highest prevalence of childhood obesity (r -0.40, ∗P = 0.002).Our study demonstrates significant state-to-state variation in the prevalence of pediatric obesity and MBS provider availability by state as a proxy for access to surgical care for pediatric obesity. Further work to establish accessible multidisciplinary pediatric weight loss centers is needed to ensure that children and adolescents with obesity receive thorough evaluation and have access to MBS.

    View details for DOI 10.1016/j.jss.2023.11.056

    View details for PubMedID 38086252

  • Sleeve gastrectomy for the treatment of adolescent obesity in children aged 13 and under: a retrospective study. Surgery for obesity and related diseases : official journal of the American Society for Bariatric Surgery Liang, N. E., Herdes, R. E., Balili, R., Pratt, J. S., Bruzoni, M. 2023


    Sleeve gastrectomy (SG) induces weight reduction and improves metabolic co-morbidities in children with severe obesity but remains underutilized, especially for young adolescents and preadolescents.We hypothesized there would be no differences in weight loss or co-morbidity resolution at 1 year post-SG in children who underwent SG at 13 years or younger compared to children who underwent SG at 17-18 years old.Academic medical center, United States.Medical records of children who underwent laparoscopic SG at a quaternary academic center from September 2014 to October 2022 were reviewed. A cohort of 15 patients, ≤13 years of age, was compared to a matched cohort of 15 older adolescent patients. Preoperative characteristics and postoperative outcomes were collected.Both cohorts had similar baseline characteristics. Median preoperative body mass index (BMI) was 51.8 kg/m2 for the ≤13 cohort compared to 50.9 kg/m2 in the older cohort (P = .87). Time to postoperative enteral feeds and length of stay were similar between both groups, and there were no 30-day readmissions or immediate postoperative complications. Median percentage excess BMI loss at 1 year postoperation was 54% (IQR, 25.5%-94.5%) for the ≤13 cohort compared with 44% (IQR, 34.0%-51.0%) for the older cohort (P = .34). Two of 11 patients were lost to follow-up in the younger group compared to 4 of 15 in the older group (P = .61). Both groups demonstrated significant improvement in metabolic syndrome co-morbidities after SG.SG in younger children is associated with successful postsurgical outcomes compared with adolescents, with effective weight loss and improvement of obesity-related metabolic co-morbidities.

    View details for DOI 10.1016/j.soard.2023.12.005

    View details for PubMedID 38195315

  • Where There Is Fat, There Is Fibrosis: Elucidating the Mechanisms of Creeping Fat-Driven Stricture Formation Bauer-Rowe, K. E., Kim, A., Griffin, M., Liang, N., Foster, D., Guo, J. L., Norton, J. A., Longaker, M. T., Hyun, J. S. LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS. 2023: S365-S366
  • Single-Cell RNA-Sequencing Identifies Modulator of Foreign Body Response with Use of Acellular Dermal Matrix in Breast Reconstruction Liang, N., Tevlin, R., Griffin, M., Parker, J. B., Henn, D., Navarro, R. S., Dung Nguyen, Momeni, A., Wan, D. C., Longaker, M. T. LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS. 2023: S389-S390
  • Tissue Microenvironment a Key Driver in Fibrotic Capsules Formed During Foreign Body Response Parker, J. B., Griffin, M., Downer, M., Morgan, A., Guo, J. L., Liang, N., Berry, C., Diiorio, S., Wan, D. C., Longaker, M. T. LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS. 2023: S393
  • Novel Deferoxamine Cream Formulation Improves Perfusion, Elasticity, and Tissue Architecture in Chronically Irradiated Murine Skin Compared to Transdermal Patch Berry, C., Abbas, D., Kameni, L., Griffin, M., Downer, M., Parker, J. B., Liang, N., Guo, J. L., Longaker, M. T., Wan, D. C. LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS. 2023: S386
  • Pioglitazone Decreases Adipogenisis Leading to Melanoma Skin Tumor Suppression Downer, M., Griffin, M., Morgan, A., Parker, J. B., Berry, C., Li, D. J., Liang, N., Kameni, L., Wan, D. C., Longaker, M. T. LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS. 2023: S387-S388
  • Ferropotosis Levels Decrease in Response to Deferoxamine Treatment in Irradiated Murine Skin Berry, C., Kameni, L., Griffin, M., Downer, M., Parker, J. B., Guo, J. L., Liang, N., Januszyk, M., Longaker, M. T., Wan, D. C. LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS. 2023: S382
  • Healing of Chronically Irradiated Excisional Wounds Improved by Topical Deferoxamine Treatment Berry, C., Griffin, M., Kameni, L., Abbas, D., Downer, M., Parker, J. B., Liang, N., Januszyk, M., Longaker, M. T., Wan, D. C. LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS. 2023: S382-S383
  • Grafting of Human Foreskin onto Murine Dorsum Provides a Novel Model of Chronic Radiation-Induced Fibrosis Berry, C., Abbas, D., Griffin, M., Kameni, L., Downer, M., Parker, J. B., Liang, N., Dilorio, S., Longaker, M. T., Wan, D. C. LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS. 2023: S398
  • A Review of Radiation-Induced Vascular Injury and Clinical Impact. Annals of plastic surgery Kameni, L. E., Januszyk, M., Berry, C. E., Downer, M. A., Parker, J. B., Morgan, A. G., Valencia, C., Griffin, M., Li, D. J., Liang, N. E., Momeni, A., Longaker, M. T., Wan, D. C. 2023


    ABSTRACT: The number of cancer survivors continues to increase because of advances in therapeutic modalities. Along with surgery and chemotherapy, radiotherapy is a commonly used treatment modality in roughly half of all cancer patients. It is particularly helpful in the oncologic treatment of patients with breast, head and neck, and prostate malignancies. Unfortunately, among patients receiving radiation therapy, long-term sequalae are often unavoidable, and there is accumulating clinical evidence suggesting significant radiation-related damage to the vascular endothelium. Ionizing radiation has been known to cause obliterative fibrosis and increased wall thickness in irradiated blood vessels. Clinically, these vascular changes induced by ionizing radiation can pose unique surgical challenges when operating in radiated fields. Here, we review the relevant literature on radiation-induced vascular damage focusing on mechanisms and signaling pathways involved and highlight microsurgical anastomotic outcomes after radiotherapy. In addition, we briefly comment on potential therapeutic strategies, which may have the ability to mitigate radiation injury to the vascular endothelium.

    View details for DOI 10.1097/SAP.0000000000003723

    View details for PubMedID 37962260

  • Outcomes after metabolic and bariatric surgery in preteens versus teens using the Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation and Quality Improvement Program database and center-specific data. Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.) Shah, A., Liang, N. E., Bruzoni, M., Pratt, J. S., Zitsman, J., Nadler, E. P. 2023


    OBJECTIVE: The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recently released clinical guidelines for the treatment of childhood obesity, including surgery being appropriate for children 13years of age and older. The use of this age cut-off was due to a lack of data for children younger than 13. To address this knowledge gap, the Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation and Quality Improvement Program (MBSAQIP) database was queried to compare outcomes in preteens to teens after bariatric surgery hypothesizing that there would be no difference in outcomes between the two groups.METHODS: Patients from the MSAQIP database (2016-2021) were identified and divided into groups <13years and 13-18years and were matched using propensity scores based on race, sex, and preoperative BMI. Outcomes were compared including change in BMI, complication rates, 30-day readmission or reoperation, and mortality. Additionally, the centers responsible for the bulk of the preteen patient entries queried their center-specific databases to evaluate weight loss over time.RESULTS: A total of 4755 patients were identified, 47 of whom were<13years of age. Preteens had similar sex distribution (66% vs. 75% female), were more likely to be Black (27.7% vs. 18.3%) or Hispanic (21.3% vs. 7.6%) race, and weighed less (274±58 vs. 293±85 lb, p=0.01), but they had similar BMI (46.9±7 vs. 47±13kg/m2 ) as their teen counterparts. Preteens were more likely to suffer from sleep apnea (34% vs. 19%, p<0.01) and insulin-dependent type 2 diabetes (10.6% vs. 1.8%, p<0.01). There were no complications in the preteens compared to teens (0% vs. 0.5%), and they did not undergo any unplanned readmissions (0% vs. 2.9%) or reoperations (0% vs. 0.8%) within 30days of surgery. There were also no mortalities reported in preteens (0% vs. 0.1%). The risk-adjusted decrease in BMI between preteens and teens was also comparable at 30days (4.2 [95% CI: 3.0-5.4] vs. 4.6 [95% CI: 4.4-4.7], p=0.6). Decrease in BMI in preteens was 7±3kg/m2 at 3 months and 9±4kg/m2 at 12 months after surgery, which represented a percentage BMI change of 16±7 and 20±8, respectively.CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that bariatric surgery in preteens is safe and efficacious when performed at specialized centers, and that age criteria may not be required. The AAP and others are encouraged to include age cut-offs in their guidelines for children with obesity and bariatric surgery only when data are available to support their inclusion.

    View details for DOI 10.1002/oby.23908

    View details for PubMedID 37800184

  • Understanding the Role of Adipocytes and Fibroblasts in Cancer. Annals of plastic surgery Downer, M. A., Griffin, M. F., Morgan, A. G., Parker, J. B., Li, D. J., Berry, C. E., Liang, N. E., Kameni, L., Cotterell, A. C., Akras, D., Valencia, C., Longaker, M. T., Wan, D. C. 2023


    Cancer is currently the second leading cause of death in the United States. There is increasing evidence that the tumor microenvironment (TME) is pivotal for tumorigenesis and metastasis. Recently, adipocytes and cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) in the TME have been shown to play a major role in tumorigenesis of different cancers, specifically melanoma. Animal studies have shown that CAFs and adipocytes within the TME help tumors evade the immune system, for example, by releasing chemokines to blunt the effectiveness of the host defense. Although studies have identified that adipocytes and CAFs play a role in tumorigenesis, adipocyte transition to fibroblast within the TME is fairly unknown. This review intends to elucidate the potential that adipocytes may have to transition to fibroblasts and, as part of the TME, a critical role that CAFs may play in affecting the growth and invasion of tumor cells. Future studies that illuminate the function of adipocytes and CAFs in the TME may pave way for new antitumor therapies.

    View details for DOI 10.1097/SAP.0000000000003658

    View details for PubMedID 37553786

  • Attenuating Chronic Fibrosis: Decreasing Foreign Body Response with Acellular Dermal Matrix. Tissue engineering. Part B, Reviews Liang, N. E., Griffin, M., Berry, C. E., Parker, J. B., Downer, M. A., Wan, D. C., Longaker, M. T. 2023


    Surgical implants are increasingly used across multiple medical disciplines, with applications ranging from tissue reconstruction to improving compromised organ and limb function. Despite their significant potential for improving health and quality of life, biomaterial implant function is severely limited by the body's immune response to its presence: this is known as the foreign body response and is characterized by chronic inflammation and fibrotic capsule formation. This response can result in life-threatening sequelae such as implant malfunction, superimposed infection and associated vessel thrombosis, in addition to soft tissue disfigurement. Patients may require frequent medical visits, as well as repeated invasive procedures, increasing the burden on an already strained healthcare system. Currently, the foreign body response and the cells and molecular mechanisms that mediate it are poorly understood. With applications across a wide array of surgical specialties, acellular dermal matrix has emerged as a potential solution to the fibrotic reaction seen with FBR. Though the mechanisms by which acellular dermal matrix decreases chronic fibrosis remain to be clearly characterized, animal studies across diverse surgical models point to its biomimetic properties that facilitate decreased periprosthetic inflammation and improved host cell incorporation.

    View details for DOI 10.1089/ten.TEB.2023.0060

    View details for PubMedID 37212342

  • The effects of mechanical force on fibroblast behavior in cutaneous injury. Frontiers in surgery Berry, C. E., Downer, M., Morgan, A. G., Griffin, M., Liang, N. E., Kameni, L., Laufey Parker, J. B., Guo, J., Longaker, M. T., Wan, D. C. 2023; 10: 1167067


    Wound healing results in the formation of scar tissue which can be associated with functional impairment, psychological stress, and significant socioeconomic cost which exceeds 20 billion dollars annually in the United States alone. Pathologic scarring is often associated with exaggerated action of fibroblasts and subsequent excessive accumulation of extracellular matrix proteins which results in fibrotic thickening of the dermis. In skin wounds, fibroblasts transition to myofibroblasts which contract the wound and contribute to remodeling of the extracellular matrix. Mechanical stress on wounds has long been clinically observed to result in increased pathologic scar formation, and studies over the past decade have begun to uncover the cellular mechanisms that underly this phenomenon. In this article, we will review the investigations which have identified proteins involved in mechano-sensing, such as focal adhesion kinase, as well as other important pathway components that relay the transcriptional effects of mechanical forces, such as RhoA/ROCK, the hippo pathway, YAP/TAZ, and Piezo1. Additionally, we will discuss findings in animal models which show the inhibition of these pathways to promote wound healing, reduce contracture, mitigate scar formation, and restore normal extracellular matrix architecture. Recent advances in single cell RNA sequencing and spatial transcriptomics and the resulting ability to further characterize mechanoresponsive fibroblast subpopulations and the genes that define them will be summarized. Given the importance of mechanical signaling in scar formation, several clinical treatments focused on reducing tension on the wound have been developed and are described here. Finally, we will look toward future research which may reveal novel cellular pathways and deepen our understanding of the pathogenesis of pathologic scarring. The past decade of scientific inquiry has drawn many lines connecting these cellular mechanisms that may lead to a map for the development of transitional treatments for patients on the path to scarless healing.

    View details for DOI 10.3389/fsurg.2023.1167067

    View details for PubMedID 37143767

    View details for PubMedCentralID PMC10151708

  • Obstructive Jaundice Secondary to Peribiliary Cyst Within the Common Hepatic Duct AMERICAN SURGEON Gartland, R. M., Landino, S. M., Liang, N. E., Day, C. J., Berger, D. L. 2023; 89 (3): 478-480

    View details for DOI 10.1177/0003134820973359

    View details for Web of Science ID 000932257000025

    View details for PubMedID 33283523

  • Multiplexed evaluation of mouse wound tissue using oligonucleotide barcoding with single-cell RNA sequencing. STAR protocols Januszyk, M., Griffin, M., Mascharak, S., Talbott, H. E., Chen, K., Henn, D., Spielman, A. F., Parker, J. B., Liang, N. E., Cotterell, A., Guardino, N., Foster, D. S., Wagh, D., Coller, J., Gurtner, G. C., Wan, D. C., Longaker, M. T. 2022; 4 (1): 101946


    Despite its rapidly increased availability for the study of complex tissue, single-cell RNA sequencing remains prohibitively expensive for large studies. Here, we present a protocol using oligonucleotide barcoding for the tagging and pooling of multiple samples from healing wounds, which are among the most challenging tissue types for this application. We describe steps to generate skin wounds in mice, followed by tissue harvest and oligonucleotide barcoding. This protocol is also applicable to other species including rats, pigs, and humans. For complete details on the use and execution of this protocol, please refer to Stoeckius etal. (2018),1 Galiano etal. (2004),2 and Mascharak etal. (2022).3.

    View details for DOI 10.1016/j.xpro.2022.101946

    View details for PubMedID 36525348

  • A Novel Thoracic Ultrasound Measurement After Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Repair Identifies Decreased Diaphragmatic Excursion Associated With Adverse Respiratory and Surgical Outcomes FRONTIERS IN PEDIATRICS Ross, J. T., Liang, N. E., Phelps, A. S., Squillaro, A., Vu, L. T. 2021; 9: 707052


    Background and Aim: Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) is a rare defect often associated with pulmonary hypoplasia and abnormal pulmonary vascular development. Even after successful hernia repair, pulmonary disease may persist into adulthood. Impaired diaphragmatic motility may lead to compromised respiratory function long after index repair. This study investigates whether a novel ultrasound measurement, the diaphragmatic excursion ratio, can be a simple and non-invasive method to evaluate routine diaphragmatic motion after CDH repair, and whether it correlates with adverse surgical and respiratory outcomes. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in consecutive patients who presented at medium-term follow-up visit between December 2017 and December 2018 after CDH repair at single pediatric hospital. Transthoracic ultrasound was performed with craniocaudal diaphragmatic excursion measured bilaterally during routine breathing. Diaphragmatic excursion ratios (diaphragmatic excursion of repaired vs. unrepaired side) were calculated and retrospectively compared with clinical data including demographics, length of stay, respiratory adjuncts, oral feeding, and need for gastrostomy. Results: Thirty-eight patients (median age at ultrasound, 24 months, interquartile range 11-60) were evaluated. Nine patients underwent primary repair, 29 had non-primary repair (internal oblique muscle flap or mesh patch). Patients with a diaphragmatic excursion ratio below the median (0.54) had longer hospital stays (median 77 vs. 28 days, p = 0.0007) more ventilator days (median 16 vs. 9 days, p =0.004), and were more likely to have been discharged on oxygen (68 vs. 16%, p = 0.001). They were also less likely to be exclusively taking oral feeds at 1-year post-surgery (37 vs. 74%, p = 0.02) and more likely to require a gastrostomy tube in the first year of life (74 vs. 21%, p = 0.003). Conclusions: Transthoracic ultrasound after CDH repair is practical method to assess diaphragm motion, and decreased diaphragm excursion ratio is associated with worse respiratory outcomes, a longer length of stay, and dependence on gastrostomy tube feeding within 1 year. Further prospective studies may help validate this novel ultrasound measurement and offer prognostic value.

    View details for DOI 10.3389/fped.2021.707052

    View details for Web of Science ID 000687378000001

    View details for PubMedID 34422729

    View details for PubMedCentralID PMC8375432

  • Development of the Minimalist Approach for Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement at a Veterans Affairs Medical Center JOURNAL OF INVASIVE CARDIOLOGY Lum, M. Y., Wang, S. X., Wisneski, A. D., Liang, N., Zimmet, J., Shunk, K. A., Stechert, M., London, M. J., Ge, L., Tseng, E. E. 2021; 33 (2): E108-E114


    While a minimalist transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) approach has shown safety and efficacy at civilian hospitals, limited data exist regarding developing this approach at Veterans Affairs (VA) medical centers (VAMCs). We implemented TAVR with minimalist approach (MA) using conscious sedation (CS) with transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) and compared safety and outcomes with general anesthesia (GA) with transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) at a university-affiliated VAMC.A total of 258 patients underwent transfemoral TAVR at a VAMC between November 2013 and October 2019. Ninety-three patients underwent GA/TEE and 165 patients underwent CS/TTE with dexmedetomidine and remifentanil. Propensity-score matching with nearest-neighbor matching was used to account for baseline differences, yielding 227 participants (81 GA, 146 CS).MA-TAVR had no effect on 30-day mortality or paravalvular leakage. No differences were found in permanent pacemaker implantation, major vascular complications, or postoperative hemodynamics. In this population, MA-TAVR did not reduce procedural time, hospital length of stay, or intensive care unit length of stay.Unlike civilian hospitals, MA with CS/TTE did not reduce overall length of stay in the veteran population; however, it was safe and effective for transfemoral TAVR without impacting clinical outcomes of mortality, major vascular complications, and paravalvular leakage.

    View details for Web of Science ID 000618245100007

    View details for PubMedID 33531442

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  • Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy in an Academic General Surgical Program: Implications for Acute Care Surgeons SURGICAL INNOVATION Ross, J. T., Liang, N. E., Lebares, C. C., Carter, J. T., Harris, H. W., Cello, J. P., Rogers, S. J., Lin, M. C. 2020; 27 (6): 669-674


    Background. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) is an important tool in the evolving specialty of acute care surgery (ACS). Understanding the types of nonelective EGDs performed by ACS groups is important for the development of ACS programs and the training of future general surgeons. Methods. We conducted a retrospective review of all EGDs performed by ACS surgeons at a single urban academic center over a 5-year period (January 2013-December 2018). Results. A total of 495 EGDs were performed, of which 129 (26%) were urgent, nonelective procedures. Patients who underwent urgent EGD were younger than those who underwent elective procedures (median 55 vs 60 years, P = .03), had higher American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) classes (median ASA 3 vs 2, P = .0002), and longer hospital stays (median 5 days vs 0 days, P < .0001). The most common indications for urgent endoscopies were the management of leak, dysphagia, or stenosis in patients with a history of foregut surgery, followed by the management of esophageal perforation. The success rate of endoscopic therapy was high (median 88%, interquartile range (IQR) 78-89%). However, some patients required multiple interventions (median 1, IQR 1-3), and patients treated for leaks were less likely to be successfully treated with endoscopic therapy alone than patients treated for other indications (success rate 65% vs 88%, P = .003). Conclusions. Our experience suggests that EGD has an important role in current ACS practice and that endoscopic management is safe and effective in a range of urgent surgical scenarios. Future ACS surgeons should be facile with endoscopic techniques.

    View details for DOI 10.1177/1553350620957802

    View details for Web of Science ID 000567002600001

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  • Diagnostic Challenges in Primary Sacral Tumors and the Yield of Computed Tomography-Guided Needle Biopsy in the Modern Era WORLD NEUROSURGERY Safaee, M. M., Carrera, D. A., Chin, C. T., Mashhood, A., Eisenmenger, L., Liang, N. E., Lewis, K. M., Chou, D., Ames, C. P., Weinstein, P. R. 2020; 138: E806-E818


    Primary sacral tumors pose unique challenges because of their complex radiographic appearances, diverse pathologic entities, and dramatically different treatment paradigms based on tumor type. Magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography (CT) can provide valuable information; however, sacral lesions can possess unique radiographic features and pose diagnostic dilemmas. CT-guided percutaneous needle biopsy is a critical component of the diagnostic workup. However, limited data are available on its efficacy for primary sacral tumors.The data from patients with newly diagnosed primary sacral lesions during a 12-year period at our hospital were analyzed. The preoperative magnetic resonance imaging findings, biopsy results, and pathological data for patients who required surgery were analyzed. Unique cases in which the final pathologic result was unexpected from the preoperative imaging findings have been highlighted.Of 38 patients who underwent percutaneous needle biopsy, diagnostic tissue was obtained on the first attempt for 31 (82%). Five of the remaining 7 obtained diagnostic tissue on the second attempt, yielding 95% diagnosis, with only two requiring open biopsies. In 2 patients with diagnostic tissue on CT-guided biopsy, an open biopsy was still recommended because of the clinical scenario. In both patients, the open biopsy results matched those of the CT-guided biopsy. For the 18 patients who required surgery, we found 100% correlation between the percutaneous needle biopsy findings and the final pathological diagnosis. No biopsy-induced complications or extraspinal tumor seeding occurred.CT-guided biopsy is a safe and effective technique. It represents a critical component of the diagnostic algorithm, given the diverse pathological findings of primary sacral lesions and dramatic differences in treatment.

    View details for DOI 10.1016/J.WNEU.2020.03.094

    View details for Web of Science ID 000540724700016

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  • A Rare Case of Gallbladder Small Cell Carcinoma JOURNAL OF GASTROINTESTINAL SURGERY Liang, N. E., Taylor, M. S., Ferrone, C. R. 2021; 25 (2): 561-564

    View details for DOI 10.1007/s11605-020-04620-8

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  • Bouveret's syndrome: A rare form of gallstone ileus SURGERY Wojcik, B. M., Liang, N. E., Qadan, M. 2019; 166 (2): 230-231
  • Veterans Affairs Heart Team Experience With Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement and Minimally Invasive Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement JOURNAL OF INVASIVE CARDIOLOGY Liang, N. E., Wisneski, A. D., Wang, S. X., Shunk, K. A., Wozniak, C. J., Yang, J., Zimmet, J. M., Ge, L., Tseng, E. E. 2019; 31 (8): 217-222


    Aortic valve disease is prevalent in the veteran population. Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) and minimally invasive surgical aortic valve replacement (MIAVR) are minimally invasive approaches predominantly performed at higher-volume cardiac centers. The study aim was to evaluate our experience with minimally invasive techniques at a Veterans Affairs Medical Center (VAMC), since outcomes from lower-volume federal facilities are relatively unknown.This study examined retrospective data from 228 consecutive patients who underwent treatment for isolated aortic valve disease with MIAVR or TAVR via intent-to-treat at a VAMC between January 2011 and July 2017. Perioperative outcomes were analyzed using Stata version 15.Operative mortality was 1.1% for MIAVR and 0.7% for TAVR (Χ² P=.79). Median length of hospital stay was 10 days (interquartile range [IQR], 7-14 days) for MIAVR and 4 days for TAVR (IQR, 3-6 days; Mann-Whitney P<.001). Postoperative new-onset atrial fibrillation occurred in 52% of MIAVR patients and 5.2% of TAVR patients (Χ² P<.001). Stroke occurred in 2.2% of MIAVR patients and 3.0% of TAVR patients (Χ² P=.71). In patients who underwent MIAVR, 5.4% required placement of a permanent pacemaker postoperatively, compared with 14% of TAVR patients (Χ² P=.04). Mild paravalvular leak (PVL) affected 2.2% of MIAVR and 28% of TAVR patients, with moderate PVL reported in 2.2% of MIAVR and 3% of TAVR patients (Χ² P<.001).The VAMC heart team offers MIAVR and TAVR to veterans with isolated aortic valve disease, and has achieved excellent outcomes despite relatively lower case volumes. Both offer excellent hemodynamic results, with low mortality in a complex population.

    View details for Web of Science ID 000494296900004

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  • Evolution of Minimally Invasive Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement at a Veterans Affairs Medical Center INNOVATIONS-TECHNOLOGY AND TECHNIQUES IN CARDIOTHORACIC AND VASCULAR SURGERY Liang, N. E., Wisneski, A. D., Wozaniak, C. J., Ge, L., Tseng, E. E. 2019; 14 (3): 251-262


    The majority of minimally invasive surgical aortic valve replacements (MIAVRs) are performed at high-volume cardiac surgery centers. However, outcomes at lower volume federal facilities are not yet reported in the literature and not captured in the national Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS) database. Our study objective was to describe the evolution of MIAVR at a Veterans Affairs Medical Center (VAMC).A single-center retrospective cohort study was performed of 114 patients who underwent MIAVR for isolated aortic valvular disease between January 2011 and August 2018. Preoperative STS risk factors were determined and perioperative outcomes were analyzed.By 2016, 100% of isolated surgical aortic valve replacements were performed as MIAVRs at our VAMC. Introduction of automatic knot-fastening devices, single-shot del Nido cardioplegia, and rapid deployment valves decreased aortic cross-clamp (AXC) times from a median of 96 (interquartile range [IQR]: 84 to 103) to 53 minutes (38 to 61, P < 0.001, Kruskal-Wallis). Thirty-day mortality was 0.9%. Median length of hospital stay was 9 days (7 to 13). Postoperative atrial fibrillation occurred in 54% of patients, stroke occurred in 1.8% of patients, and 7.1% of patients required permanent pacemakers. Transition to rapid deployment valves decreased postoperative mean pressure gradient from median 14 mmHg (10 to 17) to 7 mmHg (4.7 to 10, P < 0.001, Mann-Whitney). At median 1.5-year follow-up echocardiogram, mean gradient was 10.8 mmHg with mild paravalvular leak rate of 1.8%.Facilitating technologies decreased operative times during MIAVR adoption at our VAMC. For patients with isolated aortic valve pathology, MIAVR can be performed with low morbidity and mortality at lower volume federal institutions, with outcomes comparable to those reported from higher volume centers.

    View details for DOI 10.1177/1556984519843498

    View details for Web of Science ID 000487009900009

    View details for PubMedID 31081708

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  • Experience of Minimally Invasive Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement at a Veterans Affairs Medical Center Liang, N. E., Ge, L., Tseng, E. E. ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC. 2018: E90-E91
  • Clinical signs and electroencephalographic patterns of emergence from sevoflurane anaesthesia in children: An observational study EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIOLOGY Cornelissen, L., Donado, C., Lee, J. M., Liang, N. E., Mills, I., Tou, A., Bilge, A., Berde, C. B. 2018; 35 (1): 49-59


    Few studies have systematically described relationships between clinical-behavioural signs, electroencephalographic (EEG) patterns and age during emergence from anaesthesia in young children.To identify the relationships between end-tidal sevoflurane (ETsevoflurane) concentration, age and frontal EEG spectral properties in predicting recovery of clinical-behavioural signs during emergence from sevoflurane in children 0 to 3 years of age, with and without exposure to nitrous oxide. The hypothesis was that clinical signs occur sequentially during emergence, and that for infants aged more than 3 months, changes in alpha EEG power are correlated with clinical-behavioural signs.An observational study.A tertiary paediatric teaching hospital from December 2012 to August 2016.Ninety-five children aged 0 to 3 years who required surgery below the neck.Time-course of, and ETsevoflurane concentrations at first gross body movement, first cough, first grimace, dysconjugate eye gaze, frontal (F7/F8) alpha EEG power (8 to 12 Hz), frontal beta EEG power (13 to 30 Hz), surgery-end.Clinical signs of emergence followed an orderly sequence of events across all ages. Clinical signs occurred over a narrow ETsevoflurane, independent of age [movement: 0.4% (95% confidence interval (CI), 0.3 to 0.4), cough 0.3% (95% CI, 0.3 to 0.4), grimace 0.2% (95% CI, 0 to 0.3); P > 0.5 for age vs. ETsevoflurane]. Dysconjugate eye gaze was observed between ETsevoflurane 1 to 0%. In children more than 3 months old, frontal alpha EEG oscillations were present at ETsevoflurane 2.0% and disappeared at 0.5%. Movement occurred within 5 min of alpha oscillation disappearance in 99% of patients. Nitrous oxide had no effect on the time course or ETsevoflurane at which children showed body movement, grimace or cough.Several clinical signs occur sequentially during emergence, and are independent of exposure to nitrous oxide. Eye position is poorly correlated with other clinical signs or ETsevoflurane. EEG spectral characteristics may aid prediction of clinical-behavioural signs in children more than 3 months.

    View details for DOI 10.1097/EJA.0000000000000739

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  • Clinical Signs and Electroencephalographic Patterns of Emergence From Sevoflurane Anesthesia in Children Cornelissen, L., Liang, N., Donado, C., Lee, J., Bilge, A., Berde, C. LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS. 2017: 929
  • Discovery of 8-Membered Ring Sulfonamides as Inhibitors of Oncogenic Mutant Isocitrate Dehydrogenase 1 ACS MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS Law, J. M., Stark, S. C., Liu, K., Liang, N. E., Hussain, M. M., Leiendecker, M., Ito, D., Verho, O., Stern, A. M., Johnston, S. E., Zhang, Y., Dunn, G. P., Shamji, A. F., Schreiber, S. L. 2016; 7 (10): 944-949


    Evidence suggests that specific mutations of isocitrate dehydrogenases 1 and 2 (IDH1/2) are critical for the initiation and maintenance of certain tumor types and that inhibiting these mutant enzymes with small molecules may be therapeutically beneficial. In order to discover mutant allele-selective IDH1 inhibitors with chemical features distinct from existing probes, we screened a collection of small molecules derived from diversity-oriented synthesis. The assay identified compounds that inhibit the IDH1-R132H mutant allele commonly found in glioma. Here, we report the discovery of a potent (IC50 = 50 nM) series of IDH1-R132H inhibitors having 8-membered ring sulfonamides as exemplified by the compound BRD2879. The inhibitors suppress (R)-2-hydroxyglutarate production in cells without apparent toxicity. Although the solubility and pharmacokinetic properties of the specific inhibitor BRD2879 prevent its use in vivo, the scaffold presents a validated starting point for the synthesis of future IDH1-R132H inhibitors having improved pharmacological properties.

    View details for DOI 10.1021/acsmedchemlett.6b00264

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