
As a sociologist of higher education, Dr. Gumport has focused her research and teaching on key changes in the academic landscape and organizational character of American higher education. She has studied the dynamics of academic change in several arenas — illuminating what facilitates change and what impedes it — across and within different types of colleges and universities. Extending core concerns in the sociology of knowledge and institutional theory, Dr. Gumport has analyzed how organizational, intellectual, political, economic, and professional interests redefine the content, structure, and relative legitimacy of academic fields. Specific studies include: the emergence and institutionalization of interdisciplinary fields; graduate education and professional socialization across academic disciplines; organizational restructuring and selective investment; the ascendance of industry logic in public higher education; forces that promote and inhibit academic collaboration; decision-making about appropriate organizational forms to support new ideas; and leading organizational change for optimal effectiveness with internal and external stakeholders. Her research within the United States and Europe examines how universities that are ostensibly competitors determine when and how to collaborate. Her analyses include implications for academic leaders who pursue strategic initiatives, manage environmental pressures and stakeholder interests, and seek leadership development opportunities.

Academic Appointments

Administrative Appointments

  • Vice Provost for Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs, Stanford University (2006 - 2019)
  • Director, Stanford Institute for Higher Education Research: SIHER (1995 - Present)
  • Professor of Education, Stanford Graduate School of Education (2003 - Present)
  • Faculty, Stanford University (1989 - Present)

Boards, Advisory Committees, Professional Organizations

  • Co-Director, Stanford Leadership Academy (2019 - Present)
  • Member, Committee on Finance, Stanford Board of Trustees (2023 - Present)
  • Member, Faculty Advisory Board, Knight-Hennessy Scholars Program (2019 - Present)
  • Advisor, Distinguished Careers Institute (2019 - Present)
  • Member, Board of Directors, Stanford Alumni Association (2019 - 2023)
  • Member, Provost's Budget Group (2004 - 2019)
  • Chair, Division of Social Sciences, Policy, and Educational Practice, Stanford Graduate School of Education (2004 - 2006)

Professional Education

  • BA, Colgate University, Philosophy and English (1980)
  • MA, Stanford University, Education (1982)
  • MA, Stanford University, Sociology (1986)
  • PhD, Stanford University, Education (1987)

All Publications

  • Strategic thinking in higher education research The organization of higher education: Managing colleges for a new era Gumport, P. J. 2012: 18-41
  • Higher education: Evolving forms and emerging markets The non-profit sector: A research handbook Gumport, P. J., Snydman, S. K. 2006: 462-484
  • The nonprofit sector: A research handbook Steinberg, W. W. Yale University Press. 2006
  • Graduate education and research: Interdependence and strain American higher education in the twenty-first century: Social, political, and economic challenges Gumport, P. J. 2005; 2: 425-461
  • Toward the development of liberal arts indicators Tracking changes in the humanities. Essays on finance and education Gumport, P. J., Jennings, J. D. 2005: 113-166
  • The demand-response scenario: Perspectives of community college presidents ANNALS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCE Gumport, P. J. 2003; 586: 38-61
  • Graduate student unionization: Catalysts and consequences REVIEW OF HIGHER EDUCATION Julius, D. J., Gumport, P. J. 2003; 26 (2): 187-?
  • Graduate student unionization: Catalysts and consequences The Review of Higher Education Julius, D. J., Gumport, P. J. 2003; 26 (2): 187-216
  • The demand-response scenario: Perspectives of community college presidents The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science Gumport, P. J. 2003; 586 (1): 38-61
  • Access to what? Mission differentiation and academic stratification in US public higher education Higher Education Bastedo, M. N., Gumport, P. J. 2003; 46 (3): 341-359
  • Drawing new maps for a changing enterprise Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning Gumport, P. J., Zemsky, R. 2003; 35 (4): 30-35
  • The formal organization of knowledge - An analysis of academic structure JOURNAL OF HIGHER EDUCATION Gumport, P. J., Snydman, S. K. 2002; 73 (3): 375-?
  • Universities and knowledge: Restructuring the city of intellect The future of the city of intellect: The changing American university Gumport, P. J. 2002: 47-81
  • The formal organization of knowledge: An analysis of academic structure The Journal of Higher Education Gumport, P. J., Snydman, S. K. 2002; 73 (3): 375-408
  • Academic stratification and endemic conflict: Remedial education policy at CUNY REVIEW OF HIGHER EDUCATION Gumport, P. J., Bastedo, M. N. 2001; 24 (4): 333-?
  • Academic stratification and endemic conflict: Remedial education policy at CUNY The Review of Higher Education Gumport, P. J., Bastedo, M. N. 2001; 24 (4): 333-349
  • Restructuring: Imperatives and opportunities for academic leaders Innovative Higher Education Gumport, P. J. 2001; 25 (4): 239-251
  • Academic restructuring: Organizational change and institutional imperatives HIGHER EDUCATION Gumport, P. J. 2000; 39 (1): 67-91
  • Academic restructuring: Organizational change and institutional imperatives Higher education Gumport, P. J. 2000; 39 (1): 67-91
  • Learning academic labor Comparative Perspectives on Universities Gumport, P. J. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 2000: 1–23
  • University restructuring: The role of economic and political contexts Higher education: Handbook of theory and research Gumport, P. J., Pusser, B. Springer. 1999: 146–200
  • Technology and higher education: Opportunities and challenges for the new era Gumport, P. J., Chun, M. National Center for Postsecondary Improvement, Stanford University, School …. 1999
  • Copyright issues in colleges and universities ACADEME-BULLETIN OF THE AAUP CATE, F. H., Gumport, P. J., HAUSER, R. K., Richardson, J. T., Wexman, V., Alger, J. R., Smith, M. F. 1998; 84 (3): 39-45
  • Graduate Student Employees: Unresolved Challenges. CUPA Journal Jennings, J., Gumport, P. J. 1998; 48: 33-37
  • Public universities as academic workplaces DAEDALUS Gumport, P. J. 1997; 126 (4): 113-136
  • Restructuring the academic environment Gumport, P. J., Pusser, B. Citeseer. 1997
  • A CASE OF BUREAUCRATIC ACCRETION - CONTEXT AND CONSEQUENCES Annual Meeting of the Association-for-the-Study-of-Higher-Education Gumport, P. J., Pusser, B. OHIO STATE UNIV PRESS. 1995: 493–520
  • A case of bureaucratic accretion: Context and consequences The Journal of Higher Education Gumport, P. J., Pusser, B. 1995; 66 (5): 493-520
  • Fired faculty: Reflections on marginalization and academic identity Naming silenced lives: Personal narratives and the process of educational change Gumport, P. J. 1993: 135-154
  • Graduate education and research imperatives The research foundations of graduate education: Germany, Britain, France, United States, Japan Gumport, P. J. 1993: 261-93
  • Graduate education and organized research in the United States The research foundations of graduate education: Germany, Britain, France, United States, Japan Gumport, P. J. 1993: 225-260
  • The contested terrain of academic program reduction The Journal of Higher Education Gumport, P. J. 1993; 64 (3): 283-311
  • Graduate education: comparative perspectives The encyclopedia of higher education Gumport, P. 1992; 2: 1117-1127
  • E Pluribus Unum?: Academic Structure, Culture, and the Case of Feminist Scholarship The Review of Higher Education Gumport, P. J. 1991; 15 (1): 9-29
  • Transformations in American graduate education and research Educational Policy Gumport, P. J. 1990; 4 (4): 313-326
  • Feminist scholarship as a vocation Higher Education Gumport, P. J. 1990; 20 (3): 231-243
  • Curricula as signposts of cultural change The Review of Higher Education Gumport, P. J. 1988; 12 (1): 49-61