Pat Hanrahan
Canon Professor in the School of Engineering and Professor of Electrical Engineering, Emeritus
Computer Science
Professor Hanrahan's current research involves rendering algorithms, high performance graphics architectures, and systems support for graphical interaction. He also has worked on raster graphics systems, computer animation and modeling and scientific visualization, in particular, volume rendering.
Academic Appointments
Emeritus (Active) Professor, Computer Science
Emeritus (Active) Professor, Electrical Engineering
Honors & Awards
Visualization Career Award, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (2006)
Two Technical Awards, American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (2013)
Stephen A. Coons Award, ACM SIGGRAPH (2013)
Boards, Advisory Committees, Professional Organizations
Member, National Academy of Engineering (2013 - Present)
Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences (2013 - Present)
Professional Education
PhD, Wisconsin (1986)
2024-25 Courses
Independent Studies (20)
- Advanced Reading and Research
CS 499 (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Advanced Reading and Research
CS 499P (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Curricular Practical Training
CS 390A (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Curricular Practical Training
CS 390B (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Curricular Practical Training
CS 390C (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Independent Project
CS 399 (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Independent Project
CS 399P (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Independent Work
CS 199 (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Independent Work
CS 199P (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Master's Thesis and Thesis Research
EE 300 (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Part-time Curricular Practical Training
CS 390D (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Programming Service Project
CS 192 (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Senior Project
CS 191 (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Special Studies and Reports in Electrical Engineering
EE 191 (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Special Studies and Reports in Electrical Engineering
EE 391 (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Special Studies and Reports in Electrical Engineering (WIM)
EE 191W (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Special Studies or Projects in Electrical Engineering
EE 190 (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Special Studies or Projects in Electrical Engineering
EE 390 (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Supervised Undergraduate Research
CS 195 (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Writing Intensive Senior Research Project
CS 191W (Aut, Win, Spr)
- Advanced Reading and Research
Prior Year Courses
2023-24 Courses
- Computer Systems from the Ground Up
CS 107E (Win)
2022-23 Courses
- Computer Systems from the Ground Up
CS 107E (Win)
2021-22 Courses
- Computer Systems from the Ground Up
CS 107E (Win)
- Computer Systems from the Ground Up
Stanford Advisees
Doctoral Dissertation Advisor (AC)
Raj Setaluri, Lenny Truong -
Orals Evaluator
Lenny Truong -
Doctoral (Program)
Raj Setaluri, Lenny Truong
All Publications
AHA: An Agile Approach to the Design of Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Accelerators and Compilers
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems
2023; 22 (2)
View details for DOI 10.1145/3534933
Improving Energy Efficiency of CGRAs with Low-Overhead Fine-Grained Power Domains
ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems
View details for DOI 10.1145/3558394
fault: A Python Embedded Domain-Specific Language for Metaprogramming Portable Hardware Verification Components
International Conference on Computer Aided Verification
View details for DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-53288-8_19
- Space-Time Hierarchical Occlusion Culling for Micropolygon Rendering with Motion Blur High Performance Graphics 2010
- Hardware Implementation of Micropolygon Rasterization with Motion and Defocus Blur High Performance Graphics 2010
- Data-Parallel Rasterization of Micropolygons with Defocus and Motion Blur High Performance Graphics 2009
- Interactive k-D Tree GPU Raytracing 2007
- Enhancing Visual Analysis of Network Traffic Using Knowledge Representation 2006
- Sequoia: Programming the Memory Hierarchy IEEE Supercomputing 2006
- Light Field Photography with a Hand-Held Plenoptic Camera Technical Report CSTR 2005-02, Computer Science Department 2005
- Understanding the Efficiency of GPU Algorithms for Matrix-Matrix Multiplication 2004
- Triple Product Wavelet Integrals for All-Frequency Relighting 2004
- Efficient Partitioning of Fragment Shaders for Multiple-Output Hardware 2004
- Identification and Validation of Cognitive Design Principles for Automated Generation of Assembly Instructions 2004
- Photon Mapping on Programmable Graphics Hardware 2003
- Viewing Complex Environment with Hierarchical Light Fields Technical Report CS-TR-2002-03, Computer Science Department 2002
- Efficient Partitioning of Fragment Shaders for Multipass Rendering on Programmable Graphics Hardware 2002
- Query, Analysis, and Visualization of Hierarchically Structured Data using Polaris ACM SIGKDD Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining 2002
- A Signal-Processing Framework for Reflection ACM Transactions on Graphics 2002
- ICrafter: A Service Framework for Ubiquitous Computing Environments 2001
- A Practical Model for Subsurface Light Transport 2001
- Distributed Rendering for Scalable Displays IEEE Supercomputing 2000
- Tracking Graphics State For Networked Rendering 2000
- Rivet: A Flexible Computer Systems Visualization Environment Computer Graphics 2000
- Visualizing Application Behavior on Superscalar Processors 1999
- Parallel Texture Caching 1999
- Realistic Modeling and Rendering of Plant Ecosystems 1998
- The Design of a Parallel Graphics Interface 1998
- Simple Models of the Impact of Overlap in Bucket Rendering 1998
- The Two-User Responsive Workbench: Support for Collaboration Through Individual Views of a Shared Space 1997
- Rendering Complex Scenes with Memory-Coherent Ray Tracing 1997
- Geometry Caching for Ray-Tracing Displacement Maps 1996
- Flow and Changes in Appearance 1996
- Light Field Rendering 1996
- Modeling and Rendering of Metallic Patinas 1996
- A Realistic Camera Model for Computer Graphics 1995
- Partitioning and Ordering Large Radiosity Computations 1994
- Wavelet Methods for Radiance Computations 1994
- Compression Performance of the Xremote Protocol 1994
- Profiling the X Protocol 1994
- Textures and Radiosity: Controlling Emission and Reflection with Texture Maps 1994
- On the Form Factor between Two Polygons 1993
- Visibility Computations for Global Illumination Algorithms 1993
- Reflection from Layered Surfaces due to Subsurface Scattering 1993
- A Hierarchical Illumination Algorithm for Surfaces with Glossy Reflection 1993
- Wavelet Projections for Radiosity 1993
- Wavelet Projections for Radiosity 1993
- Importance and Discrete Three Point Transport 1993
- Wavelet Radiosity 1993
- Illumination from Curved Reflectors 1992
- Fast Algorithms for Volume Ray Tracing 1992
- A Hierarchical Radiosity Algorithm 1991
- Hierarchical Splatting: A Progressive Refinement Algorithm for Volume Rendering 1991
- A Rapid Hierarchical Radiosity Algorithm for Unoccluded Environments 1990
- Effects of Visual and Verbal Presentation on Cognitive Load in Vigilance, Memory and Arithmetic Tasks Psychophysiology
- Performance Analysis and Visualization of Parallel Systems Using SimOS and Rivet: A Case Study