Stanford Advisors

All Publications

  • Attosecond emission delay from atoms and molecules using multi-dimensional XUV interferometry NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS Wyatt, A. S., Lloyd, D. T., Chapman, R. T., Thornton, C., Majchrzak, P., Jones, A. H., Springate, E., O'Keeffe, K. 2024; 26 (11)
  • Access to the full three-dimensional Brillouin zone with time resolution, using a new tool for pump-probe angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. The Review of scientific instruments Majchrzak, P., Zhang, Y., Kuibarov, A., Chapman, R., Wyatt, A., Springate, E., Borisenko, S., Buchner, B., Hofmann, P., Sanders, C. E. 2024; 95 (6)


    Here, we report the first time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (TR-ARPES) with the new Fermiologics "FeSuMa" analyzer. The new experimental setup has been commissioned at the Artemis laboratory of the UK Central Laser Facility. We explain here some of the advantages of the FeSuMa for TR-ARPES and discuss how its capabilities relate to those of hemispherical analyzers and momentum microscopes. We have integrated the FeSuMa into an optimized pump-probe beamline that permits photon-energy (i.e., kz)-dependent scanning, using probe energies generated from high harmonics in a gas jet. The advantages of using the FeSuMa in this situation include the possibility of taking advantage of its "fisheye" mode of operation.

    View details for DOI 10.1063/5.0179752

    View details for PubMedID 38829212

  • Programming twist angle and strain profiles in 2D materials SCIENCE Kapfer, M., Jessen, B. S., Eisele, M. E., Fu, M., Danielsen, D. R., Darlington, T. P., Moore, S. L., Finney, N. R., Marchese, A., Hsieh, V., Majchrzak, P., Jiang, Z., Biswas, D., Dudin, P., Avila, J., Watanabe, K., Taniguchi, T., Ulstrup, S., Boggild, P., Schuck, P. J., Basov, D. N., Hone, J., Dean, C. R. 2023; 381 (6658): 677-681