
Richard Vinograd is the Christensen Fund Professor in Asian Art in the Department of Art & Art History at Stanford University, where he has taught since 1989. Dr. Vinograd’s research interests include Chinese portraiture, landscape painting and cultural geography, urban cultural spaces, painting aesthetics and theory, art historiography, and inter-media studies. He is the author of Boundaries of the Self: Chinese Portraits, 1600-1900 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992); co-editor of New Understandings of Ming and Qing Painting (Shanghai: Shanghai Calligraphy Painting Publishing House, 1994); and co-author of Chinese Art & Culture (New York: Prentice Hall and Harry N. Abrams, 2001). He has published more than thirty journal articles, anthology chapters, conference papers, and catalogue essays on topics ranging from tenth-century landscape painting to contemporary transnational arts.

Academic Appointments

  • Professor, Art & Art History

Administrative Appointments

  • Chair, Department of Art & Art History, Stanford University (2009 - 2010)
  • Christensen Fund Professor in Asian Art, Stanford University (2003 - Present)
  • Professor, Department of Art & Art History, Stanford University (2002 - 2002)
  • Chair, Department of Art & Art History, Stanford University (1995 - 2002)
  • Associate Professor, Department of Art, Stanford University (1989 - 2002)
  • Chair, Department of Art History, School of Fine Arts, University of Southern California (1985 - 1986)
  • Chair, Department of Art History, School of Fine Arts, University of Southern California (1987 - 1988)
  • Associate Professor, School of Fine Arts, University of Southern California (1984 - 1989)
  • Assistant Professor, School of Fine Arts, University of Southern California (1983 - 1984)
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Art History and Archaeology, Columbia University in the City of New York (1979 - 1983)

Honors & Awards

  • Fellow, Stanford Humanities Center (2012 - 2013)
  • Fellow, Stanford Humanities Center (1993 - 1994)
  • Shimada Prize Lecturer in Asian Art, Nelson-Atkins Museum (1994)
  • Summer Program for Scholars at the Inter-University Program for Chinese Language Studies, Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation (1992)
  • Millard Meiss Publication Fund Subsidy, College Art Association of America (1990 - 1991)
  • Mellon Fellowship for Chinese Studies, American Council of Learned Societies (1986 - 1987)
  • Scholarly Communication with the People’s Republic of China Exchange Program, National Academy of Sciences Committee (1982)
  • Fellowship for Independent Study and Research, National Endowment for the Humanities (1982 - 1983)

Program Affiliations

  • Center for East Asian Studies

Professional Education

  • B.A., University of California, Los Angeles, Art History (1970)
  • M.A., University of California, Berkeley, History of Art (1972)
  • Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, History of Art (1979)

2024-25 Courses

Stanford Advisees

All Publications

  • Multi-medium, Site, and Dream-World: Shanghai Pictorials of the 1920s and 1930s Journal of Art Studies Vinograd, R. E. 2013; 12: 171-214
  • Patrimonies in Press: Art Publishing, Cultural Politics, and Canon Construction in the Career of Di Baoxian (1873-1941) The Role of Japan in Modern Chinese Art Vinograd, R. E. edited by Fogel, J. A. Berkeley: University of California Press,. 2012: 244–272
  • Hiding in Plane Sight: Accommodating Incompatibilities in Early Modern Pictures Comparative Early Modernities Vinograd, R. E. edited by Porter, D. London: Palgrave MacMillan. 2012: 125–164
  • Making Natural Languages in Contemporary Chinese Art Xu Bing and Contemporary Chinese Art: Cultural and Philosophical Reflections Vinograd, R. E. edited by Ames, R., Tsao, H. Albany: SUNY Press. 2011: 95–115
  • Facing the Modern: Wu Changshuo and the Spaces of Portraiture Tracing the Past, Initiating the Future exhibition catalogue Vinograd, R. E. Stanford University: Cantor Center for Visual Arts, Stanford University. 2010: 55–58
  • Zhongguo yishu yu wenhua Vinograd, R. E. Beijing: Shijie tushu chuban gongsi Beijing gongsi. 2010
  • Modern Passages: Chinese Ink Painting in an Era of Transformation Tracing the Past, Initiating the Future exhibition catalogue Vinograd, R. E. Stanford: Cantor Center for Visual Arts. 2010: 39–51
  • Afterlives: Image and Identity between Jin Nong and Luo Ping Eccentric Visions: The Worlds of Luo Ping Vinograd, R. E. edited by Karlsson, K., Murck, A., Matteini, M. Zurich: Museum Rietberg. 2009: 30–37
  • Decentering Yuan Painting Ars Orientalis Vinograd, R. E. 2009; 37: 195-212
  • Narrative and Metanarrative in Chinese Painting Studies Stones from Other Mountains: Chinese Painting Studies in Postwar America Vinograd, R. E. edited by Kuo, J. C. Washington, D.C.: New Academia Publishing. 2009: 167–198
  • Brightness and Shadows: The Politics of Painting at the Ming Court Power and Glory: Court Arts of China’s Ming Dynasty Vinograd, R. E. edited by Li, H., Knight, M. 2008: 183–201
  • Copies, Methods, Histories: A Discussion of East Asian Art with Richard Vinograd In Relation: Chicago Art Journal Vinograd, R. E. 2008: 100-114
  • The Ends of Chinese Painting The History of Painting in East Asia: Essays on Scholarly Method Vinograd, R. E. edited by Richard, N. N., Brix, D. E. 2008: 509–526
  • Temporalities in Early Twentieth Century Chinese Painting Chinese Painting on the Eve of the Communist Revolution: Chang Shu-chi and his Collection Vinograd, R. E. Stanford, CA: Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Center for Visual Arts. 2006: 1–2
  • Afterword: Re-Placing Chinese Painting Discovering Chinese Painting: Dialogues with Art Historians Vinograd, R. E. edited by Kuo, J. C. 2nd ed., Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall-Hunt Publishing. 2006: 173–182
  • Strategic Landscapes Studies on 20th Century Shanshuihua Vinograd, R. E. Shanghai: Shanghai shuhua chubanshe. 2006: 292–302
  • Opening Remarks: Re-Placing Contemporary Chinese Art Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art Vinograd, R. E. 2005: 6-9
  • Preface The century was not declining in art: a history of nineteenth-century Chinese painting Vinograd, R. E., Qingli, W. Taipei: Xiong shi tu shu gu fen you xian gong si. 2005
  • Fan Ch’i (1616-after 1694): Place-Making and the Semiotics of Sight in Seventeenth- Century Nanching Journal of Art History Vinograd, R. E. 2003; 14: 129-157
  • Cultural Spaces and the Problem of a Visual Modernity in the Cities of Late Ming Chiang-nan Papers from the Third International Conference on Sinology, History Section Vinograd, R. E. 2002: 327–60
  • Chinese Art and Culture Vinograd, R. E., Thorp, R. L. New York: Abrams/Prentice-Hall. 2001
  • Relocations: Spaces of Chinese Visual Modernity Chinese Art: Modern Expressions Vinograd, R. E. edited by Hearn, M. K., Smith, J. G. 2001: 162–181
  • Visibility and Visuality: Painted Women in Late Nineteenth-Century Shanghai Studies on Shanghai School Painting Vinograd, R. E. edited by Fusheng, L. Shanghai: Shanghai Calligraphy and Painting Press. 2001: 1073–1101
  • Richard Vinograd Discovering Chinese Painting: Dialogues with American Art Historians Vinograd, R. E. edited by Kuo, J. C. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt. 2000: 131–139
  • Satire and Situation: Images of the Artist in Late Nineteenth-Century China Art at the Close of China's Empire Vinograd, R. E. edited by Chou, J. 1998: 110–133
  • China: Portrait Painting The Dictionary of Art Vinograd, R. E. 1996; 6: 811-814
  • Luo Ping The Dictionary of Art Vinograd, R. E. 1996; 19: 802-803
  • Toward New Views of Ming and Qing Painting China Exchange News Vinograd, R. E. 1995; 23 (3): 10-13
  • Origins and Presences: Notes on the Psychology and Sociality of Shih-t'ao’s Dreams Ars Orientalis Vinograd, R. E. 1995; XXV: 61-72
  • ART-HISTORICAL TOPOLOGIES ART BULLETIN Vinograd, R. 1994; 76 (4): 593-595
  • Introduction New Interpretations of Ming and Qing Painting: the Collections of the Central Academy of Fine Arts and Central Academy Affiliated Middle School, Beijing Vinograd, R. E. edited by Vinograd, R. E., Cahill, J., Yongnian, X. 1994: 6–7
  • New Interpretations of Ming and Qing Painting: the Collections of the Central Academy of Fine Arts and Central Academy Affiliated Middle School, Beijing edited by Vinograd, R. E., Cahill, J., Yongnian, X. Shanghai: People’s Fine Arts Press. 1994
  • Preface Ming and Qing Paintings in the Collection of the Palace Museum Beijing Vinograd, R. E., Cahill, J. Beijing, Forbidden City Press. 1994
  • “Is There a Mind in the Text?” in “Bridging the Gap”: Where Cognitive Science Meets Literary Criticism Stanford Humanities Review Vinograd, R. E. 1994; 4 (1): 118-120
  • Boundaries of the Self: Chinese Portraits, 1600-1900 Vinograd, R. E. New York: Cambridge University Press. 1992
  • Private Art and Public Knowledge in Later Chinese Painting Images of Memory: On Remembering and Representation Vinograd, R. E. edited by Küchler, S., Melion, W. Washington and London: Smithsonian Institution Press. 1991: 176–202, 242–246
  • Vision and Revision in Seventeenth-Century Painting Proceedings of the Tung Ch'i-ch'ang International Symposium Vinograd, R. E. edited by Ho, W. 1991: 1–28
  • Figure, Fiction and Figment in Eighteenth-century Chinese Painting Chinese Painting Under the Qianlong Emperor: The Symposium Papers in Two Volumes Vinograd, R. E. 1991: 209–227
  • Family Properties: Personal Context and Cultural Pattern in Wang Meng's Pien Mountains of A.D. 1366 New Art: Journal of the Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts Vinograd, R. E. 1990
  • Historical Study of Traditional Painting China Exchange News Vinograd, R. E. 1983; 11 (4): 5-7
  • Family Properties: Personal Context and Cultural Pattern in Wang Meng's Pien Mountains of A.D. 1366 Ars Orientalis Vinograd, R. E. 1982; XIII: 1-29
  • New Light on Tenth-Century Sources for Landscape Painting Styles of the Late Yüan Period Collected Essays on the History of Chinese Painting in Honor of Professor Suzuki Kei Vinograd, R. E. 1981: 1–30
  • Reminiscences of Ch'in-huai: Tao-chi and the Nanking School Archives of Asian Art Vinograd, R. E. 1978; XXXI: 6-13