Sakura Tanaka
Postdoctoral Scholar, Psychiatry
Professional Education
Master of Science, Hokkaido University (2018)
Bachelor of Science, Hokkaido University (2015)
Doctor of Philosophy, Univ of Maryland Baltimore County (2022)
All Publications
Gonadotropin releasing hormone - gonadotropes interactions revealed by pituitary single-cell transcriptomics in zebrafish.
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) governs reproduction by regulating pituitary gonadotropins. Unlike most vertebrates, gnrh-/- zebrafish are fertile. To elucidate the role of the hypophysiotropic-Gnrh3 and other mechanisms regulating pituitary gonadotropes, we profiled the gene expression of all individual pituitary cells of wild-type and gnrh3-/- adult female zebrafish. The single-cell RNA-Seq showed that Lh and Fsh gonadotropes express the two gonadotropin beta subunits with a ratio of 140:1 (lhb:fshb) and 4:1 (fshb:lhb), respectively. Lh gonadotropes predominantly express genes encoding receptors for Gnrh (gnrhr2), thyroid hormone, estrogen, and steroidogenic factor 1 (SF1). No Gnrh receptor transcript was enriched in Fsh gonadotropes. Instead, cholecystokinin receptor-b and galanin receptor-1b transcripts were enriched in these cells. The loss of Gnrh3 gene in gnrh3-/- zebrafish resulted in downregulation of fshb in Lh gonadotropes and upregulation of pituitary hormones like thyroid-stimulating hormone, growth hormone, prolactin and proopiomelanocortin-a. Likewise, targeted chemogenetic ablation of Gnrh3 neurons led to a decrease in the number of fshb+, lhb+ and fshb+/lhb+ cells. Our studies suggest that Gnrh3 directly acts on Lh gonadotropes through Gnrhr2, but the outcome of this interaction is still unknown. Gnrh3 also regulates fshb expression in both gonadotropes, most likely via a non-Gnrh receptor route. Altogether, while Lh secretion and synthesis are likely regulated in a Gnrh-independent manner, Gnrh3 seems to play a role in the cellular organization of the pituitary. Moreover, the co-expression of lhb and fshb in both gonadotropes provides a possible explanation as to why gnrh3-/- zebrafish are fertile.
View details for DOI 10.1210/endocr/bqae151
View details for PubMedID 39499852
Loss of function of Vasoactive-intestinal peptide alters sex ratio and reduces male reproductive fitness in zebrafish.
Vasoactive-intestinal peptide (Vip) is a pleiotropic peptide with a wide range of distribution and functions. Zebrafish possess two isoforms of Vip (a and b), in which Vipa is most homologous to the mammalian form. In female zebrafish, Vipa can stimulate LH secretion from the pituitary but is not essential for female reproduction, as vipa-/- females display normal reproduction. In contrast, we have found that vipa-/- males are severely sub-fertile and sex ratio of offspring is female-biased. By analyzing all aspects of male reproduction with WT males, we show that the testes of vipa-/- are underdeveloped and contain ∼70% less spermatids compared to WT counterparts. The sperm of vipa-/- males displayed reduced potency in terms of fertilization (by ∼80%) and motility span and duration (by ∼50%). In addition, vipa-/- male attraction to WT females was largely non-existent, indicating decreased sexual motivation. We show that vipa mRNA and protein is present in Leydig cells and in developing germ cells in the testis of WT, raising the possibility that endogenous Vipa contributes to testicular function. Absence of Vipa in vipa-/- males resulted in downregulation of three key genes in the androgen synthesis chain in the testis, 3β-hsd, 17β-hsd1 and cyp11c1 (11β-hydrogenase), associated with a pronounced decrease in 11-ketotestosterone production and, in turn, compromised reproductive fitness. Altogether, this study establishes a crucial role for Vipa in the regulation of male reproduction in zebrafish, like in mammals, with the exception that Vipa is also expressed in zebrafish testis.
View details for DOI 10.1210/endocr/bqae082
View details for PubMedID 38984720
Chemogenetic Depletion of Hypophysiotropic GnRH Neurons Does Not Affect Fertility in Mature Female Zebrafish
2022; 23 (10)
The hypophysiotropic gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and its neurons are crucial for vertebrate reproduction, primarily in regulating luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion and ovulation. However, in zebrafish, which lack GnRH1, and instead possess GnRH3 as the hypophysiotropic form, GnRH3 gene knockout did not affect reproduction. However, early-stage ablation of all GnRH3 neurons causes infertility in females, implicating GnRH3 neurons, rather than GnRH3 peptides in female reproduction. To determine the role of GnRH3 neurons in the reproduction of adult females, a Tg(gnrh3:Gal4ff; UAS:nfsb-mCherry) line was generated to facilitate a chemogenetic conditional ablation of GnRH3 neurons. Following ablation, there was a reduction of preoptic area GnRH3 neurons by an average of 85.3%, which was associated with reduced pituitary projections and gnrh3 mRNA levels. However, plasma LH levels were unaffected, and the ablated females displayed normal reproductive capacity. There was no correlation between the number of remaining GnRH3 neurons and reproductive performance. Though it is possible that the few remaining GnRH3 neurons can still induce an LH surge, our findings are consistent with the idea that GnRH and its neurons are likely dispensable for LH surge in zebrafish. Altogether, our results resurrected questions regarding the functional homology of the hypophysiotropic GnRH1 and GnRH3 in controlling ovulation.
View details for DOI 10.3390/ijms23105596
View details for Web of Science ID 000804301500001
View details for PubMedID 35628411
View details for PubMedCentralID PMC9143870
Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide Indirectly Elicits Pituitary LH Secretion Independent of GnRH in Female Zebrafish
2022; 163 (2)
Vasoactive intestinal peptide (Vip) regulates luteinizing hormone (LH) release through the direct regulation of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) neurons at the level of the brain in female rodents. However, little is known regarding the roles of Vip in teleost reproduction. Although GnRH is critical for fertility through the regulation of LH secretion in vertebrates, the exact role of the hypophysiotropic GnRH (GnRH3) in zebrafish is unclear since GnRH3 null fish are reproductively fertile. This phenomenon raises the possibility of a redundant regulatory pathway(s) for LH secretion in zebrafish. Here, we demonstrate that VipA (homologues of mammalian Vip) both inhibits and induces LH secretion in zebrafish. Despite the observation that VipA axons may reach the pituitary proximal pars distalis including LH cells, pituitary incubation with VipA in vitro, and intraperitoneal injection of VipA, did not induce LH secretion and lhβ mRNA expression in sexually mature females, respectively. On the other hand, intracerebroventricular administration of VipA augmented plasma LH levels in both wild-type and gnrh3-/- females at 1 hour posttreatment, with no observed changes in pituitary GnRH2 and GnRH3 contents and gnrh3 mRNA levels in the brains. While VipA's manner of inhibition of LH secretion has yet to be explored, the stimulation seems to occur via a different pathway than GnRH3, dopamine, and 17β-estradiol in regulating LH secretion. The results indicate that VipA induces LH release possibly by acting with or through a non-GnRH factor(s), providing proof for the existence of functional redundancy of LH release in sexually mature female zebrafish.
View details for DOI 10.1210/endocr/bqab264
View details for Web of Science ID 000753587100018
View details for PubMedID 34978328
Effects of Infectious Diseases on Population Dynamics of Marine Organisms in Chesapeake Bay
2021; 44 (8): 2334-2349
View details for DOI 10.1007/s12237-021-00915-4
View details for Web of Science ID 000632318100001