Samin Khan
Masters Student in Education, admitted Autumn 2023
Samin Khan is an AI product-builder for higher education with a former life as an AI researcher and founder. Holding a background in computer science and cognitive science from the University of Toronto, Samin leveraged computational linguistics to predict mental health trends. This research was the foundation of his start-up, Autumn, which leveraged a privacy-first AI model to assist remote teams in averting burnout during the pandemic. Autumn was acquired by Qualtrics in 2023. Samin was also a founding engineer of smartARM, a company recognized globally for creating the world’s first AI-driven robotic prosthetic arm. This project won Microsoft’s flagship technology competition, Imagine Cup, in 2018. Today, Samin leads AI product and research development at ACUE, bringing AI to support training over 26,000 higher education instructors and professors with effective teaching practise credentials.
Honors & Awards
Dean's Fellowship, Stanford's Graduate School of Education (2023-24)
Undergraduate Student Research Award, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (2018)
Imagine Cup, Microsoft (2018)
Education & Certifications
BSc, University of Toronto, Computer Science & Cognitive Science (2019)
All Publications
Is Nike female? Exploring the role of sound symbolism in predicting brand name gender
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