Shalmali Bane
Research Assistant, Pediatrics - Neonatology
Shalmali Bane is doctoral student in the Department of Epidemiology and Population Health. She is a trainee with the Center for Population Health Sciences, in the Stanford School of Medicine. She works with Dr. Suzan Carmichael on examining social determinants of reproductive health and perinatal outcomes. Shalmali grew up in India and received a biology degree from Stanford, with a focus in Neurobiology. Prior to graduate school, she was a healthcare consultant with the Analysis Group, where she focused on survey research, literature reviews, and budget impact modelling. She is passionate about equity and inclusion initiatives and serves on her departmental JEDI committee. She hopes to meld all of these experiences together in her current work: applying rigorous epidemiological methods to study how factors like socially determined race/ethnicity and socio-economic position impact the experiences of birthing persons.
Service, Volunteer and Community Work
Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee, Department of Epidemiology and Population Health, Stanford University
Stanford, CA, USA
Home Program Department Representative, Stanford Biosciences Student Association, Stanford School of Medicine
Stanford, CA, USA
All Publications
Socioeconomic disadvantage and racial/ethnic disparities in low-risk cesarean birth in California.
American journal of epidemiology
Our objective was to assess the relationship of socioeconomic disadvantage and race/ethnicity with low-risk cesarean birth. We examined birth certificates (2007-18) linked with maternal hospitalization data from California; the outcome was cesarean birth among low-risk deliveries (i.e., nulliparous, term, singleton, vertex [NTSV]). We used GEE Poisson regression with an interaction term for race/ethnicity (7 groups) and a measure of socioeconomic disadvantage (census tract-level neighborhood deprivation index [NDI], education, or insurance). Among 1,815,933 NTSV births, 26.6% were cesarean. When assessing the joint effect of race/ethnicity and socioeconomic disadvantage among low-risk births, risk of cesarean birth increased with socioeconomic disadvantage for most racial/ethnic groups, and disadvantaged Black individuals had the highest risks; e.g., Black individuals with a high school education or less had a risk ratio of 1.49 (95% CI 1.45-1.53), relative to White individuals with a college degree. The disparity in risk of cesarean birth between Black and White individuals was observed across all strata of socioeconomic disadvantage. Asian American and Hispanic individuals had higher risks than White individuals at lower socioeconomic disadvantage; this disparity was not observed at higher levels of disadvantage. Black individuals have a persistent, elevated risk of cesarean birth, relative to White individuals, regardless of socioeconomic disadvantage.
View details for DOI 10.1093/aje/kwae157
View details for PubMedID 38932570
Impact of Incentives on Physician Participation in Research Surveys: Randomized Experiment.
JMIR formative research
2024; 8: e54343
Web-based surveys can be effective data collection instruments; however, participation is notoriously low, particularly among professionals such as physicians. Few studies have explored the impact of varying amounts of monetary incentives on survey completion.This study aims to conduct a randomized study to assess how different incentive amounts influenced survey participation among neurologists in the United States.We distributed a web-based survey using standardized email text to 21,753 individuals randomly divided into 5 equal groups (≈4351 per group). In phase 1, each group was assigned to receive either nothing or a gift card for US $10, $20, $50, or $75, which was noted in the email subject and text. After 4 reminders, phase 2 began and each remaining individual was offered a US $75 gift card to complete the survey. We calculated and compared the proportions who completed the survey by phase 1 arm, both before and after the incentive change, using a chi-square test. As a secondary outcome, we also looked at survey participation as opposed to completion.For the 20,820 emails delivered, 879 (4.2%) recipients completed the survey; of the 879 recipients, 622 (70.8%) were neurologists. Among the neurologists, most were male (412/622, 66.2%), White (430/622, 69.1%), non-Hispanic (592/622, 95.2%), graduates of American medical schools (465/622, 74.8%), and board certified (598/622, 96.1%). A total of 39.7% (247/622) completed their neurology residency more than 20 years ago, and 62.4% (388/622) practiced in an urban setting. For phase 1, the proportions of respondents completing the survey increased as the incentive amount increased (46/4185, 1.1%; 76/4165, 1.8%; 86/4160, 2.1%; 104/4162, 2.5%; and 119/4148, 2.9%, for US $0, $10, $20, $50, and $75, respectively; P<.001). In phase 2, the survey completion rate for the former US $0 arm increased to 3% (116/3928). Those originally offered US $10, $20, $50, and $75 who had not yet participated were less likely to participate compared with the former US $0 arm (116/3928, 3%; 90/3936, 2.3%; 80/3902, 2.1%; 88/3845, 2.3%; and 74/3878, 1.9%, for US $0, $10, $20, $50, and $75, respectively; P=.03). For our secondary outcome of survey participation, a trend similar to that of survey completion was observed in phase 1 (55/4185, 1.3%; 85/4165, 2%; 96/4160, 2.3%; 118/4162, 2.8%; and 135/4148, 3.3%, for US $0, $10, $20, $50, and $75, respectively; P<.001) and phase 2 (116/3928, 3%; 90/3936, 2.3%; 80/3902, 2.1%; 88/3845, 2.3%; and 86/3845, 2.2%, for US $0, $10, $20, $50, and $75, respectively; P=.10).As expected, monetary incentives can boost physician survey participation and completion, with a positive correlation between the amount offered and participation.
View details for DOI 10.2196/54343
View details for PubMedID 38743466
Antihypertensive Medication Use before and during Pregnancy and the Risk of Severe Maternal Morbidity in Individuals with Prepregnancy Hypertension.
American journal of perinatology
OBJECTIVE: Our objective is to examine severe maternal morbidity (SMM) and patterns of antihypertensive medication use before and during pregnancy among individuals with chronic hypertension.STUDY DESIGN: We examined 11,759 pregnancies resulting in a live birth or stillbirth to individuals with chronic hypertension and one or more antihypertensive prescription 6 months before pregnancy (Optum, 2007-17). We examined whether study outcomes were associated with the use of medication as compared to no use during pregnancy. In addition, patterns of medication use based on the Food and Drug Administration guidance and literature were evaluated. Medication use was divided into prepregnancy and during pregnancy use and classified as pregnancy recommended (PR) or not pregnancy recommended (nPR) or no medication use. SMM was defined per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention definition of 21 indicators. Risk ratios (RR) reflecting the association of SMM with the use of antihypertensive medications were computed using modified Poisson regression with robust standard errors and adjusted for maternal age, education, and birth year.RESULTS: Overall, 83% of individuals filled an antihypertensive prescription during pregnancy and 6.3% experienced SMM. The majority of individuals with a prescription prior to pregnancy had a prescription for the same medication in pregnancy. Individuals with any versus no medication use in pregnancy had increased adjusted RR (aRR) of SMM (1.18, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.96-1.44). Compared to the use of PR medications before and during pregnancy, aRRs were 1.42 (95% CI: 1.18-1.69, 12.4% of sample) for nPR use before and during pregnancy, 1.52 (1.23-1.86; 12.4%) for nPR (before) and PR (during) use, and 2.67 (1.73-4.15) for PR and nPR use. Patterns with no medication use during pregnancy were not statistically significant.CONCLUSION: Pattern of antihypertensive medication use before and during pregnancy may be associated with an elevated risk of SMM. Further research is required to elucidate whether this association is related to the severity of hypertension, medication effectiveness, or suboptimal quality of care.KEY POINTS: · Individuals with any medication use compared to no medication use in pregnancy had an increased risk of SMM.. · Specific medication use patterns were associated with an elevated risk of SMM.. · Pattern of antihypertensive medication use before and during pregnancy may be associated with an increased risk of SMM..
View details for DOI 10.1055/s-0042-1757354
View details for PubMedID 36261063
Risk factors and pregnancy outcomes vary among Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander individuals giving birth in California.
Annals of epidemiology
OBJECTIVE: To compare frequencies of risk factors and pregnancy outcomes in ethnic groups versus the combined total of Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) populations.METHODS: Using linked birth and fetal death certificate and maternal hospital discharge data (California 2007-2018), we estimated frequencies of 15 clinical and sociodemographic exposures and 11 pregnancy outcomes. Variability across 15 AANHPI groups was compared using a heat map and compared to frequencies for the total group (n=904,232).RESULTS: AANHPI groups varied significantly from each other and the combined total regarding indicators of social disadvantage (e.g., range for high school-level educational or less: 6.4% Korean-55.8% Samoan) and sociodemographic factors (e.g., maternal age <20 years: 0.2% Chinese-8.8% Guamanian) that are related to adverse pregnancy outcomes. Perinatal outcomes varied significantly (e.g., severe maternal morbidity: 1.2% Korean-1.9% Filipino). No single group consistently had risk factors or outcome prevalence at the extremes, i.e., no group was consistently better or worse off across examined factors.CONCLUSIONS: Substantial variability in perinatal risk factors and outcomes exists across AANHPI groups. Aggregation into "AANHPI" is not appropriate for outcome reporting.
View details for DOI 10.1016/j.annepidem.2022.09.004
View details for PubMedID 36115627
Subsequent risk of stillbirth, preterm birth, and small for gestational age: A cross-outcome analysis of adverse birth outcomes.
Paediatric and perinatal epidemiology
BACKGROUND: Stillbirth, preterm birth, and small for gestational age (SGA) birth have an increased recurrence risk. The occurrence of one of these biologically related outcomes could also increase the risk for another one of these outcomes in a subsequent pregnancy.OBJECTIVES: We assessed cross-outcome risks for subsequent stillbirth, preterm birth, and SGA.METHODS: We used live birth and fetal death records to identify singleton, sequential birth pairs in California (1997-2017). Stillbirth was defined as delivery at ≥20weeks of gestation of a foetus that died in utero; preterm birth as live birth at 20-36weeks; and small for gestational age as sex-specific birthweight <10th percentile for gestational age. Risk ratios (RR) were computed using modified Poisson regression and adjusted for potential confounders. Sensitivity analyses included analysing a cohort restricted to primiparous index births and using inverse-probability censoring weights.RESULTS: Of 3,108,532 birth pairs, 16,668 (0.5%), 260,596 (8.4%) and 331,109 (10.7%) of index births were stillborn, preterm and SGA, respectively. Among individuals with an index stillbirth, the adjusted RRs were 1.90 (95% confidence interval [CI] 1.83, 1.98) for subsequent preterm and 1.35 (95% CI 1.28, 1.41) for subsequent SGA. Among those with index preterm birth, the adjusted RRs were 2.02 (95% CI 1.92, 2.13) for stillbirth and 1.42 (95%CI1.41, 1.44) for SGA. Among those with index SGA, the adjusted RRs were 1.54 (95% CI 1.46, 1.63) for stillbirth and 1.45 (95% CI 1.44, 1.47) for preterm birth. Similar results were reported for sensitivity analyses.CONCLUSIONS: Individuals experiencing stillbirth, preterm birth, or SGA in one pregnancy had an increased risk of one of these biologically related outcomes in a subsequent pregnancy. These findings could encourage enhanced surveillance for individuals who experience stillbirth, preterm birth, or SGA and desire a subsequent pregnancy.
View details for DOI 10.1111/ppe.12881
View details for PubMedID 35437809
Does active treatment in infants born at 22-23 weeks correlate with outcomes of more mature infants at the same hospital? An analysis of California NICU data, 2015-2019.
Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association
OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether hospital rates of active treatment for infants born at 22-23 weeks is associated with survival of infants born at 24-27 weeks.STUDY DESIGN: We included all liveborn infants 22-27 weeks of gestation delivered at California Perinatal Quality Care Collaborative hospitals from 2015 to 2019. We assessed (1) the correlation of active treatment (e.g., endotracheal intubation, epinephrine) in 22-23 week infants and survival until discharge for 24-27 week infants and (2) the association of active treatment with survival using multilevel models.RESULT: The 22-23 week active treatment rate was associated with infant outcomes at 22-23 weeks but not 24-27 weeks. A 10% increase in active treatment did not relate to 24-25 week (adjusted OR: 1.00 [95% CI: 0.95-1.05]), or 26-27 week survival (aOR: 1.02 [0.95-1.09]).CONCLUSION: The hospital rate of active treatment for infants born at 22-23 weeks was not associated with improved survival for 24-27 week infants.
View details for DOI 10.1038/s41372-022-01381-x
View details for PubMedID 35361887
Does Severe Maternal Morbidity impact the probability of subsequent birth? A population-based study of women in California from 1997-2012.
Annals of epidemiology
Complications during pregnancy and birth can impact whether an individual has more children. Our objective was to assess whether experiencing severe maternal morbidity (SMM) during first birth affected the probability of having another child. This study used linked vital records and maternal discharges from 1997 to 2012 for all California births, and SMM was identified using a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention index. Individuals whose first birth was a singleton live birth (n = 3,062,619) were followed until their second birth or December 31, 2012, whichever came first. Hazard ratios for having a subsequent birth were estimated using Cox proportional hazard regression models. This association was assessed overall and stratified by maternal factors of a priori interest: age, race/ethnicity, and payer. Of the 3,062,619individuals in our study, 34,729 (1.1%) experienced SMM at first birth. Compared to those who do not experience SMM, individuals who had SMM had a lower hazard, or instantaneous rate, of subsequent birth (adjusted HR 0.81, 95% CI: 0.80, 0.83); this association was observed in all levels of stratification and all indicators of SMM. Individuals who experience SMM at the time of their first birth are less likely to have another child.
View details for DOI 10.1016/j.annepidem.2021.08.017
View details for PubMedID 34418536
Success of community approach to HPV vaccination in school-based and non-school-based settings in Haiti
2021; 16 (6): e0252310
To assess the success of a human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination program among adolescent girls aged 9-14 years in Haiti and to understand predictors of completion of a two-dose HPV vaccination series.Data collection was conducted during HPV vaccination campaigns in Port-au-Prince between August 2016 and April 2017. Descriptive statistics and logistic regression models were used to examine characteristics associated with vaccination series completion of school based and non-school based vaccination delivery modalities.Of the 2,445 adolescent girls who participated in the awareness program, 1,994 participants (1,307 in non-school program, 687 in school program) received the first dose of the vaccine; 1,199 (92%) in the non-school program and 673 (98%) in the school program also received the second dose. Menarche (OR: 1.87; 95% CI, 1.11-3.14), if the participant was a prior patient at the GHESKIO clinics (OR: 2.17; 95% CI, 1.32-3.58), and participating in the school-based program (OR: 4.17; 95% CI, 2.14-8.12) were significantly associated with vaccination completion.Vaccination in school- and non-school-based settings was successful, suggesting that a nationwide HPV vaccination campaign using either approach would be successful using either approach.
View details for DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0252310
View details for Web of Science ID 000671692800099
View details for PubMedID 34166437
View details for PubMedCentralID PMC8224934
Recurrence of severe maternal morbidity: A population-based cohort analysis of California women.
Paediatric and perinatal epidemiology
BACKGROUND: Severe maternal morbidity (SMM) has increased in the United States by 45% in the last decade. While the recurrence of several adverse pregnancy outcomes from one pregnancy to the next has been established, the recurrence risk of SMM is unknown.OBJECTIVE: To determine whether women who have SMM in a first pregnancy are at increased risk of SMM in their second pregnancy, compared to women who did not have SMM in their first pregnancy.METHODS: This is a population-based study using linked vital statistics and hospital discharge records from the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development in California from 1997 to 2012. The study population had their first two singleton births (live births or stillbirths) in California between 1997 and 2012 (n=1180357). The primary exposure was SMM during the hospitalisation at first birth, and the primary outcome was SMM during the hospitalisation at second birth. Prevalence and risk ratios of SMM at second birth were computed for women who did and did not have SMM at first birth, as well as for certain specific indicators of SMM.RESULTS: Of the 1180357 women included in this analysis, 9088 (77 per 10000 births) experienced SMM at first birth. Among these women, the prevalence of SMM at second birth was 470 per 10000 births, compared to 68 per 10000 births among women without SMM at first birth. This corresponded to an unadjusted risk ratio of 6.87 (95%CI 6.23, 7.57), which did not differ substantially when adjusted for factors known to be associated with SMM (6.42, 95% CI 5.86, 7.13).CONCLUSION: Women experiencing SMM in their first pregnancy were at an approximately sixfold increased risk of experiencing SMM in their second pregnancy.
View details for DOI 10.1111/ppe.12714
View details for PubMedID 33155710
Severe Maternal Morbidity among US- and Foreign-born Asian and Pacific Islander women in California.
Annals of epidemiology
To examine risk of severe maternal morbidity (SMM) - a composite of serious, potentially life-threatening conditions related to childbirth - among subgroups of nulliparous women with Asian and Pacific Islander race/ethnicity.This study used linked hospital discharge and vital record data California to identify nulliparous Asian and Pacific Islander women from 1997 to 2012 (n = 453,525). We examined risk of SMM for 15 Asian and Pacific Islander subgroups and compared risk between US- and foreign-born women.Risk of SMM was higher among Pacific Islander women than Asian women (148 and 127 cases per 10,000 births, respectively). Among Asian women, risk of SMM ranged from 94 (Korean) to 165 (Filipina) cases per 10,000 births, and among Pacific Islander women, risk ranged from 125 (Hawaiian) to 162 (Other). With the exception of Korean and Filipina women, relative risks of SMM for US- versus foreign-born Asian and Pacific Islander women were similar.Differences in risk of SMM exist between subgroups of the Asian and Pacific Islander community. These differences should be considered when conducting research on racial and ethnic differences of SMM and when counselling Asian and Pacific Islander women regarding their risk of SMM.
View details for DOI 10.1016/j.annepidem.2020.07.016
View details for PubMedID 32795600
Tumor Mutational Burden as a Predictive Biomarker for Response to Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors: A Review of Current Evidence
2020; 25 (1): E147–E159
Treatment with immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICPIs) extends survival in a proportion of patients across multiple cancers. Tumor mutational burden (TMB)-the number of somatic mutations per DNA megabase (Mb)-has emerged as a proxy for neoantigen burden that is an independent biomarker associated with ICPI outcomes. Based on findings from recent studies, TMB can be reliably estimated using validated algorithms from next-generation sequencing assays that interrogate a sufficiently large subset of the exome as an alternative to whole-exome sequencing. Biological processes contributing to elevated TMB can result from exposure to cigarette smoke and ultraviolet radiation, from deleterious mutations in mismatch repair leading to microsatellite instability, or from mutations in the DNA repair machinery. A variety of clinical studies have shown that patients with higher TMB experience longer survival and greater response rates following treatment with ICPIs compared with those who have lower TMB levels; this includes a prospective randomized clinical trial that found a TMB threshold of ≥10 mutations per Mb to be predictive of longer progression-free survival in patients with non-small cell lung cancer. Multiple trials are underway to validate the predictive values of TMB across cancer types and in patients treated with other immunotherapies. Here we review the rationale, algorithm development methodology, and existing clinical data supporting the use of TMB as a predictive biomarker for treatment with ICPIs. We discuss emerging roles for TMB and its potential future value for stratifying patients according to their likelihood of ICPI treatment response. IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: Tumor mutational burden (TMB) is a newly established independent predictor of immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICPI) treatment outcome across multiple tumor types. Certain next-generation sequencing-based techniques allow TMB to be reliably estimated from a subset of the exome without the use of whole-exome sequencing, thus facilitating the adoption of TMB assessment in community oncology settings. Analyses of multiple clinical trials across several cancer types have demonstrated that TMB stratifies patients who are receiving ICPIs by response rate and survival. TMB, alongside other genomic biomarkers, may provide complementary information in selecting patients for ICPI-based therapies.
View details for DOI 10.1634/theoncologist.2019-0244
View details for Web of Science ID 000491932900001
View details for PubMedID 31578273
View details for PubMedCentralID PMC6964127
Reentrainment Impairs Spatial Working Memory until Both Activity Onset and Offset Reentrain.
Journal of biological rhythms
2015; 30 (5): 408-416
Compression of the active phase (α) during reentrainment to phase-shifted light-dark (LD) cycles is a common feature of circadian systems, but its functional consequences have not been investigated. This study tested whether α compression in Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) impaired their spatial working memory as assessed by spontaneous alternation (SA) behavior in a T-maze. Animals were exposed to a 1- or 3-h phase delay of the LD cycle (16 h light/8 h dark). SA behavior was tested at 4 multiday intervals after the phase shift, and α was quantified for those days. All animals failed at the SA task while α was decompressing but recovered spatial memory ability once α returned to baseline levels. A second experiment exposed hamsters to a 2-h light pulse either early or late at night to compress α without phase-shifting the LD cycle. SA behavior was impaired until α decompressed to baseline levels. In a third experiment, α was compressed by changing photoperiod (LD 16:8, 18:6, 20:4) to see if absolute differences in α were related to spatial memory ability. Animals performed the SA task successfully in all 3 photoperiods. These data show that the dynamic process of α compression and decompression impairs spatial working memory and suggests that α modulation is a potential biomarker for assessing the impact of transmeridian flight or shift work on memory.
View details for DOI 10.1177/0748730415596254
View details for PubMedID 26224657