Stephen Hinton
Avalon Foundation Professor of Humanities and Professor, by courtesy, of German Studies
Web page: http://web.stanford.edu/people/shinton
Special fields: aesthetics, history of theory, music of Weill, Hindemith and Beethoven.
Stephen Hinton is the Avalon Foundation Professor in the Humanities at Stanford University, Professor of Music and, by courtesy, of German. From 2011-15 he served as the Denning Family Director of the Stanford Arts Institute. From 2006–2010 he was Senior Associate Dean for Humanities & Arts. He recently served as chairman of the Department of Music (2022-24), having previously served in that position from 1997-2004 and in 2000-21. Before moving to Stanford, he taught at Yale University and, before that, at the Technische Universität Berlin. His publications include The Idea of Gebrauchsmusik; Kurt Weill: The Threepenny Opera for the series Cambridge Opera Handbooks; the critical editions of Die Dreigroschenoper (with Edward Harsh) and Happy End (with Elmar Juchem) for the Kurt Weill Edition; Kurt Weill, Gesammelte Schriften (Collected Writings, edited with Jürgen Schebera, and issued in 2000 in an expanded second edition); and the edition of the Symphony Mathis der Maler for Paul Hindemith’s Collected Works.
He has published widely on many aspects of modern German music history and theory, with contributions to publications such as Handwörterbuch der musikalischen Terminologie, New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart, and Funkkolleg Musikgeschichte. He has also served as editor of the journal Beethoven Forum. Recent articles include “Beauty” (with Nick Zangwill) for The Oxford Handbook of Western Music and Philosophy (2020); “Music in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction and the Historiography of the Middle” for The Oxford Handbook of Music and the Middlebrow (2023); and “Weill's Cinematic Imagination” for The Works of Kurt Weill: Transformations and Reconfigurations in 20th-Century Music (2023). His monograph Weill’s Musical Theater: Stages of Reform (UC Press, 2012), which won the 2013 Kurt Weill Prize for distinguished scholarship in musical theater, has been published in a revised German edition as Kurt Weills Musiktheater: Vom Songspiel zur American Opera (Suhrkamp, 2023). Together with the St. Lawrence String Quartet, he produced the series of edX online courses called Defining the String Quartet focusing on the music of Haydn (2016) and Beethoven (2019).
Academic Appointments
Professor, Music
Professor (By courtesy), German Studies
Administrative Appointments
Chairman, Department of Music (2022 - 2024)
Chairman, Department of Music (2020 - 2021)
Director, Denning Family of Arts Initiative and Stanford’s Arts Institute (2011 - 2015)
Avalon Foundation Professor in the Humanities, Stanford University (2010 - Present)
Senior Associate Dean for Humanities & Arts, Stanford University (2006 - 2010)
Chairman, Department of Music, Stanford University (1996 - 2004)
Associate Professor, Department of Music, Stanford University (1994 - 2003)
Associate Professor, Department of Music, Yale University (1993 - 1994)
Visiting professor, Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven (1993 - 1993)
Assistant Professor, Department of Music, Yale University (1990 - 1993)
“Wissenschaftlicher Assistent” in musicology [equivalent to Assistant Professor], Technische Universität Berlin (1988 - 1990)
Postdoctoral Research Scholar (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft), Technische Universität Berlin (1986 - 1988)
Research assistant to Professor Carl Dahlhaus (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft), Technische Universität Berlin (1984 - 1985)
Tutor [equivalent to Graduate Teaching Assistant], Technische Universität Berlin, Seminar für Musikgeschichte (1982 - 1984)
Honors & Awards
Dean's Award for Distinguished Teaching, School of Humanities & Sciences, Stanford University (2015)
Kurt Weill Book Prize for Outstanding Scholarship in Music Theater, Kurt Weill Foundation (2013)
MacNamara Fellow, Stanford (1996 - 1997)
Morse Fellowship, Yale University (1992 - 1993)
Postdoctoral Fellowship, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinshaft (1986 - 1988)
Major State Scholarship, Department of Education and Science (1978 - 1981)
Boards, Advisory Committees, Professional Organizations
Final Selection Committee Member, Andrew W. Mellon Fellowships in Humanistic Studies (2001)
Editor-in-Chief, Beethoven Forum (2002 - 2006)
Reviews Editor, Beethoven Forum (1998 - 2002)
Member, Advisory Board, The Journal of Musicology (2000)
Member, Editorial Board, Kurt Weill Edition (1992)
Member, Advisory Board, Norton’s History of Western Music (1999 - 2001)
Member, Advisory Board, Muziek & Wetenschap (1995)
Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Music Theory (1995)
Member, Editorial Board, Twentieth-Century Music (2003)
Member, Fellowship Committee (AMS 50), American Musicological Society (1997 - 1999)
Member, Program Committee, American Musicological Society (1996 - 1996)
Member, Editorial Board, Music Theory Online
President, Northern California Chapter of the American Musicological Society (2011 - 2013)
Honors in the Arts (faculty director), Stanford University
Member, Breadth Governance Board, Stanford University (2012)
Member, University Advisory Board, Stanford University (2013 - Present)
Stanford Humanities Center, chair of search committee for new director, Stanford University (2013 - 2013)
Member, Stanford Humanities Center Advisory Board, Stanford University (2012 - Present)
Member, Bing Program Advisory Group, Stanford University (2010)
Senior Associate Dean for Humanities and Arts, Stanford University (2006 - 2010)
Member, University Budget Group, Stanford University (2003 - 2008)
Member, Provost’s Housing Committee, Stanford University (1999 - 2000)
Member, Faculty Senate, Stanford University (1997 - 1999)
Member, Faculty Senate, Stanford University (2003 - 2004)
Member, Faculty Senate, Stanford University (2005 - 2007)
Member, Faculty Senate, Stanford University (2011 - 2013)
Member, Committee on Committees, Stanford University (1997 - 1999)
Member, Dean’s Search Committee, Stanford University (1996 - 1996)
Member, Yale College Executive Committee, Yale University (1993 - 1994)
Professional Education
Ph.D., University of Birmingham (1984)
B.A., University of Birmingham (1978)
2024-25 Courses
- Beethoven
MUSIC 33N (Spr) - The Symphony
MUSIC 2A (Spr) -
Independent Studies (7)
- Concentrations Project
MUSIC 198 (Aut, Win, Spr) - Independent Study
MUSIC 199 (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Independent Study
MUSIC 299 (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - PhD Dissertation Proposal
MUSIC 398 (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Practicum Internship
MUSIC 390 (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Readings in Music Theory
MUSIC 321 (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Research in Musicology
MUSIC 302 (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum)
- Concentrations Project
Prior Year Courses
2023-24 Courses
- Beethoven
MUSIC 33N (Spr) - Research Seminar in Musicology
MUSIC 310 (Spr)
2022-23 Courses
- Beethoven
MUSIC 33N (Spr) - Musicology Dissertation Colloquium
MUSIC 330 (Spr)
- Beethoven
Stanford Advisees
Doctoral Dissertation Reader (AC)
Matthew Gilbert, Munir Gur, Lorenzo Tunesi -
Doctoral (Program)
Chris East
All Publications
- Kurt Weills Musiktheater: Vom Songspiel zur American Opera Suhrkamp Verlag. 2023
- Arnold Schönberg: Stil und Gedanke Musikästhetik in Europa und Nordamerika Bärenreiter/Metzler. 2023: 760-762
- Bertolt Brecht und Peter Suhrkamp: Anmerkungen zur Oper Musikästhetik in Europa und Nordamerika Bärenreiter/Metzler. 2023: 149-151
Music in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction and the Historiography of the Middle
The Oxford Handbook of Music and the Middlebrow
Oxford University Press. 2023
View details for DOI 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780197523933.013.10
- Weill's Cinematic Imagination The Works of Kurt Weill: Transformations and Reconfigurations in 20th-Century Music Brepols. 2023: 3-19
Opera after the Zero Hour: The Problem of Tradition and the Possibility of Renewal in Postwar West Germany (Book Review)
View details for DOI 10.1093/ml/gcac032
View details for Web of Science ID 000785741700001
- Lotte Lenya – Like a Force of Nature Pt. 1 Women's Song Forum https://www.womensongforum.org/2022/04/01/lotte-lenya-like-a-force-of-nature-pt-1/ 2022
- Richard Taruskin (1945-2022): In Memoriam Kurt Weill Newsletter 2022; 40 (2): https://www.kwf.org/wp-content/uploads/kwn_402_p18-24.pdf#page=6
- Review of 365 Tage mit Kurt Weill: ein Almanach, compiled by Andreas Eichhorn (Olms, 2022) Kurt Weill Newsletter 2022; 40 (1): 18
- Lotte Lenya -- Like a Force of Nature Pt. 2 Women's Song Forum https://www.womensongforum.org/2022/04/18/lotte-lenya-like-a-force-of-nature-pt-2/ 2022
Beethoven 2020: Analytical and Performative Perspectives, Conservatorium Van Amsterdam, 29 February–1 March 2020
Eighteenth-Century Music
2021; 18 (1): 232-35
View details for DOI 10.1017/S1478570620000342
On the Foundations of Dahlhaus’s Foundations
Journal of Musicology
2021; 38 (2): 209-229
View details for DOI 10.1525/jm.2021.38.2.209
- Happy End: Ein Stück mit Musik von Elisabeth Hauptmann; Musik und Songtexten von Kurt Weill und Bertolt Brecht Kurt Weill Edition, I/6 edited by Hinton, S., Juchem, E. European American Music. 2020
- Weill contra Wagner: Aspekte der Ambivalenz wagnerspectrum 2020; 16 (2): 197-220
The Oxford Handbook of Western Music and Philosophy
Oxford University Press. 2020: 941–65
View details for DOI 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199367313.013.49
Beethoven and Freedom (Book Review)
2019; 100 (1): 150–52
View details for DOI 10.1093/ml/gcz010
View details for Web of Science ID 000493399100014
- Mackie Messer: Brechts 3Groschenfilm Kurt Weill Newsletter https://www.kwf.org/images/newsletter/kwn372p13-18.pdf#page=5. 2019
- The Idea of Gebrauchsmusik – revisited Danish Yearbook of Musicology http://www.dym.dk/dym_pdf_files/volume_43/dym43_2_02.pdf 2019; 43 (2): 5 – 19
- Defining the String Quartet II: Beethoven [online course with St. Lawrence String Quartet] https://www.edx.org/course/defining-the-string-quartet-ii-beethoven. 2019
- Humor and Pathos in Haydn's Op. 20: A Historical Perspective Gema Records. 2019 ; St. Lawrence String Quartet: Haydn Op. 20, Commentary, pp. 8–16
- Envisioning Weimar: "Babylon Berlin" Kurt Weill Newsletter https://www.kwf.org/images/newsletter/kwn361p1-12.pdf#page=10 2018; 36 (1)
- Zur Rezeption der Emigranten in der Nachkriegszeit: Der Fall Weill Musikwissenschaft, Nachkriegskultur, Vergangenheitspolitik edited by Auhagen, W. Georg Olms Verlag. 2017: 15–23
- Carl Dahlhaus on the History of Music Theory – A Response Theoria: Historical Aspects of Music Theory 2017; 24: 195-205
- Defining the String Quartet: Haydn [online course with St. Lawrence String Quartet] https://www.edx.org/course/defining-the-string-quartet-haydn. 2016
Lady in the Dark as Musical Talking Cure
2015; 31 (1-2): 134-144
View details for DOI 10.1093/oq/kbv004
View details for Web of Science ID 000356181600007
- Weill’s Self-Borrowings Kurt Weill und Frankreich edited by Eichhorn, A. Waxmann. 2014: 89–101
- A Note on the Vineyard Style https://live.stanford.edu/blog/january-2013/note-vineyard-style. 2013
- Weill’s Musical Theater: Stages of Reform Berkeley, University of California Press. 2012
- Schoenberg’s Harmonielehre: Psychology and Comprehensibility Tonality 1900-1950: Concept and Practice edited by Wörner, F., Scheideler, U., Rupprecht, P. Steiner: Stuttgart. 2012: 113–24
- Carl Dahlhaus: Biographie und Methode Carl Dahlhaus und die Musikwissenschaft: Werk, Wirkung, Aktualität edited by Danuser, H. Schliengen: Argus Verlag. 2011: 37–43
- Back to Bach: The Conscience of History https://americansymphony.org/concert-notes/back-to-bach-the-conscience-of-history/. 2011 ; American Symphony Orchestra
- Der Schriftsteller Carl Dahlhaus Carl Dahlhaus und die Musikwissenschaft: Werk, Wirkung, Aktualität edited by Danuser, H. Schliengen: Argus Verlag. 2011
- Einleitung Carl Dahlhaus und die Musikwissenschaft: Werk, Wirkung, Aktualität edited by Danuser, H. Schliengen: Argus Verlag. 2011
2010; 91 (4): 568-579
View details for DOI 10.1093/ml/gcq092
View details for Web of Science ID 000286359000007
- Mahagonny as Conceived by Weill-Brecht and Smith: Musical Visions of Urbanity Harry Smith: The Avant-Garde in the American Vernacular edited by Perchuk, A., Singh, R. 2010: 155–171
- Weill Contra Wagner: Aspects of Ambivalence “… dass alles hätte anders kommen können”: Beiträge zur Musikgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts edited by Schaal, S., Schader, L., Winkler, H. J. 2009: 155–174
- Libretto im Progress: Brechts und Weills Aufstieg und Fall der Stadt Mahagonny aus textgeschichtlicher Sicht Brecht Yearbook 2007; 32
- Study score with a new Preface Vienna: Universal-Edition. 2006
- Die Dreigroschenoper Vienna: Universal-Edition. 2006
- Amerikanische Musiktheorie: Disziplin ohne Geschichte? Musiktheoretisches Denken und kultureller Kontext edited by Schmidt, D. Schliengen: Argus-Verlag. 2005: 231–246
- Zur Epistemologie des Ursatzes Musik und Verstehen edited by Blumröder, C. v., Steinbeck, W. Laaber: Laaber Verlag. 2004: 74–83
- The Urform of Opera A New History of German Literature edited by Kaes, A. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard. 2004: 758–764
- Review-article on recent Adorno-related publications Journal of the American Musicological Society 2003; 56 (1): 198-213
- Analyse statt Ästhetik Europäische Musikgeschichte edited by Finscher, L. 2002
- Wider das bürgerliche Konzertleben Europäische Musikgeschichte edited by Finscher, L. 2002
- Romantische Ironie in der Musik? Beiträge zur Kleist-Forschung Frankfurt Oder: Kleist- Museum. 2002: 21–35
- Musik und musikalisches Theater: Gesammelte Schriften Mainz: Schott. 2000
- Gebrauchsmusik New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians edited by Sadie, ., Tyrrell, . London: Macmillan. 2000
- Die Dreigroschenoper Miami: European American Music. 2000
A new edition of Die 'Dreigroschenoper': Challenges, principles, and solutions
1999; 56 (2): 319-330
View details for Web of Science ID 000084254700002
- Foreword to the New Kurt Weill Edition Music Library Association Notes 1999; 56 (2)
- Die Musiktheorie Heinrich Schenkers und ihre Übertragung ins Englische Musik als Text edited by Danuser, H., Plebuch, T. Kassel: Bärenreiter. 1999: 184–9
- Hindemith and Weill: Cases of ‘Inner’ and ‘Other’ Direction Driven into Paradise edited by Wolff, Brinkmann Berkeley: University of California Press. 1999: 261–78
Not which tones? The Crux of Beethoven's Ninth
1998; 22 (1): 61-77
View details for Web of Science ID 000077166700004
- Emigration and Self-Discovery Hindemith-Jahrbuch 1998
- Hindemith, Bach and the Melancholy of Obligation Hindemith-Jahrbuch University of Nebraska Press. 1998
- Adorno’s philosophy of music Oxford Encyclopedia of Aesthetics edited by Kelly, M. Oxford. 1998
- Hindemith, Bach and the Melancholy of Obligation Bach Perspectives 3: Creative Responses to Bach from Mozart to Hindemith University of Nebraska Press. 1998: 133–15
- Die Dreigroschenoper -- ein Mißverständnis? Kurt Weill: Die frühen Werke 1916-1928 edited by Diehl, G. 1998: 130–42
- “Street Scene” and “Down in the Valley” Pipers Enzyklopädie des Musiktheaters edited by Dahlhaus, C. Munich: Piper. 1997
- Kurt Weill’s ‘modern classical art Die klassizistische Moderne in der Musik des 20. Jahrhunderts edited by Danuser, H. 1997: 115–22
- Teaching New Classicality: Ferruccio Busoni’s Master Class in Composition. European University Studies 152 - Tamara Levitz Kurt Weill Newsletter 1996
- Hanns Eisler and the Ideology of Modern Music New Music and Ideology edited by Delaere, M. Wilhelmshaven. 1996: 79–85
- Adorno’s Unfinished Beethoven Beethoven Forum 5 Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press. 1996: 139–53
1995; 67 (3): 710-712
View details for Web of Science ID A1995RR23600029
- Neue Sachlichkeit Terminologie der Musik im 20. Jahrhundert edited by Eggebrecht, H. H. Wiesbaden. 1995
- Gebrauchsmusik Terminologie der Musik im 20. Jahrhundert edited by Eggebrecht, H. H. Wiesbaden. 1995
- Emigration als Selbstfindung: Paul Hindemith in den USA Themenheft “Hindemith” 1995: 30-40
- Lehrstück: an Aesthetics of Performance Music and Performance in the Weimar Republic edited by Gilliam, B. Cambridge. 1994: 59–73
- Großbritannien als Exilland: Der Fall Weill Musik in der Emigration 1933-1945: Verfolgung - Vertreibung - Rückwirkung edited by Weber, H. Stuttgart. 1994: 213–27
- Ballad Opera Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart 1994; 1
- Lehrstück: an Aesthetics of Performance Hindemith-Jahrbuch 1993; XXII: 68-96
- Review of Berg: Violin Concerto Notes 1993
- Defining Musical Expressionism: Schoenberg and Others Expressionism Reassessed edited by Behr, S. Manchester. 1993: 121–9
- Fragwürdiges in der deutschen Weill-Rezeption A Stranger Here Myself: Kurt-Weill-Studien edited by Edler, H., Kowalke, K. Hildesheim. 1993: 23–33
- Germany, 1919-45 Modern Times, Man and Music edited by Morgan, R. 1993: 83–110
- Berg: Violin Concerto -Anthony Pople Notes 1993; 3 (64/2)
- Issues in the German Reception of Weill Kurt Weill Newsletter 1993; 11 (1): 7-9
1992; 73 (3): 466-468
View details for Web of Science ID A1992JH60300030
- Die Dreigroschenoper New Grove Dictionary of Opera edited by Sadie, S. 1992
- Der Zar lässt sich photographieren New Grove Dictionary of Opera edited by Sadie, S. 1992
- Der Silbersee: ein Wintermärchen New Grove Dictionary of Opera edited by Sadie, S. 1992
- Der Protagonist New Grove Dictionary of Opera edited by Sadie, S. 1992
- Der Kuhhandel New Grove Dictionary of Opera edited by Sadie, S. 1992
- Down in the Valley New Grove Dictionary of Opera edited by Sadie, S. 1992
- Die Bürgschaft New Grove Dictionary of Opera edited by Sadie, S. 1992
- Aufstieg und Fall der Stadt Mahagonny New Grove Dictionary of Opera edited by Sadie, S. 1992
- Kurt Weill New Grove Dictionary of Opera edited by Sadie, S. 1992
- Benjamin Britten Metzler Komponisten-Lexikon edited by Weber, H. Stuttgart. 1992
- Composer in a Divided World - Ronald Taylor Kurt Weill Newsletter 1992; 10 (2): 17f
- Hindemith: pedagogy and personal style Hindemith-Jahrbuch 1988 1992; XVII: 54- 67
- Street Scene New Grove Dictionary of Opera edited by Sadie, S. 1992
- Die sieben Todsünden New Grove Dictionary of Opera edited by Sadie, S. 1992
- Mahagonny-Songspiel New Grove Dictionary of Opera edited by Sadie, S. 1992
- Lost in the Stars New Grove Dictionary of Opera edited by Sadie, S. 1992
- Der Jasager New Grove Dictionary of Opera edited by Sadie , S. 1992
- Drops in the Dreigroschen Ocean Kurt Weill Newsletter 1991; 9 (2): 10-11
- Orchesterwerke 1932-34: Philharmonisches Konzert; Symphonie “Mathis der Maler” 1991
- Expressionismus beim jungen Hindemith? Hindemith-Jahrbuch 1987 1991; XVI: 18- 31
- Hindemith: pedagogy and personal style Italian in Paul Hindemith nella cultura tedesca degli anni venti edited by Piccardi, C. Milan. 1991
- Zur Urform der Oper Vom Kurfürstendamm zum Broadway: Kurt Weill (1900-1950) edited by Kortländer, B. Düsseldorf. 1990: 40–6
- Colloquium Klassizität, Klassizis-mus, Klassik in der Musik 1920-1950 - Wolfgang Osthoff Music and Letters 1990; 71: 126-128
- Neue Sachlichkeit Handwörterbuch der musikalischen Terminologie, Auslieferung 1990; 18
- Zur Ästhetik des frühen Hindemith Kunst als Antithese: Karl Hofer Symposium 1988 edited by Poos, H. 1990: 131–41
- Musik und Theater: Gesammelte Schriften 1990
- Kurt Weill: The Threepenny Opera Cambridge Opera Handbooks, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1990
- Natürliche Übergänge’: Heinrich Schenkers Begriff von der Sonatenform Musiktheorie 1990; 4: 101-16
1989; 130 (1762): 737-?
View details for Web of Science ID A1989CC86600005
- The Idea of Gebrauchsmusik New York: Garland. 1989
- Kurt Weill, Aufstieg und Fall der Stadt Mahagonny. Kölner Rundfunkorchester Kurt Weill Newsletter 1989; 7 (2): 23-24
- Gebrauchsmusik Handwörterbuch der musikalischen Terminologie, Auslieferung 1988; 15
- Analyse statt Ästhetik Funkkolleg Musik: Studieneinheit 1988; 24
- Review of Essays on the philosophy of music - Ernst Bloch Music and Letters 1988; 67: 423-424
- Paul Hindemiths Einakter-Triptychon - Annegrit Laubenthal Music and Letters 1988; 69: 289-291
- The Music of Paul Hindemith - David Neumeyer Music Analysis 1988; 7: 356-359
- Wider das bürgerliche Konzertleben Funkkolleg Musik: Studieneinheit 1988; 25
- The Music of Paul Hindemith - David Neumeyer Musiktheorie 1988; 4: 258-261
- Bertolt Brecht/Kurt Weill, Die Dreigroschenoper. Igor Strawinsky, The Rake’s Progress: Texte, Materia-lien, Kommentare, Kurt Weill Newsletter 1988; 6 (1): 18
- Alexander Goehr Konzertbuch: Kammermusik A-G edited by Allihn, I. Leipzig. 1988: 683–688
- The concept of epic opera: theoretical anomalies in the Brecht-Weill partnership Festschrift Carl Dahlhaus edited by de la Motte, D., Miller, L. 1988: 283–94
- Opera or Play with Music? An unsung “Dreigroschenprozess" Kurt Weill Newsletter 1988; 2 (7)
- Musikwissenschaft und Musiktheorie oder Die Frage nach der phänomenologischen Jungfräulichkeit Musiktheorie 1988; iii: 195-204
- Aspects of Hindemith”s Neue Sachlichkeit Hindemith-Jahrbuch 1985 1987; XIV: 22-107
- Bericht: Cambridge University Music Analysis Conference 1986 Musiktheorie 1987; 6: 103-106
- Kurt Weill, “Scores” Kurt Weill Newsletter 1987; 5 (1): 19-20
- Alte Musik als Hebamme einer neuen Musikästhetik der Zwanziger Jahre Bericht über den internationalen musikwissenschaftlichen Kongress Stuttgart 1985 edited by Berke, D., Hanemann, D. 1987: 325–30
- Lasst euch nicht verführen: Brecht und die Musik - Albrecht Dümling Musica 1986; 40: 271-272
- Weill: Neue Sachlichkeit, Surrealism and Gebrauchsmusik New Orpheus: Essays on Kurt Weill edited by Kowalke, K. H. New Haven. 1986: 61–82
- Review of Hanns Eisler: Kompositionen, Schriften, Literatur - Manfred Grabs Music and Letters 1986; 67: 405-406
- Analyse heute Musiktheorie 1986; 1: 97-9
- Musik und Musikpolitik im faschistischen Deutsch-land - Heister and Klein Music and Letters 1986; 67: 188-190
- Brechts Dreigroschenoper - Werner Hecht (ed.) Kurt Weill Newsletter 1985; 3 (2): 19
- Musik nach Mass: Zum Begriff der Gebrauchsmusik bei Paul Hindemith Musica 1985; 34: 146-150
- Kurt Weill: Leben und Werk - Jürgen Schebera Music and Letters 1985; 66: 393-394
- Schriften: vols 2 & 3 - Hanns Eisler Music and Letters 1984; 65: 382-384
- Zur Problematik der Opernstruktur - Erik Fischer Music and Letters 1984; 65: 272-275
1984; 65 (1): 127-129
View details for Web of Science ID A1984SB74300055
- Sämtliche Werke: I/6, VI/1, VI/5 - Paul Hindemith Music and Letters 1984; 65: 416-419
- Review of Zur Problematik der Opernstruktur - Erik Fischer Kurt Weill Newsletter 1984; 2 (2): 16f
- Review of Oper - Leo Karl Gerhartz Kurt Weill Newsletter 1984; 2 (2): 16f
- Oper: Aspekte der Gattung - Leo Karl Gerhartz Musica 1984; 38: 271-272
- Der 2. Kongress der internationalen Schönberg-Gesellschaft in Wien Musica 1984; 38: 357-358
1983; 64 (3-4): 287-290
View details for Web of Science ID A1983RL25000042
- Review of Hanns Eisler - Albrecht Betz Music and Letters 1983; 64
- Orchestersuiten - Hanns Eisler Music and Letters 1982; 63: 378-378
1982; 63 (1-2): 168-169
View details for Web of Science ID A1982QT02200056
- Hanns Eisler Makers of Modern Culture edited by Wintle, J. London. 1981: 150–151