Education & Certifications

  • MPhil, University of Cambridge, Data Intensive Science (2024)
  • MEng, Imperial College London, Aeronautics with Spacecraft Engineering (2023)

All Publications

  • Representation learning for time-domain high-energy astrophysics: Discovery of extragalactic fast X-ray transient XRT 200515 MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY Dillmann, S., Martinez-Galarza, J., Soria, R., Di Stefano, R., Kashyap, V. L. 2025; 537 (2): 931-955
  • The Cloudspotting on Mars citizen science project: Seasonal and spatial cloud distributions observed by the Mars Climate Sounder ICARUS Slipski, M., Kleinbohl, A., Dillmann, S., Kass, D. M., Reimuller, J., Wronkiewicz, M., Doran, G. 2024; 419
  • The impact of satellite trails on Hubble Space Telescope observations NATURE ASTRONOMY Kruk, S., Garcia-Martin, P., Popescu, M., Aussel, B., Dillmann, S., Perks, M. E., Lund, T., Merin, B., Thomson, R., Karadag, S., McCaughrean, M. J. 2023; 7 (3): 262-268