
Personal website:

Academic Appointments

  • Professor, Classics
  • Professor, History

Administrative Appointments

  • Catherine R. Kennedy and Daniel L. Grossman Fellow in Human Biology, Stanford University (2013 - 2021)
  • Professor of History, Stanford University (2012 - Present)
  • Visiting Distinguished Professor in World History, New York University Abu Dhabi (2011 - 2011)
  • Visiting Professor, Department of History, Columbia University (2010 - 2010)
  • Dickason Professor in the Humanities, Stanford University (2008 - Present)
  • Professor of Classics, Stanford University (2004 - Present)
  • Associate Professor of Classics, Stanford University (2003 - 2004)
  • Visiting Associate Professor of History, University of Chicago (2002 - 2002)
  • Visiting Assistant Professor of History, University of Chicago (2000 - 2002)
  • Acting Assistant Professor, Department of Classics and Social Science History Institute, Stanford University (1999 - 2000)
  • 'Gastprofessor' (Visiting Professor), Department of Ancient History, University of lnnsbruck (1999 - 1999)
  • 'Maitre de Conferences Invite' (Visiting Professor), Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris (1998 - 1998)
  • Invited Lecturer Faculty of Classics, University of Cambridge (1996 - 1999)
  • Moses and Mary Finley Research Fellow in Ancient History, Darwin College, Cambridge (1996 - 1999)
  • Senior Member, Faculty of History, University of Cambridge (1996 - 1999)
  • Visiting Scholar, Department of Classical Studies, University of Michigan (1995 - 1995)
  • Visiting Scholar, University of Cambridge (1994 - 1994)
  • 'Vertragsassistent' (academic and administrative assistant), Department of Ancient History, University of Vienna (1990 - 1995)
  • University Lecturer in Ancient History, Department of Ancient History, University of Vienna (1990 - 1995)

Honors & Awards

  • Oswald Spengler Prize, Oswald Spengler Society for the Study of Humanity and World History (2020)
  • Fellow, John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation (2017-2018)
  • Corresponding Member, Austrian Academy of Sciences (2015-)
  • Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences (2007-2008)
  • New Directions Fellow, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation (2005-2006)
  • Erwin Schroedinger Fellow, Austrian Research Council (1995-1995)
  • Ordinary Member of the Senior Combination Room, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge (1994-1994)

Boards, Advisory Committees, Professional Organizations

  • Member, Advisory Board, Arthur Lewis Lab for Comparative Development, University of Manchester (2023 - Present)
  • Member, Advisory Board, "Edinburgh Studies in Ancient Slavery," Edinburgh University Press (2019 - Present)
  • Member, Editorial board, "Explorations in Economic History" (2015 - 2017)
  • Member, Editorial Board, "Cliodynamics: The Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical History" (2014 - Present)
  • Co-editor, "Historia" and "Historia Einzelschriften," Steiner Verlag (2014 - 2019)
  • Faculty Coordinator, Human Biology Core Sequence, Program in Human Biology, Stanford University (2012 - 2021)
  • Chair, Department of Classics, Stanford University (2011 - 2015)
  • Member, Executive Committee, Stanford Center for Population Research, Stanford University (2011 - 2015)
  • Member, Appointments and Promotions Committee, Humanities and Arts Cluster, Stanford University (2011 - 2014)
  • Member, Intern. Adv. Board, Center for the Comparative Study of Antiquity, Chinese University of Hong Kong (2010 - Present)
  • Member, Dean's Advisory Committee, School of Humanities and Sciences, Stanford University (2009 - 2010)
  • Co-editor, "Oxford Studies in Early Empires," Oxford University Press (2008 - Present)
  • Chair, Department of Classics, Stanford University (2008 - 2010)
  • Member, Appointments and Promotions Committee, Humanities and Arts Cluster, Stanford University (2008 - 2010)
  • Member, Advisory Board, Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis (2007 - 2020)
  • Member, Executive Committee, Urban Studies Program, Stanford University (2006 - 2012)
  • Member, Appointments and Promotions Committee, School of Humanities and Sciences (substitute), Stanford University (2006 - 2007)
  • Co-coordinator, Princeton/Stanford Working Papers in Classics (2005 - 2009)
  • Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Classics, Stanford University (2004 - 2007)
  • Ancient History Track Advisor, Department of Classics, Stanford University (2003 - 2007)
  • Member, Faculty Advisory Board, Social Science History Institute, Stanford University (2003 - 2006)
  • Associate, Behavioral and Brain Sciences (1997 - Present)
  • Contributor, Annual bibliographical supplement of research on slavery, "Slavery and Abolition" (1993 - 2001)
  • Member, Research group on ancient slavery, Academy of Sciences and Literature in Mainz, Germany (1993 - 1999)
  • Member, Editorial staff, "Tyche" (1990 - 1993)

Professional Education

  • 'Habilitation', University of Graz, Ancient History (1998)
  • Ph.D., University of Vienna, Ancient History (1993)
  • M.Phil., University of Vienna, Ancient History (1989)


  • Orbis: The Stanford Geospatial Network Model of the Roman World, Stanford University


    Stanford University


    • Elijah Meeks, Digital Humanities Specialist, Netflix (formerly Stanford Unievrsity)

2024-25 Courses

Stanford Advisees

All Publications

  • What Is Ancient History? Scheidel, W. Princeton University Press. 2025
  • Building up Slaveries in Ancient Italy and the Central Sudan MAKING THE MIDDLE REPUBLIC Scheidel, W., Bernard, S., Mignone, L. M., Peralta, D. P. 2023: 80-100
  • Non-Archimedean modernities INTERDISCIPLINARY SCIENCE REVIEWS Scheidel, W. 2022; 47 (3-4): 520-529
  • The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity (Book Review) FOREIGN AFFAIRS Book Review Authored by: Scheidel, W. 2022; 101 (3): 187-193
  • Fitness and Power: The Contribution of Genetics to the History of Differential Reproduction. Evolutionary psychology : an international journal of evolutionary approaches to psychology and behavior Scheidel, W. 1800; 19 (4): 14747049211066599


    Textual evidence from pre-modern societies supports the prediction that status differences among men translate to variance in reproductive success. In recent years, analysis of genetic data has opened up new ways of studying this relationship. By investigating cases that range over several millennia, these analyses repeatedly document the replacement of local men by newcomers and reveal instances of exceptional reproductive success of specific male lineages. These findings suggest that violent population transfers and conquests could generate considerable reproductive advantages for male dominants. At the same time, this does not always seem to have been the case. Moreover, it is difficult to link such outcomes to particular historical characters or events, or to identify status-biased reproductive inequalities within dominant groups. The proximate factors that mediated implied imbalances in reproductive success often remain unclear. A better understanding of the complex interplay between social power and genetic fitness will only arise from sustained transdisciplinary engagement.

    View details for DOI 10.1177/14747049211066599

    View details for PubMedID 34918580

  • Rulers and Ruled in Ancient Greece, Rome, and China. (Book Review) CLASSICAL REVIEW Book Review Authored by: Scheidel, W. 2021; 71 (2): 432-435
  • Rome, China, and the Barbarians. Ethnographic Traditions and the Transformation of Empires (Book Review) CLASSICAL REVIEW Book Review Authored by: Scheidel, W. 2021; 71 (1): 205–7
  • The Oxford World History of Empire Scheidel, W. edited by Bang, P. F., Bayly, C. A. Oxford University Press. 2021
  • The Coronavirus Pandemic and the Future of Economic Inequality SOCIAL RESEARCH Scheidel, W. 2020; 87 (2): 293–95
  • Ancient States and Infrastructural Power: Europe, Asia, and America (Book Review) JOURNAL OF WORLD HISTORY Book Review Authored by: Scheidel, W. 2020; 31 (2): 447–49
  • Roman wealth and wealth inequality in comparative perspective JOURNAL OF ROMAN ARCHAEOLOGY Scheidel, W. 2020; 33: 341–53
  • Escape from Rome: The Failure of Empire and the Road to Prosperity Scheidel, W. Princeton University Press. 2019
  • MOVING ROMANS: MIGRATION TO ROME IN THE PRINCIPATE (Book Review) JOURNAL OF ROMAN ARCHAEOLOGY Book Review Authored by: Scheidel, W. 2019; 32: 683–89
  • The Science of Roman History: Biology, Climate, and the Future of the Past edited by Scheidel, W. Princeton University Press. 2018
  • The Great Leveler: Violence and the History of Inequality from the Stone Age to the Twenty-First Century Scheidel, W. Princeton University Press. 2017
  • On Human Bondage: After Slavery and Social Death edited by Bodel, J., Scheidel, W. Wiley Blackwell. 2017
  • What is Ancient History? DAEDALUS Morris, I., Scheidel, W. 2016; 145 (2): 113-121
  • Evolutionary Psychology and the Historian AMERICAN HISTORICAL REVIEW Scheidel, W. 2014; 119 (5): 1563-1575
  • A virtual water network of the Roman world HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES Dermody, B. J., van Beek, R. P., Meeks, E., Goldewijk, K. K., SCHEIDEL, W., van der Velde, Y., Bierkens, M. F., Wassen, M. J., Dekker, S. C. 2014; 18 (12): 5025-5040
  • The Oxford handbook of the state in the ancient Near East and Mediterranean Scheidel, W., Bang, P. F. Oxford University Press: New York. 2013
  • Explaining the maritime freight charges in Diocletian's Prices Edict Journal of Roman Archaeology Scheidel, W. 2013; 26
  • Disease and death The Cambridge companion to ancient Rome Scheidel, W. edited by Erdkamp, P. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. 2013: 45–59
  • Studying the state The Oxford handbook of the state in the ancient Near East and Mediterranean Scheidel, W. edited by Bang, P. F., Scheidel, W. Oxford University Press: New York. 2013: 5–57
  • Human mobility in Roman Italy, II: The slave population Antike Sklaverei Scheidel, W. edited by Otto, E. H. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft: Darmstadt. 2013: 73–91
  • The Cambridge companion to the Roman economy Scheidel, W. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. 2012
  • Slavery The Cambridge companion to the Roman economy Scheidel, W. edited by Scheidel, W. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. 2012: 89–113
  • Age and health The Oxford handbook of Roman Egypt Scheidel, W. edited by Riggs, C. Oxford University Press: Oxford. 2012: 305–316
  • Approaching the Roman economy The Cambridge companion to the Roman economy Scheidel, W. edited by Scheidel, W. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. 2012: 1–21
  • The Cambridge companion to the Roman economy Scheidel, W. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. 2012
  • Demographie Handwörterbuch der antiken Sklaverei, CD-ROM-Lieferung I-IV Scheidel, W. edited by Heinen, H. Franz Steiner Verlag: Stuttgart. 2012
  • Roman wellbeing and the economic consequences of the Antonine Plague L'impatto della "peste antonina" Scheidel, W. edited by Cascio, E. L. 2012: 265–295
  • Epigraphy and demography: birth, marriage, family, and death Proceedings of the British Academy Scheidel, W. edited by Davies, J., Wilkes, J. 2012: 101–29
  • The Cambridge economic history of the Greco-Roman world Scheidel, W., Morris, I., Saller, R. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. 2012
  • Physical well-being The Cambridge companion to the Roman economy Scheidel, W. edited by Scheidel, W. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. 2012: 321–333
  • The coming of the Greeks to Provence and Corsica: Y-chromosome models of archaic Greek colonization of the western Mediterranean BMC EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY King, R. J., DiCristofaro, J., Kouvatsi, A., Triantaphyllidis, C., Scheidel, W., Myres, N. M., Lin, A. A., Eissautier, A., Mitchell, M., Binder, D., Semino, O., Novelletto, A., Underhill, P. A., Chiaroni, J. 2011; 11


    The process of Greek colonization of the central and western Mediterranean during the Archaic and Classical Eras has been understudied from the perspective of population genetics. To investigate the Y chromosomal demography of Greek colonization in the western Mediterranean, Y-chromosome data consisting of 29 YSNPs and 37 YSTRs were compared from 51 subjects from Provence, 58 subjects from Smyrna and 31 subjects whose paternal ancestry derives from Asia Minor Phokaia, the ancestral embarkation port to the 6th century BCE Greek colonies of Massalia (Marseilles) and Alalie (Aleria, Corsica).19% of the Phokaian and 12% of the Smyrnian representatives were derived for haplogroup E-V13, characteristic of the Greek and Balkan mainland, while 4% of the Provencal, 4.6% of East Corsican and 1.6% of West Corsican samples were derived for E-V13. An admixture analysis estimated that 17% of the Y-chromosomes of Provence may be attributed to Greek colonization. Using the following putative Neolithic Anatolian lineages: J2a-DYS445 = 6, G2a-M406 and J2a1b1-M92, the data predict a 0% Neolithic contribution to Provence from Anatolia. Estimates of colonial Greek vs. indigenous Celto-Ligurian demography predict a maximum of a 10% Greek contribution, suggesting a Greek male elite-dominant input into the Iron Age Provence population.Given the origin of viniculture in Provence is ascribed to Massalia, these results suggest that E-V13 may trace the demographic and socio-cultural impact of Greek colonization in Mediterranean Europe, a contribution that appears to be considerably larger than that of a Neolithic pioneer colonization.

    View details for DOI 10.1186/1471-2148-11-69

    View details for Web of Science ID 000289414700002

    View details for PubMedID 21401952

    View details for PubMedCentralID PMC3068964

  • The Roman slave supply The Cambridge world history of slavery, 1: The ancient Mediterranean world Scheidel, W. edited by Bradley, K., Cartledge, P. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. 2011: 287–310
  • The Xiongnu and the comparative study of empire Xiongnu archaeology: multidisciplinary perspectives on the first steppe empire in Inner Asia Scheidel, W. edited by Brosseder, U., Miller, B. K. 2011: 111–120
  • Fiscal regimes and the 'First Great Divergence' between eastern and western Eurasia Tributary empires in global history Scheidel, W. edited by Bang, P. F., Bayly, C. A. Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke. 2011: 193–204
  • Monogamy and polygyny A companion to families in the Greek and Roman worlds Scheidel, W. edited by Rawson, B. Wiley-Blackwell: Malden MA, Oxford and Chichester. 2011: 108–115
  • Maritime technology in the ancient economy: ship-design and navigation Journal of Roman Archaeology: Portsmouth Scheidel, W. 2011: 21-37
  • Remembering the Roman People: Essays on Late-Republican Politics and Literature (Book Review) AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHILOLOGY Book Review Authored by: Scheidel, W. 2010; 131 (2): 335-338
  • Real Wages in Early Economies: Evidence for Living Standards from 1800 BCE to 1300 CE JOURNAL OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL HISTORY OF THE ORIENT Scheidel, W. 2010; 53: 425-462
  • Coin quality, coin quantity, and coin value in early China and the Roman world American journal of Numismatics Scheidel, W. 2010; 22: 93-118
  • Counting the People in Hellenistic Egypt, vol 1, Population Registers (P.Count), vol 2, Historical Studies (Book Review) BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF PAPYROLOGISTS Book Review Authored by: Manning, J., Scheidel, W. 2010; 47: 267-273
  • The Oxford handbook of Roman studies Scheidel, W., Barchiesi, A. Oxford University Press: Oxford. 2010
  • Economy and quality of life The Oxford handbook of Roman studies Scheidel, W. edited by Barchiesi, A., Scheidel, W. Oxford University Press: Oxford. 2010: 593–609
  • The dynamics of ancient empires: state power from Assyria to Byzantium Scheidel, W., Morris, I. Oxford University Press: New York. 2010
  • Review of: Antike Populationen in Zahlen: Überprüfungsmoglichlkeiten von demografischen Zahlenangaben in antiken Texten Historische Zeitschrift Scheidel, W. 2010; 290: 737 - 738
  • Rome and China: comparative perspectives on ancient world empires Scheidel, W. Oxford University Press: New York. 2010
  • WHEN DID LIVY WRITE BOOKS 1, 3, 28 AND 59? CLASSICAL QUARTERLY Scheidel, W. 2009; 59 (2): 653-658
  • Coin hoards speak of population declines in Ancient Rome PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Turchin, P., Scheidel, W. 2009; 106 (41): 17276-17279


    In times of violence, people tend to hide their valuables, which are later recovered unless the owners had been killed or driven away. Thus, the temporal distribution of unrecovered coin hoards is an excellent proxy for the intensity of internal warfare. We use this relationship to resolve a long-standing controversy in Roman history. Depending on who was counted in the early Imperial censuses (adult males or the entire citizenry including women and minors), the Roman citizen population of Italy either declined, or more than doubled, during the first century BCE. This period was characterized by a series of civil wars, and historical evidence indicates that high levels of sociopolitical instability are associated with demographic contractions. We fitted a simple model quantifying the effect of instability (proxied by hoard frequency) on population dynamics to the data before 100 BCE. The model predicts declining population after 100 BCE. This suggests that the vigorous growth scenario is highly implausible.

    View details for DOI 10.1073/pnas.0904576106

    View details for Web of Science ID 000270754400012

    View details for PubMedID 19805043

  • A peculiar institution? Greco-Roman monogamy in global context HISTORY OF THE FAMILY Scheidel, W. 2009; 14 (3): 280-291
  • Review of: Commerce and monetary systems in the ancient world: means of transmission and cultural interaction Ancient West & East Scheidel, W. 2009; 8: 414 - 416
  • Population and demography A companion to ancient history Scheidel, W. edited by Erskine, A. Wiley-Blackwell: Malden MA, Oxford, and Chichester. 2009: 234–245
  • New ways of studying incomes in the Roman economy Quantifying the Roman economy: methods and problems Scheidel, W. edited by Bowman, A., Wilson , A. Oxford University Press: Oxford. 2009: 346–352
  • From the 'Great Convergence' to the 'First Great Divergence: Roman and Qin-Han state formation and its aftermath Rome and China: comparative perspectives on ancient world empires Scheidel, W. edited by Scheidel, W. Oxfm·d University Press: New York. 2009: 11–23
  • The dynamics of ancient empires: state power from Assyria to Byzantium Scheidel, W., Morris, I. Oxford University Press: New York. 2009
  • The monetary systems of the Han and Roman empires Rome and China: comparative perspectives on ancient world empires Scheidel, W. edited by Scheidel, W. Oxford University Press: New York. 2009: 137–207
  • Sex and empire: a Darwinian perspective The dynamics of ancient empires: state power from Assyria to Byzantium Scheidel, W. edited by Morris, I., Scheidel, W. Oxford University Press: New York. 2009: 255–324
  • 'Epidemics', 'Roman population and demography Encyclopedia of ancient Greece and Rome Scheidel, W. edited by Gagarin, M. Oxford University Press: New York. 2009
  • Rome and China: a tale of two empires Ad Familiares Scheidel, W. 2009; 37: 9-11
  • Demography and sociology The Oxford handbook of Hellenic studies Scheidel, W. edited by Stones, G. B., Graziosi, B., Vasunia, P. Oxford University Press: Oxford. 2009: 665–677
  • The demographic background Growing up fatherless in antiquity Scheidel, W. edited by Hübner, S., Ratzan, D. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. 2009: 31–40
  • In search of Roman economic growth Journal of Roman Archaeology Scheidel, W. 2009; 22: 46-70
  • Rome and China: comparative perspectives on ancient world empires Scheidel, W. Oxford University Press: New York. 2009
  • The Size of the Economy and the Distribution of Income in the Roman Empire JOURNAL OF ROMAN STUDIES Scheidel, W., Friesen, S. J. 2009; 99: 61-91
  • Mediterranean Anarchy, Interstate War, and the Rise of Rome (Book Review) JOURNAL OF INTERDISCIPLINARY HISTORY Book Review Authored by: Scheidel, W. 2008; 39 (1): 100-102
  • Olive cultivation in ancient Greece - Seeking the ancient economy (Book Review) TLS-THE TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT Book Review Authored by: Scheidel, W. 2008: 27-27
  • Feeding the democracy - The Athenian grain supply in the fifth and fourth centuries BC (Book Review) TLS-THE TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT Book Review Authored by: Scheidel, W. 2008: 27-27
  • War, food, and politics in early Hellenistic Athens (Book Review) TLS-THE TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT Book Review Authored by: Scheidel, W. 2008: 27-27
  • Roman population size: the logic of the debate People, land, and politics: demographic developments and the transformation of Roman Italy, 300 BC-AD 14, Scheidel, W. edited by de Ligt, L., Northwood, S. J. Brill: Leiden. 2008: 17–70
  • The divergent evolution of coinage in eastern and western Eurasia The monetary systems of the Greeks and Romans Scheidel, W. edited by Harris, W. V. Oxford University Press: Oxford. 2008: 267–286
  • Review of: Umweltkrise des 3. Jahrhunderts n.Chr. im Nordwesten des Imperium Romanum Journal of Roman Studies Scheidel, W. 2008; 98: 268 - 269
  • Demography of the ancient world The new Palgrave dictionary of economics Scheidel, W. edited by Durlauf, S. N., Blume, L. E. Palgrave Macmillan. 2008; 2nd
  • Yom Nutzen des Open Access in den Geisteswissenschaften FWF Info Scheidel, W. 2008; 65: 14-15
  • The comparative economics of slavely in the Greco-Roman world Slave systems, ancient and modern Scheidel, W. edited by Lago, E. D., Katsari, C. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. 2008: 105–126
  • Roman funerary commemoration and the age at first marriage CLASSICAL PHILOLOGY Scheidel, W. 2007; 102 (4): 389-402
  • The Middle East under Rome. (Book Review) JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC HISTORY Book Review Authored by: Scheidel, W. 2007; 67 (1): 236-237
  • A model of real income growth in Roman Italy HISTORIA-ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ALTE GESCHICHTE Scheidel, W. 2007; 56 (3): 322-346
  • Demography The Cambridge economic history of the Greco-Roman world Scheidel, W. edited by Scheidel, W., Morris, I., Saller, R. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. 2007: 38–86
  • Marriage, families, and survival: demographic aspects A companion to the Roman army Scheidel, W. edited by Erdkamp, P. Blackwell: Malden MA, Oxford, and Carlton. 2007: 417–434
  • Towards open access in ancient studies: the Princeton-Stanford Working Papers in Classics Hesperia Scheidel, W., Ober, J., Shaw, B. D., Sanclemente, D. 2007; 76: 229-242
  • The Cambridge economic history of the Greco-Roman world Scheidel, W., Morris, I., Saller, R. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. 2007
  • Mobilisierung und Beteiligung: die griechischen Stadtstaaten, Karthago und Rom Krieg in der antiken Welt Scheidel, W. edited by Mandl, G., Steffelbauer, I. Magnus Verlag: Essen. 2007: 420–435
  • Toward open access in ancient studies - The Princeton-Stanford Working Papers in Classics HESPERIA Ober, J., Scheidel, W., Shaw, B. D., Sanclemente, D. 2007; 76 (1): 229-242
  • Stratification, deprivation and quality of life International Conference on Poverty in the Roman World Scheidel, W. CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS. 2006: 40–59
  • Review of: Unfreie Arbeits- und Lebensverhältnisse von der Antike bis in die Gegenwart: eine Einführung Bryn Mawr Classical Review Scheidel, W. 2006
  • The demography of Roman state formation in Italy Herrschaft ohne Integration? Rom und Italien in republikanischer Zeit Scheidel, W. edited by Jehne, M., Pfeilschifter, R. Verlag Antike: Frankfurt. 2006: 207–226
  • Human mobility in Roman Italy, II: The slave population Workshop on Ancient Slavery Scheidel, W. CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS. 2005: 64–79
  • Review of: Die Wirtschaft des römischen Reiches (1-3 jahrhundert): eine Einfuhrung Classical Review Scheidel, W. 2005; 55: 251 - 253
  • Review of: Bibliographie zur antiken Sklaverei Bryn Mawr Classical Review Scheidel, W. 2005
  • From monetization to culture change Archaeological Dialogues Scheidel, W. 2005; 12 (1): 35-37
  • Real slave prices and the relative cost of slave labor in the Greco-Roman world Ancient Society Scheidel, W. 2005; 35: 1-17
  • Bibliographie Löhne, Preise, Werte: Quellen zur römische Geldwirtschaft Scheidel, W. edited by Szaivert, W., Wolters, R. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft: Darmstadt. 2005: 357–373
  • Demographic and economic development in the ancient Mediterranean world JOURNAL OF INSTITUTIONAL AND THEORETICAL ECONOMICS-ZEITSCHRIFT FUR DIE GESAMTE STAATSWISSENSCHAFT Scheidel, W. 2004; 160 (4): 743-757
  • Creating a metropolis: a comparative demographic perspective Ancient Alexandria between Egypt and Greece Scheidel, W. edited by Harris, W. V., Ruffini, G. Brill: Leiden, Boston and Cologne. 2004: 1–31
  • Ancient Egyptian sibling marriage and the Westermarck effect Inbreeding, incest, and the incest taboo: the state of knowledge at the turn of the century Scheidel, W. edited by Wolf, A. P., Durham, W. H. Stanford University Press: Stanford. 2004: 93–108
  • Überleben Historicum Scheidel, W. 2004; 83: 16-20
  • Driving stakes, driving cars: Californian car culture, sex, and identity in Buffy the Vampire Slayer The Online International journal of Buffy Studies Rogers, B., Scheidel, W. 2004; 13 (14)
  • Gräberstatistik und Bevölkerungsgeschichte. Attika im achten Jahrhundert Griechische Archaik: Interne Entwicklungen - externe Impulse Scheidel, W. edited by Rollinger, R., Ulf, C. Akademie Verlag: Berlin. 2004: 177–185
  • Cities, peasants and food in classical antiquity: essays in social and economic history Scheidel, W. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. 2004
  • Human mobility in Roman Italy, I: The free population JOURNAL OF ROMAN STUDIES Scheidel, W. 2004; 94: 1-26
  • The Greek demographic expansion: Models and comparisons JOURNAL OF HELLENIC STUDIES SCHEIDEL, W. 2003; 123: 120-140


    For much of the first millennium BC, the number of Greeks increased considerably, both in the Aegean core and in the expanding periphery the Mediterranean and Black Sea regions. This paper is the first attempt to establish a coherent quantitative framework for the study of this process. In the first section, I argue that despite the lack of statistical data, it is possible to identify a plausible range of estimates of average long-term demographic growth rates in mainland Greece from the Early Iron Age to the Classical period. Elaborating on this finding, the second section offers a comprehensive rebuttal of the notion of explosive population growth in parts of the eighth and seventh centuries BC. In the third section, I seek to determine the probable scale and demographic consequences of Greek settlement overseas. A brief preliminary look at the relationship between population growth and the quality of life concludes my survey. The resultant series of interlocking parametric models is meant to contextualize the demographic development of ancient Greece within the wider ambit of pre-modem demography, and to provide a conceptual template for future research in this area

    View details for Web of Science ID 000187198600007

    View details for PubMedID 19681233

  • Helot numbers: a simplified model Helots and their masters in Laconia and Messenia: histories, ideologies, structures Scheidel, W. edited by Luraghi, N., Alcock, S. E. Harvard University Press: Cambridge MA and London. 2003: 240–247
  • Germs for Rome Rome the cosmopolis Scheidel, W. edited by Edwards, C., Woolf, G. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. 2003: 158–176
  • Ancient world, Demography of Encyclopedia of population Scheidel, W. edited by Demeny, P., McNicoll, G. Macmillan Reference USA: New York. 2003: 44–48
  • Review of: Slaverei in der Antike: Alltag und Schicksal der Unfreien Journal of Roman Archaeology Scheidel, W. 2003; 16: 577 - 581
  • The ancient economy Scheidel, W., Reden, S. v. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, and Routledge: New York. 2002
  • The hireling and the slave: a transatlantic perspective Money, labour and land: approaches to the economies of ancient Greece Scheidel, W. edited by Cartledge, P., Cohen, E. E., Foxhall, L. Routledge: London and New York. 2002: 175–184
  • The ancient economy Scheidel, W., Reden, S. v. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, and Routledge: New York. 2002
  • A model of demographic and economic change in Roman Egypt after the Antonine plague Journal of Roman Archaeology Scheidel, W. 2002; 15: 97-114
  • Ostrakismos-Testimonien I: Die Zeugnisse antiker Autoren, der Inschriften und Ostraka iiber das athenische Scherbengericht aus vorhellenistischer Zeit Scheidel, W., Siewert, P., Brenne, S., Eder, B., Heftner, H. Steiner Verlag Stuttgart: Stuttgart. 2002
  • Death on the Nile: disease and the demography of Roman Egypt Scheidel, W. Brill: Lei den, Boston and Cologne. 2001; 228
  • The census register 'P.Oxy. 984': The reverse of Pindar's 'Paeans' (Book Review) BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF PAPYROLOGISTS Book Review Authored by: SCHEIDEL, W. 2001; 38 (1-4): 147-151
  • Review of: Entretiens d'archéologie et d'histoire: économie antique. Prix et formations des prix dans les économies antiques Classical Review Scheidel, W. 2001; 51: 323 - 325
  • Roman age structure: Evidence and models JOURNAL OF ROMAN STUDIES Scheidel, W. 2001; 91: 1-26
  • Debating Roman demography Scheidel, W. Brill: Leiden, Boston and Cologne. 2001; 211
  • Progress and problems in Roman demography Debating Roman demography Scheidel, W. 2001: 1-81
  • Review of: Terre, proprietari e contadini dell'impero romano: dall'affito agrario al colonato tardoantico, The later Roman colonate and freedom Journal of Roman Archaeology Scheidel, W. 2000; 13: 727 - 732
  • Brother-sister and parent-child marriage in premodern societies Human mate choice and prehistoric marital networks: International Symposium Scheidel, W. edited by Aoki, K., Akazawa, T. 2000
  • Terre, proprietari e contadini dell'impero romano: dall'affitto agrario al colonato tardoantico Classical Review Scheidel, W. 2000; 50: 201 - 202
  • Notice of: Schiavi e dipendenti nell'ambito dell"oikos' e della 'familia' Classical Review Scheidel, W. 2000; 50: 356 - 357
  • The slave population of Roman Italy: speculation and constraints Topoi Scheidel, W. 1999; 9: 129-144
  • Salute, agricoltura e popolazione in Egitto nell'eta̒ romana e nel XIX secolo Demografia, sistemi agrari, regimi alimentari nel mondo antico: Atti de convegno internazionale di studi Scheidel, W. edited by Vera, D. Edipuglia: Bari. 1999: 309–324
  • The death declarations of Roman Egypt: A re-appraisal BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF PAPYROLOGISTS SCHEIDEL, W. 1999; 36 (1-4): 53-70
  • The demography of Roman slavery and manumission La de̒mographie historique antique Scheidel, W. edited by Valdher, M. B., Corvisier, J. N. Artois Presses Universite̒: Arras. 1999: 107–115
  • Review of: Schichten, Konflikte, religiöse Gruppen, materielle Kultur (Bibliographie zur römischen Sozialgeschichte 2) Bryn Mawr Classical Review Scheidel, W. 1999
  • Notice of: Die stadtromischen Sklavennamen: ein Namenbuch Classical Review Scheidel, W. 1999; 49: 296 - 297
  • Emperors, aristocrats, and the Grim-Reaper: Towards a demographic profile of the Roman elite CLASSICAL QUARTERLY SCHEIDEL, W. 1999; 49 (1): 254-281

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  • Foreword Classical slavery Scheidel, W. edited by Finley, M. I. Frank Cass: London and Portland. 1999: VII-XIII
  • Professional historians of classical antiquity in the English-speaking world: a quantitative survey Ancient History Bulletin Scheidel, W. 1999; 13: 151-156
  • Cities, peasants and food in classical antiquity: essays in social and economic history Scheidel, W., Gransey, P. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. 1998
  • The meaning of dates on mummy labels: seasonal mortality and mortuary practice in Roman Egypt Journal of Roman Archaeology Scheidel, W. 1998; 11: 285-292
  • Review of: Slaves, warfare and ideology in the Greek historians Anglo - Hellenic Review Scheidel, W. 1998; 18: 19 - 20
  • 'Galley slaves', 'Ancient Mediterranean slave trade Macmillan encyclopedia of world slavery Finley, M. I., Scheidel, W. edited by Finkelman, P., Miller, J. C. Simon & Schuster Macmillan: New York. 1998: 332–333, 355–356, 830–831
  • Brother-sister marriage in Roman Egypt JOURNAL OF BIOSOCIAL SCIENCE SCHEIDEL, W. 1997; 29 (3): 361-371


    According to official census returns from Roman Egypt (first to third centuries CE) preserved on papyrus, 23.5% of all documented marriages in the Arsinoites district in the Fayum (n = 102) were between brothers and sisters. In the second century CE, the rates were 37% in the city of Arsinoe and 18.9% in the surrounding villages. Documented pedigrees suggest a minimum mean level of inbreeding equivalent to a coefficient of inbreeding of 0.0975 in second century CE Arsinoe. Undocumented sources of inbreeding and an estimate based on the frequency of close-kin unions (corrected downwards to 30% for Arsinoe) indicate a mean coefficient of inbreeding of F = 0.15-0.20 in Arsinoe and of F = 0.10-0.15 in the villages at the end of the second century CE. These values are several times as high as any other documented levels of inbreeding. A schematic estimate of inbreeding depression in the offspring of full sibling couples indicates that fertility in these families had to be 20-50% above average to attain reproduction at replacement level. In the absence of information on the amount of genetic load in this population, this estimate may be too high.

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  • 'Servus vicarius', 'Stoicism', 'Vernae' The Historical encyclopedia of world slavery Scheidel, W. edited by Rodriguez, J. P. ABC-CLIO Press: Santa Barbara. 1997: 578–579, 611–612, 670–671
  • What's in an age? A comparative view of bias in the census returns of Roman Egypt Roman Egypt: postscript to BASP Scheidel, W., Twin 1997; 34: 35-37
  • Feldarbeit von Frauen in der antiken Landwirtschaft Wir machen Geschichte 2 Scheidel, W. edited by Hinrichs, E., Stehling, J. Diesterweg: Frankfurt a.M.. 1997: 204
  • Continuity and change in classical scholarship: a quantitative survey, 1924 to 1992 Ancient Society Scheidel, W. 1997; 28: 265-289
  • Quantifying the sources of slaves in the early Roman empire JOURNAL OF ROMAN STUDIES SCHEIDEL, W. 1997; 87: 156-169
  • The demography of Roman Egypt - Bagnall,RS, Frier,BW (Book Review) POPULATION STUDIES-A JOURNAL OF DEMOGRAPHY Book Review Authored by: SCHEIDEL, W. 1996; 50 (3): 555-555
  • Brother-sister and parent-child marriage outside royal families in ancient Egypt and Iran: A challenge to the sociobiological view of incest avoidance? ETHOLOGY AND SOCIOBIOLOGY SCHEIDEL, W. 1996; 17 (5): 319-340
  • Slavery and society at Rome - Bradley,K (Book Review) PHOENIX-THE JOURNAL OF THE CLASSICAL ASSOCIATION OF CANADA Book Review Authored by: SCHEIDEL, W. 1996; 50 (2): 174-176
  • Review of: Ex ancilla natus: Untersuchungen zu den 'hausgeborenen' Sklaven und Sklavinnen im Westen des romischen Kaiserreiches Tyche Scheidel, W. 1996; 11: 274 - 278
  • Review of: La mort au quotidien dans le monde romain Bryn Mawr Classical Review Scheidel, W. 1996; 7: 524 - 532
  • Die biologische Dimension der Alten Geschichte: Bemerkungen zu Robert Sallares, The ecology of the ancient Greek world Tyche Scheidel, W. 1996; 11: 207 - 222
  • What's in an age? A comparative view of bias in the census returns of Roman Egypt BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF PAPYROLOGISTS SCHEIDEL, W. 1996; 33 (1-4): 25-59
  • Reflections on the differential valuation of slaves in Diocletian's price edict and in the United States Miinstersche Beitriige zur antiken Handelsgeschichte Sheidel, W. 1996; 15 (1): 67-79
  • What's in an age? A comparative view of bias in the census returns of Roman Egypt Roman Egypt: postscript to BASP Scheidel, W., Twin 1996; 33
  • Instrumentum vocale: Bauern und Sklaven in der römischen Landwirtschaft Historicum Scheidel, W. 1996; 47: 24-29
  • Measuring sex, age and death in the Roman empire: explorations in ancient demography Journal of Roman Archaeology: Ann Arbor, MI Scheidel, W. 1996; 21
  • Review of: Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft des Romischen Reiches im 3. Jahrhundert Journal of Roman Studies Scheidel, W. 1995; 85: 289 - 290
  • Rekruten und Oberlebende: Die demographische Struktur der riimischen Legionen in der Prinzipatszeit Klio Sheidel, W. 1995; 77: 232-254
  • Grundpacht und Lohnarbeit in der Landwirtschaft des romischen Italien Scheidel, W. Peter Lang: Frankfurt a.M. 1994
  • Notice of: Lex Licinia Sextia de modo agrorum - fiction or reality? Anzeiger fur die Altertumswissenschaft Scheidel, W. 1994; 47: 125 - 126
  • Notice of: Die Familie und weitere anthropologische Grundlagen (Bibliographie zur romischen Sozialgeschichte 1) Tyche Scheidel, W. 1994; 9: 237 - 238
  • Grain cultivation in the villa economy of Roman Italy Landuse in the Roman empire Scheidel, W. edited by Carlsen, J. L'Erma di Bretschneider: Rome. 1994: 159–166
  • Zur Angabe des Lebensalters in den romischen Grabinschriften Osterreichs Romisches Osterreich Scheidel, W. 1994; 19/20: 143-159
  • GERMANICVS und SARMATICVS: Die Ereignisgeschichte des Jahres 175 bei Cassius Dio und die Emissionsabfolge cler kaiserlichen Reichspragung Pomoerium Scheidel, W. 1994; 1: 69-74
  • Libitina's bitter gains: seasonal mortality and endemic disease in the ancient city of Rome Ancient Society Scheidel, W. 1994; 25: 151-175
  • Notice of: Landbau und Handwerk 750 v. Chr. bis 1000 n. Chr. (Propylaen Technikgeschichte 1) Tyche Scheidel, W. 1994; 9: 234
  • Quellensammlung zu Liihnen, Preisen und Wertangaben im römische Reich (3. Jh. v. Chr.- 3· Jh. n. Chr.) Datenbanken in der A/ten Geschichte Gerstmayer, M., Szaivert, W., Wolters, R., Scheidel, W. edited by Fell, M. Scripta Mercaturae Verlag: St. Katharinen. 1994: 91–95
  • Notice of: Die Sklaverei in den ostlichen Provinzen des romischen Reiches im 1- 3 Jahrhundert Tyche Scheidel, W. 1994; 9: 239 - 240
  • Notice of: La Tabula Alimentaria di Veleia Tyche Scheidel, W. 1994: 229
  • Grain cultivation in the villa economy of Roman Italy Landuse in the Roman empire Scheidel, W. edited by Carlsen, J. L'Erma di Bretschneider: Rome. 1994
  • Frauen als Ware: Sklavinnen in cler Wirtschaft der griechisch-romischen Welt Frauenreichtum: Die Frau a is Wirtschaftsfaktor im A/tertum Scheidel, W. edited by Specht, E. Wiener Frauenverlag: Vienna. 1994: 143–180
  • Thukydides Pantain<et>ou Gargettios, Gegner des Perikles: Geschichte eines Phantoms Historia Scheidel, W. 1994; 43: 372-378
  • Columellas privates ius liberorum: Literatur, Recht, Demographic. Einige Probleme Latomus Scheidel, W. 1994; 53: 513-527
  • Slavery and the shackled mind: on fortune-telling and slave mentality in the Graeco-Roman world Ancient History Bulletin Scheidel, W. 1993; 7: 107 - 114
  • Dokument und Kontext: Aspekte der historischen Interpretation epigraphischer Quellen am Beispiel der 'Krise des dritten jahrhunderts Rivista storica dell' antichita Scheidel, W. 1993; 21: 145-164
  • Servi alieni als Erben: Zum gesellschaftlichen 1-lintergrund Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung fur Rechtsgeschichte Scheidel, W. 1993; 110: 648-651
  • Pachter unci Grundpacht bei Columella (Colonus-Studien II) Athenaeum Scheidel, W. 1993; 81: 391-439
  • Sklaven und Freigelassene als Pachter und ihre okonomische Funktion in der romischen Landwirtschaft (Colonus-Studien Ill) De Agricultura: In memoriam Pieter Will em de Neeve (1945-1990) Scheidel, W. edited by Sancisi-Weerdenburg, H. J. C. Gieben: Amsterdam. 1993: 182–196
  • Politio und politor bei Cato: Ein Epilog Maia Scheidel, W. 1993; 45: 125-135
  • Review of: War, women and children in ancient Rome Tyche Scheidel, W. 1993; 8: 242 - 243
  • Frau und Landarbeit in der Alten Geschichte Nachrichten aus der Zeit: Ein Streifzug durch die Frauengeschichte des Altertums Scheidel, W. edited by Specht, E. Wiener Frauenverlag: Vienna. 1992: 195–235
  • 'A new 'Roman agrarian history'? Ancient History Bulletin Scheidel, W. 1992; 6: 30 - 41
  • Inschriftenstatistik und die Frage des Rekrutierungsalters romischer Soldaten Chiron Scheidel, W. 1992; 22: 281-297
  • Review of: Liberulitus in rem publicam: Private Aufwendungen zugunsten von Gemeinden im romischen Afrika bis 284 n. Chr Tyche Scheidel, W. 1992; 7: 249 - 251
  • Neuen Wein in leere Schläuche: Jongman's Pompeii, Modelle und die kampanische Landwirtschaft Athenaeum Scheidel, W. 1992; 80: 207-213
  • Coloni und Pächter in den römische literarischen Quellen vom 2. Jh. v. Chr. bis zur Severerzeit: Eine kritische Betrachtung ( Colonus-Studien I) Athenaeum Scheidel, W. 1992: 331-370
  • Juristic terminology in Columella: an addendum Era nos Scheidel, W. 1991; 89: 64
  • Review of: Structure and scale in the Roman economy Tyche Scheidel, W. 1991; 6: 256 - 259
  • Notice of: Das romische Kaiserreich: Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Kultur Tyche Scheidel, W. 1990; 5: 203
  • Probleme der Datierung des Costoboceneinfalls im Balkanraum unter Marcus Aurelius Historia Scheidel, W. 1990; 39: 493-498
  • Free-born and manumitted Zeitschrift der SavignyStiftung for Rechtsgeschichte, romanistische Abteilung Scheidel, W. 1990; 107: 373-375
  • Agricola, colonus, cultor, rusticus: Beobachtungen zum rechtlichen und sozialen Status der 'Landwirte' in Columellas Schrift de re rustica Maia Scheidel, W. 1990; 42: 257-265
  • Feldarbeit von Frauen in der antiken Landwirtschaft Gymnasium Scheidel, W. 1990; 97: 405-431
  • Der Germaneneinfall in Oberitalien unter Marcus Aurelius und die Emissionsabfolge der kaiserlichen Reichsprägung Chiron Scheidel, W. 1990; 20: 1-18
  • Quasikolonen bei Vergil? Klio Scheidel, W. 1990; 72: 166-172
  • Notice of: Famine and food-supply in the Graeco-Roman world: responses to risk and crisis Tyche Scheidel, W. 1990; 5: 202 - 203
  • Zur Lohnarbeit bei Columella Tyche Scheidel, W. 1989; 4: 139-146
  • Friedensschluesse des 5. Jahrhunderts zwischen Athen und Sparta bei Andokides und Theopomp Tyche Scheidel, W. 1988; 3: 163-170