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  • Associations of abusive supervision among collegiate athletes from equity-deserving groups. British journal of sports medicine Runquist, E. B., Adenaiye, O. O., Sarzaeim, M., Milroy, J., Wyrick, D., Tuakli-Wosornu, Y. A. 2025


    To examine differences in abusive/supportive coach supervision experienced by collegiate athletes across race/ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation and disability; determine the impact of coach characteristics on abusive supervision prevalence; and explore outcomes related to team culture, athlete autonomy, perceived coach leadership skills and perceived concern for athletes' well-being.Cross-sectional analysis of the 2021-2022 National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) myPlaybook survey on 3317 athletes (aged ≥18 years). The survey captured self-reported demographics, sport type (team vs individual, lean vs non-lean) and multiple validated measures reflecting abusive/supportive coaching styles. Structural equation modelling identified associations while controlling for confounders.Overall, 18.6% (n=618) of athletes reported some form of abusive supervision. After adjusting for covariates, participating in team sport (OR=1.10, 95% CI 1.03 to 1.17) and having a disability (OR=1.17, 95% CI 1.04 to 1.31) were associated with higher odds of reporting abusive supervision. No significant differences were found based on athlete race/ethnicity, gender identity or sexual orientation. Coaches demonstrating attentiveness to athletes' needs (OR=0.82, 95% CI 0.73 to 0.92) and respect for their input (OR=0.89, 95% CI 0.80 to 1.00) had lower odds of reported abusive supervision.Nearly one-fifth of this NCAA cohort experienced abusive coach supervision. Disability and team sport participation were significantly associated with increased reports, whereas race/ethnicity, gender identity or sexual orientation showed no significant differences. In disabled and team sport athletes, sustained verbal/non-verbal abuse had a negative impact on athletes' perception of team culture, autonomy, coaches' leadership skills and coaches' concern for their well-being. Coaching and leadership styles remain critical educational targets for providing safe sport environments for all athletes.

    View details for DOI 10.1136/bjsports-2024-108282

    View details for PubMedID 40032295

  • IOC consensus statement: interpersonal violence and safeguarding in sport. British journal of sports medicine Tuakli-Wosornu, Y. A., Burrows, K., Fasting, K., Hartill, M., Hodge, K., Kaufman, K., Kavanagh, E., Kirby, S. L., MacLeod, J. G., Mountjoy, M., Parent, S., Tak, M., Vertommen, T., Rhind, D. J. 2024


    Interpersonal violence (IV) in sport is challenging to define, prevent and remedy due to its subjectivity and complexity. The 2024 International Olympic Committee Consensus on Interpersonal Violence and Safeguarding aimed to synthesise evidence on IV and safeguarding in sport, introduce a new conceptual model of IV in sport and offer more accessible safeguarding guidance to all within the sports ecosystem by merging evidence with insights from Olympic athletes.A 15-member expert panel performed a scoping review following Joanna Briggs Institute methodologies. A seminal works-driven approach was used to identify relevant grey literature. Four writing groups were established focusing on: definitions/epidemiology, individual/interpersonal determinants, contextual determinants and solutions. Writing groups developed referenced scientific summaries related to their respective topics, which were discussed by all members at the consensus meeting. Recommendations were then developed by each group, presented as voting statements and circulated for confidential voting following a Delphi protocol with ≥80% agreement defined a priori as reaching consensus.Of 48 voting statements, 21 reached consensus during first-round voting. Second-round and third-round voting saw 22 statements reach consensus, 5 statements get discontinued and 2 statements receive minority dissension after failing to reach agreement. A total of 43 statements reached consensus, presented as overarching (n=5) and topical (n=33) consensus recommendations, and actionable consensus guidelines (n=5).This evidence review and consensus process elucidated the characterisation and complexity of IV and safeguarding in sport and demonstrates that a whole-of-system approach is needed to fully comprehend and prevent IV. Sport settings that emphasise mutual care, are athlete centred, promote healthy relationships, embed trauma and violence-informed care principles, integrate diverse perspectives and measure IV prevention and response effectiveness will exemplify safe sport. A shared responsibility between all within the sports ecosystem is required to advance effective safeguarding through future research, policy and practice.

    View details for DOI 10.1136/bjsports-2024-108766

    View details for PubMedID 39586634