Anisa Yudawanti
Ph.D. Student in Education, admitted Autumn 2023
a-nee-sa yoo-da-wan-tee
Anisa Yudawanti (she/her) is a second-year doctoral student in Race, Inequality, and Language in Education at Stanford's Graduate School of Education. Anisa is the proud daughter of Indonesian immigrants and was born and raised in Madison, Wisconsin.
Drawing on her experience as a public school youth worker and high school social studies teacher, Anisa studies young people’s racialized relationship to space and place at school. She is especially interested in understanding youth of color’s movement and navigational practices through the lens of everyday forms of resistance and refusal. Her broader research agenda engages with critical arts-based methods and socio-spatial re/counter-mapping of school space. She situates her current research in the Midwest and the Bay Area.
Anisa's scholarship is supported by the EDGE: Enhancing Diversity in Graduate Education Fellowship through the Office of the Vice Provost for Graduate Education and the Emerging Scholars Fellowship through the Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity.