Zhaohui Xue
Curator for the Chinese Collection, East Asia Library
Web page: http://web.stanford.edu/people/zhxue
I am the Chinese studies librarian at the East Asia Library, responsible for reference service, instruction and collection development for the Chinese collection. I select Chinese language materials for all formats in humanities and social sciences. I help students, faculty and visiting scholars finding information they need for their research, teaching and studies. Prior to coming to Stanford University, I also worked as Chinese librarian at the Duke University Library.
Current Role at Stanford
As Chinese studies librarian, I collect materials in all formats in Chinese language and provide research assistance for the Chinese studies. I serve as a liaison to the faculty in different departments and centers in the field of Chinese studies. I manage Chinese special collections and variety of projects in processing and promotion of Chinese collection at the East Asia Library.
Education & Certifications
BA, Fudan University, China, History (1981)
MLS, Syracuse University, Library and information science (2006)
Professional Affiliations and Activities
Member, Society of Chinese Studies Librarians (2009 - Present)
Member, Council on East Asian Libraries (2000 - Present)
Member, Association for Asian Studies (2000 - Present)
All Publications
- From collection curation to knowledge creation: Exploring new roles of academic librarians in digital humanities research Journal of Academic Librarianship 2021; Volume 47 ( Issue 21)
- Recording Chinese grassroots NGOs-A web archiving project Journal of East Asia Libraries 2019; 168
- A Scholarly Review of Chinese Studies in North America Association for Asian Studies. 2013
- Writing city history at the grassroots: Jiedaozhi and their research value Frontiers of History in China 2011; 6 (4)
- Chinese studies in North America-Researches and Resources Beijing: Zhonghua shuju. 2010