
I like to write about lots of things. And I'm lucky because I get to do it professionally.

These days, I write about people and the causes they champion at a national lab called SLAC.

I've also written for academic departments and archival collections, grant and fundraising activities, technical working groups, and research efforts, to name a few.

I'm a wannabe-physicist-turned-communicator who loves storytelling, and I have a master's degree in history to help me do it. I'm a student of the complexities of large organizations, particularly of the scientific kind, observing the mechanisms and people that make them what they are today.

The arc of my career spans communications, publishing, higher education, fine arts and oral history. It’s led to meaningful and challenging work in places like Los Angeles, the Bay Area and Chicago.

I'm at my best when I'm entrusted to do good work.

Education & Certifications

  • Master of Arts, Claremont Graduate University, History
  • Bachelor of Arts, University of California, Berkeley