Adam C Richie-Halford
Director of Innovation and Technology, Research Staff - Other
All Publications
Development and validation of a rapid and precise online sentence reading efficiency assessment
2024; 9
View details for DOI 10.3389/feduc.2024.1494431
View details for Web of Science ID 001383682800001
Differences in educational opportunity predict white matter development.
Developmental cognitive neuroscience
2024; 67: 101386
Coarse measures of socioeconomic status, such as parental income or parental education, have been linked to differences in white matter development. However, these measures do not provide insight into specific aspects of an individual's environment and how they relate to brain development. On the other hand, educational intervention studies have shown that changes in an individual's educational context can drive measurable changes in their white matter. These studies, however, rarely consider socioeconomic factors in their results. In the present study, we examined the unique relationship between educational opportunity and white matter development, when controlling other known socioeconomic factors. To explore this question, we leveraged the rich demographic and neuroimaging data available in the ABCD study, as well the unique data-crosswalk between ABCD and the Stanford Education Data Archive (SEDA). We find that educational opportunity is related to accelerated white matter development, even when accounting for other socioeconomic factors, and that this relationship is most pronounced in white matter tracts associated with academic skills. These results suggest that the school a child attends has a measurable relationship with brain development for years to come.
View details for DOI 10.1016/j.dcn.2024.101386
View details for PubMedID 38676989
Convolutional neural network-based classification of glaucoma using optic radiation tissue properties.
Communications medicine
2024; 4 (1): 72
Sensory changes due to aging or disease can impact brain tissue. This study aims to investigate the link between glaucoma, a leading cause of blindness, and alterations in brain connections.We analyzed diffusion MRI measurements of white matter tissue in a large group, consisting of 905 glaucoma patients (aged 49-80) and 5292 healthy individuals (aged 45-80) from the UK Biobank. Confounds due to group differences were mitigated by matching a sub-sample of controls to glaucoma subjects. We compared classification of glaucoma using convolutional neural networks (CNNs) focusing on the optic radiations, which are the primary visual connection to the cortex, against those analyzing non-visual brain connections. As a control, we evaluated the performance of regularized linear regression models.We showed that CNNs using information from the optic radiations exhibited higher accuracy in classifying subjects with glaucoma when contrasted with CNNs relying on information from non-visual brain connections. Regularized linear regression models were also tested, and showed significantly weaker classification performance. Additionally, the CNN was unable to generalize to the classification of age-group or of age-related macular degeneration.Our findings indicate a distinct and potentially non-linear signature of glaucoma in the tissue properties of optic radiations. This study enhances our understanding of how glaucoma affects brain tissue and opens avenues for further research into how diseases that affect sensory input may also affect brain aging.
View details for DOI 10.1038/s43856-024-00496-w
View details for PubMedID 38605245
White matter and literacy: A dynamic system in flux.
Developmental cognitive neuroscience
2024; 65: 101341
Cross-sectional studies have linked differences in white matter tissue properties to reading skills. However, past studies have reported a range of, sometimes conflicting, results. Some studies suggest that white matter properties act as individual-level traits predictive of reading skill, whereas others suggest that reading skill and white matter develop as a function of an individual's educational experience. In the present study, we tested two hypotheses: a) that diffusion properties of the white matter reflect stable brain characteristics that relate to stable individual differences in reading ability or b) that white matter is a dynamic system, linked with learning over time. To answer these questions, we examined the relationship between white matter and reading in a five-year longitudinal dataset and a series of large-scale, single-observation, cross-sectional datasets (N = 14,249 total participants). We find that gains in reading skill correspond to longitudinal changes in the white matter. However, in the cross-sectional datasets, we find no evidence for the hypothesis that individual differences in white matter predict reading skill. These findings highlight the link between dynamic processes in the white matter and learning.
View details for DOI 10.1016/j.dcn.2024.101341
View details for PubMedID 38219709
Development of the alpha rhythm is linked to visual white matter pathways and visual detection performance.
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience
Alpha is the strongest electrophysiological rhythm in awake humans at rest. Despite its predominance in the EEG signal, large variations can be observed in alpha properties during development, with an increase of alpha frequency over childhood and adulthood. Here we tested the hypothesis that these changes of alpha rhythm are related to the maturation of visual white matter pathways. We capitalized on a large dMRI-EEG dataset (dMRI n=2,747, EEG n=2,561) of children and adolescents of either sex (age range: 5-21 years old) and showed that maturation of the optic radiation specifically accounts for developmental changes of alpha frequency. Behavioral analyses also confirmed that variations of alpha frequency are related to maturational changes in visual perception. The present findings demonstrate the close link between developmental variations in white matter tissue properties, electrophysiological responses, and behavior.Significance statement The present work shows that the maturation of visual white matter pathways (optic radiations) specifically accounts for the developmental increase of brain oscillations frequency (alpha), which is ultimately related to an enhancement of visual perception during childhood and adolescence. The present findings are an example of how relating white matter properties to functional aspects of the brain can help us reach a more complete understanding of the link between development of brain connectivity, changes in electrophysiology, and visual perception.
View details for DOI 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0684-23.2023
View details for PubMedID 38124006
Human white matter myelinates faster in utero than ex utero.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
2023; 120 (33): e2303491120
The formation of myelin, the fatty sheath that insulates nerve fibers, is critical for healthy brain function. A fundamental open question is what impact being born has on myelin growth. To address this, we evaluated a large (n = 300) cross-sectional sample of newborns from the Developing Human Connectome Project (dHCP). First, we developed software for the automated identification of 20 white matter bundles in individual newborns that is well suited for large samples. Next, we fit linear models that quantify how T1w/T2w (a myelin-sensitive imaging contrast) changes over time at each point along the bundles. We found faster growth of T1w/T2w along the lengths of all bundles before birth than right after birth. Further, in a separate longitudinal sample of preterm infants (N = 34), we found lower T1w/T2w than in full-term peers measured at the same age. By applying the linear models fit on the cross-section sample to the longitudinal sample of preterm infants, we find that their delay in T1w/T2w growth is well explained by the amount of time they spent developing in utero and ex utero. These results suggest that white matter myelinates faster in utero than ex utero. The reduced rate of myelin growth after birth, in turn, explains lower myelin content in individuals born preterm and could account for long-term cognitive, neurological, and developmental consequences of preterm birth. We hypothesize that closely matching the environment of infants born preterm to what they would have experienced in the womb may reduce delays in myelin growth and hence improve developmental outcomes.
View details for DOI 10.1073/pnas.2303491120
View details for PubMedID 37549280
An analysis-ready and quality controlled resource for pediatric brain white-matter research.
Scientific data
2022; 9 (1): 616
We created a set of resources to enable research based on openly-available diffusion MRI (dMRI) data from the Healthy Brain Network (HBN) study. First, we curated the HBN dMRI data (N=2747) into the Brain Imaging Data Structure and preprocessed it according to best-practices, including denoising and correcting for motion effects, susceptibility-related distortions, and eddy currents. Preprocessed, analysis-ready data was made openly available. Data quality plays a key role in the analysis of dMRI. To optimize QC and scale it to this large dataset, we trained a neural network through the combination of a small data subset scored by experts and a larger set scored by community scientists. The network performs QC highly concordant with that of experts on a held out set (ROC-AUC=0.947). A further analysis of the neural network demonstrates that it relies on image features with relevance to QC. Altogether, this work both delivers resources to advance transdiagnostic research in brain connectivity and pediatric mental health, and establishes a novel paradigm for automated QC of large datasets.
View details for DOI 10.1038/s41597-022-01695-7
View details for PubMedID 36224186
QSIPrep: an integrative platform for preprocessing and reconstructing diffusion MRI data.
Nature methods
Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) is the primary method for noninvasively studying the organization of white matter in the human brain. Here we introduce QSIPrep, an integrative software platform for the processing of diffusion images that is compatible with nearly all dMRI sampling schemes. Drawing on a diverse set of software suites to capitalize on their complementary strengths, QSIPrep facilitates the implementation of best practices for processing of diffusion images.
View details for DOI 10.1038/s41592-021-01185-5
View details for PubMedID 34155395
Multidimensional analysis and detection of informative features in human brain white matter.
PLoS computational biology
2021; 17 (6): e1009136
The white matter contains long-range connections between different brain regions and the organization of these connections holds important implications for brain function in health and disease. Tractometry uses diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) to quantify tissue properties along the trajectories of these connections. Statistical inference from tractometry usually either averages these quantities along the length of each fiber bundle or computes regression models separately for each point along every one of the bundles. These approaches are limited in their sensitivity, in the former case, or in their statistical power, in the latter. We developed a method based on the sparse group lasso (SGL) that takes into account tissue properties along all of the bundles and selects informative features by enforcing both global and bundle-level sparsity. We demonstrate the performance of the method in two settings: i) in a classification setting, patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) are accurately distinguished from matched controls. Furthermore, SGL identifies the corticospinal tract as important for this classification, correctly finding the parts of the white matter known to be affected by the disease. ii) In a regression setting, SGL accurately predicts "brain age." In this case, the weights are distributed throughout the white matter indicating that many different regions of the white matter change over the lifespan. Thus, SGL leverages the multivariate relationships between diffusion properties in multiple bundles to make accurate phenotypic predictions while simultaneously discovering the most relevant features of the white matter.
View details for DOI 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1009136
View details for PubMedID 34181648
Evaluating the Reliability of Human Brain White Matter Tractometry.
Aperture neuro
1800; 1 (1)
The validity of research results depends on the reliability of analysis methods. In recent years, there have been concerns about the validity of research that uses diffusion-weighted MRI (dMRI) to understand human brain white matter connections in vivo, in part based on the reliability of analysis methods used in this field. We defined and assessed three dimensions of reliability in dMRI-based tractometry, an analysis technique that assesses the physical properties of white matter pathways: (1) reproducibility, (2) test-retest reliability, and (3) robustness. To facilitate reproducibility, we provide software that automates tractometry (https://yeatmanlab.github.io/pyAFQ). In measurements from the Human Connectome Project, as well as clinical-grade measurements, we find that tractometry has high test-retest reliability that is comparable to most standardized clinical assessment tools. We find that tractometry is also robust: showing high reliability with different choices of analysis algorithms. Taken together, our results suggest that tractometry is a reliable approach to analysis of white matter connections. The overall approach taken here both demonstrates the specific trustworthiness of tractometry analysis and outlines what researchers can do to establish the reliability of computational analysis pipelines in neuroimaging.
View details for DOI 10.52294/e6198273-b8e3-4b63-babb-6e6b0da10669
View details for PubMedID 35079748
Groupyr: Sparse Group Lasso in Python.
Journal of open source software
2021; 6 (58)
For high-dimensional supervised learning, it is often beneficial to use domain-specific knowledge to improve the performance of statistical learning models. When the problem contains covariates which form groups, researchers can include this grouping information to find parsimonious representations of the relationship between covariates and targets. These groups may arise artificially, as from the polynomial expansion of a smaller feature space, or naturally, as from the anatomical grouping of different brain regions or the geographical grouping of different cities. When the number of features is large compared to the number of observations, one seeks a subset of the features which is sparse at both the group and global level.
View details for DOI 10.21105/joss.03024
View details for PubMedID 35812695
Emergence of a Pseudogap in the BCS-BEC Crossover
2020; 125 (6): 060403
Strongly correlated Fermi systems with pairing interactions become superfluid below a critical temperature T_{c}. The extent to which such pairing correlations alter the behavior of the liquid at temperatures T>T_{c} is a subtle issue that remains an area of debate, in particular regarding the appearance of the so-called pseudogap in the BCS-BEC crossover of unpolarized spin-1/2 nonrelativistic matter. To shed light on this, we extract several quantities of crucial importance at and around the unitary limit, namely, the odd-even staggering of the total energy, the spin susceptibility, the pairing correlation function, the condensate fraction, and the critical temperature T_{c}, using a nonperturbative, constrained-ensemble quantum Monte Carlo algorithm.
View details for DOI 10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.060403
View details for Web of Science ID 000555324500001
View details for PubMedID 32845679
A browser-based tool for visualization and analysis of diffusion MRI data
2018; 9: 940
Human neuroscience research faces several challenges with regards to reproducibility. While scientists are generally aware that data sharing is important, it is not always clear how to share data in a manner that allows other labs to understand and reproduce published findings. Here we report a new open source tool, AFQ-Browser, that builds an interactive website as a companion to a diffusion MRI study. Because AFQ-Browser is portable-it runs in any web-browser-it can facilitate transparency and data sharing. Moreover, by leveraging new web-visualization technologies to create linked views between different dimensions of the dataset (anatomy, diffusion metrics, subject metadata), AFQ-Browser facilitates exploratory data analysis, fueling new discoveries based on previously published datasets. In an era where Big Data is playing an increasingly prominent role in scientific discovery, so will browser-based tools for exploring high-dimensional datasets, communicating scientific discoveries, aggregating data across labs, and publishing data alongside manuscripts.
View details for DOI 10.1038/s41467-018-03297-7
View details for Web of Science ID 000426543800007
View details for PubMedID 29507333
View details for PubMedCentralID PMC5838108
Classification of magnetic inhomogeneities and 0-pi transitions in superconducting-magnetic hybrid structures (vol 94, 104518, 2016)
2016; 94 (13)
View details for DOI 10.1103/PhysRevB.94.139901
View details for Web of Science ID 000386089600006
2016; 38 (5): S123-S142
View details for DOI 10.1137/15M1026171
View details for Web of Science ID 000387347700008
Long range triplet Josephson current and 0-pi transitions in tunable domain walls
2014; 16
View details for DOI 10.1088/1367-2630/16/9/093048
View details for Web of Science ID 000344059100011
Cascading proximity effects in rotating magnetizations
2014; 107 (1)
View details for DOI 10.1209/0295-5075/107/17001
View details for Web of Science ID 000340760500025
Classical Mechanical Analogies in Wide Dirty SFS Junctions
SPRINGER. 2012: 2183-2185
View details for DOI 10.1007/s10948-012-1646-6
View details for Web of Science ID 000309157200018
Properties of Magnetic-Superconducting Proximity Systems
SPRINGER. 2012: 2177-2182
View details for DOI 10.1007/s10948-012-1659-1
View details for Web of Science ID 000309157200017
Space-time localization of inner heliospheric plasma turbulence using multiple spacecraft radio links
2009; 7
View details for DOI 10.1029/2009SW000499
View details for Web of Science ID 000272948100001